taehyung x sana

bangtwice one shots
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“So, you going this Saturday?” Jimin asks his best friend of almost almost 24 years.


“I’m assuming Hoseok reached out to you about the reunion?” Taehyung asks, taking a swig of his beer.


“Wow, clearly you aren’t just a pretty face.”


Jimin smirks, rolling his eyes. “I don’t know.”


“Yeah? I’m surprised considering you’ve been blabbing on about Sana for the last 3 weeks.”


“I have not been blabbing about Sana,” He shoots him a pointed look. There’s a moment of silence between them as Jimin chuckles to himself. “She’s coming to this thing?” Taehyung asks, his voice a little quieter.


“I dunno. I’m on the same boat as you— I haven’t heard from her ever since you broke her heart.”


Taehyung punches the male’s shoulder, almost having him choke on his drink.


Coughing into his fist, Jimin looks at him incredulously. “You’re acting like I said something wrong.”




The story of Sana and Taehyung is a simple yet complex one. The two were childhood best friends and everyone who knew them, expected them to turn into lovers. They did almost everything together and didn’t have many relationships outside their friendship beside their group of close-knit friends.


Nobody really bothered to test what they meant to each other considering it just seemed so obvious— except them. So, naturally, the two even ended going to Prom together.


“Sana, you look beautiful,” Taehyung tells her, his eyes soft and full of admiration as he watches her laugh sheepishly and swirl in a circle in front of him.


She wore an elegant blush colored dress. It was laced, sleeveless halter dress which was adorned with floral lace over sheer fabric. It was a low cut neckline with a open back design that made Taehyung want to do things to her that a best friend shouldn’t even think of. Her hair was in loose curls, half up and half down with a few ringlets framing her cheeks.


“You cleaned up pretty good too, Tae.”


“You guys are gonna make me throw up,” Nayeon announces with a look of distaste.


After the guys put corsages on their respective dates and an endless amount of emotional pictures were taken by their parents, the group got into their limo to head tot he banquet hall.


“Look at what I have!” Jin announces with a mischievous smile as he pulls out a flask from his coat pocket.


There were cheers of joy and shock from the group.


“How did you get away with that with all the parents in there?” Hoseok asks.


“I have my ways, J-Hope. I have my ways,” He says, purposely using his nickname to get under his skin, before taking a quick swig.


“You know my cousin is one of the chaperones right?” Sana reminds them good-naturedly.

“You don’t need to have some, sunshine,” Jin tells her with a grin.


“I didn’t say that,” She mutters eliciting a chuckle from them.


Taehyung looks over, arching his brow while holding back a smile. “I’m gonna have to keep my eye on you tonight, Minatozaki.”


“Who’s stopping you?” Sana whispers jokingly.


“How am I always sitting by these two? Pass me the alcohol!” Nayeon says before grabbing the flask from her date to take some.


They all take sips throughout the ride, making sure to grab a few pieces of gum so they’re not too obvious about their rebellious behavior.


After an interrogative encounter with Taecyeon, the group makes sure to keep their distance from the teacher so he doesn’t smell the booze off of them.


Besides the few dances the group has together, Sana and Taehyung are almost inseparable. He couldn’t keep his hands off of her— either he held hers or it was on her knee, her back, her arm, or her waist. He made sure that no other guy even got a chance to approach her for a dance.


Not that she really paid much mind to it, she secretly liked the attention he was giving her.


“So, how are you liking Prom?” He asks her.


The two were on the dance floor, one of the slower songs playing for all the couples.


“I don’t know if it’s because of Jin's little energy drink, but it’s more than I thought it would be. You enjoying yourself?”

He grins slightly, “With you by my side, how could I not?”


She narrows her eyes up at him playfully, “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were flirting with me, Taehyung Kim.”


He laughs, pulling her a bit closer. “Would that be so bad?”


Her heart beat begins to quicken as heat rushes up to her cheeks. “You’re crazy.”


“Do you blame me? I have the most beautiful girl in the room in my arms tonight,” He tells her, lifting his hand to brush a stray strand of hair behind her ear.


Sana's smile falters slightly when she notices how sincere he’s behaving. “It's really hot in here,” She breathes abruptly, turning on her heel to scurry out of the hall full of students.


Taehyung's’ brows furrow as he watches her rush out. He can feel a pair of eyes boring into the back of his skull. Turning over his shoulder, he unsurprisingly finds Nayeon looking at him with a scowl.


“I’m going!” He mouths before following in Sana's footsteps. He looks around before noticing her silhouette through the glass doors. Making his way out, he pushes his through the doors before joining her. “Sana, what happened in there? Was it something I said?”


She turns to face him, her eyes glassy. “I like you Taehyung.”


“I like you too, Sana…”


“No, you don’t understand— I like you. like you. And its Prom— I know you just took me because we’re best friends and we promised each other. I know college is starting in a few months and we’re probably gonna meet new people but I needed to tell you before it was too late— you’re laughing. You’re laughing at me while I’m pouring my heart out to you?!”


Indeed he was laughing— but that was because he found her so goddamn adorable. “Sana—“


“I can’t believe—“




“I’m such an—“


“Sana!” He cuts her off with a pointed look. “Can you shut up so I can—“


“So you can what?”


Frustrated with her interruptions, he grabs her cheeks to capture her lips in a kiss.


This moment had changed their friendship forever.


Though the two had confessed their feelings for each other, neither made any grand gesture to woo each other. They tried to act as normal as they could in front of their friends but found solace in each other’s arms by the end of the night.


Considering the two were going to Seoul University together along with Nayeon, they decided not to push the matter considering they’d be seeing more of each other regardless.


But little did they know they’d be meeting Soyou.


Taehyung and Soyou had met during his Anatomy and Physiology lecture, the two hitting it off right away. He started spending less time with Sana and more time with her. Before they knew it, he started taking her out on dates and even popped the question for her to become his girlfriend. Of course, she said yes. Who wouldn’t?


Though Sana tried to be happy for him, she was having a hard time doing so considering he kept her in the dark in regards his relationship with Soyou.


She couldn’t help but be hurt over the fact that he never bothered talking about the endless nights they spent in each other’s arms over the summer.


It was only when Soyou and him would get into nasty arguments every few months when he’d come back to Sana, making it seem as if Soyou wasn’t the girl for him and she was– only to go back to her all over again. It was vicious cycle and it continued happening well into their sophomore year– until Sana had decided she had enough.


“Me and Soyou are back at it again…” Taehyung sighs, dropping his head on the back of Sana's shoulder.


“What a surprise, you guys are fighting again,” Sana scoffs, rolling her eyes, though he couldn’t see.


When he senses the tone in her voice, his brows furrow as he lifts his head.


“You okay?”


Sana clenches her jaw for a moment, trying to keep her composure before rising from the bed and turning to face him. “No, Taehyung. I am not okay. I am sick of you thinking I’m some sort of doormat where you think you can just take advantage of me!”


Surprised by her outburst, he frowns. “Sana, where is this coming from? I don’t think you’re a doormat…”


Tears start to sting her eyes as she begins to recount from when it all began. “How could you date Soyou? How could you do that to me? How could you just completely disregard my feelings and flaunt her in front of me? You were supposed to be my best friend…”


“I am your best friend, Sana. Where is all this coming from?”


“Do you not remember Prom, Taehyung?! Like an idiot i confess my feelings for you. And you… you kissed me! The entire summer, we fool around with each other and here I am.. thinking you feel the same way about me!” Her eyes are swelling with tears, threatening to fall past her lashes. “And then comes Soyou… and then one day you just…” When the tears finally begin to fall, she couldn’t help but feel pathetic.


Taehyung rises from the bed, immediately making his way over to her. He halts in his steps when she puts her arm out to stop him and keep distance between them. “I didn’t want to ruin our friendship– I just–”


“So you thought, hooking up with me and then getting back together with your girlfriend was a better choice?”


He runs his fingers through his hair as he just now fully realizes how bad of a friend he’s been. “I’ve been an idiot— I’ve been confused over what the right thing to do has been. I haven’t been thinking clearly—“


“For a year?” She sniffles, wiping her tears away. “I was so stupidly in love with you that I was just content with whatever you gave me— thinking that one day you’d change your mind… I should’ve known better.”


When he realizes what she’s said, he takes a step closer to her. “… You love me?”


“Isn’t it obvious?” She asks with a shaky laugh. She felt so pathetic.


Taehyung sighs inwardly before reaching out hesitantly, his fingers gently grazing over her tear-stained cheek. “I love you Sana.. I am so sorry for all of this. You’re my best friend and I was selfish. I wanted you both and it was wrong of me.”


He’s looking at her with those stupidly soft brown eyes, his brows furrowed slightly, and his lips twisted in a frown.


“So what now? I can’t keep doing this, Taehyung. I would walk away but since I decided to bring this up for the first time since Prom— I want to give you a chance. You have to choose between Me and Soyou. You have a week, let me know by Friday.”  She leans in to press her lips against his cheek before leaving his dorm room.


Taehyung didn’t know what to do. The answer seems so easy yet it was so difficult for him to make a decision. The next few days drag along, agonizingly slow as he goes out of his way to ignore both Sana and Soyou.


Friday rolls around and Sana couldn’t help but be full of anxiety.


“Sana, chill. Though I think you need kick Tae to the curb, he’s gonna end up choosing you. You guys have been best friends for ever, so I wouldn’t stress,”  Nayeon reassures.


“It’s not that… Professor Seo offered for me to study abroad in Japan and I need to let him know within an hour and a half. I've been pushing it off for weeks and I gotta make a decision.”


Nayeon stops in her tracks, frowning. “… you’re leaving? Why didn't you tell me?”


“Maybe. It depends on Taehyung’s answer.”


“You’re gonna let him drive you out of the country?!”


“Nayeon,” She starts, turning to look at her. “If he chooses her– I won’t be able to do this. You’re already transferring out to New York next semester because of Jin–  I have no reason to stay here.”


Her best friend couldn’t help but frown, “Sana… listen, if you decide to go to Japan. Don’t do it for him— don’t do it because of him. Do it for yourself. Only you.”


“I know—“


“Sana,” Nayeon grabs her hand, squeezing gently. “Promise me.”


“… I promise, Nayeonnie.” Sana squeezes her hand back, grateful to have her by her side. “I have to go find Tae.”


With that, she her heel and walked away towards his dorm room. It didn’t take long to get there considering it was only a few blocks away. Taking a deep breath, Sana knocks on the door. There’s movement on the other side and just when she thinks Taehyung is about to answer the door, it pulls open to reveal Soyou standing there, wearing nothing but one of his sweatshirts. The sweatshirt she gave him.


“Hey Sana, Taehyung isn’t here right now. We actually had a pretty long night and he had some important thing to do this morning— not sure what it was though," She tells h

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Chapter 7: I love this.. i hope there's more
kdahminn #2
Chapter 7: Can you write Dahmin again? C: I love your writing
iLoveTwiceSoMuch #3
Chapter 8: Good writing keep it up!
RosegoldFarm0110 #4
Chapter 7: I love ur stories! Could u pls do Dahyun x Tehyung next pls?
Chapter 4: love bts x twice! hope you continue to come out with more :)