Little Sleeping Child 2

Their Adventures

Chan's eyebrow raised a little when he heard the door bell rings. He is washing the dishes at the mean time. It's the second day of Woojin's absence, he knew it sounded over dramatic it was not like he'll be away for months, he'll be back tomorrow, but Chan can't take the feeling of missing his husband. In normal days, he'll not see his husband for only a few hours when he's in the studio. So this somewhat uncommon to him and to Felix especially, the little is playing in the living room at the moment. And he's not expecting a visitor, Chan thought of who could that be?

Little footsteps could be heard running towards the door. And as Chan walks out from the kitchen, he saw his son trying to tiptoe to reach the door knob and turned to looked at his Dad for help when he felt him behind him.

"Appa?" The kid has this hopeful and excited look in his little face. Poor baby really misses his Appa.

Chan gave his son an apologetic smile and quickly kissed his temple, "baby, I know you missed him so much, don't worry Appa will be home tomorrow before you know it."

When Felix pouts, Chan scoops him into his arms and opened the door. The pout on his son's lips was gone the seconds he saw who is standing in front of them.


"Hi Lixie!" The smile little Changbin gave to little Felix is enough for a demand to put him down.

Litte Changbin is with his Appa, Ten, who looks a little surprise but smile nonetheless upon seeing the outburst of the littles. Chan's not expecting them but is also grateful because this is a good idea of distracting his son from sulk over missing his Appa again.

"Hi uncle Chan!" Chan heard little Changbin greets him.

"Hey, there kid." After ruffling the kid's hair, he lets him in and watches as his son drags him inside. 

Chan then turned to look at Ten, who looked a little troubled, " Hi hyung, the house is a little  messy right now but you can come in."

Ten smiled, "it's okay Chan, and no need, I'll be quick. I was quite surprised when I saw you instead of Woojin."

"I took a leave at work, Woojin's at his class' educational trip for 2 days, but he'll be home tomorrow, why?"

"Oh. Right. Uhm—could I bother you with Changbin? I promise I'll get him as soon as I can. It's an emergency call from work and—"

"Hyung, it's okay. I am thankful in the first place, I was about to call you or Johnny hyung if I could borrow Changbin, Felix has been missing his Appa and I am desperate just to distract him from sulking around." Chan gave Ten an awkward smile.

"Oh. Really? So it's okay?" Ten now was so relieved.

"More than okay hyung."

"Thank you. Right. I'll keep going now." Ten took his leave after saying goodbye to his son and reminding him to be a good boy which the little answered with a peck on his cheek and a wave.

After closing the door, he was met with two pairs of little eyes giving him  puppy look, Chan cooed at how cute the littles are right now.

"Can we build forts, Dad? Pretty please?" Felix said cutely with his puppy eyes. Chan chuckles at the littles.

"Of course, baby." Giving them his dimpled smile.

"Can we build it in yours and Appa's room?" Felix loved making forts in his parents' room since it has bigger space than  his own room and has bigger pillows and wider blankets to use.

"Go ahead. Just don't break anything, okay?"

"Yeyy! Thanks, Dad!" Felix quickly hug his leg and ran towards the stairs followed by an equally excited Changbin. But before they could reach the stairs, Chan gets their attention by clearing his throat which cause the littles to stop on their tracks and turned to look at him like a kick puppies.

Chan crouched down and poke his cheek, "you forgot something, bub."

A very wide grin was then plastered on his son's face as he ran back to his Dad, giggling, wrapped his little arms on his Dad's neck and give Chan a peck on his cheek. When Felix pulled away, Chan was surprised when Changbin too gave him a peck on his other cheek.

"Thanks, uncle Chan." The kid smiled.

"Aww. Why are you both so adorable? No problem kids. Now, go ahead, build your fort. And please be careful with the stairs." The giggling kids were gone even before he had finished his sentence. Chan sighed, Woojin might be right that their son will leave them one day with that other kid, and he chuckled after remembering that thought.


Hours had passed and thankfully no breaking noises could be heard from their room, just cute giggles from the both of them, so Chan thought that yes their baby is responsible enough at his age, he knows how to follow instructions well if you could just say it carefully since Felix has having a hard time speaking and understanding uncommon words especially when it's already in long sentences. Not long after, he finished some basic chores and he even finished washing Felix's clothes that had stained with sauce during their breakfast, he raised his eyebrow when he didn't hear any squeal or giggle from upstairs anymore.

Chan considered checking the kids out upstairs when his phone rings in his pocket. It was a video call request from his husband.

He smiles as he quickly tap the answer button, and the pretty face that he missed so much of his husband displayed on the screen, "hi love, I miss you." He even pouts for dramatic effect which earned a chuckle (which he also missed so much) from Woojin.

"Well, hi to you too. Where's my cub? Did you feed him?" Woojin said sternly but jokingly just to tease the other.

"Of course! What do you take me for? He's playing upstairs, I'm about to check on them. Changbin is here too." Chan grinned, already walking up the stairs.

"Oh really? That's good then, I knew he missed that kid too."

"Well, yeah, they played right away when Changbin arrived." Chan answered as he opened the door of his and Woojin's room. Woojin chuckled just before he heard a gasp from Chan. What Chan had greeted him was very adorable image he wished to see forever.

It seemed like the littles had slept  in their fort. Changbin has his arms wrapped around Felix protectively. Aww. His baby has gained another protector aside from him and Woojin. Yes, Chan is so dramatic like that but Woojin loves him nonetheless.

"Baby? What's wrong?" Chan heard Woojin's worried voice.

"Babe, look.." and he faced his cellphone's screen to the sleeping littles inside the fort. Woojin cooed at the sight.

"Aww. They built a fort. That's so cute."

Chan hummed, "they were so excited at that a while ago." They talked while they were still on it, Chan's not letting the moment passed by and let the other man know that he missed him already in which his husband has chuckled and even laughed softly.

"Me too, babe. I missed you both. It's different when I'm with you and Felix."

"I love you." Chan whispered but he was sure his husband has heard it.

"I love you too. I'll be home before you knew it."





It's 3AM when Chan snaps out from his nap as he hears the doorbell rings. He took a second to think of where he is and realized that he's seated on his swivel chair in front of his computer. He didn't notice of when he got out of the world, after he tucked his son to bed and decided to work in his little work/studio room.

He's eyes were widening when he realized that the doorbell is still ringing and it might be his husband on the other side of the door. 

And there he was his husband that he missed so much, smiling warmly in front of him. He lets his body takes over his brain as he cupped his husband's cheeks, pulling him hurriedly inside, closed the door and slammed his lips on Woojin's. The other man chuckles, "hey there tiger." Woojin said while laughing softly at his husband when they pulled away.

"Hi." The only word Chan had uttered before slamming his lips back to his. Woojin is laughing in between their kisses. He felt giddy on how Chan had missed him because this is Chan when he missed his husband.

"Well, at least, let me put my bagpack down because it became damn heavy so suddenly." 

Chan too chuckled this time, helping his husband with his bagpack, removing it from his back. He haphazardly puts it down on the floor. Woojin then yawns as he can feel how sleepy he was. He was about to ask about their son but they can hear the faint calling of their attention and saw their son standing on the last step down of their stairs, rubbing his sleepy eyes with his tiny fists.

"Appa!" It has a 360° level of change in Felix's demeanor, he is not sleepy anymore.

Chan chuckled at this, he expected that already. Woojin scooped his son who jumped completely out of the stairs and ran towards them, and hugged him so tight, pressing a long kiss on each of his cheek, God he missed his son so much.

And if the family had slept in the fort the littles had built earlier, no one has to know.

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There's a little trigger/fowl/vulgar sentence in there, blame Johnny →_→


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Chapter 35: I am happy that you are still updating the story!

This was so sweet, the happy family on a ferris wheel ride !
Chapter 28: I like your story it is very cute and fun to read. Really like Woochan couple interactions with their son. Also like mentions of NCT and other idols.
loyalb #3
Chapter 28: this is the most wholesome story I've ever read ♥
Chapter 24: this chapter was just... pure cuteness
Chapter 20: I have to ask...Are Chan and Woojin, ever going to have another kid?? (you keep mentioning it and I really want to know
loyalb #6
Chapter 13: Cute
loyalb #7
Chapter 11: Great question lol
Chapter 10: Damn Chan is such a tease ;)
loyalb #9
Chapter 10: This story is so cute please continue to update