
"this is amazing! i didn't know we're just the same age," you said.
"yeah. amazing." krystal chuckled. "but you know what, you look familiar. i think i've seen you somewhere."
"hmm. by any chance, have you recently watched any theater performance? i work in the theater."
krystal shook her head, thinking. "speaking of that, were you a member of a dance group before?"
"yeah, i was. back in high school."
"was that in saerem high school?"
"yeah. how did you know? did you go there too?"
"i knew it!" krystal clapped. "no, i attended a different school back then, but i used to watch your performances before. you know kai?"
"kim jongin, the 'nini'? yeah, i know that dude."
"nini? really? you guys called him that?"
"yeah. we were close before, but we lost contact after high school. that man's a dance machine. how did you know him?"
"he was krystal's ex," grunted amber while she drives.
"it was a long time ago now, am. stop being bitter about it. you already beat the guy anyway," said krystal.
"wait. i remember there was a time he couldn't attend our practice for two weeks because he got involved in a fight. was that you?" you asked.
amber shrugged. "not sure if he got into other fights aside from me. but if you saw him with a broken nose, yup, that was me."
your eyes widened. "it was you! but why?"
"amber caught kai cheating on me red-handed," said krystal. "she approached him on the spot. he started a fight. little did he know amber is a black belt holder in taekwondo."
joohyun glanced at you for a second and looked away right after.
you gulped, imagining what beating you will have to take if amber finds out you kissed her girlfriend last night.
"poor, dude. i wonder how his nose looks now." amber chuckled. "but i've no regrets. he deserved it. i still wonder what you saw in him, krys."
"well, he was a nice boy. and he looks attractive when he's dancing," said krystal.
amber shook her head. "i won't argue with his dancing skills, but the 'nice boy', that's debatable. and i can dance too, you know. babam. babam. babam. see?" she tried dancing to the beat the radio is playing.
you noticed joohyun's shoulders move, which means she's smiling. she touched amber's shoulder. "babe, you're driving."
another eyesore. you reclined on the chair and looked outside the window.
inhale. exhale.
"joohyun said seulgi looks hot when she's dancing," said amber, making joohyun glance at you again. "and since you have a thing for dancers, maybe you'd want to see her perform, krys. and she's single too."
"w-why me?" you asked. joohyun cleared .
"this is great." krystal folded her arms on her chest. "seulgi and i just met today, like five minutes ago, and you're already making it awkward for us."
"i'm just saying." amber grinned. "but no, don't get any ideas."
krystal rolled her eyes. "whatever."
you didn't notice you dozed off during the drive.
the last thing you remember is you and krystal talking about the music on the radio while you hug your can of pringles against your chest. it went blank after.
you woke when you felt krystal leaned her head on you. but since you're too sleepy to mind--and she's beautiful--you gave into the comfort and let her rest on you.
you woke up again, hearing amber and joohyun talking about the rain. their conversation wasn't clear. you saw from the window it's raining hard outside.
then you drifted back to sleep.
you felt someone gently pull the can of pringles away from your grip. you opened your eyes and blinked at joohyun.
"hey. we're here," she whispered. her eyes darted to the woman leaning on you. "maybe you should wake her up."
you looked around, trying to make sense of your surroundings. you're in the villa now. it's still raining. amber is outside, talking to three employees. you tapped krystal's lap.
krystal lifted her head and glanced around. "umm... where's amber...?"
krystal looked in the direction you were pointing at, then she leaned back on you, shivering. "ugh. it's so cold. why did she even think of going out for a swim tonight?"
before you could even react, a sudden flash of lightning flickered in the night sky. the loud booming sound of the thunder that followed felt like a gunshot to your ears.
you've always known loud sounds terrify joohyun to the greatest extent. during moments like this, her initial instinct is to cling to you, and yours will be to hold her to make her feel safe. usually, that's how it works wherever you are. but not tonight.
because of the sudden shock, your instincts reacted to protect the nearest body within your reach--which is krystal, who immediately cowered beside you, her hands covering her ears and her face hidden behind your back.
you didn't realize this until you saw joohyun in the front seat covering her ears. she looked so terrified you wanted to reach out and hug her. but it was too late because joohyun opened her eyes and saw how you had wrapped a protective arm around krystal's body.
joohyun looked away immediately; her expression changed. disappointed, maybe?
"hey, you guys all right?" amber came back, worried. from her looks, you can tell she's aware both her best friend and girlfriend fear thunder. "babe?"
krystal lifted her head from your back after hearing amber's voice. but the sight of amber comforting joohyun made her hide her face again.
not wanting to see the sweetness, you looked down and patted krystal's side to comfort her.
this is all you can do for now.
you all decided to rest early that night after dinner as it's still raining hard. amber is tired from driving while joohyun and krystal are too afraid to go out because of the thunder.
the flashes of the lightning from the window of your room and the faint sound of thunder from afar kept you awake. you wonder how joohyun is doing now. is she still scared? but amber will be there for her, so there's no use worrying.
you checked the time; it's almost eleven o'clock now. you got to your feet, deciding to stroll around the villa until sleep comes.
"nice piece."
your hands stopped playing the piano when you heard a voice from behind.
"hey. can't sleep?" you asked krystal.
krystal sat beside you, shaking her head. "how could i if the thunder won't stop?"
"yeah. i couldn't sleep either."
krystal started pressing the piano keys softly with her fingers, one key after another. "i remember how i used to creep up on amber when we were kids. and she'll just hug me and will tell me everything will be all right."
you smiled as you listen to the simple melody krystal is making.
"... but we can't be like that anymore because..." krystal sighed. she pulled her hand from the keys. "i didn't know you can play."
"just a little. you look like know how to play."
"my mom forced me to learn this." krystal smiled.
you know she's trying. you can tell from her eyes, how they seemed puffy, like she just came from crying, that she isn't okay.
"you know you can tell me about it," you said, pressing major c triad on the keys.
"i won't tell them. i promise."
"w-what are you--"
"i understand because i'm in the same situation too." you looked at krystal. "um... joohyun... she's... she's more than just a friend to me..."
"oh." krystal's face softened. "so, that was the reason you were comforting me earlier, huh?"
"i asked myself if you were hitting on me."
you chuckled.
"your best friend is really pretty," she added. "i'm trying my best not to feel jealous because she's nice. but i can't help it."
there was another bright light in the sky. your hand automatically hovered over krystal to protect her. luckily the sound of thunder was far.
you retracted your arm and placed it on the piano keys again, pressing random keys. "honestly, i don't even know why i agreed to come here today. it's painful to see them together."
"me neither. i'm guessing you are taking the chance because you haven't seen her in a long time?"
"one year to be exact." you sighed. "they will leave tomorrow to travel back to my hometown. i took the chance because i wanted to be with her." you looked at krystal. "you, what brought you here?"
"same reason as yours. i wanted to see her." krystal traced her fingers on the keys. "she moved to the states two years ago after her parents divorced. that's when i realized how much she means to me. i was ready to tell her about my feelings for her when she said she's coming here to visit, only to find out she's got a girlfriend."
"why can't they just fall for us, you know," you said, making krystal chuckle. "but you have to agree they look good together, right?"
krystal nodded. "yes. they look good together."
you showed krystal your cheeky smile. "i'd offer you a hug but i'm afraid you'd think i'm hitting on you."
krystal slapped your arm playfully. "i won't. and i need a hug just about now."
"perfect." you opened your arms and welcomed her in.
"thank you, seulgi. thank you for listening. i'm feeling better now."
"misery loves company, you know. we still have a lot to endure tomorrow."
"yeah. if those two keep on being sweet, let's just leave them and have some fun on our own."
"yeah! why sulk if we can enjoy, right? this place is paradise."
"agreed! so, we'll try to have fun tomorrow?" krystal raised her hand for a pinky promise.
"yup, we'll definitely try." you held her pinky finger to seal the bond.
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73 streak #1
Chapter 6: Nooo I dont want to cry tonight
433 streak #2
Chapter 28: They took the long way there but they made it in the end 🤧❤️
Chapter 28: Your stories are the best, thank you 🫶🏻🫶🏻
AnneTokki #4
Chapter 29: Read this again, finished this one and Deranger again. Next story to read again Inevitable 🩷💛💥⭐🫶
Chapter 28: I cried huhu this is so beautiful
Natzki25 #6
Chapter 1: Rereading and I also upvoted it.
foneall #7
Chapter 29: I. Really. Really. Love. This. Story...😍😍
Ohh Woww...I already knew that you has this magic in you...when I first read your story HerShe (Tiaom)...I never ever get tired reading all your story again and again and again. All over again...😁😁
Keep making an amazing story...Because you are one of my favourite you 😘😘
Jensoo4everlove #8
Chapter 28: Damn!! Author how do you write all these masterpieces like I have almost read all your stories but never got bored of any!!! Every story manages to warm my heart !! ❤ Thanks again for another piece of art 💙
Chapter 29: that was so good!!!!
Chapter 28: Beautiful story, i have to reread this again 😍