
Is it love? (Kaieun version)

Chapter 42.


          Like he could read my mind, he said, "hey, stop thinking too much. Everythings's fine my beautiful."

"You know.. Sometimes... It's disturbing, jongin."


"That way you have of guessing my thoughts." I look down into my bare feet. Waiting for his reply. But he just took my hand and kiss it while smiling. Then he walks away.
There, this is way more frustrating and disturbing when I am the one who always speaks out my thoughts after he can easily guess it and then he just walks away, no words.

I sit back on the sofa looking into the night view as my gaze drifts back to the small living room. Something attracts my attention. The lights for his phone screen pierces through the night. Although wanting to spy, I see messages pop up.
The phone is only a few centimeters from my knees and I can easily read the contents of the text. It reads, "You have 24h" from the unknown sender. My blood turns into ice. 24 hours for what? And who's the message from?
I don't have time to see the sender number is before the screen turns black again.
Jongin's still inside. I wonder..... No! I won't spy on his phone, If I start doing things like that, our already complicated relationship will not last very long. And realize that I have the thought of having a long last relationship with him is weird because we're just starting it.
In any case, he's already back carrying two glasses of water in his hands. He hands me the glass and sit next to me.

I drink a sip, preoccupied. When the messages reappear, I can't help but look at it insistently. He grabs his phone a little nervously. But it's too late, he knows I've seen it. "Jongin, what's going on? Don't tell me it was nothing."

"It is really nothing.. Work in progress.."

"At 3 am ?"

"Yess sweetheart, there is nothing to worry about." He smiles not reach his eyes.

I look at him dubiously. His face relaxes and he regains his characteristic control. "I'm not the only businessman to have ever had insomnia." He winks at me before taking a sip.

I like to believe him, but something wrong.. The message can't very courteous to be from a business partner. But obviously, I'm gonna have to content myself with this explanation. I'm worried. The latest event comes quickly back to mind. What if this was another threat. Is jongin negotiating with his aggressor? No.. He wouldn't be taking in calculating risks. "Why did you want to come here secretly, Jongin? Why didn't you tell at least team about it?

" I told you, I wanted us to get some peace." He puts his phone in the pocket of his trousers. "Why are you talking to me about taemin?"
His tone is suddenly a little cold. My question seems to have gotten him annoyed.

"Because he's supposed to protect you and because I care about you." I  front of my anxiety, Jongin softens.

"Listen, everything's alright. We're safe here, and this whole affair will soon be settled, I promise."
.i stare at the glass of water a little sadly. I would like him to tell me the whole truth despite everything, despite the fact he brought me here, that we shared our demons, he's still keeping me apart.

He puts a hand on my bare thigh, it's warm and soft, how could a guy palm was so soft. I shudder a little. "Don't torture yourself over it, okay? I've got everything under control. I would never have brought you here if it were at all dangerous."

"I know..."

He passes a hand over my cheek and lays a delicate kiss on the corner of my lips. "You should go back to bed, I need you to be is good shape tomorrow. I've planned a surprise." He gets up and gives me an enigmatic look. He holds out his hand inviting me to follow him. "If I have to, I'll tuck you up in bed myself, but I may want to take advantage of the situation a bit, and I don't want to exhaust you." His playful air makes me chuckle.

"Exhaust me? Really? I'd like to see that." 

All of sudden, he lifts me off the ground carrying me like a princess in his arms. Though I always think I have a few extra pounds, I his arms I feel light as a feather. "Go to bed, the little temptress, tomorrow you'll need your strength."

I huddle up against him and I let out a slight yawn. I'm beginning to feel sleepy...

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Chapter 51: It's like everytime you feel you have cracked it something different will happen. Cant wait to know more. also I'm so glad you are writing this story again and giving such quick updates
Chapter 48: Wow... I love it! I hope everything will be solved soon!
Chapter 3: My god!! How is she still standing still in his presence?! My gosh! I adore her already!!
Chapter 2: Holy moly... Slow burn. I absolutely adore the moment she had with him. If it was me I'd be fainting....
Chapter 1: I don't know the game but my god I love first chapter. Hyuna is me totally 😂
Naeun however is this cute girl but she knows what she wants ❤️
Taeun2020 #6
Chapter 47: Omgg.. I just found your story yesterday. It's really good. I'm looking forward to the next chapters
Ydvvfjkch #7
Chapter 47: This author really good at writer. Even serious situations don't leave sense of humour..haha I really enjoyed this chapter.
Please take care of eyes and my blessings for your son's.
Ydvvfjkch #8
Chapter 46: Hahaha ....even myself have train toy..... When ever I shop for gift toys...end up bear or train most of choice
Ydvvfjkch #9
Chapter 45: Things getting heat up...
Ydvvfjkch #10
Chapter 42: Mysterious guy jongin