5: Black


Looking out towards the endless plains that passed them by, Luhan wondered where Sehun’s next business destination was as it seemed to be vastly different to the usual cities they had visited whenever Luhan assisted him. Rolling his shoulders to rid of the ache he felt from the long journey, he suddenly realised the intense stare Sehun was directing towards him.

“Uncomfortable?” Sehun asked as his eyes looked all around Luhan like a doctor examining a patient.

Luhan shook his head before smiling gently. “The trip is a bit longer this time.”

A low sound of acknowledgment was heard and Luhan noticed Sehun turning his head to look out the small window of the carriage. “I think you’ll like the place we are heading to.”

Luhan smiled to no one in particular, simply feeling elated that he could spend time with Sehun albeit a little disappointed that Kyungsoo was with them too. He liked Kyungsoo but somehow when he was with Sehun, he only wanted it to be the two of them.

A cough caught Luhan’s attention forcing him to pull away from admiring Sehun’s handsome side profile to look at Kyungsoo.

“Do you need some water, Kyungsoo?” Luhan asked, innocently.

Kyungsoo visibly took in a long intake of breath before speaking. “No. Thank you for asking.”

Luhan nodded and proceeded to continue staring at Sehun who seemed deep in thought, much to Kyungsoo’s apparent distress.

Minutes passed by and Luhan felt no one was as handsome as Sehun in this world. His light brown hair reminded him of delicious, sweet toffee, his slitted eyes that made Luhan scared the first time they met now made Luhan feel warm every time they landed on him, Sehun’s always stylish clothing that would look ridiculous on others but made him look like a blue blood royal. Everything about Sehun was pleasing to him and a cosy feeling always arose whenever he had the chance to look admiringly towards Sehun.

Today’s outfit consisted of an all-black suit with grey lapels and similar grey embroidery, the only colour seeping through was the bronze silk pocket square peeping from the left side of Sehun’s chest. Although the outfit gave off a dominating and overpowering aura, Luhan couldn’t help but feel that Sehun was suppressing a very complicated emotion that was the opposite of how he looked, as if a huge burden was lodged in his heart with no way for him to overcome it.

“Sehun,” Luhan called out tentatively, catching Sehun’s attention. “Is everything alright?”

A look of surprise came and went before Sehun gave a small smile. “It’s nothing. Did I worry you?”

Luhan shook his head quickly, returning Sehun’s smile with his own. “N-no. Umm, a little. I’m glad it’s nothing to be concerned about.”

Noticing Sehun leaning his upper body forward, his heart hastened its pace when Sehun’s face was a few inches from his. Unable to look away, Luhan could see the dark brown of Sehun’s pupils and it seemed to want to swallow him whole and never let him go. Breaking the gaze, Sehun turned his attention to a few stray strands of hair on Luhan’s forehead and began to tidy it.

“I apologise for making you worry, Luhan,” Sehun said gently, as he pulled away recreating the original distance between them, making Luhan remember the day in Sehun’s office and how considerate he was over Luhan’s emotions, apologising even when he did not do anything wrong.

Luhan waved his hands in front of him in rebuttal. “Don’t apologise! I’m truly glad you’re okay.”

Seeing Sehun’s lazy demeanour as he rested his head on a bent arm that was propped on a small surface next to his seat, with an entertained smile dancing across his lips, Luhan felt like he was just teased to his limits but he was still happy.

“If I was not okay, what would you have done?” Sehun asked playfully, an entertained smirk plastered on his devilish face.

Luhan felt himself get warm. “I would have tried to cheer you up… if possible.”

Sehun’s smirk turned into a wide smile at Luhan’s response. “How would you have cheered me up?”

Entranced by the widest smile Sehun had ever displayed, Luhan felt a quiver reverberate through his body. “I… Is there something specific you’d want to do when you’re upset?”

Looking downwards, Sehun seemed to contemplate Luhan’s question seriously before a devilish smirk returned. “You have not answered my question.”

Luhan felt his shoulders tense up at the playful yet dominant tone of Sehun’s voice. He wasn’t able to organise his thoughts well enough to answer Sehun’s question but he thought actions would speak louder than anything he could muster up to say.

“Kyungsoo, do you mind switching seats with me for a short moment?” Luhan asked politely. Although confused, Kyungsoo obediently swapped seats with Luhan. Luhan turned to face Sehun who was on his right side, noticing the quizzical stare Sehun was giving him. Luhan almost let out a chuckle, wondering how he thought Oh Sehun was an ice sculpture with no emotions when they first met when the man in front of him acted so dearly.

Filled with a feeling Luhan couldn’t put a finger on, a surge of confidence filled him to the brim as he lifted his right hand above Sehun’s head before landing his fingers into the warm brown strands. Keeping a steady and affectionate gaze towards the bewildered man who was a few inches away from him, Luhan fixed Sehun’s hair the way he did for Luhan just recently.

“You always comfort me this way. I like it so I thought maybe you would feel less sad if there was someone to comfort you in this manner too.”

Perplexed by the sudden close proximity between them, Sehun could only stay still in place, both feeling elated and nervous. This was the first time Luhan had done something so bold, yet fitting of his character. Timid yet courageous when it came to the people he cared about, always trying his best to cheer on those around him without expecting anything in return, full of happiness despite all the horrendous experiences he had gone through. At that moment, Sehun wanted nothing more than for Luhan to always be as he is, to always be full of warmth that it spreads out to infect those around him. Luhan awkwardly began to remove his hand from Sehun's hair, an absent feeling weighing where Luhan's warm fingers were.

With a flush of pink colouring the porcelain skin across the tops of Luhan's cheeks and the bridge of his nose, he awkwardly stared sideways to the plush leather seats before speaking. "If that was strange, I-"

Sehun quickly grabbed onto Luhan's retreating hand, making the younger boy look back to meet with Sehun's equally frantic gaze. "I enjoyed it." 

Sehun wondered if it was too late to return to his estate and dismiss returning Luhan back to his family. He was so adamant to not be his father, to not deliberately imprison someone against their will and to let them live a life of freedom, but an overwhelming sense to keep Luhan overrode these principles. All he desired was to keep Luhan to himself and damn all of those who judged him. It wouldn't even matter if the world called him a tyrant. 

For Luhan, he could become even worse. 

He could become the devil if it meant having Luhan by his side. 

Tightening his grip around Luhan's hand, he started to lean closer to the beautiful boy who was the little sun that melted his ice cold heart. He wanted to be a winter that trapped that sun for eternity and to never let it return to the sky. 

"Young lord."

An admonishing voice snapped both Sehun and Luhan back to reality and Sehun was met with a fierce look that he had never seen his butler make in his life. "I think you're hurting him."

Coming back to his senses, Sehun loosened his grip slightly, looking at Luhan's face to see if he was in pain or feeling any discomfort but all he saw was a bashful boy who seemed confused yet anticipating about what was to come. Nearly choking on a breath because of Luhan's suggestive expression, Sehun forced a comforting smile Luhan's way. "I apologise if I startled you, again." 

Blinking a few times, Luhan looked like he was in a daze before he stiffly pulled back to put a distance between them, much to Sehun's dismay. "I am alright." 

Giving a final warm glance Luhan's way, Sehun turned to face his butler who had become a thorn on his side when it came to Luhan. Casting a grievous glance Kyungsoo's way, it was an ineffective threat as Kyungsoo remained as calm as the river flowing parallel to their carriage. Sehun mentally sighed before retreating himself to staring absentmindedly outside the window, unwilling to let the carriage move an inch closer to their destination. 

The longer Luhan spent in the carriage, the more nervous he felt as the scenery surrounding them became all too familiar. Passing a long stretch of fences made of tulip tree wood, it reminded Luhan of his own home before he was forcibly taken away and it made him wonder how his family were doing. It had been nearly a whole year since he had seen his family. Though he experienced horrible things, he was also one of the lucky few who was bought by a kind-hearted individual like Oh Sehun and he had live a wonderful half a year doing things he loved in Sehun's estate. 

As the journey continued on, the roads became even more familiar and at the sudden view of his family's rustic yet large farmhouse, Luhan could feel his heart palpitating excitedly. "This is..."

Looking back and forth between a stoic Sehun and a kindly smiling Kyungsoo, Luhan wondered how all of this was happening.

"Welcome home, Luhan," Kyungsoo simply said.

Luhan took a glance at Sehun who he had no doubt was the one to do this for him and Luhan's heart soared infinitely, his mind in disarray over how much more he would need to do to repay back Sehun's kindness. He could see Sehun give him a kind but stiff smile that Luhan thought was his way of expressing shyness and he couldn't help but flash a grin to convey his gratitude to the young lord who always did things that went beyond Luhan's comprehension of a good person. 

As the carriage pulled over into the farmhouse area beyond the makeshift gate of tulip tree wood, Sehun swiftly and expertly got off the carriage before holding out a hand to help Luhan land on the ground safely. Feeling slightly awkward, Luhan placed a hand in Sehun's before hopping off the carriage, finally being able to take in the view of his home that he had been away from for so long. 

"Are you happy?" Sehun asked, his gaze fixed on Luhan as they stood side by side. 

Luhan smiled and nodded. "I never thought I'd get to see this place again." 

As he admired the scenery and his cosy home, a woman with blonde hair came out holding a basket, as if ready to pick some vegetables from the farmland. Seeing the group of aristocrats at the entranceway, the woman looked apprehensive until she saw the young, blonde haired youth standing next to the tall, domineering man that caught her attention first. 

"Lu...han?" the woman called out, making Luhan's chest instantly tighten at the familiar sound of his mother's voice.

"Mother!" he cried out as he ran towards her, his emotions carrying his two feet back to where he had spent his entire life. Hugging and crying one another, Luhan's mother finally pulled away long enough to see her son's face. 

"I never thought... I was so afraid..." Luhan's mother incoherently mustered, but Luhan could understand what she wanted to say. 

"Lillian, what is-" 

Luhan whipped his head back to the source of the voice that he remembered last before leaving with the slave traders. The man who yelled out his name and tried his hardest to catch up to Luhan in vain. His pitiful father who looked like he had just seen a ghost. 

"My son..." Luhan's father simply let out, voice almost a whisper before running to hold Luhan in place as if wanting to confirm his existence. "You're really here..." 

As a few tears fell down his father's face, Luhan couldn't hold back anymore and sobs began to echo throughout the fields, the weight he felt wondering of his family's condition finally released. The loud wail led to Luhan's two older brothers coming out from the house, their expressions similar to their father at the sight of Luhan. 

The family continued to bask in each other's presence before Luhan finally remembered Sehun who was standing nearby, a look of satisfaction apparent on Sehun's face, as if seeing Luhan's family happily seeing each other once more was something that brought Sehun great joy. 

Coughing audibly to get rid of his embarrassment, Luhan broke away from his family to make his way to Sehun's side before dragging Sehun back towards the group of four who had visible question marks on their faces as to who the tall, handsome noble was. 

"Mother, father, brothers, this is my employer, Young Lord Oh Sehun," Luhan introduced. 

A look of surprise was casted on every member of Luhan's family's faces as they began to study the cold man that contrasted deeply against the bright, sunny Luhan. An instant look of judgment was sent Sehun's way as they remembered the only possible way Luhan could have possibly gotten to live with such a noble. 

Luhan's father's face contorted as his rage began to grow exponentially before he took a swing against Sehun's left cheek, making the latter stumble slightly, shocking Luhan and erasing the joy he felt from coming back home instantly. 

"Father!" Luhan yelled out admonishing his father, before rushing to help Sehun stand back on his feet, noticing the small trace of blood at the corner of Sehun's mouth. "Look what you did to him!"

Ignoring his son's panicked words, Luhan's father looked firmly towards Sehun. "You have no shame. How dare you buy my young son for... for your own entertainment!" 

Luhan's eyes widened in shock before rushing to block his father from getting any closer to Sehun. "You have it all wrong, father! Sehun... He was the one who saved me!"

Luhan's father scoffed. "Saved you? He spent money and bought you, didn't he?"

Eyebrows shooting up slightly in surprise, Luhan missed the timing to refute his father and to explain the situation carefully.

"You see? He had horrible intentions the moment he bought you! Don't be fooled by him," Luhan's father continued to say angrily, his fiery gaze never leaving Sehun's calm face. 

Luhan shook his head aggressively. "That's not true! He did pay for me but he has never made me do anything against my will! I only farm or model clothes he designs! Ah! He owns a textile business and designs clothes! Look at my clothes now! I mean-"

Feeling a soft but present grip on his shoulder, Luhan flipped his head to see Sehun smiling softly towards him as if to comfort him and let him know that everything was alright.

Luhan felt a prick in his heart. Sehun was the one who was hurt and in pain, so why was he acting like he was fine and wanting Luhan to feel better instead?

For the first time, Luhan actually had wished he had never come back here. 

If they hadn't come here, Sehun would not have been hurt.

If they hadn't come here, Sehun would not have been humiliated in front of one of his staff.

If only they hadn't come here... 

Looking down to the grassy ground, Luhan felt ashamed to face Sehun who had become the target of his family's fury. 

"I apologise for returning Luhan to you so late," Sehun began, bowing respectfully. "I should've been more mindful about how you must've felt when your son was taken in such a way. Although I cannot prove it, I have never once crossed a line with your son, so please rest assured."

Standing straight once more, Sehun turned to face Luhan, an adoring and warm gaze forming on Sehun's face that shook Luhan to his core, making his emotions do another tumble. 

"I simply want Luhan to be happy. That is all." 

As he looked at the group of people who resembled Luhan, Sehun felt a sense of relief seeing their reaction to Luhan returning to them. Watching them cry, then laugh and be thankful for Luhan's return made Sehun realise that this was the correct thing to do, despite the hollowness he felt at the thought that this was the last time he would be able to see Luhan. 

I truly wish you a lifetime of happiness, my dear Luhan, Sehun thought to himself, feeling pitiful for himself but glad that he was strong enough to endure the constricting feeling in his chest.

As he intended to leave, the abrupt and intense punch from Luhan's father strangely made Sehun regain his calmness. Although he had no reason to, he felt the need to explain the situation clearly, not wanting Luhan's family to misunderstand Luhan's position in his house. Luhan may not have known it, but to Sehun, Luhan was the most precious being in the world and he would not allow anyone to taint his character. Even Luhan's own father. 

"I simply want Luhan to be happy. That is all," Sehun said, hoping his words would calm everyone, especially the frazzled Luhan who looked especially endearing as he held back tears. Sehun wondered if he was feeling upset for him, and it made his heart feel a warmth that could only sprout from thinking of Luhan. 

An uncomfortable silence loomed, before a cough from Kyungsoo made everyone's attention turn towards him.

"The young lord treats everybody in his estate with respect. This includes Luhan. I hope you would refrain from further tarnishing both their characters with your careless words," Kyungsoo said sharply, not bothering to hide his disdain for Luhan's father's actions. 

Luhan's father glared at the haughty, young butler, not even making a ripple in Kyungsoo's professional demeanour. 

"We understand. Please forgive us for being rude and jumping to conclusions. If our son says so, then it must be true," Luhan's mother said calmly, gripping her husband's forearm to stop him from adding any further comments. "Thank you for returning him to us." 

Sehun smiled kindly towards Luhan's mother who resembled the fair youth a fair bit. Giving a hum of acknowledgment, Sehun turned around and took Luhan's hand, much to the surprise of the latter, before leading him back to his family. 

Looking into Luhan's confused, watery eyes, Sehun felt a complicated emotion of both relief and sorrow at the thought that he would have to leave this place without this person next to him. 

"This is the place where you belong. I'm happy to have met you, Luhan." 

"What..." Luhan began, not sure what was happening. Shaking his head to rid of his dazed state, he locked onto Sehun's gaze, which seemed to be full of anguish that Luhan wanted to his hair once more and tell him not to look so sorrowful.

"What is going on, Sehun?" Luhan finally managed to say. 

Sehun smiled softly, his eyes looking around Luhan's face making Luhan feel his heartbeat hasten at the blatant action. 

"You missed your family, didn't you? I simply took you back where you should be," Sehun explained simply. "So, please live happily from now on." 

Luhan furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Aren't I... coming back with you?"

Sehun and Kyungsoo both raised their eyebrows in shock, and Luhan wondered if he had said something so outrageous. 

"You want to return with them?!" Luhan's father shouted. "Don't speak nonsense! If you're done, leave!" 

Directing the last line to Sehun and Kyungsoo, Luhan saw Kyungsoo give a murderous glance to his father, before turning to stand outside the carriage door, awaiting Sehun to board. 

Sehun lowered himself to meet face to face at the same level as Luhan, before ruffling Luhan's hair the way he always did in order to comfort and appease Luhan. "You don't need to come back anymore. You should stay here with your family."

Seeing Sehun straighten back up, Luhan looked up to the Oh Sehun who saved him and who he saw as his family for the past half a year. Luhan was happy to be home. He was incredibly happy even.

But somehow, his heart was ill at ease at the thought of not seeing Sehun every day from now on. 

It was such a foreign and uncomfortable thought that it twisted Luhan's emotions to the point where he couldn't hold it anymore. 

"But... I still have work to do," Luhan said lamely, unsure of what was making him so reluctant to see Sehun leave. 

Sehun held Luhan's shoulders gently, a look of peace on his face, as if this was no trouble for him to face and it soured Luhan's mood to see him so nonchalant about this ordeal that was making Luhan anxious. 

"You're free, Luhan. I told you before that you're not a slave to me so... please live freely and happily. I... want that for you," Sehun said, emphasising how much he wished for Luhan to stay where his true family was. 

Hearing the almost pleading tone of Sehun's voice, Luhan couldn't bring it within him to say that he wanted to go back.

He wanted to go back and water the plants he didn't have a chance to since they left so early in the morning.

He wanted to return to bring the warm-hearted maids of the estate some nice scented herbs for them to use as perfumes.

He wanted to learn to make delicious desserts from Jongdae, so he could make something on his own for Sehun one day.

Now, he couldn't do those things anymore. 

Something that he thought he'd have forever, was now forcibly taken away from him without his consent once more and a wretched sense of loss was again stabbed deep into his chest.

Frozen in place as he watched Sehun leave in his carriage, he was a step too late when he faintly let out a whisper responding to Sehun's one-sided words.

"No..." Luhan softly said, unknowingly catching the attention of his mother. 

Luhan felt his eyes burn as warm tears started to flow without mercy at the view of Sehun's carriage trailing along towards the distance. The winds were temperate and the sky was a clear lustrous blue, but Luhan felt his body turn cold at the sudden realisation that Sehun had single-handedly decided that he was no longer going to be in Luhan's life. 

"What if I don't want that!" Luhan yelled out at the quickly disappearing carriage, his voice distraught at the situation that had unfolded without his say.

Sehun's warm expression, his light caress through Luhan's hair every so often, the heat that emanated whenever their skin touched, the conversations they had over dinner, the memories they had as Luhan worked together with him on his business endeavours. Everything that made Luhan's heart full the past half a year came to a sudden end and he felt a nightmare descend on him as the last remnant of Sehun's carriage disappeared without a trace.

Author's note:

Slightly angsty chapter but I hope it is still enjoyable.

I know I said this is the last chapter butttt I feel like the story needs to develop a bit more so this might just end up being a 10-chapter story. Oop. 

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OP_Robin11 #1
Chapter 10: Love it so so much ❤
Chapter 10: I love this so much!!!! Every part is so good to read. Thank you so much for writing this fic 😍.
Chapter 9: I've been waiting for this story and now it's completed😭😭❤️
969 streak #7
Chapter 10: Thank you so much for completing this fic. Sehun finally has his beloved to stay with him as long as they live.
969 streak #8
Chapter 9: So, this is a double update. Thank you so so much.
They now have a promise of being with each other.
But will the road be smooth for them now?

I hope you get to enjoy eating sushi a lot.
969 streak #9
Chapter 8: Sehun finally succumbed to his feelings. And Luhan reciprocated it beautifully.
Thank you so much for returning to this story.
Chapter 8: This is too good for my heart 🥺