CH 1

In Denial

CH 1: Intro

A/N I am going to do something rare on this site: to have this story be told by a secondary or minor character’s POV/narration. The beginning scene: a chair, near a fireplace. (Cliché, I know)


(Slurp) Aaa. A great, warm cup of tea. I hate this type of weather. Hello, I am here to tell you a story about my brother-in-law and his best friend, along with other people that will be mentioned, even though you did not ask for it. Allow me to introduce myself first. My name is Kyungsoo. Kim Kyungsoo (nee Do). This is a long one, so get comfortable.

Setting: Kim Family House

“I can’t, and I won’t. I find it unfair that I need to be forced in this position, while my little brother could marry true love.”

“He found love, Joonmyeon. You haven’t.”

This is my brother-in-law, Joonmyeon. His father, Jungsu, is arranging a marriage for him to marry Jongdae. Jongdae’s father, Kibum, and Joonmyeon’s father are best friends, thus Joonmyeon and Jongdae grew up together. However, Joonmyeon and Jongdae both see each other as BFFs.

“You don’t understand, father.”

“Then help me understand.”

Meanwhile, at Dae’s

“Ah wae? I only see him as a close friend. I don’t see him like that.”

“Joonmyeon’s father and I already decided on this.”

“Since we were kids, dad? I just can’t.”

This is their family friend, Jongdae. Like Joonmyeon, Jongdae just doesn’t want this.

“Would you rather it be with Baekhyun?”

“Dad, that’s even worse. He’s my best friend. Joon, Baek, and I are the three musketeers. Would two of the members get together?”

“I don’t know, Jongdae.”

As you can tell, two best friends arranging a marriage for their sons that grew up together would lead to chaos. In reality, there’s something else that neither of them wants to admit.

Wu Household

“I don’t know if he does. He might be uninterested.”

“Even though your heart eyes are obvious, and maybe your creepy smile.”

“Say that again, Zitao. I dare you.”

The one that threatened the other guy is Yifan. As you can tell, Yifan likes Joonmyeon. At this time Yifan doesn’t know this, but Joonmyeon likes him, too.

“If you grab my wushu stick, then I have my nunchucks, you galaxy lover.”

Oh, I almost forgot about this panda. Zitao is Yifan’s half-brother. Different mothers. Do the math.

“I’ll destroy your panda collection.”

“I’ll destroy Ace.”

“I’ll hurt Sehun.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Could you two please stop bickering before I make the first move for you?” Their father, Zhou Mi suddenly comes in. “And I’ll have Sehun help.”

“… Sorry, dad.” They both say in sync.

Zhang Household

“I can’t believe it.”

“You said that at least a hundred times, dude.”

First guy: Yixing. You’ll see his role in a second. Baekhyun is the second guy, Jongdae’s best friend who also hangs out with Yixing regularly since they are close friends.

“I am saying it to prove my point, Baek.”

“He friend-zoned you, dude. He’s clearly an idiot.”

“Don’t ever tell my crush that, Byun Baekhyun.”

“You got it, chief Zhang.” (sarcasm)

“Very funny, Baekhyun.”

If you didn’t notice already, Yixing got friend-zoned by Jongdae.

Xi Household

“Just tell him, Joonmyeon. You will get yourself out of this awkward situation. You and Jongdae’s friendship isn’t as strong as your fathers’.”

“I know that, but this is complicated.”

“Do you hear yourself? You are literally being a wimp because you don’t want to tell your father about your secret crush.”

“You don’t understand. It’s complicated.”

“Weird, you told your father the same thing.”

“Don’t test me, dude.”

Joonmyeon is on the phone. Who is the one who is arguing with him? His cousin. Minseok is full of wit. Yet, he is usually our mentor, considering that he is the oldest within our characters.

“Listen. You must tell your father about your secret crush before the arranged marriage is enforced. I got to go. I have a date.”

“Keep your lovey-dovey to yourself.”

Minseok can’t help but roll his eyes. “Don’t get jealous. Do as I recommend you do before I do it myself.”

With that, Minseok hung up when a man comes in.


“Hey, yeobo.”

They two kiss on the lips.

“Who was that on the phone?”

“Joonmyeon. He seriously must grow some balls and tell."

“Shouldn’t we just do that ourselves?”

“It might be the only choice very soon. I even threatened to do it myself.”

“That’s my boy.”

The deer-looking boy is Luhan. He is Minseok’s husband.

Park Household

“So, he got friend-zoned?”


“Ooo, that’s cold.”

“I agree. What must we do?”

“Beat Jongdae to death?”

“Jagi, that is too far.”

The tall giraffe boy is the pain of my , I mean Chanyeol. He is Baekhyun’s fiancé. He’s annoying on a daily basis, but off-topic.

“I think it’s best that we help Jongdae the best that we can to help.”

The Place That I Am Currently At: My Own

“This is super confusing. Joon and Dae are being in an arranged marriage and are too afraid to admit why they can’t?”

“I got it just fine.”

“I am lost.”

“Typical Nini.”

You could tell which one I am. The confused one is the love of my life, my true love until death does us part, (sorry, I went on), My husband, Jongin. He is the brother of Joonmyeon, thus having Joonmyeon being my brother-in-law.

“You’ll get it sooner or later.”

“If you say so, yeobo. Let’s change the topic. Can I help with making the rice?”

“Yeah, no.”

Back To Opening Scene

And that’s all the cast of characters. I, however, am out of tea. I’ll continue after I fill my cup back up.

(walks to the kitchen)

Did he really turn off the warm setting from the kettle? Oh well, I'll start from scratch. Click.

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Results are in. Dae and Joon's parents will be SM artists.


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2446 streak #2
Chapter 8: noooo... authornim!!! it's inaction still huhu
2446 streak #3
Chapter 7: their inaction is killing me omfg
2446 streak #4
Chapter 6: aww... i thought we were gonna get some actions this chapter... i mean, they were only given a month! gotta move fast! HAHAHA

anyway, congrats on graduating!
2446 streak #5
Chapter 5: at least they have a month to execute their plans for the two pairs to get together! at least they finally gave their stubbornness a bit of rest
2446 streak #6
Chapter 4: may Minseok's plan come to fruition
orangemorningstar #7
Chapter 3: Do Jun and dae have crush on eachother?
2446 streak #8
Chapter 3: hihihi Minseok's proposal is actually genius! they know the two betrothed have their eyes on someone else... those who like Jun and Dae should step up too! or else their parents are gonna marry them off to each other and you'd both lose your chances!!!
Chapter 1: So who is junmyeon's secret crush?
2446 streak #10
Chapter 2: the format is slightly confusing? maybe coz it's something I'm not used to... but im looking forward to the story!!!