CH 6

In Denial

CH 6: Stage 2

Scene: FirePlace 

Welcome back to hell. I am glad that I am narrating this story again. No offense to my clingy Nini Bear, but him spoiling the story made me question saying yes. Well, at least that I got a break from the narrating. Ok, let's get back on track. Odviously, we are making some progress. It's slow, especially since of certain stubborn babies that are not moving an inch. And the fact that we insisted to have them do it themselves unless it stays stuck. I wonder who's idea that was...

I will continue the story with this:

It has been about 2 weeks since of their encounter at Jongdae's house. 

Scene: Wu House

"Zitao, what the hell are you up to? Get off my bed. You have your own bed, you know? Why are you ruining my clean bed with your Zitao odors? My bed is unbalanced now," Yifan grouches.

To get Yifan to get to it, Zitao decides to run to Yifan's bed and practically bounces on his bed, much to the angry man's dismay.

"Ge, you are so whiny." Zitao says.

"You've met worse, so do not call me that. What do you want?"


"You have two seconds on telling me why you are bugging me?"

"Did you think about it yet?"

Yifan groans. 

"No, I have not."

"Come on, man. It's so obvious that you like him. At least give it a shot."

"I am still thinking about it, Zitao. Now, are we done?"

"For now."

"Get off my bed."

Scene: Zhang House

"For the tenth time, ge. I have not decided to try again or not," Yixing says on the phone. 

He got a call from Luhan due to the slow progress.

"Why haven't you? What's stopping you?" Luhan asks.

"He friend-zoned me, Luhan. And it doesn't help that I have trouble seeing him around lately."

"I mean, we are adults. It's difficult to do so, but still."

Come on, guys. It's been two weeks. Just say yes or no so we know if we have to make a move, and not to mention sass them for being stubborn.

Scene: Park House

"This is taking too long," Baekhyun whines.

"I agree, but it's only been about 2 weeks, Baek. Let's not lose hope," Chanyeol says.

"You know what? You right. You right."

"You have a point also, Baekie. It shouldn't take this long to decide if they can or cannot do it."

Scene: Joon's House

"And then what happened? Mmm-Hum. Ok wow," Joonmyeon says on the phone.

He is on the phone with Jongdae, who is talking about what happened about something that anyone with a mind will give two s about. However, what I could say is that the said King of Whine called him right in the middle of Jongin's visit with him.

"Hyung, please," Jongin whines.

"I know. Hold on," Joonmyeon says, holding his hand up to cover the speaker. "I'm sorry, Dae. I got to go. Jongin is here and I don't want to keep him waiting. Stop whining. Don't be dramatic. (quickly) I gotta go." And he immediately hang up with Jongdae.

"Sorry about that."

"It's fine, hyung. I should be used to Dae's antics by now."

"I know. I am used to his whining but calling to whine about random bull is kind of too much, don't you think?"


"But enough of him. What brings you here?"

"It has been two weeks. Have you decided on what to do with the Jongdae thing?"

"No. I haven't even figured it out yet. Besides, it's only been two weeks. What's the rush anyway?"

Jongin stares at him for a couple seconds.

"Joon hyung, a month is not that long."

'What's with that pause? Is Jongin hiding something from me?'

Yes. Yes he is. (evil grin)

Scene: Oh Residence

"What in the hell?" Zitao asks under his breath.

Zitao decided to take Sehun with him to check on Jongdae. However, they come into Jongdae's room and sees a sheet hanging from the ceiling.

"Is this possible blackmail material?" Sehun asks. Zitao stares at Sehun.

"Sehun, not now."

"What? It was just a thought."

Zitao rolls his eyes. 

"Dae, what in the world is going on?"

They both push some of the sheet out and sees Jongdae with his laptop, some popcorn in his lap.

"Do you two brats mind? I am in the middle of something very important," Jongdae says, not even looking away from the movie he was watching..

Sehun and Zitao both look at him.

"Hyung, I don't think this qualifies," Zitao says, crossing his arms.

"Whatever. What do you brats want?" Jongdae whines.

"Hey, that's only Sehun," Zitao says, teasingly.

The couple starts bickering. After a few minutes, Jongdae had enough and decided to stop them before it go too bad.

"OK, enough. Before you two start killing each other, answer my previous question," Jongdae asks.

"Did you figure out where to go from here, yet?" Sehun asks.

Jongdae just shakes his head.

"What about Yixing? Don't you like him?" Zitao asks.

"No, I do not. I rejected him, didn't I?" Jongdae sasses.

"Sure," Sehun says.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," Zitao says.

Can you blame a man for trying? I swear, no denial and them being little about this, we were about to blow a gasket. Minseok decides for us to just wait it out. 
Well, time lapse to about a week and a half later (about 25 days in). Unfortunately, Yifan and Yixing decided to do this...

Scene: Xi House

Minseok and Luhan are both tidying upstairs when there's a knock on the door. Yifan decides to come in and walk upstairs because he could've sworn he heard a noise up there.

"Hey hyung," Yifan says.

"Hello, Yifan. Come in. Come in," Minseok says, after turning around.

"Were you guys cleaning? I heard a vacuum," Yifan asks.

"Hey Yifan," Luhan greets. 

"Hey ge."

"What brings you to our home?"


"What is it?" Luhan asks.

"I decided that I cannot do it," Yifan says nervously.

"Wait. What?" Minseok asks, staring at Yifan.

"Why? What's wrong?" Luhan asks.

"I just haven't seen him around lately. I don't think that it's possible," Yifan says.

After a few minutes of silence, Minseok decides to drop it for now.

"I am surprised that we didn't heard the door, though," Minseok says. "How did you get in?"

"The door was surprisingly unlocked," Yifan answers. Minseok then moves his gaze to Luhan.

"You didn't lock the door?"

Luhan just gulps. His is in deep trouble.

That's his excuse, but Minseok says that he thinks that Yifan's real reason is because he's chickening out. I mean, at least Yixing was man enough to admit it.

I was at a cafe, sipping on my morning cup of coffee with Jongin as a early morning date before the latter had to go to work when I got a call from Yixing.

Scene: Cafe

"What do you mean that you're not gonna ask?" Kyungsoo asks in his phone.

"I just..." Yixing says before sighing loudly. "It's complicated."

"Asking him out is NOT that hard, Yixing," Kyungsoo says.

"I don't think he means complicated like that, Soo. I think that it might be difficult to explain," Jongin says.

"Actually, it's both," Yixing says. "This whole situation is difficult."

Scene: Fireplace

As you could tell, this would not work. At that point, we were dependant on Joonmyeon and Jongdae or else we must make a move.

By the way, Luhan's was toast almost literally. Minseok knows how to kick . Literally. His foot is like made of steel or something. It's funny now I think about it.

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Results are in. Dae and Joon's parents will be SM artists.


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2446 streak #2
Chapter 8: noooo... authornim!!! it's inaction still huhu
2446 streak #3
Chapter 7: their inaction is killing me omfg
2446 streak #4
Chapter 6: aww... i thought we were gonna get some actions this chapter... i mean, they were only given a month! gotta move fast! HAHAHA

anyway, congrats on graduating!
2446 streak #5
Chapter 5: at least they have a month to execute their plans for the two pairs to get together! at least they finally gave their stubbornness a bit of rest
2446 streak #6
Chapter 4: may Minseok's plan come to fruition
orangemorningstar #7
Chapter 3: Do Jun and dae have crush on eachother?
2446 streak #8
Chapter 3: hihihi Minseok's proposal is actually genius! they know the two betrothed have their eyes on someone else... those who like Jun and Dae should step up too! or else their parents are gonna marry them off to each other and you'd both lose your chances!!!
Chapter 1: So who is junmyeon's secret crush?
2446 streak #10
Chapter 2: the format is slightly confusing? maybe coz it's something I'm not used to... but im looking forward to the story!!!