7: Rose


The near evening sun painted various of yellow, orange and red over the fields that stretched endlessly in Sehun's eyes. As he waited patiently yet anxiously for Luhan to come out after packing a few of his belongings, Sehun wondered if he was being tricked once more by a bittersweet dream, as he'd had countless encounters with Luhan in a similar fashion every night since Luhan left, but seeing this scenery, breathing this air, it would've been too cruel for this to be a dream. Especially when Luhan's warmth lingered so softly yet presently in his palm. For the first time in a long while, Sehun felt himself smile at this unbelievable yet wonderful situation before him. Beginning to feel comfortable with his feelings and the sounds of subtle nature surrounding him, Sehun was surprised at the sudden appearance of Luhan's father by his side.

Feeling his usually stoic eyes shift in its sockets, Sehun turned to face his elder wondering what he was doing outside, and what he could possibly want to say to Sehun. Seeing the displeased expression on Luhan's father's face was enough to scrape some of the happiness he felt from Luhan coming back with him, but not enough to completely destroy it. 

"May I help you with something... sir?" Sehun said as respectfully as he could.

A few frigid seconds passed, making Sehun feel slightly frazzled inside, yet his outer demeanour was still the elegant young lord Sehun. Luhan's father finally turned his face away to look out to the fields where Sehun was previously staring at.

"My son," Luhan's father began, perking up Sehun's ears. "He's had a hard life. Not just from those horrible people who took him, but also because of us who hid him nearly all his life."

A melancholic look passed by Luhan's father's face as if years of difficulty flashed by his eyes. He turned to face Sehun, a stern look directed his way. "That's why I will protect the happiness that he has found for himself, even though I feel displeased about it."

Sehun looked sheepishly to the ground, knowing well how much Luhan's father disliked him, if the punch he received three months ago was anything to go by. 

"You," Luhan's father began, the crease between his brows becoming ever so apparent. "Don't think you have a hold over us just because you're a high ranked noble. Though my wife and I are like this, we came from noble families too."

Widening his eyes in surprise, Sehun wanted to ask what Luhan's father meant but Luhan's father waved his hand to stop Sehun from even thinking about the matter. "It's all in the past now. I have a wonderful life without all that mumbo jumbo."

Sehun nodded softly, unsure of what to say but remembering how fond Luhan looked whenever his family was mentioned, they must've had a life filled with happiness. 

A rough, strong hand gripped Sehun's right forearm as if to make him pay attention carefully to what was coming. 

"I am not blind to how you look at my son. Should you ever touch him, I will kill you myself, do you understand?" Luhan's father threatened, his voice calm but a chilling intention pierced through Sehun's skin. 

Sehun kept a calm gaze despite being called out for his obvious feelings and nodded respectfully. "I have no plans to make your son uncomfortable while he is with me. I simply want him to be happy."

Luhan's father scoffed before loosening his grip. "I hope you are a man who sticks to your words, young lord Sehun."

"I've missed you, Luhan" Lay cooed as Luhan greeted him in the gardens as soon as he finished unpacking. "Did you get taller?" 

Luhan softly smiled at the familiarity of being back in Sehun's estate with everyone the same as before. The longing in his heart settled quickly as he took in the sight of the progress Lay had made with the garden the both of them tended to before he left. 

"I kept the greenhouse as it is. The plants are alive. Don't worry," Lay said with a sheepish smile. "Though, I can't vouch for the quality. Herbs are definitely more of your expertise, Luhan."

Luhan quickly shook his head. "I'm sure they're still great!" 

Luhan felt his hair being ruffled by Lay, his cheerful laugh could be heard echoing outside, and the memory of the ride back to the estate flashed in his mind once more. 

Carriage Ride

An awkward silence danced between Luhan and Sehun, as the adrenaline from seeing one another wore off during the long carriage ride back. Luhan felt the sweat form in his palms creating a film of discomfort over his skin and his emotions. 

"Have you eat-"

"Was the tri-"

Sehun blurted out a question at the same time as Luhan, making the already awkward atmosphere turn up a notch higher. 

Luhan gulped in nervousness as he matched his gaze with Sehun's sharp eyes. "Um, please speak freely..."

Sehun nodded coolly before clearing his throat. "I'm sorry, Luhan." 

Luhan blinked in confusion as a response, unsure of what Sehun was apologising for.

"I assumed on my own that you would stay with your family without returning. I did not consider your own feelings in the matter and for that, I am truly sorry. It will not happen again," Sehun said firmly, as if to declare an oath for himself. 

Shaking his head a bit too aggressively, Luhan felt guilty for making Sehun apologise to him over this matter when both of them were at fault. 

"I also... did not voice out my thoughts and feelings about it so... l-let's do our best from now on!" Luhan quickly said, feeling embarrassed for some reason. 

His cheeks felt warm from the embarrassment over his childlike statement and it was worsened by the chuckle he heard coming from Sehun. Feeling vexed, he wanted to glare Sehun's way but was stopped short when he saw Sehun's hand pass his line of sight before resting at the top of his head. The familiar ruffling of his hair brought a sense of comfort that Luhan didn't realise he had missed for the past 3 months and it calmed down his nerves in a way he couldn't explain.

Sehun sported a tender smile that reached his eyes and seemed to flow out into the stare he was giving Luhan, making Luhan's young heart race. "Let's do that, then. Welcome back, Luhan."

Feeling his heart jump in its place, Luhan agilely moved towards the greenhouse, leaving a perplexed Lay standing with his hand hanging in the air. 

"Ah..." Lay began to himself, "They grow up so fast. I guess he hates skinship now."

Luhan heard some mumbling as he walked away but chose to ignore it as Lay was someone who tended to speak to himself often and redirected his attention to the greenhouse he hadn't seen in a while. 

True enough, the plants inside were growing well albeit the poor nature of some of them. Luhan smiled to himself, happy that the place he poured his energy in was still here and wasn't taken down. Catching a glimpse of a lone plant at the side of the greenhouse, he suddenly thought of the young lord and how he had to rush to Duke Tora's residence as soon as he dropped Luhan off.

"He must've been having a hard time too," Luhan said to himself, as his eyes lingered on the plant.

A soft knock pulled him out of his daydream and he was surprised and delighted to see Kyungsoo smiling softly to him from the greenhouse entrance. 

"May I come in?" Kyungsoo asked, making Luhan remember how polite and professional Kyungsoo could be even when he didn't have to be. 

Luhan nodded enthusiastically, happy to see such a familiar face. "It's been a while."

Kyungsoo nodded before dropping his gaze to the floor. "It has." 

As Luhan looked towards Kyungsoo, he wondered what was troubling the usually pruned and proper butler for him to look so distraught. 

"Luhan," Kyungsoo began, catching Luhan's attention. "You know, I've always thought you were such a wonderful and bright person. You were like a plant that should've been outside where you belong. You'd be happy and flourish if that were the case."

Luhan stood in place, feeling puzzled as he watched Kyungsoo look sadly at the herbs on the table in the middle of the greenhouse. 

"I thought a plant like that shouldn't be confined to a place like a greenhouse. Trapped and unnatural, not seeing the warmth of the sun where they belong. I sincerely thought I was right..." Kyungsoo trailed off, looking upset.

"But I was wrong," Kyungsoo said, looking at Luhan straight in the eyes. "I didn't realise the plant that I cared about was happy in the greenhouse and I threw him outside without him knowing any better." 

Luhan blinked a few times, feeling upset that Kyungsoo looked so aggrieved. "It's not your fault, Kyungsoo."

Kyungsoo shook his head, a bitter smile on his face. "It is my fault. Because of me, I hurt both you and the young lord. I apologise deeply." 

Seeing Kyungsoo bow his head, Luhan felt frantic as he quickly made his way to the visibly upset butler to stop him from bowing. "Please don't. The misunderstandings have been resolved, s-so, let's live happily from now on... hm?" 

Luhan saw Kyungsoo stare dumbfoundedly towards him before a soft laugh escaped his lips. "You are too kind for your own good. It worries me."

Luhan pouted. "Even so, I like everyone here and I love my family too so, I want to be selfish and have both." Fidgeting a little, Luhan felt embarrassed to say the next words. "The y-young lord said I could..."

Kyungsoo's soft laugh continued before a calm smile settled on his face. "Yes. You should do that." 

2 Years Later

The dazzling lights, extravagant refreshments provided and the flurry of well-dressed elite nobles made Luhan dizzy as he rejected the fourth woman in the party to imply to him she wanted to be his dance companion. Escaping to the nearby balcony, Luhan could finally catch a his breath and calm his thoughts. 

Although he had attended numerous gatherings such as these over the past year, he still could not get used to them especially when women would approach him for dances or companionship. It made him uncomfortable and his only solace were these balconies that all noble houses seem to have. 

Staring up to the sky as he became comfortable sitting on the bench, he felt a little dumbfounded at all the events that had happen ever since the day he came back to Sehun's estate. 

Shortly after, Sehun's father passed away and his dukedom was passed to Sehun making him the new Duke. Rapid changes were made under his leadership where even the law in the land where Luhan's family lived where children could be taken was revoked. Luhan smiled at the bright, round moon as it reminded him of Sehun.

Cool, luminous and comforting. To Luhan, Sehun was an existence like the moon in the night sky that lit his way when he was in a dark place. Sehun had even managed to register Luhan as a noble with the help of his parents, making him able to run Sehun's textile and fashion business as an assistant whenever Sehun was busy with the responsibilities of being a Duke. 

Etiquette lessons, dance lessons, history and all sorts of subjects, Sehun had provided the best for Luhan over the past 2 years and many young noble ladies were smitten by the beautiful, young man that was Luhan. Luhan sighed to himself, wondering how his life had gone from farming to becoming a noble who attended lavish parties more often than he could weed his plants.

"The dance lessons I got for you were wasted"

Luhan looked up when the familiar deep voice drifted its way to him in the empty balcony and he felt a calmness as he matched gazes with Sehun. "It was."

Sehun smirked at Luhan's cheeky response before making his way towards where Luhan was sitting. As Sehun walked the distance from the entrance of the balcony to where he was sitting, Luhan took in the way Sehun dressed for the night.

It was an event hosted by the royal family to commemorate the kingdom's only princess' 18th birthday and both Sehun and Luhan were invited by the crown prince who was Sehun's closest friend back when they were in school. Now that Sehun had become the Duke, Sehun had a responsibility to the royal family and to attend formal functions such as these. 

Luhan couldn't help but stare at the long legs that were fitted with maroon trousers. Trailing his eyes up, the expensive material of Sehun's outfit enhanced his aura of nobility making it seem as though the maroon coat and vest decorated with dark golden embroidery and buttons were glowing as it reflected the moonlight. 

Luhan's heart felt like it was expanding and restricting the space in his chest by how much louder his heartbeat seemed to sound as Sehun made his way closer before sitting next to him.

"It suits you," Sehun said briefly, making Luhan look at him in confusion. Sehun pointed to Luhan's shirt and gave a soft smile. "The new outfit."

Warmth grew on his cheeks and although, Luhan had become better in managing his emotions thanks to the etiquette classes, he still felt flustered whenever Sehun would comment on anything he did. It was the strangest thing.

"Couldn't you have picked a less conspicuous colour?" Luhan lightly complained, as he fiddled with the hem of the rose-coloured vest he was wearing. 

"Why? It looks good," Sehun simply said, before getting up from the bench. "Let's head in before people look for us."

Sighing inwardly, Luhan got off the bench and put a rest on the topic of his all pink ensemble as he didn't want to converse about it any further either. 

"Why don't you dance?" Sehun said, looking at Luhan quizzically. "I saw some of the women approach you in there."

Luhan looked down in discomfort. "I don't feel comfortable with them."

A small smile could be seen on Sehun's face and Luhan instantly pouted.

"You're making fun of me, aren't you?" Luhan bitterly asked.

Sehun shook his head, although the small cheeky smile stayed in place. "Are you shy?"

Luhan scoffed. "No. I just... don't want to dance with them."

Luhan carefully looked up towards Sehun, afraid he sounded too much of a spoiled child and saw Sehun stare at him kindly. 

"Then, would you like to dance with me?" Sehun asked nonchalantly. 

Luhan felt his breath stop in his throat as he processed the question ed towards him. "You... Me...?"

Sehun simply nodded and began to position them together in a dance position, Sehun seemingly not noticing how Luhan had frozen in place.

"I-I only know the men's part..." Luhan managed to say out quietly.

Sehun's cheeky smile came back and jolted Luhan's mind awake. "Lucky you for dancing with a brilliant man like me who can dance either parts." 

Before Luhan could retort, they had begun dancing in the empty space of the balcony, following along to the rhythm of the faint music that could be heard inside the hall. As his confusion over the situation cleared, he finally managed to recall the steps and led Sehun in the dance as taught by his dance instructor. Focusing on his feet throughout the entire dance, Luhan noticed and felt small details as the space between him and Sehun closed during the shared dance. This was the closest he had ever been to the young lord and a strange, worrisome feeling grew within him.

The musky scent, the subtle sound of Sehun's clothes ruffling and the feeling of Sehun's steady breath in his hair, the pounding in his chest became rapid and he wondered how he managed to complete the dance in the state he was in.

"Not bad," Sehun simply said as they broke away from each other. "You dance well."

Luhan cleared his throat as he calmly looked at Sehun's unperturbed expression. "I never said I couldn't dance..."

The soft chuckle Luhan was used to wafted into the night sky and a bubbling feeling settled itself in the depths of Luhan's heart. "Let's head inside. You'll catch a cold." 

Luhan nodded and smiled as he walked besides Sehun as they made their way back into the hall. Before they could do so, a young woman with long black hair, large hazel eyes and porcelain skin made her way to the balcony where Luhan and Sehun were. A wide smile graced her elegant face and the long lilac dress she wore seemed to dance as she hastened her steps towards Sehun.

"I've been searching for you everywhere, Duke Sehun," Princess Soojin quipped, her feminine voice pleasantly reaching the two men's ears. 

"Duke Sehun greets the Princess of the empire. Happy Birthday, your highness," Sehun gracefully greeted. 

Widening his eyes in surprise, Luhan quickly did his greetings. "I humbly greet the Princess of the empire. Glory to you on your birthday." 

A kind smile was directed Luhan's way. "You must be Luhan. It is nice to meet you." 

Luhan smiled sheepishly at the acknowledgment from a royal and simply bowed in response. 

"You missed my entrance, Duke. How will you repay this insult?" Princess Soojin asked haughtily.

Sehun coolly smiled in response. "I apologise, Your Highness. I have brought a gift which I hope dispels your unhappiness." 

Princess Soojin's playful pout turned into the bright smile once more before she hooked her arm into Sehun's shocking Luhan out of his previous shyness. 

He had never seen Sehun be close to any woman, and he never thought of the possibility that Sehun would have a woman cling to him the way the princess was doing as he had only ever seen Sehun work or eat at the estate. 

What is this? I don't like this. Luhan thought to himself, as his eyes lingered a little too long on the Princess's arm that naturally curved into Sehun's. 


Forcing his eyes away from the scene that made him feel uncomfortable and slightly angry, he was met with a perplexed look from Sehun. Luhan looked around guiltily before hastening his steps to catch up with Sehun and the Princess who had already reached the hall.

As the festivities continued well into the night, Luhan's emotions were a storm of confusion, unease and anger even as he headed back to Sehun's estate in the same carriage as the Duke. 

Sehun felt a strange mood after leaving the balcony. Luhan was strangely quiet and his expression showed a moodiness he had never seen in the past 3 years Sehun had known him. 

"Are you alright?" he couldn't help but ask the young 18-year old boy. 

Widening his doe-like eyes, Sehun saw Luhan cross and uncross his arms before turning his gaze outside the window. "I'm fine." 

Sehun felt his brow crease. "Are you sure?"

Luhan simply nodded without looking Sehun's way.

Sehun squinted his eyes a little in confusion before shaking the issue off. Must be puberty. I was also like that before. Let's not aggravate him.

Shifting his eyes to Luhan's direction, he managed to catch a glimpse of the slightly displeased expression on the flawless complexion of Luhan's face that was illuminated by the moonlight. He felt his chest fill with a wave of emotions as he blatantly stared at the young boy who grew up into a fine young man in the past two years. 

Luhan had grown taller and leaner. His previous baby face was now replaced with a chiselled face, although his doe-like eyes were still the key feature of his appearance. His demeanour had become more sure and determined over the things he wanted and the things he wanted to express, although Sehun was happy to see him back to being slightly flustered when they danced at the balcony. It reminded him that the sweet Luhan he met the first time was still the same and it brought a genuine smile to his face.

"Are you that happy?" Luhan asked, a bitter tone present in each word.

Sehun was taken aback but simply nodded since he was happy he was able to dance and be that close to Luhan. It wasn't something to feel guilty about. It was simply a dance. Yes, it was dancing. He definitely had no ulterior motives...

Sehun smiled to hide the guilt that was prickling his conscience but it seemed to have made Luhan's mood worsen as Sehun caught the quick glare directed his way. Before he could say anything, they had reached the estate.

"Well, I guess if someone as beautiful as the Princess accompanied me the whole night, I would be ecstatic too," Luhan commented quickly as he gathered his coat before exiting the carriage in a bothered manner. 

Sehun sat dumbfounded at Luhan's strange mood swings and wondered what he could have possibly done wrong for Luhan to act this way. 

Puberty is really scary. 

"Um, Luhan?"

Luhan looked up to Lay with a face full of annoyance, making the latter shirk back in fear. "The plant..."

Confused, Luhan looked down to the plant he was weeding and he was shocked to see some butchered roots. Looking guiltily at Lay, the both of them awkwardly laughed as Luhan handed over the deceased plant. 

"Sorry..." Luhan softly mumbled.

Lay smiled before patting Luhan's back. "We all have those days. Why don't you go rest for a while?" 

Luhan could only lamely nod as he got up to wash off the dirt on his hands and face, feeling guilty towards Lay for taking out his anger on a poor plant.

Luhan frowned to himself as he washed his hands in the nearby animal shed that was managed by Chanyeol and Baekhyun who had started working here a year ago. 

Why am I angry anyway? Luhan was confused by his own emotions. He had no reason to be angry. Of course, one day the Duke would have to have his own family the way his parents did. Of course, he'd have a wife and children. That'll definitely happen so... why does it bother me so much?

Luhan shook his head in frustration as he turned off the tap and shook the water off his hands.


Luhan jolted in surprise as he heard a loud sound coming from the nearby shed. Worried someone might be hurt, he carefully made his way over and peeped slightly into the shed.

"Your voice sure is nice and loud," Luhan heard Chanyeol say as he had Baekhyun pinned to a pillar, not allowing the shorter of them two to escape. Seeing the situation, Luhan was ready to help Baekhyun out as it seemed like they were fighting but the words Baekhyun said after stopped him before he could even move an inch.

Smirking proudly, Baekhyun looked condescendingly towards Chanyeol. "It is and you liked it last night."

"Hmm, feisty," Chanyeol said, a toothy grin showing his contentment with the short man in front of him. "Rather than being loud today, show me how nice those lips are without making a sound." 

"You cra-" 

Luhan widened his eyes in shock and tore his gaze away from the scene before him and made a run towards his room, ignoring the gazes from the maids in the house. Shutting and locking his door as his heart raced a mile a minute, he wondered if he was hallucinating.

Luhan was not ignorant of the matters of love and... those matters since it was taught to him in his etiquette class but he had never seen such actions in vivid detail and it made him feel guilty that he encountered Chanyeol and Baekhyun in such a situation. 

Kissing... looks... weird, Luhan thought as warmth from embarrassment spilled out from every pore of his body. 

Sehun had been having a hectic morning as he continued to juggle both his business and his responsibilities as the new Duke for the territory ever since his father passed on. Though their relationship had improved while his father was sick, Sehun was not too sad when his father passed and was only disappointed that his father couldn't have been a better person while he was still alive. 

As his stress piled up day to day from the heavy workload, Sehun's only solace was spending time with Luhan and regardless of the things they did together, it was enough for him since Luhan was by his side and living happily. Although he had resigned himself to only wanting Luhan's happiness and not asking for more than what Luhan could handle, he still felt disappointed when Luhan had failed to show up to dinner for the second night straight and he truly began to wonder if this was only a puberty issue. 

Thinking that enough was enough, Sehun abruptly got off the dining chair and made his way to Luhan's room, startling the few maids who were in the wing of that house. Knocking gently to avoid upsetting Luhan further, Sehun quickly open the door to Luhan's room and was met face to face with the boy who had been the source of his worries since the ball. 

"Sehun..." Luhan softly called out, making Sehun's heart swirl in pleasure. 

Sehun cleared his throat. "Will you not eat dinner again today?"

Luhan looked down to the carpeted flooring guiltily. "If I don't?"

Sehun looked carefully at Luhan to gauge his mood and it seemed to be less prickly than before. "Then I'd be disappointed."

Finally meeting eye to eye with Luhan, Sehun couldn't help but find Luhan so lovely in his pyjamas that Sehun had designed for him. The dishevelled hair that showed he had been in bed and the clean scent of soap that came off his body made Sehun's chest soar from how much affection he had locked inside towards the radiant blonde boy. 

"I want to eat with you," Sehun stated as-a-matter-of-factly. "May I?" 

Sehun could see Luhan clench his jaw and he wondered if he was angry again but a soft sound of acknowledgement melted Sehun's worries away. 

"Do you..." Luhan began, but stopped before he began fiddling with the hem of his shirt as he usually did when he was nervous.

"Feel free to say anything," Sehun said, reiterating Luhan's words on the carriage the day he picked him back up from Luhan's parents' house. 

Luhan visibly took in a breath before looking Sehun straight in the eyes. "Do you have feelings for the princess?"

Not being able to catch himself, Sehun let out a burst of laughter.

"No, Luhan. She is my closest friend's sister so I only see her as a sibling as well," Sehun explained quickly as he saw Luhan's mood turn sour at his laughing outburst. 

"Oh..." Luhan said, seemingly confused.

Hm? Was he upset about that? Sehun asked himself, feeling confused as well. 

"But she's... pretty," Luhan said lamely, seemingly dispirited. 

Sehun frowned as the thought of Luhan having a crush on the princess made his skin feel like it was covered in hives. "Then, do you like the princess?" 

Luhan shook his head quickly and determinedly. "Of course not! I don't even know her!"

Sehun smiled in contentment. "Then it is the same for me. I don't like her in the way you are thinking." 

Seeing Luhan blink slowly as if to absorb what Sehun was saying almost made Sehun want to ruffle his hair once more but he refrained as he felt he was discriminated against for such a petty reason. 

"Did you shun me for such a reason?" Sehun asked half seriously and half playfully. "I feel quite hurt, Luhan." 

Luhan visibly raised his shoulders as he took in a deep breath, seemingly knowing how he had been acting was wrong. Sehun enjoyed teasing Luhan in this way a few times before and this time was no exception. 

"Then..." Luhan began, making his way to Sehun and closing the gap between them. "Let's eat dinner."

Sehun gave Luhan a soft smile and felt a little playful. "I don't think that will be enough."

Luhan looked visibly disappointed and looked around as if to find an idea for what he could do to appease Sehun's anger and to Sehun, everything Luhan was doing at the moment was enough to get rid of the fatigue he felt the whole day. The sunshine he needed to go about his day was Luhan and although the youngster didn't know, Sehun had only grown to be more in love with him over the past two years they spent together. 

Inwardly sighing at his unrequited love, he was ready to bring Luhan out of his misery when he felt Luhan grab his hand. 

"Then, is there something you want in particular?" Luhan innocently asked, his hand still holding Sehun's as if he was afraid Sehun would leave him. 

Sehun laughed pitifully to himself in his mind as even this small contact with Luhan made his heart race and ache at the same time. It raced from how beautiful and sweet the boy in front of him was and it ached at how much of a distance they had in terms of their feelings for each other.

Putting his free hand through Luhan's hair and softly pulling a lock in between his fingers, his mind wandered into a bad place as he gently rubbed the golden blonde strands between his fingers. "What if I ask for something horrible? Will you do it for me?"

Luhan tilted his head in confusion into the direction of Sehun's hand that was holding his hair. "But you wouldn't ask for something horrible."

Sehun scoffed as his eyes drifted from Luhan's hair to his face, making the younger of them visibly stiffen. "Then you don't know me that well."

Sehun began to close the distance between them even more and he could see Luhan looking frantic at what was happening and it hurt Sehun inside to see Luhan's eyes quake in fear that way.

Ah, I'm the worst, Sehun thought to himself. With only two inches between them, Sehun pulled himself away and began ruffling Luhan's hair as he usually did. With his usual business smile, Sehun simply said, "Don't trust others so easily. Let's have dinner, Luhan." 

"Oh? Oh... okay," Luhan said in a daze, before following behind Sehun.

Sehun felt Luhan's presence behind him as they made their way to the living room but he couldn't turn and look back, not after what he almost did.

Luhan's happiness was his utmost priority. He would destroy everything that made him unhappy, past, present or future, and nothing in this world could ever harm Luhan and the life he was striving to have. 

Not even him, himself. 

Country entered a new lockdown so was busy with the day job for a while! 

Hope everyone enjoys this chapter. Sorry for the infrequent and slow updates T.T

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OP_Robin11 #1
Chapter 10: Love it so so much ❤
Chapter 10: I love this so much!!!! Every part is so good to read. Thank you so much for writing this fic 😍.
Chapter 9: I've been waiting for this story and now it's completed😭😭❤️
969 streak #7
Chapter 10: Thank you so much for completing this fic. Sehun finally has his beloved to stay with him as long as they live.
969 streak #8
Chapter 9: So, this is a double update. Thank you so so much.
They now have a promise of being with each other.
But will the road be smooth for them now?

I hope you get to enjoy eating sushi a lot.
969 streak #9
Chapter 8: Sehun finally succumbed to his feelings. And Luhan reciprocated it beautifully.
Thank you so much for returning to this story.
Chapter 8: This is too good for my heart 🥺