Chapter One

Three Times The Happiness
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it's me, ramen, with a quick update. i felt happy to see so much positive feedback! thank you, chopsticks hehe uwu"

warnings: strong language (sunggyu likes to curse ok) 

i know some people are in a sad mood right now because of myungsoo's news but please have faith and think positive. he's still with INFINITE and inspirits <3 let's support our Myungsoo!


NIT was a club but it wasn’t one of the overly popular giant party clubs. There weren’t masses of people swarming the floor, making it hard to breathe. The music wasn’t the usual stuff either. They played pop, rock but also some indie music. The volume was never too loud, not forcing people to shout over each other to understand a word. They had lots of tables with chairs and benches, making it a comfortable meeting place. Sunggyu worked his way through the small crowd and found his circle of friends at their usual table. Everyone but Woohyun seemed to be there already. Sungyeol waved and called him over when he spotted Sunggyu.


As Sunggyu approached them, he really hoped his shirt would hide the small swell of his lower abdomen well. Sungyeol stood up first to embrace him. “You’ve made it! It’s been so long.”

The beta didn’t make the hug last too long and Sungjong was next to give Sunggyu a brief hug. “It’s good to see you again, hyung.”

Hoya just bumped fists with him. “Hey, Loser-Gyu. Was starting to think you were dead or something.”

The alpha gave him a grin and Sunggyu rolled his eyes. “You wish.”

Dongwoo hit his boyfriend hard and then stood up to give the omega a wild hug. Sunggyu was worried he would get squished to death but finally the strength of the hug lessened. “I was worried, Sunggyu-hyung. You’re okay again, right? You don’t have a serious heart condition or something you’re hiding from us?”

Sunggyu laughed nervously. Hoya huffed. “He’s been watching too many of those dramas on TV.”

“I’m okay, Dongwoo. Don’t worry. It was just a really bad case of stomach flu. I didn’t want to pass it on to you guys.” He took his seat on the bench and took off his jacket.

Myungsoo was sitting next to him and hugged him happily. The younger man smiled, showing his cute dimples. “Welcome back, hyung! I’ve missed you.“

“Aw, my little Myungie!” He cooed at his fellow omega. “I’ve missed you too!”

“Hoya, let’s get drinks for everyone.” Dongwoo suggested happily.

The alpha grunted. “Why do I have to go with you?”

“To fend off any guys flirting with Dongwoo-hyung?” Sungyeol chuckled.

Hoya stood up. “Rather than flirting, I’m afraid he will be scammed into buying some dubious again. The usual for everyone, right?”

Sunggyu cleared his throat. “Something without alcohol for me.”

“Eh! Don’t be a spoilsport, hyung!” Sungyeol exclaimed. “You love your frozen strawberry daiquiri!”

“I’m giving my stomach a break, okay. Where’s Woohyun by the way?”

“Lover-boy didn’t tell you?” Hoya asked and Dongwoo elbowed him.

“He’ll be a little late because of his cats. They were over at Nina’s apartment during his business trip. He only had time to pick them up now but he will be there immediately after dropping the cats off at home.”

Sungyeol snickered. “It might take a little longer, knowing Nina and all.”

Sunggyu’s expression turned slightly sour at the mention of Nina. He didn’t like her. Woohyun was going out with her at the moment but the omega knew it wouldn’t last. His best friend had had a lot of “relationships” so far and they were always short and never lasted. Sunggyu found Nina too loud and arrogant. She didn’t fit with Woohyun at all. And the way she dressed... The omega scrunched up his nose.

“Don’t worry, hyung. Woohyun will definitely hurry here for you.” Myungsoo threw in.

He huffed. “I’m not worried. He just threatened to drag me here if I declined and now he’s not even there.”

His friends shared a glance and Hoya and Dongwoo left to get their drinks. Sunggyu decided to change the topic and his friends gladly shared what had happened in the past two months. That was for how long they hadn’t met up already. After a while, Dongwoo and Hoya returned with the drinks. The omega was relieved they listened to his wish and brought him a cocktail that contained no alcohol. Sunggyu knew alcohol was off limits during a pregnancy. He was lucky his weakness for a drink hadn’t accidentally killed off the fetuses inside of him during the first weeks. It wasn’t like he felt sick right after his heat after all. It only started around a month later. And while the little swell down there was a big burden and worry, Sunggyu couldn’t help but feel relieved they had preserved.

Myungsoo was in the middle of telling a story about his latest photoshoot when two arms s around Sunggyu’s neck from behind. He jumped a little at the sudden touch and warm presence. A familiar mob of brown hair settled on his shoulder and Sunggyu felt hot breath on his neck. “Gyu!”

When he heard Woohyun taking a deep breath against his scent glands, Sunggyu jumped up and pushed him away hastily. The alpha backed off in surprise and then laughed. “It’s just me, hyung!”

Woohyun attempted to hug him again but the omega didn’t let him. He sent Woohyun a glare. “Don’t suddenly scent me! You know that’s rude.”

Scenting omegas, especially unmated ones, was a no-go in their society. It was considered rude. Scenting was different because it meant taking the scent directly from the responsible glands and it told someone a lot about what the person was currently feeling. Alphas were experts at reading these scents and picking out different nuances. It meant Woohyun might just be able to tell Sunggyu was pregnant from his scent alone. The omega couldn’t risk that.

His friend pouted. “But I’ve missed your scent! Just a minute, hyung!”

“No! You can hug me like a normal person without scenting my neck!”

Sungjong looked at him with a light frown. It looked like cogs were turning in his mind and Sunggyu didn’t like it. “But you always let Woohyun scent you.”

“That’s not true!”

“It is!” Their friends said in synchronization and Sunggyu felt the tips of his ears grow warm. He didn’t let Woohyun scent him! Never! Or did he?

Woohyun started to frown as well. “Hyung, are you seeing someone? Your scent seemed different.”

Sungyeol gasped. “Oh my god, tea! Kim Sunggyu, have you found an alpha? Prude Gyu smells like he got some good finally?”

Embarrassment made him blush. Sunggyu thanked the gods Woohyun hadn’t taken in his scent long enough to tell what was different. “No! And I’m not a prude or anything. I’ll let you know I have like any

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703 streak #1
Chapter 10: just reread this again 😍
Chapter 10: this story is really sweet and put a big smile on my face. thank you soo much for writing this author-nim.
Simran20 #3
Still absolutely in love with this fic 😍😍
703 streak #4
Chapter 10: just finished re-reading this and it’s still beautiful
Ekaterina090w #5
Chapter 10: I really enjoyed reading it!! Sunggyu being oblivious was kinda irritating have to admit BUT once he has acknowledged his feelings... I couldn't stop smiling it was so so cute awwwww
Chapter 10: when i'm in the middle of the story, i've been stuck to woohyun-sunggyu-changwook love triangle ? is it only me? sunggyu and changwook are also a good pair in this story. i also like changwook's character here ? . it's a good and cute story to read ? i really like your stories. please create more woogyu stories authornim! thank you! ? *90° bow*

PS: any updates in "A Thousand Years"? i'm really looking forward for your update about that story authornim x(>.<)x
Gwiyubta ♡(> ਊ <)♡♡(> ਊ <)♡♡(> ਊ <)♡