Little Escapade 2

Their Adventures

Doing grocery shopping with his sunshine is fun. It's fun to watch how his baby got amazed with almost every product they'd passed by in every aisle of the store especially if the product's cover is very colorful. Woojin smiled fondly at his son. He can't blame the little kid though because it's not everyday they're doing this. Little Felix looked like he has entered to another world with the amazed look of his face was enough evidence of it.

"Watch where you're going, bub." Woojin reminded his son who has his little hand gripped at Woojin's pinky finger. 

When they passed by the aisle of many products of toothpaste, Woojin felt a soft tug of his hand before he heard a squeal.

"Appa! Appa! Yummy~" 

Woojin stopped looking at his list to look at his son who made heart eyes to a certain toothpaste. Sure enough, it was his toothpaste and he loved the taste of that toothpaste.

He smiled at Little Felix,"go get one, baby."

And Felix excitedly got one box of it, giving it to his Appa who smiled at him warmly.

"Thank you, bub. Now, let's go get your milk." Woojin kissed Felix's head.

"Yummy! Yummy! Yummy!" Felix excitedly chanted. Woojin chuckled at his son's antics. Even other grocery shoppers looked at his son because he just shouted in the middle of an aisle. Woojin could see how the people cooed at his son. Yep, he knew the feeling. He smiled to himself.

Woojin smiled and chuckled at every squeal his son has let out, Felix as a kid as he is seemed so excited with all the products they've passed by.

When they're in the diaper section, and as expected his son ran towards  the diaper racks  on his height level with a smiling baby picture on the pack cover.

Little Felix has this grin on his face while facing back to look at his Appa, his index finger has touched the product.

"Baby?" Felix's eyes are sparkling in amazement. 

Woojin chuckles, "yes, sunshine, that's a baby. But we cannot buy one because you don't even wear that." At his son's age, Woojin is proud to say that yes, indeed his son doesn't need to wear diapers during night or when going out. He knew how to ask when to pee. 

"Bye bye baby." Felix then mumbled while waving his little hand as if his saying goodbye and waving his hand goodbye to the picture of the baby. Woojin smiled as he knew exactly where he had learned it.

Woojin looked at his list again to make sure he will not miss anything that they need within the week or two. When he heard something crashed and he didn't find his son beside him, he gasped at the realization ang hurriedly went to find Felix, leaving his cart of groceries.

It was just in the next aisle where Felix is sitting on the floor, thank God he's not crashing to any product nearby, next to a cart full of groceries which with another kid that seemed to be familiar—

"Oh my god, Dowoonie, what did you do to the k--Felix?" And that shriek is very familiar too, it sounded like Wonpil's. Then a second later came Sungjin, worry plastered on his face.

"Appa!" Felix excitedly shouts when he saw Woojin that also made Sungjin and Wonpil looked at him. Felix now was held by Wonpil, dusting off his jumper.

"Hey, baby. Are you okay?" Felix hummed while wrapping his arms around Wonpil's neck.

"Hi, Wooj. Sorry about that. We got distracted and this little trouble maker just ran with our cart." Wonpil said sheepishly while scooping Felix up into his arms, his other hand just ruffled his own son's locks.

"Hey, hyung, it's okay. No harm done." Woojin said, smiling at the couple.

"Sweety, say sorry to Felix." Sungjin said softly to their son.

"I'm sorry, Felix. I'm sorry, Daddy. I'm sorry, Appa." The six-year old boy said, his head down.

They knew the Park family, being co-workers of the company that Chan's working in, they had a couple of visits to their house too. In fact, Dowoon and Felix are friends, they just barely see each other, Dowoon is older than Felix and he already goes to school. Maybe these two have day off together.

"It's okay, bub. You didn't hurt, Felix. See? He's smiling." Woojin crouched down to the boy's eye level and coaxed the boy to look at his son in his Appa's arm, who is indeed just smiling. It seems effective because Dowoon also grinned up at Felix.

"Hi, Dowoon hyung!" Felix waved at the other boy, Wonpil had put him down, who also waved back at him.

The parents smiled at the exchange in front of them, Wonpil cooed at them.

"This is so sudden, we wish these two to play more. We're done though, how about you?" Sungjin asked him. And Woojin took a glance to his list and remembered he left his cart on the other aisle, but smiled and answered his hyung, "I still have few things to grab."

"Okay then, we will not distract you any longer." Sungjin chuckles.

"Come on, Dowoonie~ we need to go."

After hearing an exchange goodbye's of the kids, Wonpil turned to look at him, "we'll go, Woojin and Felix."

Now, they continue their adventure at this grocery store with his son, they're at the fruit section. Woojin needs new stock for fresh fruits.

"Melon~~" Felix is back at it again being amazed with almost everything he saw.

"Yes, baby. What else?"

"Mango. And--and, oh! Appa, I want banana too!"

Woojin kissed his baby's button nose, "okay, bub."

Felix tiptoed to poke a mango in his reach and he looked so cute, so Woojin really needed to capture these kind of situation. He quickly took his phone out of his pocket and snapped a photo of Felix on his tiptoe to just poke a mango. He smiled and quickly send it to Chan.

To Chanie: Look at your son. Why is he so cute. (With an image attached)

A few minutes later, he heard his phone dinged.

From Chanie: Okay, first, he is your son too. Second, that's why he's cute.

Woojin rolled his eyes just to hold the blush to come out, he's in a public place, not a place to be mushy over his husband's text message. Yet he heard another ding of his phone.

From Chanie: I need to go, my break's over. Please be careful in going home, babe. Love you both. See you at home later.

He smiled at that and typed a quick reply.

To Chanie: Yes, of course. We love you too. See you!

He suddenly missed Chan, he just smiled at his phone reading Chan's text messages over and over silently.

"Appa, I'm hungry." Felix declared. Right. He almost forgot he was still at the grocery store.

"Alright, bub. Let's go pay all of these first then we'll go eat."


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There's a little trigger/fowl/vulgar sentence in there, blame Johnny →_→


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Chapter 35: I am happy that you are still updating the story!

This was so sweet, the happy family on a ferris wheel ride !
Chapter 28: I like your story it is very cute and fun to read. Really like Woochan couple interactions with their son. Also like mentions of NCT and other idols.
loyalb #3
Chapter 28: this is the most wholesome story I've ever read ♥
Chapter 24: this chapter was just... pure cuteness
Chapter 20: I have to ask...Are Chan and Woojin, ever going to have another kid?? (you keep mentioning it and I really want to know
loyalb #6
Chapter 13: Cute
loyalb #7
Chapter 11: Great question lol
Chapter 10: Damn Chan is such a tease ;)
loyalb #9
Chapter 10: This story is so cute please continue to update