Chapter Five

Three Times The Happiness
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i see all you lovely people subscribing, upvoting and commenting on this. thank you for the support!!<3

i'm not going to blabber for long. you're all curious about what's going to happen after woohyun's "confession" :33


Woohyun was avoiding him. He didn’t answer any calls or messages on Sunday and Sunggyu had no luck on Monday either. He was distracted at work the whole time because he was trying to reach the alpha. Woohyun had disappeared off his radar and it was bothering him. He felt like there were things that needed to be explained. They needed to talk. But Woohyun had gone into hiding. Sunggyu was so distracted he almost forgot his dinner appointment with Changwook.

It had seemed like a good idea at first but by the time evening came around, Sunggyu felt like it wasn’t. He honestly just wanted to wrap up in his blanket and some pillows on the bed and cry. Maybe eat a tub of ice cream. He was miserable. The omega had hurt Woohyun and now he couldn’t make it right again. His pillar of support was gone. He was alone again. Maybe he was being overly dramatic because of his hormones but Sunggyu felt like the world was ending. It was a horrible feeling whenever he argued with Woohyun.

But he got ready for his date nevertheless. Sunggyu put on warm clothes because it was quite cold outside. It was almost October. Summer was long gone. Shortly before Changwook arrived, it started to rain outside. Sunggyu thought it was quite fitting for his mood. When the doorbell rang, he jumped up from the couch and went over to open the door. Changwook was dressed nicely, as expected. He was dashing indeed and his charming smile didn’t fail to make Sunggyu’s heartbeat flutter. But at the same time, it didn’t feel the void Woohyun had left behind.

“You look good.“ Changwook greeted him with a kiss on the cheek. Sunggyu paid attention to his scent this time. Lemons and something he couldn’t quite place. Some kind of tree?

Whatever it was, it made him nauseous. Sunggyu blamed his pregnancy. Some scents he just couldn’t stand at the moment. „Good evening. You too.“

Changwook offered him an arm and the omega reluctantly accepted it. They headed out of the building and down the street. The alpha held up an umbrella with his free hand.

Sunggyu looked at him. „So where are you taking me?“

“Well, I’ve read about this nice Italian restaurant nearby-“ Sunggyu must have made a face because the alpha stopped right there. „You don’t like Italian?“

“Sorry. I can’t stand it at the moment. Pregnancies really mess up your eating habits.“ Woohyun would’ve known he can’t deal with Italian food right now. Yeah but he’s not here. And how is Changwook supposed to know? He barely knows you. These things take time.

“Oh, okay. That-“ The alpha laughed shortly. „That’s a little embarrassing. I should’ve asked beforehand.“

Sunggyu smiled. „It’s fine. Actually, there’s this cozy restaurant nearby. They only have Korean dishes but it’s really good. If you want, we could go there?“

“Of course. Lead the way.“

It wasn’t a long walk, just the right amount of distance for Sunggyu with his additional cargo. These days, he easily grew tired and his feet quickly started to hurt. The owner, a middle-aged woman called Seolhee, greeted them warmly. „Sunggyu, it’s been so long. Look at you, my boy.“

She gave him a quick hug and Sunggyu smiled at her. „Are you eating enough? You need to think about your babies. Let me cook your favorite dishes for you. You need to put on some weight.“

He was flustered by her mothering. „We’ll take the usual table in the corner. Can you give us a menu? My friend hasn’t been here before.“

Now Seolhee looked at the alpha he was with and raised an eyebrow. „You’re not with Woohyun today?“

Sunggyu winced. „No. Come on, Changwook-ssi.“

He pulled the alpha over to the table. It was Woohyun and his favorite spot. From there they could overview the whole diner but also watch the chef work in the kitchen. Sometimes they observed other guests and made guesses about their backstory. Woohyun always thought of the most ridiculous stories. Sunggyu smiled sadly as he sat down.

“Are you okay?“

“Y-Yeah. I’m just- The weather really .“

Changwook smiled. „Feels like it’s pulling your mood down with it, right? Are you here often? The owner seems to know you well.“

He nodded. „I often eat here with Woohyun. We’ve been going here since middle school I think. Sometimes Woohyun brings me food from here when he’s too lazy to cook.“

Sunggyu chuckled but then noticed it was probably weird to keep talking about Woohyun. He was here with Changwook. Maybe it was a bad idea to come here. Seolhee came over to give the alpha a menu. Changwook read it carefully before looking at Sunggyu. „Do you have any recommendations? You seem like you know every item on here.“

That was how he found out Changwook didn’t eat any fish at all and had a big love for rice. He was allergic to nuts of any kind and had a mild form of lactose intolerance. It made it a bit harder to find the right dish but not impossible. And it sure let them get to know each other a bit more. They ordered their food and enjoyed their drinks as they waited.

“So how are you? Is the pregnancy going well so far?“

Sunggyu nodded. „No problems yet. The pups are all developing equally.“

“I still can’t believe it. Three girls, huh.“ Changwook seemed genuinely in awe.

“Crazy, I know.“ The omega smiled. „Tell me more about yourself? I don’t know anything about the father of these babies.“

“Okay, uh, what do you want to know? You know my name. I live close to Busan and I work as a fitness trainer. I’m 26 years old and I have two older sisters. My favorite color is blue and I like dogs.“

“Two older sisters? I feel that. I have one.“ Sunggyu chuckled. „I’m actually afraid of dogs. I can’t handle them.“


“Yeah. Almost got my hand bitten off by one as a kid. Woohyun got in between the dog and me though. He’s still got a scar on his arm. You should’ve seen him. He was such a little dwarf and his limbs were shaking. He was bawling his eyes out after the dog bit him and- Oh, sorry. I’m doing it again.“ Sunggyu flushed. He had to stop talking about Woohyun.

“It’s fine. You two seem close. You grew up together?“

The omega nodded. „Our parents are neighbors and they’ve always gotten along well, so our families did a lot of stuff together.“

“And you’re still friends today. That’s amazing. I wish I were still in contact like that with my childhood friends.“ Changwook smiled.

Friends, yeah. Seolhee arrived with their dishes and there was a short pause in their conversation. After a few bites, Sunggyu spoke up again and dared to ask the important question on his mind. „So...You mentioned you want to take responsibility for the pups. What did you mean by that?“

Changwook rubbed the back of his neck. „We don’t know each other well yet but you’re obviously carrying my kids. My parents told me to go and mate you. I don’t know about you but I’d like to know my partner better before I jump into a commitment like that. We don’t really know much about each other yet. I don’t want to rush into this and make you unhappy. I like what I know so far and it helps you’re attractive, but I want you to tell me your thoughts and the pace you’d like this to go by. And if you or I decide it doesn’t work out, I hope we can still come to a mutual agreement. I want to be a part of their life. I would support you financially or you can come live with me. No commitment or pressure.“

Everything sounded very rational. Sunggyu certainly hadn’t expected that but Changwook wasn’t the type of man to make demands. Mating was on the table but it wasn’t a must. The omega knew Changwook was right. They had to know each other better first before they decided to take a big step like mating. „If we mate, would you be able to move to Seoul?“

“I don’t think so. I actually own the gym I’m working at and we’re dealing with well-paying clients like celebrities and athletes. I can’t leave this place behind to move so far away.“ The alpha spoke truthfully. „I was hoping you would come live with me.“

“What about my job? I mean, I’m only an accountant in a small firm know.“

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702 streak #1
Chapter 10: just reread this again 😍
Chapter 10: this story is really sweet and put a big smile on my face. thank you soo much for writing this author-nim.
Simran20 #3
Still absolutely in love with this fic 😍😍
702 streak #4
Chapter 10: just finished re-reading this and it’s still beautiful
Ekaterina090w #5
Chapter 10: I really enjoyed reading it!! Sunggyu being oblivious was kinda irritating have to admit BUT once he has acknowledged his feelings... I couldn't stop smiling it was so so cute awwwww
Chapter 10: when i'm in the middle of the story, i've been stuck to woohyun-sunggyu-changwook love triangle ? is it only me? sunggyu and changwook are also a good pair in this story. i also like changwook's character here ? . it's a good and cute story to read ? i really like your stories. please create more woogyu stories authornim! thank you! ? *90° bow*

PS: any updates in "A Thousand Years"? i'm really looking forward for your update about that story authornim x(>.<)x
Gwiyubta ♡(> ਊ <)♡♡(> ਊ <)♡♡(> ਊ <)♡