Little Heat

Their Adventures

Woojin was cutting watermelon into chunks and carefully getting rid all of the seeds. The drive to the beach will just gonna take less than an hour but he was just being ready for when the kids wanted snacks while still in the vehicle later, so at least they had something to munch on. Of course, it would be Chan's timing to come into the kitchen and walked directly towards his husband and wrapped his arms around his waist. He then dropped a kiss on one of Woojin's cheeks.

"Can I have some?" Chan whispered into Woojin's ear making the latter chuckle. The older handed a particularly big chunk of watermelon that went directly inside Chan's mouth. The younger moaned at the sweet taste spreading around his tongue.

"Thank you." Chan said quickly as he softly tilted the other man's face to the side to land a sound smooch against his mouth.

"Hm, sweet." Woojin grinned, laying his head on Chan's shoulder for a moment, "where's Felix?"

"He's with Changbinnie. They're very excited. The Seo's are ready too."

They'll be riding with the Seo's truck, Johnny immediately told them he wouldn't mind being their driver for the trip and for that, he brought his own truck. All of their necessary things were safely put into the trunk.

"Okay. I'll just put these into a container, then we can go."

Twenty minutes later, after checking up all the necessary stuff they should bring, they were all ready and were already settled into the Seo's vehicle.

"Binnie, check yours and Lixie's seatbelt, please." Ten called, eyeing the kids in the back. Ten already checked their seatbelts and even saw Woojin checking up on the kids too but it's just cute seeing the kids so excited and fumbling over doing little things.

"Done, Appa!"

"Very good. How about you there, lovebirds?" Ten gave Chan and Woojin a playful side eye, even Johnny let out a cackle.

"We're good, we've fastened our seatbelts, Mom." Woojin answered. That earned two cute giggles from the kids beside them and a chuckle from Chan.

Johnny chuckled at his husband's playful eyeroll as he said, "alright, I think we're good to go! Hit the gas, babe!"

"Yes, sir."

Johnny drove the car, eyes focused on the road ahead yet he's happily conversing with his own husband and laughing at whatever funny Ten had to sprout out of his mouth. The truck was like creating different worlds. Ten and Johnny have a lively chitchat in the front, the kids have their own little bubble as well. While Chan and Woojin were conversing quietly as they were glued to each other.

Woojin had his head leaned on his husband's shoulder while his other hand was sneaking its way under Chan's shirt and was softly rubbing the younger's stomach and the muscles there. It's more of like an unconscious thing Woojin did, Chan didn't seem to mind. Chan's hands were occupied as well, he had his left arm wrapped around his husband's waist, palm was pressed against Woojin's smooth skin under his shirt and his thumb was comfortably moving in tiny circles. His other hand was holding Woojin's other free hand and were comfortably lying on his lap.

Half an hour in a ride, the kids began to demand food and water, just as Woojin expected. Thankfully, their parents were always ready.

"Hungry~" Little Lix announced while rubbing his little palm around his tummy.

"Appa, can I have water?" Little Changbin asked, eyeing Ten while swallowing continuously, he must have been thirsty. Jisung hummed and handed him his own tumbler.

And as for Woojin, he just untangled himself from his husband's figure first before reaching a bag that contained the container of watermelon chunks that he had prepared earlier. While Chan was chuckling at his adorable son, apparently, Felix looked so cute when he's pouting as he complained about being hungry. It was understandable, the kid was excited and he had lost interest in eating his breakfast earlier after just three spoon feeds and a whole sippy cup of mango juice before he proclaimed that he's full.

"Here, bub. Share it with Binnie." Woojin carefully put the green tupperware with the watermelon chunks on the kid's lap.

"Thank you, Appa!"

"Thank you, Uncle Woojin!"

"You're welcome, babies. Eat carefully."

Woojin quickly grabbed one chunk of the fruit and took a bite on it, sharing it with his husband. While the kids were already happily munching on some. Ten gave the couple a grateful glance which they just smiled back.

The rest of the ride was wild and loud with Ten and Woojin's loud voices as they sang along with Johnny's playlist and once in a while the kids will sing along with them as well even though they still didn't know the lyrics of the songs. It was still fun, as for Johnny and Chan, they just let out some fond chuckles towards their respective husbands.

Arriving to the place, it was full of laughter and the little's happy shrieks and excited yells.


"You're it!" Woojin saw his baby tap his little palm on the other little's arm before he bolted away from the vehicle. It's not even a minute had passed after Seungmin helped the kids free from their seatbelts and here they were running away from them and decided to play on their own.

"Oh, here I come, Lixie!!" Changbin also ran towards Felix's shrieking little form. Both of their hats flew off of their heads from the force of their actions and from the breeze blowing against their fronts.

Woojin just chuckled at the running kids, eyeing them carefully when he felt a soft tap against his bum and heard a whisper, "I'll be setting up our stuff, you continue looking out for the kids. That okay with you?"

Chan's warm breathe was fanning against the column of Woojin's neck, then Chan's dropping a tender kiss on the skin beneath his ear. Woojin felt a shiver running down his spine but he answered his husband with a little hum and nod, eyes not leaving from the kids' sight.

"Good." Chan tapped the older's bum once again before he's walking away from him and went back to helping Johnny getting out all of their things from the truck's back side.

And a second later, Ten was dragging Woojin towards the kids, having been given the same task by his own husband. But the two of them were now wearing sunglasses and hats on making it easier to look at the kids from a distance with a blaring heat above their heads.

"Well, we're on kids duty, so let's go do that." Ten exclaimed then grinned widely at Woojin, a bottle of sunscreen lotion in one hand. The latter chuckled and let the other drag  him.

Nearing the kids, they can see how the kids were already sweaty from their foreheads down to their chests and back, their thin shirts were already drenched with sweats as well.

"Babies, come here for a second, let us put sunscreen on your body first before you continue playing under the sun." Ten called the kids who immediately stopped from moving and instead skipped their steps towards their parents.

"Appa, I wanna go into the water!" Changbin jumped cutely to get his Appa's attention.

"Me too, Appa! With the floaty, pretty please!" And Felix was doing the same thing to his own Appa, head thrown back to look up to his Appa's sunglasses-covered eyes.

Ten chuckled, "calm down, bubs. Yes, yes, we're going into the water after putting sunscreen on your skin."

Woojin too chuckled, ruffling his own son's already sweaty locks, "and after you both changed into your swimming suits."

Thankfully, the kids were so obedient as they patiently stood in front of Ten, letting the man to diligently spread lotion on their faces and bodies. Meanwhile, Woojin took the kids' swimming suits and a floaty.

Woojin could already see how the other two men had set up their picnic mat and big umbrella onto a spot a little bit far away from all the other people whose also enjoying the ocean and the sun. Both Chan and Johnny have already changed into their swim suits, just short pants and sleeveless top.

"Ah, it's perfect here. The kids want to explore the water, they want the floaty." Woojin said, leaning into his husband once he was near Chan and eyed all of the foods and other spare things around the corner of their mat.

"Already?" Chan asked, chuckling, as he immediately wrapped his arm around Woojin's waist.

The older hummed, "you know how much they love the ocean." His statement was followed by Johnny's fond chuckle, of course, he knew that too. He knew how much his own son loved the sea and especially that they're with their neighbor. The first time Changbin heard about the outing together with the Bang's, the kid cannot contain his excitement. Since then, he's been asking his parents nonstop about it, if it was already the day to go to the beach.

"Oh, I knew that. Bin's been so excited since hearing the plan at first."

"Even Felix. Tsk. Anyway, it's good to see them going crazy over swimming."

"That's true, you know, my Binnie's happier when he met you guys, especially Felix. Your kid's making my Bin so happy. He's not that smiley from before, I thought he would become aloft. Ten's always been worrying about him and then one day he met Felix. He's been laughing so much, he talked so much as well. He's not that talkative years ago before meeting Felix." It's been years since meeting the Seo's  for the first time, Woojin thought for a moment. He didn't notice how the days had passed by so fast. And they had never done this talk before, it's just suddenly came, for Woojin he's not against it. He also has things to share when it came to his baby's progress as well in terms of socialization especially the time when he met Little Changbin.

"Well, we're glad that our Lixie's serving as an angel to your son then." Chan smirked, now back hugging his husband, looking at the other man while propping his chin over Woojin's shoulder. "But seriously though, we had almost the same situation with our own kid. We knew Lixie's outgoing, he befriended all of the kids he met, but nothing is constant until Binnie. They've been inseparable since that December night."

The proud parents were looking at the pouting kids from a distance, they're pouting in front of a grinning Ten.

"Oh! They're waiting for their swimming suits." Woojin suddenly remembered why he was there in the first place.

"I can accompany the kids into the water, I know you hated going into the water without putting a sunscreen on first." Chan simply said, squeezing the other's waist before leaning away from him to get the kids' swimming suits instead. Johnny had joined Chan and volunteered to carry the big floaty.

"Thanks, Babe, you know me so well." Woojin said, almost sounding like he's flirting which made Chan laugh lowly.

"Oh, babe, save the flirting for later." Then Chan winked at the younger before he left from the spot with, of course, a playful gag from Johnny and a quick comment of 'please, spare us, get a room.' Woojin just chuckled to himself.

While Chan and Johnny were already in the water with the kids, Woojin and Ten were talking animatedly about anything. The latter shared the same sentiment with the former, they both didn't like to dive immediately into the ocean upon arrival. They both liked to sit first and rest and as far as the current situation was concerned, he loved to talked more first with Woojin before going into the water. They also were helping each other putting lotion on their backs.

"Oh no, John's skin will gonna burn in this hot sun! He didn't even put on sunscreen first before deciding to swim." Ten sighed, clicking his tongue softly as he eyed his husband's figure on the surface of the blue water meters away from where they were sitting.

Woojin chuckled but he too knew how much his own husband's gonna complain with sunburn later on, "let them."

"Well, anyway, Johnny hated lotion, he didn't like the feeling of it on his skin." Woojin hummed, he heard Ten but his eyes were really trained to the running figure on the distance, it's Chan playfully running after the kids. Moments like this that he let himself gawk and really stare at his husband's figure. He's not as tall as him but he's on the average side in terms of height, and looked so good in his sleeveless shirt and short pants, has a pair of delicious and strong thighs and his skin's white and smooth, Woojin can go on but he's afraid of going on without popping a . Because, God he thought, Chan was such a sight.

Woojin was pulled out of his daze when he heard a chuckle.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cut your daydreaming. I mean, I can relate, with my own husband, of course." Ten was lowly laughing with a fond and bright look onto his face as he said that to Woojin. The latter just playfully scoffed.

"We need moments like this, no? We just simply stare at our husband without worrying over our individual jobs." Ten added in a dreamy voice, he too trained his sight to his own husband's figure from the shore, happily playing with the kids as well.

"Hm. You're right. And with that, I'm gonna forgive you for making fun of me."

"Awww~ I'm not making fun of you! Promise! I said, I can relate to you."

"You're so defensive!"

"I- I'm not!"

Woojin took pity, he laughed loudly, his voice was booming that it reached to his own husband's ears but he didn't know that, he just laughed at Ten's slightly pouted lips.

Their laugher had died down and they're back at talking with random things until their sights have once again landed to the figures on the shore. They're playing frisbee, Woojin and Ten didn't know when and how did they get the flying saucer from the back of the truck. The kids have sat down and did some diggings on the sand not too far away from their Dads.

"Wow, your husband's so hot, Wooj." Something was running on Woojin's spine because Ten uttered a fact statement. It's proven and tested, Woojin's husband was hot and will always be hot. But of course, he's gonna play it cool.

"Did you look at your husband, that's the definition of hot." He got eyes, his neighbor's husband was the definition of hot as well.

"Look at those thighs." Ten continued.

"Look at those legs." Woojin countered.

"Well, you got a point there. And his , god, I love his ." Ten said as if unconscious, then bit his lower lip which made Woojin laugh so hard, "nope, I don't wanna know your capade with your husband."

"Appa!!" Two kids were running and came crashing into the men talking on their picnic mats.

"Not with the..." Ten's words were quickly followed by a groan as Changbin's body had collided against his and short arms wrapped around his neck.

"Baby, you'll ruin the mat! You've got sand all over your pants." Woojin has the same sentiment with Felix but all the kids did was giggle. It somehow melted their parents' hearts, like as always. It was just obvious how happy the kids were. Woojin resigned with a low chuckle and a small peck onto his baby's shivering lips.

"Hi, love, you're cold despite of the heat, huh." Woojin said, cleaning Felix's face with his palms, cleared his face from the sand.

"No, am not!" Little Felix denied even if it's clear enough that he's quivering from the soft breeze passing by. Woojin chuckled, Chan who's already taking a seat behind his husband chuckled as well.

"Let's re-apply sunscreen on to the both of you." Ten said suddenly and already got the bottle of the lotion in his other free hand.

"Good idea and that means you too." Woojin eyed his husband for a bit, Chan's quick to move and has his head already laid on Woojin's thigh as he laid beside him.

"Yeah, and you too." Ten quipped, eyeing Johnny who just gave him a peck on the lips as a form of a reply.

While the kids took a feast of the sandwich their Appa had prepared for them earlier while they're talking, Woojin and Ten dutifully applied sunscreen on their respective husband's body even if it's kind of too late already.

"Ugh, it's kind of sore there..." Ten paused his hand from moving on his husband's left shoulder blade after hearing the man complain loudly. Ten expected that though and he just chuckled at his older husband.

"Well, you played under the sun without applying a sunscreen on, so..." They all heard how Johnny groan as if he's not one of the adults present there.

Meanwhile, Woojin coaxed his own husband to put on some sunscreen before he could get any more sunburn if he hasn't already have it.

"It's fine, love, I like to get tanned this summer." Chan wiggled his eyebrows twice and he's happily doing it as if his statement has assured his husband.

"First of all, it would be weird to get tanned when the summer's ending and second of all, at this heat, honey, you'll get more than tanned skin. Come on, let me apply sunscreen on you." 

Chan blinked repeatedly, something he always did when he's out of words because his husband was sprouting some facts. And eventually, he clicked his tongue playfully, it's because he can but mostly because he thought of how lucky he was for having a very thoughtful husband. Perfect, even.

"Fine, so we can play some games!"

At that, the kids perked up, "ohh~ games!" Felix said in English and in a cute way.

"Yes! I'm gonna team up with Lixie!" Changbin even jumped cutely as he held the other little's hand.

"Oh yeah? What can two cute little angels do against us, huh?" Ten challenged the kids with a playful raise of an eyebrow as he was finishing with putting sunscreen on Johnny.

"We're gonna win!" Changbin said proudly not even batting his Appa an eye. The other couple laughed fondly at the kids when their Little Lixie joined Changbin in cheering, throwing his arms up in the air happily.

"Sure, you are, darling. Appa's gonna cheer on you two." Woojin fondly ruffle the kid's sweaty fringes.

"Hey! You're supposed to be on my side not on theirs!" Ten made his eyes small while looking at Woojin.

"Opps, should I? I'm sorry but these two are just so cute." Now Woojin's pausing his hands from scattering lotion all over his husband's back to ruffle both of the kids' locks. The kids giggled cutely while hearing Ten click his tongue in mock disappointment towards Woojin. After that, Woojin let the other couple played with the kids first while he's still finishing up with putting sunscreen on Chan's front and arms.

"How about you?" Minho asked suddenly, "did you apply some lotion already?" He added when Woojin gave him a positive look.


"Baby, why didn't you ask me? I would very much love to squeeze your-" a faint smack from Woojin's hand that landed on Chan's chest could be heard that made the latter chuckle and made him stop talking.

"What? I was about to say your soft skin!"

"I know that look, stop that." Woojin glared at his husband for a second before leaning forward and pecked on Chan's lips, he too can't help it, what can he do when he had his teasing husband right in front of him?

Chan smirked, something glinted in his eyes, "Do you wanna get out of here and find somewhere we can have fun w- okay! Okay!" The both of them were laughing wholeheartedly, Chan's busy holding Woojin's wrists to stop him from hitting him on the chest.

"But seriously though, babe, did you already put lotion on this part?" Chan asked as he nosed on Woojin's wrists that were still in his hands.

"Yes, earlier with Ten."

"Hm, how about..." Chan eyed down to the older's thighs, smooth skin on display as it peeked out of his swim shorts, that's also comfortably lying on top of Chan's. He let go of his husband's wrists and went to caress and squeeze those thighs instead, "even here?"

"Babe, if you wanna touch them, just ask, you know." It was then Woojin's turn to smirk at his younger husband.

"What's wrong with touching and squeezing what's mine?"

Chan didn't have the chance to reply when two exasperated sighs after a clearing of someone's throat can be heard and it made the two stop their shenanigans.

"In case you forgot, we're still playing games with the kids. They're waiting." Ten said from a distance, he has a flying saucer in his left hand.

"Come on, continue flirting later, we've set everything up!" Johnny gave them a warning look which made Chan laugh lowly, he felt like he's been scolded by his Dad for flirting with his husband.

"Alright! We're coming!"



"Daddy, run! I wanna catch it!" Felix shrieked happily while plastered on top of Chan's shoulders. Chan grunted a little, running while having a little weight on his shoulders was difficult but it's still manageable. He ran towards where the saucer flew after Changbin threw it in the air, the other kid was sitting on his own Dad's shoulders as well.

"Wait, wait- baby, did you catch it?" He was answered with a series of happy giggles.

"Good job, bub!" Woojin hollered on the other side, his role was mainly to fetch the plastic disc if Felix missed to catch it.

"How about me?" Chan whined.

"You too, Dad, good job on letting Felix sit on your broad shoulders." Woojin smirked as he looked at his husband and he received a satisfied grin and wink in return.

"Throw it, Lixie!" Little Changbin has his two little arms in the air, ready to catch the saucer, as he grinned at his playmate. The kids continued playing just like that while their Dads were trying their best in running to any direction while carrying their little bubs with them.

"I don't know about y'all but I wanna swim." Ten said suddenly making his husband snort.

"Baby, did you just say y'all?" Johnny would continue to tease his husband but instead interrupted by his own grunt when he saw the flying saucer flying in the air and he needed to run to the direction so Changbin will catch it. While Ten went straight into the water, bringing one floaty with him.

The kids eventually felt their arms ache with all the throwing and catching movements they did and they whined about it, then they demanded to stop playing and to be put down.

"I wanna swim with Uncle Ten!"

"Me too!"

Then they're gone, racing towards the water, with Chan, Woojin and Johnny following behind them.



Woojin and Chan were pressed together in one corner of their mat, the other couple were sitting in front of them while the kids were sitting close together beside the first couple. All of them were busy munching on their snacks, some sweet potatoes and sweet corn.

There's a clean and nice looking sweet potato in front of Chan's sight, already been peeled off, ready to be eaten. Chan loved sweet potatoes but hated the way he needed to peel off its outer layer before he can enjoy it and of course Woojin knew that.

"Thank you, babe." And then he happily accepted it with a grateful heart, mind full of thoughts such as how lucky he was to have such thoughtful husband. Woojin chuckled at the way Chan smiled like a child who has received his favorite candy just from that small gesture.

"Hm. Eat."

"You too."

"I will."

"Aw. That's so sweet. Babe, can you peel this for me too, darling?" Ten on the other hand who had witnessed that sweet gesture from the other couple across him, he playfully got another sweet potato from the basket and turned to his own husband.

"Gladly, honey." Johnny took it from his grinning husband, chuckling fondly as he played along.



Sometime after devouring their snacks, Woojin met a college classmate and Chan thought his husband was being flirted on. Chan was different from other guys out there who got jealous with their partner, he wouldn't show it, wouldn't confront his husband either, but he'll sulk in the corner, watching a scenario unfold in front of his eyes. Woojin was all smiley and even let out loud and beautiful laugh with matching throwing back of his head and Chan wondered that whatever the man had talked about must be funny if he could make his husband laugh like that.

Ten and Johnny stopped playing with the kids when they noticed the grim looking face of the other man while looking at the two figures happily conversing from a distance.

"You know, if looks could kill..." Johnny said slowly, a wide grin was threatening to break out onto his face.

Chan turned his focused onto the couple and the kids in front of him, thankfully the kids were both busy playing shovelling the sand on their own.


"You looked like you're going to murder someone." Ten said, he too was trying hard to conceal a big grin.

"Nah, I produce songs for people not kill them." Chan answered, shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh, they're done, Woojin's heading back this way." Johnny noticed.

"I think, the kids are hungry. I'll prepare our food so we can have our lunch." Ten added, bringing the kids and his husband with him.

Even from a distance, Woojin could feel his husband's eyes on him and he could tell that he's not happy. But of course, he knew what it was about 

"Why the long face?" He grinned at his younger husband, reaching out to softly flatten the little wrinkly skin on his forehead.

"Who was he?"

"We have the same name actually, he was my classmate in university."


"Babe, seriously?" Woojin could feel the slight distaste on Chan's face and he didn't want him to have bad ideas just from having a short chitchat with a former classmate.

"Yeah, yeah, he's your classmate alright but I don't like the way he looked at you. Didn't he know you're already married?"

Woojin laughed so hard at his husband, "you're seriously jealous? Oh, the Bang Chan is jealous~"

"Yah, Bang Woojin." Chan warned and tried to sound stern despite how his ears were flushing.

Woojin chuckled, "he just got back from abroad so he didn't really know what happened here. And he got a fiance, please, stop pouting."

"Well, good to know." It was Chan's last words before he turned away from Woojin, ears and nape were red. That didn't get unnoticed by Woojin's eyes and he just shook his head and laughed at his flushing husband, he'll talk with Chan later. Right now, he just have to enjoy the last heat of summer while he still can.

They ate lunch heartily, so content while basking in the moment. Chan too stopped pouting, in fact he's now laying his head on Woojin's thigh.

They were all lying on their picnic mat and cloud gazing, naming all the shapes the cloud was making, with a pair of sunglasses over their eyes.

"I love you." Woojin leaned down and whispered, he can't help it while looking at his smiling husband and also hearing their baby's happy shrieks in the background. Chan immediately looked at the older with a fond smile.

"I love you more." Then there goes his flirty wink, even with a pair of sunglasses on, he could still clearly see it. Chan's lips were stretched into a big teasing grin.


The day ended with Felix asleep when they got home and was safely tucked into his own bed by his Dad and Woojin ended up straddling Chan's lap as he rode him. Chan's still slightly jealous over that one classmate of Woojin's and he rarely got jealous over things when it came to his older husband. He didn't know what really made him jealous over the poor man, he just knew that he's already riled up. Woojin was making up with him so good anyway by riding his husband's .

Both were heaving with their breathings as Woojin was still on top of the younger, body were being pressed together, he's wincing at the wet and gross feelings against his stomach and probably now got smudged onto Chan's as well.

Chan's hands travelled from Woojin's hips to cup them around the older's face to make him look at him.

"Hi. You okay?"


"Sorry. I got...I don't know why I was feeling that way, I didn't even know the guy."

Woojin looked at his husband fondly, he chuckled, "it's not the first time though. You've been jealous with other men who happened to just stand beside me before."

Chan sighed, clicking his tongue softly because he knew his husband was telling the truth. Chan has unconsciously moved his hips and it caused Woojin to whine since he's still sitting on the man's .

"P-Please, don't move yet...sensitive!"

"Hm, sorry, sorry." Chan paused to chuckle, "Love you so much."

"Love you too so much. Are you okay now though?"

Chan smiled at Woojin, cupping the younger's cheeks, "better now. I'm sorry, I just acted like some immature jerk."

"Hm, you didn't do anything bad, you're allowed to feel things." Woojin's voice was so soft but  the words he was saying were so loud that they got through Chan's heart making him warm all over.

"God, I love you so much. You're so, so perfect— I wanna make love to you all over again." Woojin felt his cheeks flush, he felt like the old him way back Chan was still courting him, he also felt something hard in him.

"Honey, stop being hard! Lemme sleep at least!" Woojin whined as Chan laughed so loud. God, it felt like summer's never going to end, it's still so hot in their room.

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There's a little trigger/fowl/vulgar sentence in there, blame Johnny →_→


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Chapter 35: I am happy that you are still updating the story!

This was so sweet, the happy family on a ferris wheel ride !
Chapter 28: I like your story it is very cute and fun to read. Really like Woochan couple interactions with their son. Also like mentions of NCT and other idols.
loyalb #3
Chapter 28: this is the most wholesome story I've ever read ♥
Chapter 24: this chapter was just... pure cuteness
Chapter 20: I have to ask...Are Chan and Woojin, ever going to have another kid?? (you keep mentioning it and I really want to know
loyalb #6
Chapter 13: Cute
loyalb #7
Chapter 11: Great question lol
Chapter 10: Damn Chan is such a tease ;)
loyalb #9
Chapter 10: This story is so cute please continue to update