
Is it love? (Kaieun version)

Chapter 50.


      Jongin is busy. His office is closed and several voices reach me through the door. I'll wait for him downstairs. I've been stuck in my office all day. I can't stand it anymore. I don't care about the journalists after all! I'm not going to let myself be pushed around or intimidated! At this time, everything is quiet. At the reception, I spot Hyuna carefully picking up a file of documents. I'm tempted to go and talk to her but her boss showing up and she follows him thru the small door.

I stand there for a while, watching the cleaning ladies start to work. Strangely, it's just as quiet outside. Have the journalists had enough? Or maybe Jongin's made an announcement.  I'm tempted to check the latest tweets when I see Taemin walking towards me. He really is the last person I want to see right now. I pretend not to see him and I go back under the porch to shelter from the rain that's beginning to fall. Of course, I just need to decide to leave my parka and my scarf upstairs for it to start raining!

I glance at the dark sky and I shudder as I hear the clap of thunder announcing the approaching storm. I hate storms. I'm even very scared of them on the other hand, all I needed was the weather to fall into line with my day for it to be completely !

"Hi, naeun." Taemin creeps under the porch by my side and lights a cigarette. "Dreadful weather, eh?"

"Yeah..." I run my hands over my shoulders to keep warm. The wind has risen and it's pouring down rain.

"Would you like my jacket?" He offers.

"No thanks, I'll be fine." Why must he always be such a gentleman? If he were uncouth, it would be easier to imagine him as a traitor!

"Are you okay.? You don't look it...?"

What do they all have with that question today?!

"Haven't you read the news?"

"No, I didn't have time to." He puffs on his cigarette, shutting his eyes slightly as a few drops of rain brush past his face. "Why?"

"Forget about it." I want to talk to him but a small voice inside me is telling g me not to. And then... I feel like I'm betraying Jongin's trust.

This time he crushed his cigarette on the floor, sighing. He looks at me with his deep brown eyes. "What is it, Naeun?"

"Nothing, forget it." I hops on the spot trying to warm myself up. If it keeps raining like this, I'll go back up and get my parka.

"Are you sure you don't want my jacket?"

"Yes, Taemin. I'm sure." My tone is drier than I would have liked and Taemin doesn't seem to take my bad mood too well. "Whose side are you on, Taemin?"


"You heard what I said."

"What's going on...?" His expression goes from surprised to angry.

"I don't know, maybe you should the one explaining."

"What do you want me to explain?"

"I want to know what you're playing at and who you work for."

Taemin runs a hand through his hair and looks at me. A disenchanted grin reform his lips. "I'm not playing any games and I work for Kim Jongin."

"Oh yeah?"


The conversation is taking a bad turn. Taemin seems more and more enraged, just like the approaching storm. "What are you insinuating, Naeun?"

"I'm insinuating that you may have things to hide. What have they promised you??"

"I can't believe it." Taemin takes a few steps towards the limousine. He doesn't seem to want to talk to me anymore, even if it means facing the rain.

"You can't believe it?"

He turns. "Yeah, I can't ing believe it!"

"Great! Because for me, I haven't been able to believe what's happening after all this started!"

"And you really think I have something to do with it? Honestly?" , he seems genuinely upset... What if i was totally wrong? But it's too late to turn back now. 

"I'm just asking, that's all!!" 

He waves me off turning his back on me. He walks towards the road, up to his limousine. He's not gonna get away with it so easily! I unfold my arms and clench my fists. "Taemin!!" I take several steps in his direction. It's really pouring down with rain now but i don't care! "Do you have anything to do with the guys who are after Jongin?" 

"What?! For God's sake, you must be crazy!?"

"Taemin, I'm just asking.. no need to yell at me"

"Do you even listen to yourself? You're asking me if i betrayed my boss if i put him in danger, and you with him!! Who the hell do you think I am ?! !!"

My heart tightens. My eyes fill with tears. I don't know what to think and realizing the harm I'm doing to Taemin deeply grieves me. Root to the spot, soaked through, my jaw clenched and my hands trembling, i stare at Taemin. "I DON'T KNOW TAEMIN! I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ANYMORE, I'M SICK AND TIRED!"

Now, we're both yelling at each other in the middle of the street. The taxis drive by, impassive, as we tear each other apart. Fortunately, there are no journalists around. They would have had a lot of fun reporting on the scene I'm making, worthy of a modern-day drama queen. On the other hand, several passersby look at us warily.

"It's unbelievable!! I CAN'T ING BELIEVE IT, NAEUN!" He brushes his hand through his dripping hair.

"You'll have to explain Taemin! Instead of yelling at me!!"

Did I really just say that? I'm condemning him without any proof, just on Jongin's doubts. If I were him, I'd go crazy.

He's scowling at me. Clearly showing me that I'm going too far.

"Explain what? Who to? To you?? Are you playing God now? ing hell! And I thought you were different from all those condescending stupid es!"

He's going too far, his words are brutal but well deserved. At the same moment, a clap of thunder strikes over our heads. "You know what? Just forget about it." I let my arms fall down to my sides. Seeing Taemin come towards me, with a threatening look on his face, I automatically take a few steps back.

Suddenly we're startled by the screeching of car tires. As I turn around, I'm blinded by the headlights shining in my face. The car literally veers onto the sidewalk and is heading.... For me!!!

I don't have time to think that Taemin is already shouting my name! "Naeun!!!" It's crazy all the things you can think about in such a short timeframe.

Jongin's face springs to mind like a flash. All the moments we had together and all our rows. As if I was reliving these last few days. For the last time... I can no longer feel the rain, time seems to have stopped. The raindrops are falling in slow motion. everything becomes blurred. The deafening noise of the car rushing at me, the thunder, Taemin's voice... Everything mice together into incomprehensible hurly-burly.

My body freezes, I'm no longer in control. I'm paralyzed by fear! A large pair of hands takes home of my arms pulling me back violently! My feet come off of the road. I'm thrown like a rag doll! I tell with terror! At the same moment, the car launched at full speed, drives by, so close to me, that I feel its passage and the water propelled by its wheels splashes on my skirt.

Taemin is holding me firmly against him, while my whole body tenses and huddles up, dreading the moment of mortal impact! His arm wraps around me pulling against his bust, like a shield. The strength emanating from him feels superhuman as he grabs me out of the car's reach. 

panting, i struggle to come around! I watch the scenes as if i were detached from my body. I stare, wild-eyed at the car which is already just a small blue dot in the distance. "What the... What was that?" My words are halting, I'm completely panicked. 

"Are you okay, Naeun?" Taemin's warm breath caresses my neck and his deep and reassuring voice contrasts with my inner state. He letting me go and gently leads me up to the porch. My hair is dripping, my cheeks too. But i don't know if it's water or tears. I'm in shock. "Naeun... Speak to me.." I raise frightened eyes at Taemin who's looking at me tenderly. 

My whole body trembles and i feel exhausted. It surely has something to do with those guys who are after Jongin... Now that they know who i am, they'll lay into me too. What'll become of me? 

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Chapter 51: It's like everytime you feel you have cracked it something different will happen. Cant wait to know more. also I'm so glad you are writing this story again and giving such quick updates
Chapter 48: Wow... I love it! I hope everything will be solved soon!
Chapter 3: My god!! How is she still standing still in his presence?! My gosh! I adore her already!!
Chapter 2: Holy moly... Slow burn. I absolutely adore the moment she had with him. If it was me I'd be fainting....
Chapter 1: I don't know the game but my god I love first chapter. Hyuna is me totally 😂
Naeun however is this cute girl but she knows what she wants ❤️
Taeun2020 #6
Chapter 47: Omgg.. I just found your story yesterday. It's really good. I'm looking forward to the next chapters
Ydvvfjkch #7
Chapter 47: This author really good at writer. Even serious situations don't leave sense of humour..haha I really enjoyed this chapter.
Please take care of eyes and my blessings for your son's.
Ydvvfjkch #8
Chapter 46: Hahaha ....even myself have train toy..... When ever I shop for gift toys...end up bear or train most of choice
Ydvvfjkch #9
Chapter 45: Things getting heat up...
Ydvvfjkch #10
Chapter 42: Mysterious guy jongin