8: Wine


There was a problem swelling inside of Luhan's mind. It had been a few days since Sehun told him there were no such emotions between him and the princess, but rather than ease his erratic emotions, Luhan's mind was clouded by confusion and his heart was in an indescribable state of torment every time he was with Sehun.

What if I ask you to do something horrible? Will you do it for me?

The words Sehun spoke to him in his deep, lustrous voice with the seemingly choreographed movement of his fingers sliding in his hair sent shivers down Luhan's spine and it created a wave of violent palpitations in his chest.

Then you don't know me that well.

The memory of Sehun looking at him like a beast wanting to devour him and the way Sehun tried to swiftly close the space between them made Luhan's body temperature go up two degrees higher and a visible hue of pink made its way to the tops of his cheeks. 

What was Sehun trying to do at that moment? Was he simply teaching him about trusting the right people? Then what was that expression he had? All of it was a jumbled mess in Luhan's head.

He looked like Chanyeol like the time in the shed... Luhan thought to himself before the memory of that day he accidentally saw Chanyeol and Baekhyun kissing made him nearly internally combust. Hiding his face in his equally blushed palms, Luhan felt ashamed comparing their situation to his own with Sehun.

"Sir Luhan?" Luhan heard someone call out, making him jolt upright in the bench near the greenhouse. Turning his head to the direction of the voice, he was surprised to see Baekhyun. "Is everything alright?" 

Plastering a smile that did not quite reach his eyes due to feeling shy from remembering Baekhyun being pinned by Chanyeol, Luhan nodded in response. "I'm alright. How is everything going with you, Baekhyun?"

A polite smile graced Baekhyun's petite face as he dropped off some animal droppings that Luhan and Lay used to fertilise their garden. "I'm doing well. I like working here." 

A genuine smile formed on Luhan's face. "Right? I love working here too. I'm glad you and Chanyeol have each other."

"Eh? W-what do you mean?" Baekhyun stuttered, making Luhan's breath feel like it got caught in his throat at his blunder.

"I-I just mean you two have each other to rely on f-for work! Yes, that... for work," Luhan tried to explain, though the reddening of his cheeks did not support his statement. 

"A-ah, right," Baekhyun managed to say, before clearing his throat. "Yes, it's quite... a blessing to work with Chanyeol." 

Managing to calm himself, Luhan didn't miss the change in tone at the way Baekhyun said Chanyeol's name and seeing how his expression soften with the mention of the tall, dark haired and wide eyed man, Luhan could tell how sincere their feelings were with one another. Luhan couldn't help but feel a comfort as he saw the loving look on Baekhyun's face and he silently supported them from the bottom of his heart. 

"I'm glad to hear that but um," Luhan said, hoping to prevent others from experiencing another Chanyeol-Baekhyun show, "I think you and Chanyeol should... do that elsewhere and not... in the shed."

Letting out an uncomfortable cough, Luhan felt guilty as he saw Baekhyun's face turn beet red before the young man bowed aggressively a few times expressing his apologies. 

"I-I'm sorry for being unprofessional, Sir Luhan! It will not happen again!" Baekhyun exclaimed in distress. 

Luhan shook his head and waved his hands to protest. "Please don't bow so much! I just wanted to say 'be careful.' I apologise if it seemed like I was threatening you."

This time Baekhyun shook his head in vehement opposition. "Not at all, Sir Luhan! I thank you for being so kind as to not report us to Butler Kyungsoo."

Luhan could see Baekhyun's face drain its colour at the mention of Kyungsoo and Luhan couldn't help but sympathise with him, as Kyungsoo was indeed a tough supervisor. "Don't worry, Baekhyun. I am rooting for you both." 

Baekhyun's expression beamed in happiness before he plopped to the ground, surprising Luhan out of sitting on the bench. Asking Baekhyun if he was fine, he was met with a soft laugh from the ginger-haired boy. 

"I was afraid... that I'd have to part with him," Baekhyun said, seemingly relieved to the point where his legs gave out. 

Luhan looked at him pitifully. "Why would that be? You two... seem to love each other quite a lot." 

Baekhyun nodded shyly and gave a soft 'um'. "But not everyone will be as understanding as you, Sir Luhan. Even I didn't understand Chanyeol at first. Why would he make it hard on himself and fall in love with someone like me?"

Luhan listened attentively to Baekhyun's words, unsure as to why the words he was saying tore at his heart.

"Not only am I a man, I'm also someone who doesn't have a family anymore. This job was a saving grace to me, and I vowed to do my best as Duke Sehun saw potential in my skills. However..." Baekhyun paused, his eyes glassy. "I couldn't deny my own feelings in the end. It's so silly, isn't it? All the chasing Chanyeol did melted me, and now I don't think I could bear to ever part from him in this lifetime." 

Luhan felt himself get teary. He didn't know the sort of hardships the both of them must've gone through to get to this point, but to see Baekhyun wither at the thought of losing Chanyeol, a chord struck within him that made Luhan empathise with him even more. 

"Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me," Luhan simply said as he helped Baekhyun stand back up. "I hope you two will continue to be happy forever." 

Flashing a wide grin Luhan's way, Baekhyun bowed politely and thanked Luhan before going on his way. As Luhan watched Baekhyun walk back, he caught a glimpse of Chanyeol greeting Baekhyun and the endearing expression he had as he locked eyes with his beloved.

I don't think I could bear to ever part from him in this lifetime.

To be torn apart from someone close to your heart, Luhan knew the feeling well. From being taken from his family to being apart from Sehun. It was a feeling he couldn't stand. 

Being apart again, Luhan sadly thought. I hope that won't happen. 

It was the day of the founding festival of the Empire and Sehun was groaning inwardly at the thought of attending another ball so soon. 

"It's not good for the Duke to be so transparent with his feelings," Kyungsoo quipped, as he looked over and sorted a few documents on Sehun's desk while Sehun leisurely sat at the sofa. 

"Is that so? Good thing no one is here then," Sehun responded, not bothering to mind Kyungsoo's advice.

An exaggerated sigh escaped Kyungsoo's lips as if to express his disapproval in some way but Sehun paid it no heed. Instead, he was anxiously awaiting the appearance of a certain blonde-haired, bright-eyed sunshine of a man to come to his office.

Kyungsoo coughed lightly. "As I said, it's not good to have your feelings on your face, Duke."

Sehun cleared his throat and looked away from his butler's eyes of scrutiny. Sehun knew Kyungsoo caught on to his feelings for Luhan far before he even knew it himself, and it embarrassed him yet it also made him feel less lonely at the thought that at least someone in this world knew about his genuine feelings for the young and adorable man. 

A soft knock at the door perked up Sehun's ears and he quickly positioned himself to sit elegantly on the sofa. Ignoring the expression of utter disbelief from Kyungsoo's face, Sehun allowed the entry of whoever was knocking. 

"Good afternoon, Sehun," Luhan said with a small smile that reached the corner of his eyes. "Kyungsoo hyung." 

Sehun groaned inwardly at Kyungsoo's presence as he greedily wanted everything Luhan said to be his only. 

"Kyungsoo, you're dismissed," Sehun said quickly, hoping the butler will leave just as swiftly. 

"Ah, but I have so much to do~" Kyungsoo said exaggeratedly. "However will I finish should the Duke kick me out~?"

Glaring Kyungsoo's way, Sehun didn't miss the small smirk at the corner of Kyungsoo's lips. "But I understand. See you later, Luhan." 

"It's Sir Luhan," Sehun stated. "Don't forget that he is a noble. Mind your manners."

With the serious warning, Kyungsoo's playful demeanour quickly shifted as he bowed slightly Luhan's way. "I apologise. I will see you at a later time, Sir Luhan."

Luhan was visibly distressed at the situation and Sehun felt bad for showing a harsh side of himself but it was a necessary. After all, he needed his staff to respect Luhan in order for his business associates to respect Luhan as a noble. It was just the way the world worked. 

"Please don't mind it, Kyungsoo hyung, I-"

"You should address him as just Kyungsoo, Luhan. Remember your lessons," Sehun reminded, feeling a prick in his chest as he saw Luhan flinch from his sharp remark. 

"A-alright. Thank you, Kyungsoo. See you later," Luhan said in a small voice, obviously uncomfortable at the formality. 

Kyungsoo smiled Luhan's way before making his way out of the office. 

A heavy pressure was brought into the office after Kyungsoo's departure, and it made Sehun feel guilty for forcing a divide between Luhan and the closest person to him in the estate. 

"Did I scare you again?" Sehun asked as calmly as possible.

Luhan quickly shook his head and gave Sehun a smile, before looking down sheepishly. "Um, maybe a little, but I understand why you said that." 

Sehun felt the pressure in his chest subside before he called over Luhan to the sofa where he was sitting. He saw Luhan widened his eyes in surprise before a soft hue of pink easily flashed over his porcelain cheeks. The sight made Sehun's heart do a leap at the attractive man before him. It was criminal for Luhan to look that way and his restraint as a man had grown weaker as he spent more time with Luhan.

The new wine-coloured ensemble he designed for Luhan contrasted beautifully against his skin and the embroidered silver roses and leaves that cascaded down the coat lapels brought out the golden glimmer of his hair. It was criminal, definitely criminal.

As Sehun admiringly gazed over Luhan's beauty, he failed to notice the young man making his way to sit next to him on the two-seater sofa. Sehun kept his eyes glued on Luhan even as he saw the younger sit right next to him. 


He usually sat at the armchair near the sofa, so why was Luhan sitting right next to him, today out of all days? 

As Sehun watched Luhan sit politely next to him, his eyes looking at the hands in his lap, Sehun felt his heart race for the billionth time ever since he realised he was in love with Luhan. The soft scent of nature and the sound of Luhan's light breathing as if he didn't want to disturb anything in the room despite it being empty aside from Sehun was something that Sehun greedily wanted to feel up close but as always, he turned his head away, restraining the awful emotions that could eclipse the sun that was Luhan. 

Wondering to himself how he could bring up the matter of Baekhyun and Chanyeol to Sehun was a task that extended beyond Luhan's capacity and he didn't realise the strange action of sitting directly next to Sehun on the sofa as his mind was preoccupied. Although he had promised to keep it a secret, Luhan did not want to hide such things from Sehun as he was the Duke and Luhan was confident Sehun would understand, until he saw how coldly Sehun treated Kyungsoo for not sticking to the rules. 

How was he going to bring this up? Should he keep it a secret after all? Luhan's mind ran a marathon as his brows creased further and further from distress.

"Luhan," Luhan heard, shaking him out of his complicated thoughts. Feeling the soft pad of Sehun's forefinger on his forehead, Luhan's eyes widened in response. "What has gotten you so serious?"

Seeing the stoic yet handsome Duke Sehun's face asking about his strange behaviour brought on another form of distress on Luhan's heart this time. 

"Um, Sehun," Luhan began, trying to form his words carefully. "How do you feel about a man liking another man?"

Luhan carefully peeked from the corner of his eye to gauge Sehun's reaction to his question and was met with a deeply distraught Sehun, forehead scrunched and lips pressed firmly in a line as if to suppress his anger. Turning to face Sehun, worried he might have made the situation worse before he had a chance to explain, Luhan was taken aback when Sehun turned abruptly and bored a domineering gaze on him, making all words get stuck in Luhan's throat. 

"Did some man express his interest in you?" Sehun asked, seemingly calm, but Luhan could trace iciness in his words. 

Luhan quickly shook his head. "It's not me. It's..."

Worried he might put Chanyeol and Baekhyun in jeopardy, Luhan quickly placed his hands over Sehun's which were in the taller's lap, making Sehun flinch slightly. 

"Promise me you won't be angry," Luhan said in a timid voice, yet he steeled his gaze to show his determination to Sehun. 

He could see Sehun clench his jaw in impatience. "Depends on what you are going to say."

Luhan dropped his gaze down, naturally pouting as his worries began to pile with Sehun's calculative words. Grabbing onto Sehun's hands tighter as if to hypnotise Sehun into doing his bidding, Luhan looked up and kept his gaze locked onto the Duke who he had to convince. 

Feeling Sehun tense up, Luhan tried his best to convince him again. "Promise me." 

Luhan could see Sehun squinting his eyes towards him before turning to look away after a brief moment. "Alright."

Beaming at his triumph, Luhan pulled away and took in a deep breath. "You see, there is a couple... a man with another man... who work here. I don't want them to be in trouble, but I didn't want to hide it from you either now that I have found out about their relationship."

Taking a short pause to see how Sehun was taking in the news, Luhan was surprised to see Sehun's expression soften. Feeling relieved, Luhan turned to look in front of him as he continued to speak. 

"I... want to root for them. So, I hope you don't... um..." Luhan said, unsure of how to construct his sentence so as to not offend the Duke. 

"Fire them?" Sehun completed for him. Luhan turned to Sehun, alarmed that Chanyeol and Baekhyun could lose their jobs and was met with a playfully smirking Sehun. 

"This really is a big secret," Sehun began, before he leaned forward to shorten the distance between him and Luhan. "I'm tight-lipped but it seems like Kyungsoo needs to know this."

Luhan widened his eyes in shock. "No! If Kyungsoo finds out..."

Thinking of Chanyeol and Baekhyun being berated and scolded for their relationship made Luhan feel incredibly guilty and he didn't want that to happen to them. He was deeply thinking about all the ways he could try to convince Sehun, his eyes frantically looking here and there like a little lost deer when he heard a soft, airy, suppressed laugh coming from the man beside him.

"Don't look so frazzled. What kind of person do you take me for?" Sehun asked rhetorically, a playful yet charming grin stuck on his face as he pulled away slightly from Luhan. "They like each other, so they are together. It has nothing to do with their jobs so there's no need for me to interfere."

Just like that, the tightening feeling in his shoulders loosened from the nonchalant words Sehun said in passing, as if it was not a huge matter. Just like that, the grinning Sehun in front of him made his chest fill up with a warmth that made his heart violently reverberate as if he was a sickly person. As his thoughts wondered what type of emotion this was that kept growing day by day for the Duke, Luhan failed to realise that the distance between him and Sehun had reduced once more until Sehun's devilishly handsome face was a mere few inches from his own.

"What about you, Luhan?" Sehun asked, a serious expression replacing his previous childish grin. "Do you think it's strange?"

Sehun could understand Luhan's thoughts with a mere look at his the younger's face, as Sehun had admired and subconsciously studied Luhan's every move and every expression without even meaning to. When it came to Luhan, it was like a beastly instinct that made him lock on to the youngster as if he was his prey, but Sehun would never act on his desires even if it damned him. However, just for today, he wanted to succumb to this feeling of catching Luhan in his trap, forcing him to answer a question that he knew could break his heart. 

Keeping a strong gaze Luhan's way, not wanting to miss even the tiniest movement from the blonde-haired man in front of him, Sehun kept staring and watched as Luhan frantically looked down, his eyes wavering side to side and his entire face started to resemble a peach. 

Fighting the urge of a smile from how endearing Luhan was acting, Sehun thought it must've been an uncomfortable topic for Luhan as he probably only ever knew about normal relations between a man and a woman. "That must've been an uncomfortable question. Don't mind it."

"No!" Luhan exclaimed, catching Sehun off guard. "I mean... it's not uncomfortable."

Sehun patiently waited for Luhan to continue as he knew Luhan was the type to think carefully in his mind before he spoke, which was one of his many charming points as both a person and a businessman. 

"It was strange, at first," Luhan began, his expression seemingly drifting off to a memory, "but seeing two people who love each other, regardless of their gender... I think it's a wonderful and miraculous thing." 

Unable to tear his gaze away from Luhan, Sehun wondered how much more he needed to torture himself before he could finally rid of these feelings that he knew would only trouble the young, blonde-haired man before him. He wanted Luhan to be disgusted with the thought of a man seeing him in that light, he wanted Luhan to indirectly reject him in that way, so why was this man flaming the fire in Sehun's heart to this extent? How much longer could Sehun bear this feeling of unrequited love before he did something irreversible to the youth before him?

Taking in a deep breath as gently as he could, Sehun decided to stop his delusions and continue to act like he did not feel such things. He would push his feelings down until it was buried with no chance of it being dug out. That was a promise he would chain himself with until the end of his days. 

"If one day, you start liking someone, I think I'd feel lonely for a while," Sehun said as playfully as he could, but his true emotions seemed to have sunken into his words. "I sincerely want you to have happiness."

A melancholic stillness injected itself into Sehun's heart as he forced the words he didn't really want to say out of his mouth. He didn't want Luhan to be with anybody else. He didn't want Luhan to not be here. He wanted Luhan all to himself. He wanted to be selfish and prevent others from being close to him. It made him feel like a monster, but he wouldn't succumb to such feelings. He loved Luhan too much to hurt him by his egotistical thinking. 

"Why would you feel lonely?" Luhan asked, a complicated expression on his face. "I'd still be with you." 

Sehun's mind whirred at rapid speed, the chains he had meticulously placed around his heart cracking in places with such a simple phrase from Luhan. 

Stop it, Luhan. You don't know a thing, Sehun thought desperately, as he struggled to contain his built up frustrations and resentment over his own inability to be the kind, supportive Duke Luhan knew him to be.

Luhan's forehead scrunched up as Sehun failed to respond to him, making his past memories of being left at his parents' house come back vividly, causing his anxiety to flare up once more at the thought of having his current life taken away again. "Why? Will you make me leave again? I-I don't want that!"

Realising at how he raised his voice, he wanted to quickly apologise to Sehun who must've been bewildered by his outburst, but at the sight of Sehun's gaze with his dark brown irises boring a hole into him, Luhan was frozen in place by the pressure Sehun was emitting. 

"You'll be with me? Until when?" Sehun began, the same expression of a predator stalking its prey from that night Sehun convinced him to eat dinner resurfacing, making Luhan's heart viciously beat away with the sound echoing loudly in his ears.

Luhan looked down, wanting to avoid the pressure Sehun was giving. He felt scared, nervous yet excited at this situation and he wanted to pinch himself for being such a mess.

As he was drowning in his mind from self-loathing, the cool long fingers that Luhan had held onto in a few occasions before, gently tilted his chin up, making Luhan face the overbearing man in front of him.

"Answer me. How long do you want to stay here with me?" Sehun asked impatiently, a burning flame in his eyes.

"Forever," Luhan instinctively said. "I don't... want to like anyone if it means leaving here."

Luhan felt the cool fingers on his chin freeze for a split second before Sehun pulled away completely, clearing up Luhan's clouded mind.

"I see," Sehun said, seemingly in a daze before he caught himself and a stoic expression claimed his face once more. "You have my permission to stay here forever, even if... you like someone. So, don't have that look on your face."

Luhan finally felt himself relax but his expression remained slightly dazed and confused. "O-oh... okay."

A peculiar heaviness hung in the air, allowing Luhan to fully hear the rhythm of his heartbeat that continued to pound as his mind replayed what had just happened. Sehun's firm voice, the cool touch of his fingers and the musky scent that Luhan associated with his overbearing side. Everything felt so stifling and a feeling of dissatisfaction rose up every time Sehun pulled away from him. What went beyond the fire that he clearly saw in Sehun's eyes? Why did it make him so excited that Sehun had such an expression when they faced each other?

What... is this feeling? Luhan thought to himself as impatience and frustration began to pile within him.

"Luhan," Sehun called out, catching a frantic Luhan's attention. "Do you want to go to the festival with me today?"

The jovial streets of the capital brought a cheerful mood to everyone present. From the vendors to festival goers, there was a bright atmosphere that seemed to expand with every passing second. As Sehun tried to enjoy himself by looking around the available goods in the plaza, he couldn't help but try and catch glimpses of the young man next to him covered in a mulberry coloured cloak.

I made a mistake again. Why are you always such a brute? Sehun berated himself. 

Gritting his teeth, he turned to look at Luhan who seemed wide-eyed and happy at being able to see such a vibrant event before him. There was a twinkle in his eyes as he glanced over various items here and there, and a soft smile was present every time he stopped by a vendor. 

"Do you want anything?" Sehun asked for the fifth time that day, as if it were the only phrase that existed in his vocabulary. Luhan shook his head, avoiding his gaze once more before he turned to walk to another vendor nearby.

Ahh, he's definitely uncomfortable with me. Who wouldn't be after that crap I sprouted? Sehun thought to himself again. A mixture of self-loathing and hopelessness taking place in his mind. 

Walking a safe distance behind Luhan as he let the blonde-haired youngster look around to his heart content, he was surprised when Luhan stopped abruptly in the middle of his vendor viewings and turned to face Sehun. Feeling his heart leap to his throat at Luhan's sudden movement, he raised his eyebrows as if to question the younger between them.

"I," Luhan said, a bit louder than his usual voice before he coughed to cover up his embarrassment. "I wasn't scared. So... don't walk so far behind me." 

Blinking in surprise, Sehun wondered what Luhan was on about.

"Just then... You were worried about what happened in your office, right? That's why you've been so awkward around me," Luhan quickly said, his gaze never leaving Sehun's although it was obvious he was nervous from the way he was gripping his cloak. "Thank you for taking me to this festival. It's my first time and I'm... I'm happy to have come with you so, please enjoy it too."

A mixture of relief and surprise clouded over Sehun's face, but most of all, he was ecstatic to hear that Luhan was happy to be out with him. "I'm glad you like it, Luhan."

A frown was visible on Luhan's face. "It's no good if only I like it." 

Sehun covered his mouth with a fisted hand to hide the smile fighting its way onto his face, coughing lightly in amusement. "I'm enjoying it. I always enjoy anything if it's with you."

"O-oh. That's good, then," Luhan said softly, his gaze finally leaving Sehun's line of sight. Sehun felt himself relax and finally be able to enjoy this time he had with Luhan. Although he invited Luhan out of impulse due to the guilt he felt for scaring Luhan again, he was glad one of his impulsive decisions ended up making both him and Luhan happy. 

As they wandered around a few more hours, Luhan buying a few goodies for the people back at the estate and Sehun partly doing his patrol duties as the Duke of the Empire, there was an announcement made to signal the beginning of the fireworks display for the night. 

"Fireworks?" Luhan asked no one in particular, but Sehun was able to pick up his voice from the bustling noises around them. 

"Do you want to watch? Or are you tired?" Sehun asked kindly, adjusting the few bags of items he had in his hand that he was carrying for Luhan. 

Luhan nodded his head enthusiastically, the sparkle in his eyes multiplying like a child seeing a stick of candy. "I want to watch!"

Sehun smiled in response and began to ruffle Luhan's head that was covered by the hood of his cloak. "Let's do that then." 

Luhan smiled shyly, making Sehun glad once more that he took the young man out on this special day. 

"Do you want to head back? I feel like we've only been doing what I wanted today," Luhan said, a twinge of guilt in his voice as they made their way out of the crowded plaza. 

Sehun couldn't help but smile until the corners of his eyes crinkled. "What you want to do is perfect for me." 

"A-ah, I see. Then, let's look for a nice place to watch the fireworks," Luhan said, a faint redness forming at the tops of his cheeks that Sehun found enchanting every time it happened. 

Following Luhan's lead, Sehun gently nudged him to an area that he knew of that was perfect for viewing the festival's fireworks. It was a spot that he and the crown prince used to go to every time there was a major event in the empire and although he had not come to the place in a long while, he was glad he still remembered how to reach it. 

"Amazing! Nobody is around and you can see the stars so well!" Luhan exclaimed, excitement apparent at how he was standing on his toes as if to look at the stars closer. 

Sehun let out a soft laugh as he watched an excited Luhan from his spot on the dewy grass that he covered with a soft but durable fabric. Luhan stopped staring at the sky and quickly walked over and sat right next to Sehun, bumping his arm into Sehun's own. 

"Sorry..." Luhan said, putting a bit more distance between them. Sehun noticed Luhan was too close to the edge of the fabric and was worried he would get dirty from the dewy grass and wet soil. 

"Come closer," Sehun simply said, not wanting Luhan to feel uncomfortable with dirty clothes. Sehun stared at Luhan who seemed to not want to move at all, and patted at the small space near him. Luhan scooted slowly right next to him and Sehun gave a content smile, before looking up at the millions of white spots in the sky. 

"It's been a while since I've been here," Sehun said out loud, memories of his childhood pouring into his mind. "I'm glad I could show you this place."

"M-mm, it's really pretty here," Luhan said, a noticeable tremor in his voice making Sehun worried about whether he was feeling ill.

"Is everything alright, Luhan? You don't sound well," Sehun said hurriedly, his hand raised up to feel Luhan's temperature on his forehead. "You don't seem to have a fever." 

Sehun felt Luhan grab his hand off his forehead. "I-I'm fine. Just... excited for the fireworks." 

"I see," Sehun said unsurely, still worried that Luhan might've been sick from walking around so much. Standing up, he took off his black cloak and covered Luhan with it. Luhan seemed to protest as he began to the top before Sehun kneeled down and covered Luhan's hands to stop him. "Just keep it on. It's a bit cold tonight."

As he was pulling his hands away from Luhan's, he was caught by surprise when Luhan pulled his hands back making his face nearly hit onto Luhan's. As he reclaimed his balance, Sehun was met with the large doe eyes that kept him awake at night and the beautiful and attractive face that made his heart pound. Although taken aback by the sudden situation, Sehun managed to remain reserved and uncaring, only giving a quizzical look Luhan's way. 

"Sehun," Luhan began, his warm breath as he spoke Sehun's name hitting Sehun on the chin giving the already frazzled duke a wave of strange feelings. "I... I think I'm really sick." 


"I'm enjoying it. I always enjoy anything if it's with you."


"What you want to do is perfect for me."


"It's been a while since I've been here, I'm glad I could show you this place."

Why are these words you're saying making me feel like I'm going crazy? Luhan thought to himself, unable to understand why everything Sehun said made him feel like all his nerves were being overwhelmed by an invisible, rattling force. 

"Just keep it on. It's a bit cold tonight," Sehun said, a soft smile on his lips as he carefully rearranged his cloak over Luhan. Feeling Sehun's hands slip away from the cloak, a feeling of emptiness started to form again whenever Sehun backed away after they were so close and Luhan loathed that strange feeling. 

Pulling Sehun by his hands to get him closer once more, he wasn't sure why he was being this way and the only person he could ask was the person who was making him feel all these strange emotions. 

"I... I think I'm really sick," Luhan managed to blurt out, making the tall Duke's expression falter as he worriedly looked all over Luhan's face and body for what was making him ill. 

My heart is really sick. Why am I this way when it comes to you? Luhan asked himself as he watched Sehun fuss over him. 

"You don't have a fever, though. Do you feel pain somewhere?" Sehun asked seriously, making Luhan almost laugh at how stressed Sehun seemed. 

"I don't know if it's pain, but," Luhan began, nervous at explaining himself to Sehun. "I keep having a strange feeling." 

Luhan looked at the young Duke's face, studying the slanted eyes that always looked his way calmly, his handsome face that made others look ordinary, his long, pretty nose and thin lips. Everything about the Duke made Luhan have such strange feelings and it like it couldn't bear it if Sehun wasn't close to him. 

"I keep feeling this way when I'm near you," Luhan continued, feeling shy at what he was saying that he buried his face into Sehun's right shoulder. "My heart keeps pounding and my face keeps getting hot. When you say nice things to me, my mind feels like a mess. What do you think is wrong with me?" 

All Luhan could hear was the loud thumping of his chest reverberating between his head, as if his entire body was about to implode from the few seconds of silence that came after his nonsensical explanation. Pulling himself away from Sehun's shoulder, he was ready to explain more when he felt Sehun's cold fingers tilt his face up once more to meet his gaze.

"You," Sehun began, a fiery gaze directed Luhan's way, making him tense up. "You're making this difficult for me."

Luhan blinked in confusion as he saw Sehun frown. He wondered if what he said was unpleasant for Sehun to hear and he wondered if it was a mistake to ask for advice based on Sehun's reaction. As he was about to apologise, the sound of a distant explosion caught his attention, making him turn his head to see the bright purple spark that resembled a flower in the sky. 

Before he could continue seeing the fireworks, Luhan's head was forcibly turned back to face the fiery, overbearing Duke before him. 

"I like you. Push me away with all your might if you hate this," Sehun said in a deep and distressed voice. 

The sound of Luhan's heartbeat and the sounds of explosions in the distant sky seemed to get jumbled together the moment he saw Sehun fully close the gap between them and a soft pressure was felt on Luhan's lips. Closing his eyes on instinct, those usual feelings of frustration and dissatisfaction seemed to disappear as he felt Sehun's lips moisten his own. 

The cold palm and fingers holding the back of his head as if he would disappear if not held tightly, the warm breath shared between the two of them as their kiss deepened and the distant rumbling sounds from the fireworks that seemed to get quieter the longer they held each other close. It was all Luhan could take for he felt breathless after such a passionate situation with the Duke. 

Breathing heavily, Luhan lost the strength in his arms as it laid limp at his sides. His lips felt sore and his body felt hot. Everything felt overwhelming yet everything also felt right. 

"Luhan?" Sehun called out, Luhan finally able to look him in the eyes. A look of worry and guilt taking down Sehun's handsomeness a few notches. 

Luhan smiled as reassuringly as he could, not wanting to see Sehun have such an expression. "I didn't push you."

"Hm?" Sehun voiced out, confusion on his face. Luhan felt his ears warm up and turn red as he looked down automatically from embarrassment.

"I didn't push you away." Luhan repeated, "That means I like you." 

Oof such a long chapter but energy was :・゚☆✧

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OP_Robin11 #1
Chapter 10: Love it so so much ❤
Chapter 10: I love this so much!!!! Every part is so good to read. Thank you so much for writing this fic 😍.
Chapter 9: I've been waiting for this story and now it's completed😭😭❤️
969 streak #7
Chapter 10: Thank you so much for completing this fic. Sehun finally has his beloved to stay with him as long as they live.
969 streak #8
Chapter 9: So, this is a double update. Thank you so so much.
They now have a promise of being with each other.
But will the road be smooth for them now?

I hope you get to enjoy eating sushi a lot.
969 streak #9
Chapter 8: Sehun finally succumbed to his feelings. And Luhan reciprocated it beautifully.
Thank you so much for returning to this story.
Chapter 8: This is too good for my heart 🥺