
making out: that's what you and joohyun have been doing for the past three weeks.
from the simple sweet smacks up to the steamy hot kisses in the different areas of your apartment, yes, you and joohyun are kissing addicts.
as for you, well, saying you're happy would be underrated. you're thankful to the universe for finally giving you the girl of your dreams. joohyun's just too perfect for you. her smile, her scent, and her lips; you always crave for her. you even find yourself constantly daydreaming about kissing her even when you're at work.
kissing her and touching her.
nope, you haven't gone past the second base yet.
not that you don't want to, but you're still hesitant. you're letting joohyun take her time to adjust.
you didn't have a formal talk about it, but you can feel she isn't ready to get more intimate with you yet. whenever you pull back from a hot makeout session with her, she doesn't show any signs of wanting more. instead, she's giving you a sweet, contented smile and telling you how much she loves you.
so, you told yourself to keep at that phase, to keep your hands to yourself. you will not do anything unless she gives you a sign.
you stirred but didn't open your eyes.
joohyun cupped your cheeks. small kisses on your face then followed.
you opened your eyes. "hyun..."
"why are you sleeping on the couch?"
you raised your head a bit and realized where you're at.
"oh. sorry. you were already asleep when i came." you rubbed your eyes. "i changed into my sleepwear and went out to get a glass of water. i was got tired from the practice, so i decided to sit here for a bit. i didn't realize i fell asleep."
joohyun smiled warmly. "awe. you're so cute."
"what time is it?"
"it's two in the morning."
"and you woke up?"
joohyun hummed, leaning her chin on your chest. "i think it has become my habit now to search for your warmth even when i'm asleep. when i felt i was alone, i woke up."
"i'm sorry." you brushed her bangs away from her eyes. "i'm just really tired."
"it's okay. let's go back to the room?"
but instead of standing up, you held joohyun's face closer to yours and kissed her. she kissed you back, starting slow and sweet until her hands slipped under your shirt to caress your tummy.
you make a satisfied hum in your throat.
joohyuh's hands shifted to hold your face, increasing the intensity of your kisses. wrap your arm around her waist and slipped a hand under her shirt to caress her skin.
the absence of bra strap from her back caused your imagination to go wild. you slowly turn your bodies around, so you're on top of her.
you slid your hands on her tummy. a slight moan came out of .
having their own set of minds, your hands made their way north.
it was when your fingertips made the slightest contact with her bumps when you told yourself to stop.
you slowly retract your hands, giving joohyun one last kiss to mark the end of your session.
"and i thought you are tired?" joohyun teased, biting her lower lip.
"i am," you said, giving her another peck on the lips. "i just used all my reserved energy."
joohyun chuckled. "i like it when you go wild on me."
"oh. so, you like that?"
"yeah. whenever you kiss me, it gives me the feeling you want me."
"i always want you. you know that."
"yeah. but seeing this side of you, it kind of turns me on."
you're not sure how to take that.
"let's go to sleep now? you look tired." she fixes your hair.
"sure. but before that..." you stood up from the couch and scooped her in your arms.
"seulgi, you sure you can still do this?" she held onto you.
"i've done it before, hyun. don't worry."
you carried her with ease to your bedroom, where you had another makeout session before you finally fell asleep in each other's arms.
"you're going back to the states?"
"it's just for a week, seul. i need to wrap up some things over there."
your shoulders slumped. you and joohyun have been busy lately and are seeing each other only in the mornings and evenings.
the idea of her going back to the states makes you feel uneasy because a certain person could be there.
before your mind could drift further, joohyun's arms encircled your neck; her lips met yours eagerly. you returned her kisses, your hands still holding on the kitchen counter as you support yourself.
joohyun nibbled your lips one last time before she pulled back. "you look worried."
"i'm going to miss you."
"i'll miss you too. but it's just for a week."
"is there a chance you'll see her?" you asked. joohyun raised an eyebrow at you, so you clarified it. "i meant, amber. your ex."
joohyun's face softened. "oh. is my seulgi jealous?"
you didn't answer her, but you felt a pout coming out of your mouth.
joohyun kissed you again. "i'll stay in a hotel, not in the apartment building where i used to live. i'm not even sure if she's back there. she could still be here or back here for good for all i know."
you nodded, still can't get the frown off your face.
"hey, i love you, okay?" said joohyun. "even if i meet her, nothing will change between you and me. she and i are over. and i've been official with you longer than i've been with her. i assure you i won't do anything to ruin what we have now."
"okay." you sighed. "just come back to me as soon as you can."
"i'll be back before you know it."
it was lonely when joohyun left. your apartment felt empty.
she didn't miss calling you daily. you even eat together through facetime, lunchtime on your part, and dinner for her.
that's when you started exchanging sensual jokes with each other. you keep telling her how she'll be done once she's back. then she's going to ask why and how and is daring you to make sure you'll do it.
you feel the excitement building up because it'll be just a few more days now before she's back.
who knows, you may hit a home run this time.
you opened your eyes and jumped up from the bed when you saw the person trying to wake you up.
"hyun!" you clutched your heart out of shock. you looked at the digital clock on the table and saw it's one in the morning. "why--how--you're supposed to be back the day after tomorrow, right?"
"i was trying to surprise you." she laughed. "now i know how bears get scared."
"yah!" sometimes you're not sure how joohyun can make you act like a kid. you were never like this with your exes. "you should have told me. i could have picked you up at the airport."
"it's fine. i wanted to come home unannounced. i wanted to make sure you're not bringing any woman here while i'm away."
you raised an eyebrow. "are you seriously thinking i could do that to you?"
"i'm kidding." joohyun scooted closer to hug you, her arms around your waist. "i missed you so much..."
"i missed you too." you kissed the top of her head. "aren't you tired?"
"i was. but i got excited when i saw you sleeping peacefully. i changed right away before i wake you up."
"and what are you excited about?"
joohyun smirked. "well, you said i'll be done once i'm back, remember? would like to see how you'll do that."
you laughed. "i didn't think you'd bring that up again."
"i wouldn't forget something that ticked my curiosity..." joohyun shifted to kneel in front of you. "and because of that..." she cupped your cheeks and pulled you in for a long warm kiss.
the hunger and longing in her kisses told you how much joohyun missed you.
the kiss grew more passionate until you had to pull away to breathe.
"you're so beautiful," you whispered.
"and i am so in love with you right now." she sat on your lap, her legs encircling your waist. she grasped a handful of your hair and kissed you again, needier this time, more demanding.
you felt inhibitions disappearing as joohyun seemed to want more from you.
you held her close and laid her gently down the bed. you slipped your hands under her shirt, caressing her smooth skin.
joohyun moaned at the touch.
satisfied, you ventured one hand to trace the valley in between her s. joohyun's fingernails dig deeper into your scalp.
you wanted to explore further, but you think you've already gone too far, so you slowly pulled back.
but joohyun stopped your hand.
"don't stop..." she pleaded.
you are breathing hard. it's taking you a great deal of effort to control yourself, and joohyun's words aren't helping as it's clouding your mind more.
"you sure?" you asked.
"i want you, seul..." she kissed you one time. "i want all of you."
and that was the confirmation you've been waiting for. you didn't wait for her to speak another word and went straight to fulfilling her wishes.
that was the first night you made love to each other.
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72 streak #1
Chapter 6: Nooo I dont want to cry tonight
432 streak #2
Chapter 28: They took the long way there but they made it in the end 🤧❤️
Chapter 28: Your stories are the best, thank you 🫶🏻🫶🏻
AnneTokki #4
Chapter 29: Read this again, finished this one and Deranger again. Next story to read again Inevitable 🩷💛💥⭐🫶
Chapter 28: I cried huhu this is so beautiful
Natzki25 #6
Chapter 1: Rereading and I also upvoted it.
foneall #7
Chapter 29: I. Really. Really. Love. This. Story...😍😍
Ohh Woww...I already knew that you has this magic in you...when I first read your story HerShe (Tiaom)...I never ever get tired reading all your story again and again and again. All over again...😁😁
Keep making an amazing story...Because you are one of my favourite you 😘😘
Jensoo4everlove #8
Chapter 28: Damn!! Author how do you write all these masterpieces like I have almost read all your stories but never got bored of any!!! Every story manages to warm my heart !! ❤ Thanks again for another piece of art 💙
Chapter 29: that was so good!!!!
Chapter 28: Beautiful story, i have to reread this again 😍