3: Red


Spring wafted into the territory as Luhan's first winter working at Sehun's mansion came to close. As he began digging out a few plants, herbs and vegetables alike, it was clear to everyone in the mansion how much the young boy improved in terms of his appearance in a few short months. Eating nothing but the high quality food that the young lord of the house ordered to be fed to him three times a day had a profound effect on Luhan's physique. Coupled with his work, Luhan was a far cry from the scrawny and sickly appearance he had when he first arrived. 

In the process of transplanting a few young sprouts, Luhan's toned forearms that seemed to move in waves as it glistened in the sunlight made a few maids passing outside stop and stare at the beautiful blonde haired youth covered in dirt that gave him a fascinating appeal.

Kyungsoo cleared his throat in a not so subtle manner, making the maids jump and scurry off in various directions to cover up their embarrassment. Sighing to himself, Kyungsoo studied the oblivious young boy in the garden who was smiling happily at the dirt he was stabbing into with a trowel.

"You truly have no sense of awareness," Kyungsoo said to no one in particular as he stopped in front of Luhan who looked up at Kyungsoo with his doe-like eyes, piercing Kyungsoo's heart at how adorable this young boy was. 

Luhan tilted his head to the side, a move that Kyungsoo noticed he always did when he was unsure what the other party was talking about, and all Kyungsoo could do was shake his head. He does only have the young lord in his mind lately.

"It is almost dinner time. You should wash up and get ready. The young lord has come back from his trip," Kyungsoo informed.  

Kyungsoo felt his heart get pierced once more as he saw Luhan's face beam at the mention of Sehun's arrival back to the mansion after a month of absence. The happiness that bloomed on the young boy's face like a flower opening up towards the spring sunlight after a long winter made Kyungsoo's heart feel warm, yet it also ached him very much.

Luhan was a young boy who was forcibly taken from his family because of something ludicrous and although he was lucky enough to have met a kind young lord like Sehun, Kyungsoo could not help but wonder if this was truly the best thing for the Luhan he had come to adore and cherish like his own younger brother. Imagining himself losing his own siblings in any way, he couldn't help but feel overwhelming sympathy for Luhan's family. 

Watching Luhan's blonde hair bob up and down as he merrily made his way inside to clean up, Kyungsoo felt it was of importance to voice out his concerns with the young lord, even if it meant letting Luhan leave this place forever.

Dinner for Sehun became an occasion fit for two during the times he was able to stay home. As he made himself comfortable in the dining chair at the end of the twelve seater dining table, a soft knock captured his attention, letting himself feel the calming effect that overcame him as the knowledge of who the person behind that barely audible knock alleviated the tension that built up over the month he was away. 

"Come in," he called out, his tone kind but still firm. The door gently swung open and a smiling Luhan greeted him, making his eyes squint slightly, bunching up the soft flesh under Luhan's eyes. An obvious and genuine look of joy directed to Sehun's way.

Sehun felt his breath hitch, a strange feeling bubbling in his chest but he managed to greet Luhan with his usual gaze and acknowledgment. "I'm glad to see you looking well, Luhan."

Luhan nodded excitedly after sitting down at the seat closest to Sehun's right side. "I've been eating well. Lay and Kyungsoo also help me with a lot of things. Gardening is also really fun. Everyone is really good to me. Just a few days ago..."

Sehun felt himself relax as he watched Luhan talk merrily about his days in the mansion and how much he enjoyed being outside doing the work Lay assigned to him. After a few months of acclimatising to his new living environment, it was easy for Luhan to open up and simple conversations like these between him and Sehun were a common scene for everyone in the mansion. 

A gentle smile made its way to Sehun's lips and his eyes drifted to studying the boy in front of him and how much he had changed since he met him. The scared but strong boy at the auction house had finally grown a fair bit and was now looking healthier and had so much vigour in him, it was hard to believe they were the same person. Sehun felt proud of Luhan for overcoming the mind-set ingrained into him on being a slave, remembering the day when Luhan cried as he expressed his gratitude for being able to work in this mansion. 

"...surely a greenhouse would be better for those kinds of plants but I think Lay prefers growing things from the ground." Luhan said, followed by a light laugh that tickled Sehun's ears.

"Do you want a greenhouse?" Sehun asked nonchalantly, snapping his fingers to call in for the food. 

Luhan stared wide-eyed at Sehun, an expression Sehun enjoyed seeing. He would at times purposely make statements just to get this reaction from the naive Luhan, as it amused him. 

"H-how could I dare ask for that! I was simply speaking my mind. N-no need to mind it!" Luhan quickly blurted out, worry etched into his delicate yet handsome face, making Sehun let out a low, fleeting chuckle. 

"It would be good for the mansion too. Thank you for suggesting a good thing, Luhan," Sehun simply said, a kind gaze sweeping over the bewildered blonde in front of him. "Let's eat." 

Luhan opened his mouth to say more but Sehun had already pulled back his gaze to pay attention to the food in front of him. Luhan was worried he might have overstepped his boundaries and he felt a sense of dread clouding over his heart. Every day in this mansion felt like a faraway dream that he would one day wake up from, and he was afraid he'd be back to that cold, horrible metal cage that was the most familiar thing to him back at the auction house. Luhan felt his back tighten, anxiousness not enabling him to enjoy the food he was nibbling on like a baby bird.

"Is the food not to your liking?" Luhan heard Sehun ask, snapping him out of his muddled state. 

"No! I mean! It's delicious. I just..." Luhan began, sneaking a glance to make sure Sehun did not seem angry. "I'm just afraid I may have spoken out of bounds when I brought up the greenhouse. Even Lay did not bring it up, so why would I-"

"You have a right to suggest such things, Luhan," Sehun said with a comforting gaze that melted away the worries taking root in Luhan's mind. "Lay gardens and farms for this mansion, but so do you. And between you and me..."

A squeak stopped itself from coming out of Luhan's mouth as Sehun's face made its way close to Luhan's. "...I think you're a better gardener than he is."

As Sehun pulled away, a rare smirk made its way to his face, the usual cool demeanour replaced by a playful countenance that made a warmness envelop Luhan's face, forcing him to look away for fear of Sehun seeing him being so... unsightly.

"...Lay would be sad to hear that," Luhan replied weakly.

Another fleeting chuckle could be heard in the room where the two of them were, and Luhan felt a strange wave of emotion at his core. He bravely turned to take a look at Sehun who had a warm smile on his face as he cut into his steak. The warmth in Luhan's face failed to recede and instead amplified the more he kept studying the features on his saviour's face. His smooth white skin, his long eyes that could be both dominant yet also full of warmth and the thin and soft pink lips that had smiled gently towards him in encouragement whenever he had worries. Luhan quickly snapped his head back to his food as he felt his face turn into a shameful shade of crimson at the realisation of his thoughts.

He wondered why he kept being this way when Sehun was around. It began soon after the day he embarrassingly cried in front of the young lord and Luhan was at a loss as to how to stop himself from feeling this way. It made him behave so strangely and he didn't want Sehun to realise this strangeness that formed within him. After all, he wanted to protect this happiness as much as he could and to do that, he wanted to do his best in what he could for Sehun and for all the people in the mansion who were kind to him. 

Closing his eyes in an effort to remove his odd feelings, Luhan was determined once again to live happily here and work hard to repay back Sehun's kindness. 

Whistling in amazement, Lay could only stare absentmindedly at the construction of the greenhouse that was already underway after Luhan said it in passing during last night's dinner with the young lord. 

"Hey, Kyungsoo," Lay began, his eyes glued to the construction happening near his gardening area. "Do you think if I tell Luhan to mention in passing about increasing my pay to the young lord, I'd get a salary increase the next day?" 

Lay felt the sharp pierce of a thousand needles on the right side of his face as a look of disbelief was directed his way from the exasperated Kyungsoo beside him. "I guess you are silently telling me to not even think about it." 

Kyungsoo sighed and shifted his focus to the greenhouse, his mind in disarray as he had a strange inkling as to why the young lord was acting out of character whenever Luhan was involved. 

No, no, no, no. The young lord is dignified and the most educated man in this country. He would absolutely not harbour such feelings for Luhan. Absolutely not. Kyungsoo thought to himself, unable to rid himself of the unease that was swarming in his head. 

"This won't do," he said outright to no one in particular, before making his way to the young lord's office without a word to Lay.


As the sun went down for the day, Sehun's office was decorated with streams of red and orange permeating through the window, making Sehun realise how long he had been at it for the day. A knock on his door alerted him out of his exhaustion and his butler, Kyungsoo made his way inside the room before bowing politely. 

"Dinner will be ready in half an hour. However, I would like to discuss a matter with you prior to that, young lord, if you will allow it," Kyungsoo stated seriously.

Sehun slightly nodded, his face stern yet listening attentively. "Proceed."

"It's about Luhan," Kyungsoo began.

Sehun felt as though a small bubble had formed in his chest at the mention of the fair and delicate boy. It was a suffocating feeling but not unpleasant. "What about him?"

"I think it would be best if we look for his family and return him to them. After all, you did not plan on having him come here in the first place," Kyungsoo explained clearly.

Sehun felt himself clench his jaw. "That... is a valid suggestion." 

Kyungsoo looked proudly towards Sehun. "With your approval, I shall begin the search for his family. It should not take long."

Sehun nodded listlessly as he stood up from his chair, pretending to adjust the hem of his sleeves despite how immaculate they already were. "Proceed."

A soft smile formed on Kyungsoo's face as he bowed politely before turning to leave. 

Sehun felt the bubble in his chest burst leaving a ghastly residue that disoriented him and he couldn't help but ask his butler of his intentions. "Why did you suddenly have this thought?"

Kyungsoo stopped in the middle of opening the door, and turned to face Sehun with a strong, wilful gaze. "I simply want Luhan to have happiness. That is all. I'm sure the young lord would also want that for him. Am I correct in assuming so?" 

Sehun felt his gut twist from guilt, a strong feeling of unwillingness ever present at the thought of Luhan not being with him once they found his family, yet he could only respond in one way to Kyungsoo's question that dissected his emotions so painfully. 

"Of course."

A looming grey cloud seemed to hover in the carriage shared between Luhan and Sehun as they made their journey to the capital city of the neighbouring country for Sehun's fashion and textile business. The feeling of being constricted by the unmatched force of Sehun's visibly poor mood made Luhan anxious and he racked his brain trying to come up with ways to get rid of this tense atmosphere.

"Luhan," Sehun softly called out, an unusual worry barely noticeable in the way he called out Luhan's name.

"Yes! Um, is there anything you need?" Luhan said, his heart beating quickly from the sudden low voice in the carriage.

Sehun turned to face Luhan's way, a look that overwhelmed everyone around him directed towards the visibly shaken young boy. "Do you miss your family?"

Surprise made Luhan's pupils widen slightly. He had not forgotten about his family despite the happiness he felt living in Sehun's mansion. The love that they gave to raise him, the despair they had when they lost him, everything was still fresh in Luhan's mind like it was only yesterday. He had avoided thinking about his family for too long, for fear that he would do something unthinkable and irrational, but Sehun's question completely threw him off balance but if it was Sehun, he thought it would be alright to be honest with his feelings. Looking down to the brown leather shoes on his feet, a sad yet warm smile made its way to Luhan's face.

"I do," Luhan said simply, trying to fight back the tightening feeling in his heart that made him want to cry out. "I miss them dearly. I would love to see them once more."

A brief silence emanated the area before being broken by Sehun's short response. "I see."

"I am very much looking forward to your new line, young lord. The sample designs were already exquisite enough. I cannot imagine how fantastic the real thing would be!" 

Boisterous laughter echoed in the large fitting room that had a viewing area, allowing for others to wait for the person changing into clothes behind the wine red curtain before seeing the wearer display the clothes on a raised platform. Sehun smiled politely to the loud owner of the largest department store in the neighbouring country where he was hoping to secure a deal to sell clothing targeting male youths. This was definitely an important business deal to him. He had worked countless days and nights to get the production of these clothes to a level beyond perfection.

So why?

Why was it that all he could think about at this moment was how Luhan did not hesitate to say he missed his family and his old life? How could someone love their family that much that they could forget the happiness they had in the present moment? Sehun could never understand why people placed their families with such admiration and happiness in their eyes. Thinking of his father, a scowl instantly formed on his face. 

Duke Tora Oh was the second most powerful man in the nation, second only to the royal family and Sehun was the eldest son of such a person. One would think he would be proud of being the son of an incredibly powerful and elite individual but Sehun could only remember resenting his father after his mother was driven to her death by his philandering ways. Slaves were killed by the dozen at his father's hands, commoners were thrown out after he had his way with them and he had many illicit relationships with noblewomen in every corner of the country resulting in three half siblings from three different women. Sehun was only close to one of his step brothers named Kai, who was second in line to inherit the dukedom. They shared similar views and had an amicable relationship as compared to their two other siblings who resembled their father in the worst ways possible. 

Thinking this, Sehun was dumbfounded that a boy like Luhan would want to go back to a family that could not protect him, a family that could not give him even half of what Sehun could give him, a family that probably had given up on finding him already. Sehun felt a migraine form as his anger rose to an almost uncontrollable level that even the department store owner began to feel sweat coating his skin from the immense pressure the young lord was exuding. 

"Sirs, the models are ready," the shop assistant declared before instructing two other workers to pull back the wine red curtains to reveal four elegantly dressed youths in the designs Sehun poured all his efforts into.

Sehun's eyes instantly drew upon Luhan's lithe yet toned figure that helped the all-white ensemble he was wearing stand out in the best way possible. It was a simple but elegant design consisting of an unembellished high neck white blouse, a vest with gold buttons and details with a matching coat. With Luhan's soft blonde hair, his supple skin, coupled with his delicate yet magnetic features, he seemed like a shy young royal.

All the anger that Sehun had was dispelled in that moment as a large bubble seemed to take its place once more in Sehun's chest. A soft, suffocating feeling that made his pupils constrict and his breath hitch. A warm feeling that rose from his core and began to spread outwards reaching every edge of his soul. An unimaginable feeling of wanting something beyond human comprehension that it felt like Sehun was going insane. 

Watching the seemingly glowing person walk towards him with his usual warm demeanour, Sehun felt himself sink as the whirlwind of confusion he was experiencing suddenly reached its peak before dissipating into calmness as a horrid realisation hit him. 

This was what it was to be in love. 

The temperate breeze continued to surround the estate as another month went by. Luhan and Lay began to notice many of their young plants hard at work growing into their adult forms, allowing a feeling of accomplishment to form in Luhan's mind. He looked at the successful herbs that managed to grow in the newly built greenhouse and he couldn't wait to show it to the young lord. 

After returning from a successful trip to the neighbouring country's department store in the capital, Luhan noticed how distressed Sehun seemed to be. He could not fathom what problems Sehun was facing and he probably had no capabilities to solve them but Luhan couldn't sit idly by. His heart felt restless at the thought of Sehun cooped up in his office facing a mountain of business issues without anyone being able to support him. 

Though he couldn't do much, Luhan thought at the very least he could ask Jongdae to help him make a dessert to lift up the young lord's mood, even if it was just a little bit. Picking up a bowl of dried chamomile flowers, Luhan made his way to the kitchen where he excitedly explained to Jongdae his idea.

"How wonderful. I'm sure young lord Sehun would love it, especially since it's coming from you," Jongdae said sweetly.

Luhan shook his head shyly. "I-I'm sure he would appreciate it if it came from anyone."

Jongdae left out a soft laugh, amused at Luhan's naivety. "You are unaware of how much you affect the young lord, sweet Luhan."

Tilting his head in confusion, Luhan could only smile politely at Jongdae's statement, unaware of the flush of pink visible on his cheeks at the mention of the young lord, making the older and lonely Jongdae inwardly sigh from a minute case of envy. 

"Don't say such confusing things, Jongdae," Kyungsoo scolded, as he overheard their conversation while he was overlooking the maids' work. "You're going to teach Luhan strange things." 

Jongdae scoffed jokingly. "Strange things? There's nothing strange about it. It is plain as day that both of them li-"

Bursting out in a coughing fit, Luhan felt bewildered and quickly made his way next to Kyungsoo who seemed to be struggling with breathing. "Kyungsoo! Are you alright? Oh no, what do we do, Jongdae?" 

Jongdae pursed his lips and squinted his eyes towards the falsely ill Kyungsoo, feeling aggrieved. "He'll surely be fine. Right, Kyungsoo?" 

"Yes, yes. Don't worry, Luhan. Go ahead and make your dessert with Jongdae. Make sure to not listen to any of his nonsense," Kyungsoo reminded, giving a knowing glance in Jongdae's direction. 

Luhan wondered what was going on but it seemed like a private matter so he did not dwell on it too long. 

"Got it! Jongdae, let's get started" Luhan said, excitement lacing every intonation his voice let out.

Jongdae sighed, feeling a little sorry towards the young boy who did not even know his own feelings. "Let's."

A soft, gentle knock made Sehun stop in his tracks as he was studying a document while pacing in his office. Recently, he had developed a habit of walking around his office while working as a means to cope with his ever growing discomfort over the sudden awareness he had over his feelings towards a certain young, fair-haired boy that distracted him more often than he cared to admit. 

"Come in," Sehun said indifferently, his eyes glued on the document in his hands.


A delicate and mesmerizing voice called out his name, making a sudden current run through his veins causing the document he was holding to fall flaccidly to the floor. 

"Ah! Sorry. I startled you," Luhan said apologetically. Sehun noticed he was carrying a tray of panna cotta and he was contemplating where to place it before deciding on the nearby coffee table, proceeding to pick up the scattered documents on the floor. Sehun wondered if there was anyone who could stop him from finding Luhan so lovely, because every action he did seemed like an art form in his eyes and it made him feel horrible. 

"Leave it," Sehun said more coldly than he intended. "For what reason did you come?"

Sehun could see Luhan visibly flinch at his tone and he could not bear to look at any expression Luhan had at that moment. 

"I... I made that with Jongdae. I thought you'd like something sweet since you have been working tirelessly. I-It's a honey chamomile panna cotta. The chamomile came from the greenhouse. Lay and I grew it. It is supp-"

"Thank you, Luhan but I'm quite busy at the moment, so please return to your room," Sehun said flatly, not willing to look at Luhan for fear his resolve to keep these strange feelings at bay would be shattered if he locked eyes with the boy in front of him.

A short silence hung in the air before a small 'alright' was heard. Sehun could see from the corner of his eye Luhan turning around and making his way towards the door. Sehun felt his stomach tighten as knots kept forming, a discomforting feeling stabbing him from within.

Luhan was a child and a boy on top of that. Sehun could not bear to harbour such disgusting feelings of attraction towards a person as kind and sweet as Luhan. As a twenty year old man, he should not let himself indulge in such ludicrous emotions.

He could not.

He would not.

To ruin such a bright person with his own selfish emotions during Luhan's vulnerable state as his status in Sehun's world hung in the balance between slave and worker, Sehun did not want to become as revolting as his father. A barely audible sniffle landed on Sehun's ears and before he could think clearly, he was already taking large strides to stand in front of Luhan, blocking him from going out the door. 

Locking eyes with an obviously upset Luhan nearly made Sehun lose all reason but he was calm enough to only hold Luhan's upper left arm gently, worried about hurting him. "Why are you crying?"

A frown flashed passed Luhan's face, surprising Sehun as he had never seen Luhan look so aggrieved before. 

"You... hurt my feelings. I know it shouldn't hurt my feelings... but... it did," Luhan said with distressed pauses, trails of luminous tears streaming down his face one after the other, but he still kept his gaze locked on Sehun, discontentment apparent in his eyes. Sehun couldn't help but softly smile at the boy's obvious displeasure at the situation as it was a new expression he had never seen Luhan have. Luhan's frown deepened, pulling his arm away aggressively, he tried to move around Sehun to get out of the office but Sehun quickly pulled him into an embrace. 

Sehun could feel Luhan stiffen in his hold, but he did not want Luhan to leave feeling unhappy. Even if he himself was unhappy, he would never let Luhan feel any negative emotions so long as he had the ability to prevent so. 

Pulling away to look at Luhan's face, he was met with the expression he was accustomed to. Doe-eyed, wondrous and full of questions. Patting Luhan's hair softly, he gave a gentle smile towards the young boy who made his heart race a mile a minute.

"I apologise," Sehun began, trailing his fingers down a lock of hair before cupping the side of Luhan's face, his palm and Luhan's cheek exchanging warmth with one another. "I was rude to you. I have no excuse. Please forgive me, Luhan."

Author's notes:

Was not planning to end it there but it's already almost 5.30am and this became more detailed than I thought huhu.

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OP_Robin11 #1
Chapter 10: Love it so so much ❤
Chapter 10: I love this so much!!!! Every part is so good to read. Thank you so much for writing this fic 😍.
Chapter 9: I've been waiting for this story and now it's completed😭😭❤️
969 streak #7
Chapter 10: Thank you so much for completing this fic. Sehun finally has his beloved to stay with him as long as they live.
969 streak #8
Chapter 9: So, this is a double update. Thank you so so much.
They now have a promise of being with each other.
But will the road be smooth for them now?

I hope you get to enjoy eating sushi a lot.
969 streak #9
Chapter 8: Sehun finally succumbed to his feelings. And Luhan reciprocated it beautifully.
Thank you so much for returning to this story.
Chapter 8: This is too good for my heart 🥺