
Is it love? (Kaieun version)

Chapter 49.

               This evening, I want just one thing, a flip into a warm bath and read a good book by candlelight. Firstly, that thought helped me get through the day, and secondly, it's the kind of thing I used to do before knowing Jongin. The day when I had a normal and boring life. my little dream of cocooning at home has just burst, Hyuna has texted me the link to an article.

The journalist from this morning seems determined on ruining my life! The managed to steal a photo of me, to disclose information about the position I home at Kim Corporation, and to make the connection with the inauguration assault. I'm completely panicked. Now I'm exposed to those who are harassing Jongin. Who knows what there capable of? Several online media have relayed the gossip and a little me, who was anonymous a few hours ago, is now making the headlines of several Korean rags. So I'm entitled to: "The mysterious girl is none other than Kim Jongin's assistant..." Or another nice one: "Does Kim Jongin expect anything else from his assistant" or: "This happening of Kim Jongin has something hiding with his assistant" and so on!

And as if that wasn't enough, the idiots know who I am. I never imagine being famous one day! I prefer the other way of being famous.

My phone rings, it's Hyuna.

"!! Did you see it?"

"Yeah, what a scoop."

"Sorry for being the bird of ill omen, but I thought that the sooner you knew the better!"

"No, you did well. It's just that right now... I feel under pressure."

"I understand, you poor thing... This story is getting to f blown way out of proportion!"

And she doesn't know everything

"Yeah, thanks to journalists."

"Yeah, What are you gonna do?"

"What can I do?"

"You should talk to Jongin about it."

"Yeah, I'll call him, but... The harm's already been done."

"He's going to go crazy."


"Do you want me to come around? I could bring a snack and we can spend the evening together."

"That sweet of you but no, really. I'm not hungry and I wouldn't be good company. I think I'll hide under the covers and wait for it to blow over."

"You're in the doldrums.."


After I hung up, I sigh, falling heavily on the sofa. I look for Jongin's number, frowning. After a few rings, he finally picks up. "Naeun, is there a problem??"

"I've made the media headlines..."


"A journalist harassed me with questions this morning and she managed to get information on me. You and I are the new gossips provoking couple in South Korea."

I hear Jongin sigh. "Don't move." I hear conversations in the background. He's not alone. He's talking to someone. Then some footsteps, a door closing, and then silence. "I'm in a meeting with my lawyers."

"I won't bother you any longer then."

"No, they will wait. Do you have the journalist's name?"

"I should be able to find it in the article, why?"

"Because she's gonna regret ever having run into you." He marks a silence. I can see him here passing a hand through his hair. "That idiot doesn't have the slightest idea what she's done."

"Jongin... I don't think you need to add to your troubles right now... You have enough to deal with as it is, and what's done is done."

I hear him sigh. I can sense that he'd like to be with me. "I'm not in Seoul, otherwise I'd come over right away."

"It's okay, I just needed to talk to you about it."

"Okay... Stay at home tonight and don't open to anybody. I'll send someone over to keep a lookout in front of your apartment block."

"Jongin, it's really not worth it."

"I'll call you after my meeting."

Okay, let's just say that he's pig-headed. "Okay..."


I got up several times, feeling sleepless, and a guy in a black suit was posted in front of my building. Sometimes in his black van, sometimes smoking cigarettes. That poor guy, he must have been bored. But I have to say that it reassured me. I felt safe.

This morning I go to work dressed rather unusually. I wearing a scarf on my head, big sunglasses, and a beige parka coat to not be recognized. A little more and I'd remind people of Jun Ji Hyun wanting to go around incognito! Actually, I wonder if it's all that discreet because a fee passerby has been giving me astonished looks. I wait for a group of workers and sneak in among them, without anyone noticing.

When I arrive at the reception, I see hyuna at her desk. Fresh as the morning dew. "Hey!"
She stares at me dubiously. I glance around the room and lower my sunglasses a little talking to my friend in a whisper. "It's me, naeun.. I've come incognito."

This time she looks at me mockingly and tried to stifle a fit of giggles. "I'd already recognized you. It's just your costume that surprises me a bit.."

"Pfftt... It's not a costume. It's so that nobody recognizes me."

"Ohhh, okay.."

I wave my hands at her. I step into the elevator and I take my glasses off. As the door closes, something absolutely horrible happens. Blood-red manicured nails, which I would recognize in a thousand, have just grabbed hold of the doors to stop from closing. A second in a lifetime is nothing. But when it comes to Jimin, it can turn into an eternity of torment.

She walks into the enclosed space while typing something on her mobile. Sighing. She presses her floor button without paying me any attention. I daren't make a move. I lower my eyes and fix my gaze on my feet. With a bit of luck, if I don't look at her, she won't notice me. If I don't move, this praying mantis won't bite my head off. But... Since there's always but, and my life is never that simple, she lays her perfidious eyes on me.

"Miss Son, I see you've invested in a new outfit?"

I can't say if she's surprised or she's just making fun of me. Quite evidently, it's a bit of both. I won't give her the pleasure of answering her. Ignoring her is the greatest form of contempt. I know she's just dying to make me suffer. Maybe even I'm part of her sadistic dreams. "Do you think you're a star now?"

I close my eyes for a moment and breath in. This woman is a calamity. "No, I'm just protecting my privacy."

She lets out a little chuckle.

"Didn't you notice the reporters outside?"

"Of course I did! You're not the only one to be asked about your position in the company, Miss Son.".
She annoys me with her 'Miss Son' and her hypocritical politeness. My God, can't she just leave me alone for once? She should consult a doctor to understand where her hatred of me comes from! "The assistant and her boss... So cliché." She looks up, pouting. She's clearly making fun of me! "Don't worry, they'll soon tire of you. You're nothing special just a little country girl getting cheap thrills."

"It gets to you, doesn't it?" She just stares at me, as scornfully as possible.

"I know that after all the efforts you've made to get all your bosses in bed, not having the slightest recognition... Must be really hard. Even if between you and me, quite honestly, your reputation here is already made... To say that I only needed one photograph to be taken of me at a party to won first place, I guess it annoys you."

Oh ... What the am I doing????

"Don't think yourself untouchable, Son Naeun. You're nothing, and I could refer your conduct to my superior."

"Do whatever you wish, I'm sick of your threats."
Anyway, I spoilt her plans a little. She probably hopes I'd go crazy. She would have had the certainty of knowing she'd ruined my day. In any case, she doesn't reply and fixes her eyes on the passing floors. This is the first time she hasn't tried to go one better than me.

The doors finally open onto the floor and I relax.
"I'll be there when you go down, Miss. Son." A horrible smile stretches across her shrewlike fave before she walks away swaying her flat hips. I'm dumbstruck. Finally, I should have given her a piece of my mind. At least I would have felt better!

I cross the corridor, scowling. The secretary tells me, ever so nicely, that Jongin wants to see me. When i enter his office without knocking, I take my parka and headscarf off. Flinging them down onto the visitor's seat. "You'd better not give me one of your last minutes files, otherwise I'm warning you, I'm on strike!"

Jongin watches me talk nonsense with his usual phlegm. "It all depends on what you sort of strike you're thinking of going on." His little naughty smile and his shining eyes make me giggle.

"No... You needn't worry. My boss is far too y for me to want to go on a special hug strike..." I interrupt myself when he's only a few inches from me and his face is close to mine.

"That's more like it." He puts his hand on my cheek and I involuntarily tilt my head to head into him. "I'm sorry about last night... I wish I'd been there."

"It's nothing, you had more important things to deal with.".

He lays a delicate kiss on my lips. My body lets itself be captivated by the taste of him and his scent. I slip my hands under the fold of his jacket and I embrace his muscular bust with my arms. I could stay like this for hours... But I feel overwhelmed suddenly. I think I'm hypersensitive. He moves a little away from me and plunges his keen eye into mine. Listing my chin up with his fingertips. "You don't look too good. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes, of course. Do you have anything new on Taemin?"

"Is it Taemin you're worried about?" He looks at me kindly but I know those eyes. They're sounding me out.

"I don't like the doubt that's lingering over him, it makes me uncomfortable and paranoid.."

He walks away and picks a little trinket up from his desk and rolls it between his fingers. "For the moment I have nothing substantial, but we're making progress."

"Is it the real version or the one meant to stop me from asking questions?"

He lays his two brown eyes in me. He knows I'm beginning to see through him. "It's the only version."


He goes around his desk catching home of a pile of documents. "I'll be away today. I have a file for you." He hands it to me, his eyes shining. "The work on Congo will begin again. I've raised the necessary funds to start everything over."

"It's that true?! Jongin, it's great news!!"

He smiles at me, evidently happy to make me happy. These last days haven't exactly been ecstatic. Suddenly, someone knocks on the door.

"Come in!"

Chanyeol enters. He gives me a courteous smile and addresses his boss. "Sir, I have prepared the document you asked for. Do you need anything else?"

"Yes, you will come with me this morning. I need your knowledge of the client."

"Very well, I'll wait for you downstairs." Chanyeol closes the door. Jongin's arranges his jacket. He passes by close to me.

"Be good... Can i see you tonight?"

"You're not sure?" Does he really have to ask?

"No..." He kisses me on the forehead and disappears from the room. I follow him out and head to my office. I put the documents down next to me and stretch for a moment on my seat.
The sun is already shining on my bookshelf. It must be 9.30 already and I still haven't started working. To be honest I don't have the strength to. I read through my emails weary-eyed. I linger on Instagram... In the end, it's 10.00 and I still haven't gotten down to it. I decided a little guilty, to go and browse on my blog.

I'm surprised when I come across a new comment from Persephone!! I sit up, sighing. I'm going to be needing a private lesson on how to keep calm if I don't want to rearrange her face! I can't believe it! Rose is going on with her ridiculous little game! Decidedly this go seems determined on making my life a misery! Her message isn't surprising: 'You're not a part of this world. Don't play with the big boys, you don't have what it takes'

Does she really want to play that game? Still? With all that her brother and I are going through? I hesitant, maybe I should answer and reveal her identity! But Jongin really doesn't need another scandal to deal with. The tabloids would be more than happy to add fuel to the fire in the middle of this dangerous trio.

Downright angry, I decided to call Rose! But predictably, after several rings, no answer! Still brave I see!


Author note :
I need to change Krystal character to Jimin(ex AOA) because I couldn't to see Krystal being a villain here because I love her as I love naeun 😭😭😭
Until next time. ❤


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Chapter 51: It's like everytime you feel you have cracked it something different will happen. Cant wait to know more. also I'm so glad you are writing this story again and giving such quick updates
Chapter 48: Wow... I love it! I hope everything will be solved soon!
Chapter 3: My god!! How is she still standing still in his presence?! My gosh! I adore her already!!
Chapter 2: Holy moly... Slow burn. I absolutely adore the moment she had with him. If it was me I'd be fainting....
Chapter 1: I don't know the game but my god I love first chapter. Hyuna is me totally 😂
Naeun however is this cute girl but she knows what she wants ❤️
Taeun2020 #6
Chapter 47: Omgg.. I just found your story yesterday. It's really good. I'm looking forward to the next chapters
Ydvvfjkch #7
Chapter 47: This author really good at writer. Even serious situations don't leave sense of humour..haha I really enjoyed this chapter.
Please take care of eyes and my blessings for your son's.
Ydvvfjkch #8
Chapter 46: Hahaha ....even myself have train toy..... When ever I shop for gift toys...end up bear or train most of choice
Ydvvfjkch #9
Chapter 45: Things getting heat up...
Ydvvfjkch #10
Chapter 42: Mysterious guy jongin