
it was a bad idea. you shouldn't have agreed to amber's dare to taste all the drinks the bar is serving.
to your dismay, amber turns into a clingy llama when she's drunk.
and now you're stuck with the sight of amber doing slight pda with joohyun; stealing quick kisses, cuddling, and sometimes subtle sensual touches, making joohyun jerk on her seat and slap her girlfriend from time to time.
you know you're drunk as much as amber. but the pain lurking in your chest kept you awake.
"babe..." amber pulled joohyun for a kiss, the latter pulling back right away, flustered.
"babe, we're in a bar!"
"i don't care. people keep looking at you. i want them to know you're mine."
you clenched your fist and tightened your jaw. if amber does anything embarrassing, you won't hesitate to smack.
"let's go home, can we?" said amber. you felt your stomach turning. you know what amber wants.
joohyun glanced at her watch and then at you before going back to amber. "it's still early."
"but seulgi has work tomorrow. she still needs to rest."
you huffed. amber's obviously right now. you can't take it anymore. you stood up.
"where are you going?" asked joohyun.
"going to order more drinks. i'll be back," you said, not sparing the couple a look and walking straight to the bar.
you placed your order and sat on the stool while you wait.
you think it's your fault. you shouldn't have gone here. you should've given joohyun the idea that you are somewhere in the city tonight, getting laid. you don't even know why you don't want her to know about that.
were you afraid she will get hurt?
did you really think it will hurt her?
you opened your eyes to find a pair of brown ones looking at you. you eyed the woman: batting eyelashes, long hair, light makeup, pretty face, red lips, beautiful curves.
you smiled to yourself.
"nope. ordering drinks for my friends," you said. "you?"
"same. running errands for them." she leaned over the bar, giving you a nice view of her cleavage. "you're not a regular here, are you?"
you shook your head, focusing your eyes on your own hands instead of other round squishy things. "just stopping by from time to time."
"hmm. you're not single, are you?"
"how can you say so?"
"you just seem... proper... like someone is watching you. is he or she here?"
you laughed.
"i'm gonna take that as a yes." she shakes her head. "just my luck."
"hey. you're pretty. don't go out with people you meet in a bar. the chances of your relationship failing are high."
she lets out a hearty chuckle. "you're funny." she grabbed a napkin from the table and asked for a pen from a bartender.
you watch her scribble something on the napkin, knowing it will contain a name and a number.
the woman turned to you, folding the napkin and pressing it into your palms, closing your fist after. "in case you get bored, maybe we can meet sometime outside the bar?"
your drinks came. you stood up, giving the woman one last smile. "we'll see about that. it was a pleasure chatting with you."
you left the woman and returned to your table.
you knew the couple kissed. joohyun's lips were somewhat swollen and wet. amber, who's leaning her head on joohyun's shoulder, had the same look in hers.
you sat down, not minding the pain anymore. maybe you're getting used to it now.
"who's the girl you were talking to?" asked joohyun.
"i don't know. but she gave me this." you handed her the tissue while taking a sip of the drink.
joohyun smirked upon seeing the contents written on the napkin. "gosh, seul. still the girl crush, huh?"
"i don't know what you're talking about, unnie."
"do you want to keep this?"
you shook your head. "all yours. as i've said, i'm no fan of hookups."
"wow. at least you're loyal to sunmi, huh?"
you eyed joohyun. your drunken mind is trying to decipher her message.
but before you could even speak, amber shifted on her seat. she cupped joohyun's cheek and started kissing her neck.
"babe, not in here," said joohyun, looking irritated now.
"but joohyun..."
you heaved another sigh, standing up to get another set of drinks.
you don't care if you'll go to work with a hangover tomorrow. you need to make sure you're knocked out tonight.
"seungwan? yes. i'm sorry for calling this late, but i need your help."
you raised your head and saw joohyun holding her phone to her ear. amber is also leaning on the table, snoring.
"oh. so, you're nearby? that's great! i'm in a bad situation. i'm surrounded by two tall drunk women who are both passed out."
you pretend to sleep still while listening to joohyun's conversation with seungwan. what she said next didn't register to you as you drifted back to sleep.
you woke up at the feeling someone is lifting you. you opened your eyes and saw your colleagues, seungwan, eunji, and sunmi.
"w-why are you here...? am i... late for the practice...?"
"no, you're not, you ." sunmi put her arm around your waist. "i'm bringing you home. can you walk?"
you stared at sunmi, confused. then you looked around and found joohyun assisting amber with seungwan helps her.
"what time is it?" you asked.
"it's quarter to midnight," said eunji. "let's go home now, seulgi. i'll drive you all."
"you can bring her to our hotel instead to save you from driving back to her apartment," said joohyun.
"no. no. no..." you said. "i'm sleeping in my room tonight..."
"but you're drunk. i want to make sur--"
"i'm staying in my room tonight, unnie... i'll be fine..." you looked at amber and know exactly it'll hurt you more if you sleep in their hotel room. "just... just take care of... her."
joohyun looked away, jaws clenched.
"okay, so we're driving joohyun unnie first to their hotel, then seulgi, and then sunmi unnie," said seungwan.
"no need to drop me off." sunmi fixed your arm on her shoulder. "i'll tuck this bear to bed first, and i'll call a cab after."
"are you sure, unnie?" asked seungwan. "we can wait for you."
sunmi smiled. "don't worry. i'll be fine. the cabs there are available 24/7, anyway."
seungwan looked at you. you don't know what to make of her expression. but then she sighed and finally said, "okay. let's go."
it was a silent drive. eunji and seungwan were in front. the four of you were at the back, with you sandwiched between joohyun and sunmi. amber is already snoring on her girlfriend's shoulder.
you adjusted your position, sliding your to the edge of the seat. both joohyun and sunmi looked at you.
"you okay?" asked sunmi first, though you know joohyun was about to say something too.
"yeah. just dizzy."
"why did the llama and the bear get drunk tonight, unnie?" asked seungwan.
joohyun sighed. "it's because amber wanted to taste all their wine mixes and thought of daring seulgi to do the same. if i'd known i was with two children, i shouldn't have allowed them."
seungwan chuckled. "i see. seulgi usually drinks light. i knew something happened for her to get smashed like that."
"i'm wondering though," said eunji, adjusting the rearview mirror, "how many girls do you think tried to hit on seulgi tonight?"
you groaned, wanting them to change the topic. but you can't make out words anymore.
"umm. one or two," said sunmi. "it's usually around that number, right?"
seungwan shifted on her seat to look at sunmi. "were you with us when we went there one time after a show? seulgi was still wearing her clothes from the show, a cropped top shirt and a leather coat. damn. those girls kept coming."
eunji laughed. "yeah! i remember that!"
"yeah, i was with you guys." sunmi chuckled. "that was two months ago, right?"
"ah. yeah. sunmi was with us." eunji tapped seungwan's shoulder. "she's the one who posed as seulgi's girlfriend to stop those hungry wolves from coming, remember?"
sunmi chuckled. "i had to cover seulgi's abs with a blanket because people are staring."
"seulgi was really pissed that time." eunji shook her head. "damn her and her abs."
you felt joohyun shifted her position, causing your head to slide down to her side and land on her shoulder. you were about to lift your head, but joohyun's hand stopped you, her palm on the side of your head, encouraging you to stay.
you stayed still, relaxing. joohyun's body felt soft. her fragrance is soothing you. you felt her fingers lightly tap your head, lulling you to sleep.
you closed your eyes, surrendering yourself to the comfort.
if only you can be like this with her every day.
but you know that's not the case.
so you pretend to sleep, silently wishing the heavy traffic won't end so you could stay like that for a little longer.
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72 streak #1
Chapter 6: Nooo I dont want to cry tonight
433 streak #2
Chapter 28: They took the long way there but they made it in the end 🤧❤️
Chapter 28: Your stories are the best, thank you 🫶🏻🫶🏻
AnneTokki #4
Chapter 29: Read this again, finished this one and Deranger again. Next story to read again Inevitable 🩷💛💥⭐🫶
Chapter 28: I cried huhu this is so beautiful
Natzki25 #6
Chapter 1: Rereading and I also upvoted it.
foneall #7
Chapter 29: I. Really. Really. Love. This. Story...😍😍
Ohh Woww...I already knew that you has this magic in you...when I first read your story HerShe (Tiaom)...I never ever get tired reading all your story again and again and again. All over again...😁😁
Keep making an amazing story...Because you are one of my favourite Author...love you 😘😘
Jensoo4everlove #8
Chapter 28: Damn!! Author how do you write all these masterpieces like I have almost read all your stories but never got bored of any!!! Every story manages to warm my heart !! ❤ Thanks again for another piece of art 💙
Chapter 29: that was so good!!!!
Chapter 28: Beautiful story, i have to reread this again 😍