
"wow! this is awesome!"
you watched as joohyun ran ahead of you, praising the beauty of the forest covered in snow. she stood on one area, a stick and a camera in one hand while she turns around, capturing her background.
you smiled. she is enjoying the scenery. you are glad you picked this place to celebrate your second anniversary.
yup, second anniversary.
how time flies, huh?
it's been two years now since you and joohyun got together. so far, this is the longest relationship she's had in her life. she seems happy and satisfied. and even if others keep saying two years of being together proves nothing yet--some claim it's still in the honeymoon stage--you don't care. you know your feelings towards each other aren't changing soon.
if you're going to be more honest, you feel it won't change at all.
because as for you, you've loved her unconditionally for thirteen years now. as much as you'd like to think it's admirable--like most people who know your story--it would be unfair to say that the thirteen years is on cloud nine.
sadly, it's not like that.
along with it are pain and hardships too. but despite everything, your feelings for joohyun never wavered. it keeps getting deeper each day to where you're just completely and helplessly head-over-heels for her.
at this point in your life, you are sure no one in this world can take joohyun's place in your heart. even after all that had happened, you are sure it's only her you want.
"seulgi, why are you just standing there? come over here!"
you chuckled, vapor coming out of your mouth. you didn't realize your mind drifted somewhere else while you stare at your girlfriend. you shook your head.
"are you feeling warmer now?" you rubbed your palms up and down joohyun's arms.
the two of you went back to the cabin after joohyun had enough pictures of the forest and the sky. she didn't want to go back yet, but you forced her to because she's already shivering from the cold.
you turned the heater on when you got back and settled on the couch. you hugged her from behind to give some human heat.
"yes, i'm feeling better now. thank you." joohyun pressed her back against your chest. "i'm so happy today!"
"oh, you are?"
"yes! i love the view. i love the sky. thank you for taking me here."
you kissed her cheek. "happy anniversary."
joohyun blushed. "i can't believe it's been two years already. it felt like we just started dating."
"any regrets so far?"
"hmmm. i just regret not starting this sooner with you. i mean, we've known each other since we were teens right? we could have made the most out of that."
you tightened your hug around her. "c'mon, we still have a lifetime together. we can catch up."
"it just feels different with you, seul. i've had relationships before, but i've never felt love in this way." joohyun turned sideways to look at you. "and you, are you sure you want to spend the rest of your life with me?"
you stopped for a bit, unsure if there is a hidden message in what she said. "i do. i've always been sure about you."
joohyun smiled. she slumped a bit so her head can rest on your shoulder. "what did i do to deserve someone like you?"
"i should be the one asking you that."
"no. i'm the one who's lucky because i have you."
"no. i'm luckier because you've chosen me to love you."
"whatever." joohyun rolled her eyes. she knows it will be a never-ending battle of trying to find out who's luckier. "so, what's our itinerary for tonight?"
"we'll have dinner outside. after that, it may be a good idea to stroll in the mini-park. i've read online it's awesome at night."
"mini park? i hope it won't be that cold so we could stay longer."
"if the cold is unbearable, then let's just stay indoors and make each other warm."
joohyun looked up at you, smirking. "we just arrived here, and you're already thinking of that?"
you shrugged. "i'm just merely suggesting indoor activities if we can't go out."
"we won't appreciate the view outside if we'll start with that activity you have in mind, seul. you perfectly know we'll just get too tired to go out."
you laughed. "so, what do you propose we do?"
"anything but that."
"what? you don't want to do that here?"
joohyun slapped your leg. "i didn't mean it that way. let's just put that in the last part of the list, okay?"
"okay. as long as you don't shiver again, we'll keep that activity in the last part."
joohyun laughed.
you went straight to the mini-park after dinner. as you've predicted, no people were strolling around that area as the temperature is freezing.
at first, you didn't think you'd enjoy the stroll because it's too cold. but as soon as you got a glimpse of the park, you thanked the universe for letting you and joohyun enjoy the place alone.
snow has covered the entire place, including the benches around. but you can still make out a pond in the center and a small grotto above it. the lampposts were lit, giving the place a nice and warm ambiance. there were mini light bulbs hanged around and above the trees, lighting up the place entirely.
it is indeed, beautiful.
your eyes shifted downwards to joohyun, who's standing a few meters ahead of you, looking mesmerized as much as you are.
you watched her pick a frozen flower on the ground--probably a rose, you're not sure--and you can't help yourself from staring and appreciating how beautiful she is when she stood up, her long hair moving along with her movement.
she's wearing a dark trench coat, one hand inside her pocket and one hand holding the flower. she inspects the flower, a smile on her face.
it was the perfect view for you.
you wanted to capture that moment and freeze it to show it to joohyun and tell her how beautiful she is.
that's when you started feeling something in your chest, an eerie sense of anxiousness. your heartbeat rose. you're getting nervous and excited at the same time.
you just kept on inhaling and exhaling. your mind is already fogged by the vapor coming out of your mouth.
but despite the uncertainty of what's happening, it is clear to you that joohyun's the most beautiful thing that has ever happened in your life.
and she's the one you'd like to keep beside you for the rest of your life.
you don't know how you came up with the idea. but as you watch her admire the flower in her hand, you can't help but blurt out the words you have in mind.
she looked up at you. "hmm?"
"marry me."
the flower fell to the ground.
joohyun's hand froze mid-air, ajar. she's looking at you with wide eyes.
"i..." you put your hands in your pocket, feeling more nervous now. you looked down at the floor, your feet making snow patterns. "i wasn't planning on doing this. i don't even have a ring with me. but while i was looking at you earlier, i realized there are two things this relationship will lead to. it's either we get married, or we break up. i don't want it to be the latter so--whoa!"
before you could even finish your sentence, joohyun tackled you to the ground with a hug. you felt the cold floor on your back as she lies on top of you.
"yes! yes! yes!" she kissed your face repeatedly.
"yes, i'd marry you!"
it took a few more seconds before it registered to you. "a-are you sure?"
"i've never been so sure in my life." she cupped your cheeks. "i would love to you marry you, kang seulgi."
a cheeky smile finally broke out of your face. "oh, my gosh. you said yes."
"of course, i would marry you, dummy."
"gosh, i'm so in love with you." you kissed her lips then rested your forehead with hers. "thank you."
"no. thank you for loving me. i thought i'd wait forever for you to pop the question. although you didn't ask me. you kind of forced me. 'marry me.'"
you laughed before kissing her one more time. you pulled back when you felt the cold finally getting into your spine. "it's freezing. can we get up now?"
joohyun got off you and helped you stand up. "are you all right? let's head back and get you warmed up."
you smiled. "and i thought that's the last thing on our list?"
"well, we can always change plans, right?" joohyun tucked her arm under yours. "what matters is we're together."
you held her hand as you walk. "right. as long as we're together."
"so..." joohyun is swaying while walking. you know this means she's really happy. "when are you going to buy me that engagement ring?"
"it'll be a surprise."
"that's so unfair!" joohyun slapped your arm. "you got me all hyped with that proposal of yours, and i still don't get a ring?"
you kissed the back of her hand. "i told you i didn't plan for this initially. but i'll get you one. don't worry."
"you better, or else i'll tell your mom. i'm sure she'd kill you if she finds out you proposed to me without a ring."
you laughed, knowing joohyun is right. "you'll get it soon, hyun. soon."
"i'll take your word for that."
and you intend to keep that word of yours. because if there's one thing that you'd like to make sure of, it's for joohyun to tie the knot with you.
- fin -
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73 streak #1
Chapter 6: Nooo I dont want to cry tonight
433 streak #2
Chapter 28: They took the long way there but they made it in the end 🤧❤️
Chapter 28: Your stories are the best, thank you 🫶🏻🫶🏻
AnneTokki #4
Chapter 29: Read this again, finished this one and Deranger again. Next story to read again Inevitable 🩷💛💥⭐🫶
Chapter 28: I cried huhu this is so beautiful
Natzki25 #6
Chapter 1: Rereading and I also upvoted it.
foneall #7
Chapter 29: I. Really. Really. Love. This. Story...😍😍
Ohh Woww...I already knew that you has this magic in you...when I first read your story HerShe (Tiaom)...I never ever get tired reading all your story again and again and again. All over again...😁😁
Keep making an amazing story...Because you are one of my favourite you 😘😘
Jensoo4everlove #8
Chapter 28: Damn!! Author how do you write all these masterpieces like I have almost read all your stories but never got bored of any!!! Every story manages to warm my heart !! ❤ Thanks again for another piece of art 💙
Chapter 29: that was so good!!!!
Chapter 28: Beautiful story, i have to reread this again 😍