Little Hunger 2

Their Adventures


Woojin checks on Felix while Chan is in the bathroom. Indeed, their son is still fast asleep, he knew Saturday is study time. Woojin takes in the sight that greets him on his son's bed. Felix is sleeping on his stomach but his little legs are crookly lying on his pillow instead of his head. Blanket is being kicked aside.

Woojin clicks his tongue in amusement. He thought of sparing his son for a few more minutes to sleep since his Daddy is not yet finished taking a bath. But before he exits his son's bedroom, he properly lays Felix's body in the bed. He covers his son with the neglected blanket and kisses his forehead.

Woojin goes to the kitchen to just finish making their breakfast. He is frying eggs when he hears footsteps into the kitchen. It was his husband already in his working clothes but is still drying his hair with a towel.

"Is Felix awake?" Chan asked softly.

"It's Saturday, babe." Woojin answered, amused.

Chan hummed understanding what his husband had meant. He slings the towel around his neck and walks towards Woojin who is in front of the stove. He wraps his hands around Woojin's waist, kissing his neck then his cheek.

"You want your coffee?"

"Nah. Later."

Woojin smiled and turned a little to give Chan a peck on the lips. Meanwhile, little Felix decided to wake up and joined his parents in the kitchen. Well, what welcomed him is his Daddy back hugging his Appa in front of the stove. He blinked his eyes in confusion but seconds later grins so wide before running towards his parents and wrapping his hands around his parents' thighs.

"Oh! Someone has decided to join us~" Chan said teasingly, reaching for his son's little head then ruffles Felix's bed head. They untangled themselves from the back hug to set the table and also greet their little one.

Woojin turned off the stove and bent down to give Felix a kiss on the cheek,"good morning, baby."

"Appa, hungry."

"Yes, yes, dear, I'm setting the table now."

Chan has a toasted bread in between his teeth offering the other half part of it to his husband. Woojin happily accepted it when Felix ran towards them and has to see the exchange movement. He immediately covers his eyes with his little palms.

Chan chuckled when he noticed their son, "Well, how is my little koala in this fine morning?"

"Daddy, hungry.." while one of his fingers.

"Oh no, bub. Do not put your finger in your mouth."
Felix pokes the corn that emerges the surface of the very hot soup. When Woojin turned around, he gasped at the scene. He was so shocked and scared, the soup is still so hot, hence he did not control his loud voice scaring his son.


Chan emerges into the kitchen's entrance, face paints with worry, it's really rare moments that Woojin used his big and loud voice.

"What happened?" He saw his son, pointed finger on his mouth, and glassy eyes, he was about to cry, his lips were wobbling too. He walks towards his husband.

"I'm sorry..I got scared, I thought he's gonna dip his finger in it. , I'm sorry." Woojin whispered.

"Shhh.. it's okay." Chan said, smiling to reassure Woojin.

"Hey, bub. I am sorry, baby. I am not mad at you. I'm sorry, I shouted. I was just scared.."Woojin now kneeling in front of Felix's Chair. His son is crying silently, Woojin's heart breaks into pieces.

"Baby, I'm sorry, will you forgive Appa?"

Felix nodded his head and looked at his Appa with still tears running down on his cheeks. Woojin was quick to wipe them using his hands.

"Really baby? I'm sorry again. I love you, bub." Felix wrapped his arms around his Appa as he mumbled an I love you too and an I'm hungry which made his parents laughed.

Those were the times that our little Felix is being literally hungry.

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There's a little trigger/fowl/vulgar sentence in there, blame Johnny →_→


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Chapter 35: I am happy that you are still updating the story!

This was so sweet, the happy family on a ferris wheel ride !
Chapter 28: I like your story it is very cute and fun to read. Really like Woochan couple interactions with their son. Also like mentions of NCT and other idols.
loyalb #3
Chapter 28: this is the most wholesome story I've ever read ♥
Chapter 24: this chapter was just... pure cuteness
Chapter 20: I have to ask...Are Chan and Woojin, ever going to have another kid?? (you keep mentioning it and I really want to know
loyalb #6
Chapter 13: Cute
loyalb #7
Chapter 11: Great question lol
Chapter 10: Damn Chan is such a tease ;)
loyalb #9
Chapter 10: This story is so cute please continue to update