Chapter Eight

Three Times The Happiness
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gdi it's been so long again. i'm really sorry TT i'm always getting distracted or i don't feel up to it. i hit my head real hard last thursday D: first doc wanted me to stay at the hospital to make sure it isn't a concussion but the guy at the ER was like "naw, you fine. go home" so yeah lol

one more update to go after this and we'll be done! i know small bump is waiting too *cries because there is so little time to do everything she wants*


A month later, they were moving into their new apartment. It was in the same neighborhood as Woohyun’s last one but much bigger. It had two floors and enough space for their little family. Sunggyu had enjoyed picking the colors and furniture for the nursery the most. They had decided to go for a similar look like the one they saw at the shop long ago. Woohyun and he had done everything themselves in that room. It had felt more special that way, even if the stars weren’t all perfect on the ceiling. Their friends were all here today to help with the moving since there were a lot of boxes and furniture to carry. Sunggyu was only allowed to do easy task and carry light things, but he didn’t mind. He was actually quite grateful.

His belly had grown a lot in the past weeks and made it harder to navigate like usual. Sunggyu had to buy new pants because his old ones wouldn’t fit anymore. He gently rubbed it in circles as he hummed a song. The omega watched everyone moving around in the apartment. Woohyun was busy telling everyone where to go. Sunggyu felt another kick in his belly and smiled shortly. Like Dr. Yoo had said, the babies were becoming more active and stronger these days. Sometimes it was the worst when he was trying to sleep, although Woohyun had a way of talking to the pups in a low voice that always made them - and Sunggyu - fall asleep.

Their friends were all supportive of their relationship and their decision to move together. Sungjong had given them a knowing smile when they confessed they were mates three weeks ago. Since that fateful day, everything had been great. Sunggyu was in a state of constant happiness. He had a loving mate, three active pups and a supportive and safe environment. He was still in contact with Changwook as well. Sunggyu kept him informed about the pups. At first Woohyun wasn’t too fond of the idea of Changwook still kind of hanging around in the background, but he came to accept it. He was the biological father of the girls and had a right to see them.

The fact he was set on keeping the pups now was another reason Sunggyu was so content. The fear of having to part from them was now completely gone from his mind. They were his and he was going to keep them. They would have a loving home right here with Woohyun and he. Sunggyu knew he would still have to rely on Woohyun for the financial stability of their family but it didn’t bother him as much as before. They were a family now and they supported each other. Besides, Woohyun was more than happy to finally have a reason to spend his money. His pride had stopped him from accepting help before but Sunggyu knew better now.

Woohyun stopped by to give him a kiss and touch his baby bump, something he couldn’t seem to stop doing these days. He looked like a proud, expecting alpha and it pleased Sunggyu in return. Woohyun never showed any sign of minding that the pups weren’t his. „How are my three little stars?“

“The same as 10 minutes ago. Go work.“

The alpha just smiled widely and took off again. Sunggyu caught Hoya making a face. „You two are so sweet it’s disgusting.“

He laughed because he knew better than to take the words as an insult. „You’re just jealous.“

Hoya snorted and walked away with the box in his arms. Sunggyu felt another movement from the babies and smiled. „That was your grumpy uncle Howon. He’s really mean but deep down he cares.“

“I heard that.“ The alpha called from the other room.

Sungjong came over to get him. „I have a task for you, hyung. Come with me.“

The beta brought him to the bedroom. „We’ve already set up your cabinets and everything in here. Why don’t you unpack your clothes? Take your time, hyung!“

And that was how he was parked in the bedroom. When he grew bored of the task and wanted to get a look, there would always be someone who brought him back to the bedroom. He wasn’t allowed to go into the living room it seemed.

It took hours until the truck was empty and everything stored away somewhere. Finally, Woohyun came to let him out of the room. Sunggyu huffed. „I hope you had a good reason to imprison me because otherwi-oh. Oh.“

His eyes widened when he saw the living room. The whole room was decorated in a colorful way and a huge banner was set up that read ‘We love you, girls’. Everyone was holding gifts in their hands and on the table Sunggyu spotted a diaper cake. He looked at Woohyun in shock. „A baby shower?“

“The guys wanted to do one and thought today would be perfect to surprise you.“

“Congratulations, hyung.“ Sungjong was the first to give him his gift.

The omega hugged him tightly. „I bet you had the idea. Thank you, Jongie.“

He put the present aside since the next one was already coming. He could open them later. Sunggyu’s friends all came over to give him a gift and congratulate him, one after another. When they were done, there was a huge stack of presents. Sunggyu looked at the diaper cake. It looked like a fluffy boat made out of clouds instead of diapers. „Who made it?“

Woohyun shrugged. „I saw the idea somewhere and copied it. I wanted to give you something as well.“

“You’ve already given me so much, idiot.“ Sunggyu kissed him shortly. „Thank you, guys. The babies are happy too.“

“Oh, are they moving? Can I touch?“ Dongwoo asked in excitement. At least he asked this time.

Woohyun didn’t look pleased but Sunggyu chuckled. „Sure. They’re kicking like crazy. Must be all the excitement.“

Dongwoo grinned widely when he felt a kick against his palms. He laughed. „It’s like she’s telling me to go away.“

Woohyun came to hug Sunggyu from behind and possessively rested both palms on his belly. A leaned his chin on the omega’s shoulder. „No more touching.“

“Says the right guy.“ Hoya snorted and everyone laughed.

The alpha puffed up his cheeks. „Gyu is mine.“

Sunggyu patted his hands. „Everyone knows that.“

The babies moved against Woohyun’s hands and the omega grimaced shortly because it felt like they were throwing a party on his organs. „Okay, that’s enough, girls. Quiet down.“

“But I like feeling them.“ Woohyun whined.

“Yeah, because it’s not your organs they’re punching.“ Sunggyu looked around the room. „So where’s the cake? Don’t tell me this is a baby shower without a cake.“

Woohyun looked at the diaper cake, then back to Sunggyu and then it finally clicked. „Oh. Ooooh! Cake! As in an edible one. Yes, sorry. I made one!“

The alpha rushed to get it and Sunggyu rolled his eyes softly as their friends laughed. Sungjong patted his shoulder. „Good luck with this one, hyung.“

After the cake and some games, their friends all left again. Woohyun cleaned up while Sunggyu walked around the apartment to inspect everything. Most of their furniture was set up already but there were plenty of boxes standing around and waiting to get unpacked. Sunggyu knew it would take at least one or two weeks until they were completely settled in their new home. He unpacked the gifts in the living room. Their friends had bought a variety of items new parents would need. From clothing to toys and more diapers, there was more than Sunggyu ever expected. With Woohyun’s help, he stored everything in the cabinets in the nursery. When he put the clothes away, Sunggyu remembered something.

He went to the bedroom and looked through one of his boxes. After a moment, he found them. Sunggyu brought the three items back to the nursery with him. Woohyun looked at him. „What’s this?“

“After we went to look at the nurseries, I saw them in a shop window. I c

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703 streak #1
Chapter 10: just reread this again 😍
Chapter 10: this story is really sweet and put a big smile on my face. thank you soo much for writing this author-nim.
Simran20 #3
Still absolutely in love with this fic 😍😍
703 streak #4
Chapter 10: just finished re-reading this and it’s still beautiful
Ekaterina090w #5
Chapter 10: I really enjoyed reading it!! Sunggyu being oblivious was kinda irritating have to admit BUT once he has acknowledged his feelings... I couldn't stop smiling it was so so cute awwwww
Chapter 10: when i'm in the middle of the story, i've been stuck to woohyun-sunggyu-changwook love triangle ? is it only me? sunggyu and changwook are also a good pair in this story. i also like changwook's character here ? . it's a good and cute story to read ? i really like your stories. please create more woogyu stories authornim! thank you! ? *90° bow*

PS: any updates in "A Thousand Years"? i'm really looking forward for your update about that story authornim x(>.<)x
Gwiyubta ♡(> ਊ <)♡♡(> ਊ <)♡♡(> ਊ <)♡