CH 2

In Denial

Ch 2: A Minor Thing To Add Before A Plan

Scene: Chair Near The Fireplace

Thank you for being patient, everyone. I should've told my little Nini to keep the kettle on the warm setting. Oh well, I needed a small break anyway. Back to our story. While I kept you waiting, I got a call from Zitao. I realized that you were going to be confused about who someone is since he was vaguely mentioned, but not introduced.

Scene: Oh Household

"This Joonmyeon hyung sounds pleasant. Do you think that this would work without our help?" A new boy asked. 

"It probably will be the case, babe." Zitao answers.

As you could tell, the new boy is the kid who I forgot to mention before. Thank you Zitao, you probably would kill me if you found out that I forgot about him. Anyway, this new character in our story, which played an important role in our little story is Sehun. Sehun is the boyfriend of Zitao. 

Back To Kyungsoo And His Chair

Now that I finally introduced everyone, I could go back to the main story.

Scene: Joon's House

"I don't know what to do," Joomyeon repeats over and over, pacing back in forth in his room. 

I don't remember the rest of the conversation with his father, but all I remember is that his dad most likely got interrupted.

"Dude, I heard you the first hundred times you said it. Now let me give you some advice before I force it." Minseok threatened, in which made Joonmyeon stop his pacing.

"Now that I got you to stop, I will advise you to compromise with uncle-nim and Jongdae's father," Minseok suggests. 


"I got an idea."

"Your ideas always scare me."

"It'll be worth it, though, Joon. It's either my idea or go into the arranged marriage."

". This is tricky."

"At least that you and Jongdae are family friends and not an arranged marriage for future business with a random stranger."

"That's even worse. Hyung, you are vicious sometimes."

"But ain't this the truth, though? Now, will you at least let me say my idea and probably consider it?"

"...Sure. What do I got to lose, I guess?"

 I'll get to his main idea in a second. For now, I like to point out that Minseok told Jongdae pretty much the same thing a little later. Random moment. Finally, we get to the moment that you all probably want me to mention...

"I suggest that you and Jongdae both compromise with your dads, a deal perhaps?" Minseok starts.

"Go on."

"Tell them that you would accept the marriage..."

"Dude, that isn't helping."

"You didn't let me finish. You and Jongdae will tell your fathers that you would get married if you don't find a partner in a certain amount of time."

"...Are you nuts?"

"It's probably the only way, Joonmyeon."

"It's tricky. I can't find love in an inevitable time."

"Are you being in denial?"

"What do you mean, hyung?"

"You like someone. You are just not wanting to admit it."


"I could theorize on who it is."

There is a sudden knock on the door. Joonmyeon's father comes in.

"Minseok, Luhan is down there. He said something about a friend of his."

"Ok, tell him that I'll be down in a few seconds. Thank you, uncle."

With that, the door closes.

"Think about my suggestion. For now, I almost forgot that we wanted to talk to Yixing about some things. Later, cousin." 

When Minseok leaves, Joonmyeon screams in his pillow.

Kyungsoo Chair

Minseok is intelligent. I almost forget how intelligent he could get. 

Wu Household

"Why can't you ask him?" Zitao asks his brother.

"Can't you just let it go?" Yifan answers.


"You're a brat. If you must know, I think that he seems uninterested."

"You have the height and the looks of a model or something. You, however, are annoying."

"Dude, shut up."

"Seriously though, Ge. Don't wait for him to ask you. Be the man."

"He's technically a man."

"That's not what I meant."

Dae's Household

"Let me ask you Jongdae," Baekhyun says.

"What is it?" Jongdae dares to ask.

"It's about Yixing. Why did you friend-zoned him?

"I only see him as one."

"Ok, sure. That."

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

"Are you being in denial?"

"Me? Kim Jongdae? In denial? Are you joking?"

"Does it seem like I am?"

Zhang Household

"Thank you for the advice on this, guys. Who knew that you two were like that." Yixing says.

"It's no big deal. It's just some dance moves." Luhan says.

"People don't seem how they appear," Yixing said.

"Don't push it, Yixing. Respect your elders." Minseok scolds.

"Sorry, hyung and ge," Yixing said.

Kyungsoo's Chair

I'm sorry to stop the story. I'll probably finish it next time. I got a clingy husband. It's getting late anyway. Goodnight, everyone. You'll be in a real treat hopefully next time.

A/N Sorry for the confusion, guys. The bold means the scene change, the italics is Kyungsoo's narration.

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Results are in. Dae and Joon's parents will be SM artists.


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2446 streak #2
Chapter 8: noooo... authornim!!! it's inaction still huhu
2446 streak #3
Chapter 7: their inaction is killing me omfg
2446 streak #4
Chapter 6: aww... i thought we were gonna get some actions this chapter... i mean, they were only given a month! gotta move fast! HAHAHA

anyway, congrats on graduating!
2446 streak #5
Chapter 5: at least they have a month to execute their plans for the two pairs to get together! at least they finally gave their stubbornness a bit of rest
2446 streak #6
Chapter 4: may Minseok's plan come to fruition
orangemorningstar #7
Chapter 3: Do Jun and dae have crush on eachother?
2446 streak #8
Chapter 3: hihihi Minseok's proposal is actually genius! they know the two betrothed have their eyes on someone else... those who like Jun and Dae should step up too! or else their parents are gonna marry them off to each other and you'd both lose your chances!!!
Chapter 1: So who is junmyeon's secret crush?
2446 streak #10
Chapter 2: the format is slightly confusing? maybe coz it's something I'm not used to... but im looking forward to the story!!!