Chapter Nine + Epilogue

Three Times The Happiness
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ah. 7 comments TT was the last part no good? you can tell me if there is something bothering you. or maybe it's just my lack of updates *cough*

it sounds old by now but yeah i continue to be sick :/ my doctor referred to a specialists and they're going to do some tests. check if i'm just reacting to certain foods wrong or if there is something wrong with my intestinal <.< (and i also got another cold yay...). i wish i could just be healthy again for a while you know? it really feeling tired and sick 95% of the time

either way, enough with my personal problems. here's the last part, guys :) i hope you'll enjoy it like the rest. i'll definitely stick to Small Bump again next, but bear with me a little. when you feel tired all the time, it gets hard to write

see you below!


Woohyun came to wake him up two hours later. „Your mom has set up the table and brewed coffee. She has prepared your favorite cake.“

Sunggyu yawned. „The one with banana and chocolate?“

“That one.“ The alpha kissed his forehead. „Come on, Gyu. Time to face the lions.“

“Have you told them anything?“ He sat up and straightened his shirt before deciding to change it. His mom would want him to look presentable.

“I might have let it slip that we mated.“

Sunggyu fixed his hair in the mirror. “That’s one elephant less in the room. How did they take it?“

Woohyun smiled and pulled him close to kiss him again. „Of course they’re happy but I think they wanted to save their congratulations for when both of us are present.“

He sighed. „Good, okay. Let’s go.“

The alpha went down the stairs first and Sunggyu followed after him. Everyone had assembled at the big table in the living room. Usually they would dine outside in the garden but it wasn’t exactly the weather for that at the moment. He took another deep breath as they entered. His mom spotted him first and clapped her hands over .

“Oh my.“

The table became silent instantly. Sunggyu could tell Woohyun’s brother and his family weren’t there but that was to be expected. They lived in another city and were pretty busy with their own two kids. But Jieun’s husband and Yunhoo were there, Woohyun’s parents and of course Sunggyu’s own. „Hello“, he said for lack of better words.

His mom came over to hug him though she was careful with his belly. Sunggyu was sure he could see tears glistening in her eyes. „My boy! Look at you!“

“I’ve missed you too, mom.“

She held him by the arms and looked him up and down. „How could you not tell me about this? You’re so far along already! And Woohyun said you two got mated! You always told us there was no way that would happen.“

“Well...“ Sunggyu glanced at his alpha. „It’s a pretty long story, mom.“

Sunggyu’s father came over to give him a brief hug. „Come on, darling. Let the boys greet everyone and sit down. Sunggyu can tell us all about it while we eat.“

Woohyun and he greeted the alpha’s mother next. She gave her son a strict look that said ‘how dare you only tell me now’ but she greeted Sunggyu with a warm and friendly embrace. „I would say welcome to the family but you’ve always been like a son to us. I’m happy for you.“

“Thank you.“ Sunggyu smiled happily.

Jieun’s husband was next and finally Yunhoo. „Uncle Sunggyu!“

He picked up the little boy that came running to him. Screw not being allowed to lift heavy things. He was going to greet his nephew properly. „Hey there, little rascal.“

“What did you get me this time?“

“Oh, uh.“ Sunggyu set him down. He had actually forgotten to bring Yunhoo a toy this time. „Sorry, pal, I forgot. How about I pay for ice cream next time?“

The boy pouted but then nodded. „Fine. But you shouldn’t eat any more ice cream, Uncle Sunggyu. You’ve eaten too much!“

Everyone laughed and the omega felt flustered. „If you say so, Yunhoo.“

Finally they were allowed to sit down. Sunggyu’s seat was next to his sister and to his left sat Woohyun. Right in front of him on the table was his favorite cake. „Thank you, mom.“

“You do still eat bananas, I hope. You didn’t tell me about your special...circumstances, so I just baked your favorite.“

“Banana cake is good, mom. Sorry for not telling you ahead of time.“

Sunggyu’s dad armed himself with a cake server. „So who wants which cake?“

While his dad distributed the cake, Sunggyu’s mom got everyone but Sunggyu a hot cup of coffee. The omega had to say no because he couldn’t deal with coffee during his pregnancy. Woohyun’s scent was the only coffee he was allowed to consume. His mother made him a hot chocolate without any words being exchanged. Sunggyu gave her a grateful smile. Although she seemed a little mad about finding out so late, she was obviously still caring for him.

“So, tell us, Sunggyu.“ His mom said after a while.

The omega chewed the piece of cake in his mouth and swallowed it. „Well, for starters, Woohyun is not the father.“

Jieun choked on her coffee next to him. „What-“

His mother frowned and Sunggyu quickly continued. This was pretty much the worst part. „There was a little...accident during my heat. I only found out about the pregnancy 14 weeks later. The father is a good man and we’ve talked about it a lot, but we’ve agreed that we’re not meant to be mates. He still wants to be a part of their life, though, so might meet him one day.“

“Their?“ Woohyun’s mother asked with a hopeful tone.

The alpha beamed next to him. „Can I say it?“

Sunggyu rolled his eyes softly. Woohyun was proud of the fact he was having triplets like he really had put those babies in there himself. It was endearing, really, but also such an alpha thing to do - to boast with a big litter in front of everyone. Woohyun put an arm around his shoulders. „We’re having triplets.“

Both moms looked shocked. Sunggyu’s mother glanced at him. „Do you have an ultrasound picture?“

He took out the folded copy of the ultrasound he had in his pocket. Sunggyu knew they would want to see a picture. „That’s my- our little girls.“

Jieun took the picture first. „Oh god, they’re so adorable. Look, Yunhoo! Three little baby girls. You’re going to be a big brother soon!“

“They look weird.“ Yunhoo commented.

“You once looked just like that.“ Jieun’s husband threw in with a chuckle.

His sister handed over the picture to their mother. Sunggyu watched es her face went from shock to awe. She seemed to be about to cry as she looked at the picture but she caught herself in time. „They’re wonderful, Sunggyu. Have you decided on their names?“

He shook his head. „We haven’t really thought about it yet.“

“Triplets are a huge burden, son. It won’t be easy to raise them.“ His mother continued. „Will you be okay? Maybe you should move back to Jeonju.“

There it was. Sunggyu knew she was going to say that. „It’s beautiful in Jeonju but have no plans to move away from Seoul at the moment. We’ve just moved into a new apartment. It’s big enough for our new family. But I appreciate the offer, mom.“

She gave the ultrasound picture to Woohyun’s parents who seemed equally entranced by their granddaughters. Jieun looked at him. „Talking about moving together - how does Woohyun enter the picture? You two are mated but they’re not his kids.“

“Well, when I found out about the pregnancy I was freaking out and Woohyun... While he wasn’t the father, he supported me from the start.“ Sunggyu looked at alpha and Woohyun gave him an encouraging smile. „I guess it made me notice how much Woohyun meant to me. And maybe it helped he confessed his feelings first.“

They had

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694 streak #1
Chapter 10: just reread this again 😍
Chapter 10: this story is really sweet and put a big smile on my face. thank you soo much for writing this author-nim.
Simran20 #3
Still absolutely in love with this fic 😍😍
694 streak #4
Chapter 10: just finished re-reading this and it’s still beautiful
Ekaterina090w #5
Chapter 10: I really enjoyed reading it!! Sunggyu being oblivious was kinda irritating have to admit BUT once he has acknowledged his feelings... I couldn't stop smiling it was so so cute awwwww
Chapter 10: when i'm in the middle of the story, i've been stuck to woohyun-sunggyu-changwook love triangle ? is it only me? sunggyu and changwook are also a good pair in this story. i also like changwook's character here ? . it's a good and cute story to read ? i really like your stories. please create more woogyu stories authornim! thank you! ? *90° bow*

PS: any updates in "A Thousand Years"? i'm really looking forward for your update about that story authornim x(>.<)x
Gwiyubta ♡(> ਊ <)♡♡(> ਊ <)♡♡(> ਊ <)♡