CH 3

In Denial

CH 3: What Must Be Done

Scene: Fireplace

Sorry for the wait, everyone. Clingy Jongin is a whiny one. Anyway, the next few days are very silent, mainly since Joonmyeon isn't doing what Minseok suggests, yet. So, Minseok starts to do everything into his own hands, so he does this first...

Scene: Joon's House

"So are you still working on it with Jongdae?" Junsu asks his phone. He is talking to Kibum.

Jongdae's father is trying to talk Jongdae into the marriage. As a rare type of arranged marriage, AKA not an arranged marriage through business, they both don't want to force it immediately. They want to talk them into the marriage as they prepare for the ceremony. In short, Joonmeyon must talk to his father, according to Minseok's plan, and he must act fast. Speaking of Joonmeyon...

Joonmyeon looks over to his father, biting his lips. 'I must do this,' he thought. 'But, why can't do this?' Joonmyeon's ringtone goes off, so he takes that as an opportunity to leave to his room to answer it. 

As you can tell, It was Minseok.

"Hey, hyung," Joonmyeon answers his phone.

"Did you do what I suggested?" Minseok asks.


"Why haven't you?"

"I'm afraid to tell him."

"I think that you should man up, Joonmyeon. If you keep on avoiding it, you will have no choice but to be with Jongdae. Besides, it will help with you being with your special crush."

"I don't have a crush on anybody, Minseok."

"Yeah, keep saying that." Click.

"Bye to you, too."

Scene: Fireplace

As you can tell, that didn't work, so Minseok did this.

Scene: Wu House

"Ask Joonmyeon. What you gotta lose?" Minseok asks on the phone.

"Him rejecting me?" Yifan answers. 

"Can't find out unless you try, right?" 

"Oh my god. You are starting to sound like Zitao," Yifan whines under his breath.

"Yah, respect your elders, Wu Yifan. Think of what I said." With that, Minseok hangs up.

"Minseok hyung is correct, ge." Zitao so-kindly says.

"Oh, who asked you, Zitao?"

Scene: Dae's House

"What do you mean that I am stupid?" Jongdae whines.

"I didn't say that you are stupid. I said that what you did was stupid." Baekhyun says, crossing his arms.

"And what did I do exactly, Bacon?"

"First, making fun of my name just now." This made the troll laugh. "And second, for friend-zoning Yixing."

"I only see him as a friend."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." After he says that, Baekhyun starts putting on his jacket and shoes.

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

"You know exactly what it means."

"Byun Baekhyun." 

The said man opens the front door, saying, "I gotta go. You better think about what I said, Jongdae. Bye." With that, Baekhyun leaves.

Scene: Zhang House

"Ask him again, Yixing," Luhan suggests. 

"I don't know, Luhan-ge," Yixing answers. "Jongdae will reject me again."

"I don't see it as rejection. He friend-zoned you. There's a difference."

"He still indirectly said no."

"You love him, right?" That question made Yixing nod. "That what do you got to lose?"

Scene: Fireplace

This isn't working, as you can tell. So, Minseok has a Plan B.

Scene: Xi House

Minseok is doing whatever it takes for Joonmyeon and Jongdae to get out of their fathers' plans, so he decides to do what they do in High School movies and invites a few of us for a plan in case Joonmyeon and Jongdae are too chicken to do it themselves. Everyone circled around Luhan and Minseok's living room to talk about the dilemma. Who was there, you ask? It was Minseok, Luhan, Baekhyun, and Zitao.

"So, what's the plan?" Zitao asks.

"Tell the fathers directly about how Joonmyeon likes someone else, and Jongdae likes another," Baekhyun suggests. 

"That is a stupid idea," Luhan says. "I think that we should threaten them to compromise or else they will get the business."

"Like that one was better."

"Watch your tone, brat."

"Why don't you make me, you fawn?"

"Whoa, whoa. Stop arguing, you two. We must work on a plan together." Minseoks scolds the two arguing males. "As I said before, this plan is to what we should do if Joonmyeon and Jongdae end up giving up my compromise idea."

"Whatever we do, we must get all the help we could get," Zitao says.

"How will we know how much help if we don't have a plan?" Baekhyun asks.

"Let's make it up as we go," Minseok says. "What do we have for a plan? And no threats to get physical, babe." 

"It was just a suggestion, yeobo," Luhan answers with a smile, hoping that Minseok is still not upset about his comment.

"No bloodshed." 

"Ok, I get it."

"I got an idea," Zitao says. "How about we lure them with each other somehow?"

"I could work," Minseok says. "But how?"

"Jongin could help with that," Luhan says. "We could see what he thinks."

"I would say his husband, too," Minseok says.

"Isn't Kyungsoo too sinister for that?" Baekhyun asks. "His idea of a plan might end up scaring them."

"No," Luhan says. "And I am going to tell him that you said that."

"Please don't. He'll kill me."

"Enough, you two," Zitao says. "I think that we have a general idea planned."

"I think so, too. Luhan and I will contact Jongin and Kyungsoo about our plan and see what their ideas," Minseok says. "Remember, this is only a backup plan, so this won't be an immediate thing." 

"I think that Chanyeol and Sehun could help, too. Even though they don't know much, I think that they would be more than happy to help." Luhan suggests.

"I think so, too. Great idea, yeobo," Minseok says, pecking Luhan's cheek. 

"I might get diabetes with the amount of sweetness that was," Zitao sasses, an annoyed look on his face. 

"Calm down, Zitao. We must go home." Baekhyun says as he and Zitao stand up. "I'll remember to talk to Chanyeol."

"You better," Minseok says. "Because if I talk about our Plan B when you guys come over, he would be a lost puppy."

Baekhyun chuckles as he and Zitao leave the house.

Scene: Fireplace

It's a heavy plan, on their part, but I think that I would work at that time. And if you are wondering, I did hear about Baekhyun's comment. And yes, he did face my wrath. I gave him a scary glare and pinched his ear, dragging him to a closet at Minseok's, and slightly punished him. I would continue, but I still have a whiny, clingy husband. He just got home, so he wants cuddles. I'll continue the story later. 

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Results are in. Dae and Joon's parents will be SM artists.


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2446 streak #2
Chapter 8: noooo... authornim!!! it's inaction still huhu
2446 streak #3
Chapter 7: their inaction is killing me omfg
2446 streak #4
Chapter 6: aww... i thought we were gonna get some actions this chapter... i mean, they were only given a month! gotta move fast! HAHAHA

anyway, congrats on graduating!
2446 streak #5
Chapter 5: at least they have a month to execute their plans for the two pairs to get together! at least they finally gave their stubbornness a bit of rest
2446 streak #6
Chapter 4: may Minseok's plan come to fruition
orangemorningstar #7
Chapter 3: Do Jun and dae have crush on eachother?
2446 streak #8
Chapter 3: hihihi Minseok's proposal is actually genius! they know the two betrothed have their eyes on someone else... those who like Jun and Dae should step up too! or else their parents are gonna marry them off to each other and you'd both lose your chances!!!
Chapter 1: So who is junmyeon's secret crush?
2446 streak #10
Chapter 2: the format is slightly confusing? maybe coz it's something I'm not used to... but im looking forward to the story!!!