Is the rain really annoying?

How we fall in love
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Hello <3 I won't ask you guys to forgive me for leaving too long...but please don't leave or please don't stop reading it. This story will be continued till the end.

Im Hyunsik…

Finally, we are talking about Im Hyunsik. A twenty-five-year-old with an extreme passion in music. He is from a wealthy family but he lives alone because his father kicked him out for choosing art while in university.

This may sound like a typical main character from some k-drama.

Except the fact that he is not like those cool guys who are always good at pick-up lines and never fail to make people fluttered.

He may wear leather jackets and carry guitar everywhere he goes but that doesn’t make him a perfect k-drama guy.

He may seem to be calm and flirty around this cute guy, he met last a few weeks ago, whose name is Ilhoon. But the reality inside his head is the opposite of what everyone sees. He is just as nervous as Ilhoon and can be tongue-tied every time he saw Ilhoon’s face flashed in pink.

However, his nervousness is all gone every time he saw that cute blush runs Ilhoon’s cheeks.

Last night, he could successfully ask Ilhoon out and thus, today, Hyunsik spent the whole afternoon to choose clothes to wear for his date. Yes, he calls it a date because two people went out to have dinner, if that’s not a date, then what is, right? Ilhoon may or may not know if it is their first date, but it’s okay. Hyunsik will make him realize they are going on a date at the end of the day.

So, he chose what he thinks is appropriate enough to wear for a date.

Their date plan goes like this, he will pick Ilhoon up at 3 pm then they might walk around the park or somewhere nice before dinner. At night, he will walk him home. He will tell the younger that it is their first date if Ilhoon has no clue about it.

However, that plan is not going well because Hyunsik is now running as if he is in the race. And it is all because he is an hour late.

Jesus Christ.

You know, he is supposed to drive to the café with his small red van and wait outside until Ilhoon comes out. When he sees the younger, Hyunsik would open the door for him.

However, his car engine was dead out of nowhere and he had to wait nearly twenty minutes for the bus. And guess what? There were a freaking traffic jam and the stupid rain which started pouring down heavily. To make this series of unfortunate events more miserable, he doesn’t take an umbrella with him.

Luck is not on his side, obviously.

So, when he reached to the nearest bus stop, he gets off and run to the café. He must thank God that the rain stopped.

And how terrible it is, Ilhoon is nowhere to be found when he reached to the café. From the waiter named Eunkwang, he said that Ilhoon has left for almost fifteen minutes.


Of course, who would wait someone being late to their date, first date? And the person to blame is Hyunsik. He should have settled on his decision on outfit earlier. He should have checked his car. Well, that was a second-hand car after all. It’s the only car that he could afford with his salary.

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Sammyyang #1
Chapter 18: Huhuhu this story is so adorable. I am in tears😭♥️
Thunderwitch_dx #2
Chapter 18: i really love this story❤ could you finish the story? I would like to read more😊
EmKitty21 #3
Chapter 5: 😆🔥💕
EmKitty21 #4
Chapter 3: 💕❤️💕
hellian_ #5
Chapter 18: I really love your stories!!
Noobtist #6
Chapter 18: ❤
Nickfillowen #7
Chapter 14: Thanks for the update! Really can't wait for the next chapter ^^
andaeriel #8
Chapter 12: Cute how you include doctor strange in it! Thanks for updating.. i enjoy it
Wiwima #9
Chapter 8: OMG I love your stories! Thank you so much for taking the time to write them for us. They're so cute. Good luck, you seem busy haha XD
andaeriel #10
Chapter 11: Yeaayyy an update!! Thank youuu.. i’m enjoying it :)