
How we fall in love
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HELLO. OMG I am B A C K from death. Yes, I have been dying for weeks. You know what, tomorrow is going to be my first holiday after the whole month. Yes. My company has changed the whole system and who is clearing all the backlogs from old system? Me. Uhggg there are more than 500 people and yes, I have to clear them. So I am dying.

Please, please, please, please don't leave. Please don't. I promise that I won't quit writing or being a melody. And I know most of you guys are silent readers but I am so glad to meet you again. <3

“Ah…So Hyunsik treated you Iced Americano.” Changsub grins widely as he takes his Americano, clearly teasing Ilhoon. So, he said back, trying to tell his friend that it is not what they think. 

“Yes, he treated us Iced Americano.”

“Oh! And you are going on a date?” Peniel asked and Ilhoon almost choke on his drink.

“What? No!”

“Yes, he is. With Hyunsik hyung.” Sungjae added with a Cheshire smile. So that makes Ilhoon throw a crumpled paper at the younger but he missed because Sungjae bends his head to his side.

“It is not a date. And shut up, you little . I am still not talking to you.” Ilhoon gives Sungjae a side eye and started flipping some pages of the random book. So, what happened was that Sungjae lied to Ilhoon about Minhyuk’s absence for the part time job at cafe. Sungjae just stayed back for a few minutes because he wanted to give Ilhoon and Hyunsik some alone time. It has nothing to do with Minhyuk’s absence.

“So, you are not going on a date with Hyunsik hyung?” Peniel asked again with his innocent wide eye.

“No Hyung. It’s not a date. Just like I told you guys, I had to bring him home that night so he wanted to give me something in return because he feels thankful, alright?”

“That’s a date.” Sungjae said knowing Ilhoon would throw things at him so he moved closer to Changsub who is nodding in agreement.

“C’mon. Don’t you guys want to study? The exam is next month.” Ilhoon pouted and pointed out the truth that all of them have to face in coming weeks. So, they all just stop talking and start studying.

They did study pretty well. This time Changsub didn’t ask stupid question and they didn’t talk about movies and other things. However, by the time the clock ticks to 8, they all know they should go home since the library will be closed at 9.

“Hyung, we are going to PC café. Do you want to come?” Sungjae asked.

“Nah, I’ll pass.” Sure, Ilhoon would love to play computer game but he needs to sleep. Sleep is his first priority. In fact, it is everyone’s priority. So, he watches three of his friends wave at him and then, he walks to the bus stop and waits.

He’s been sitting there for almost ten minutes and the bus is not here. Ilhoon knows is that he wants to go home as early as he can, so that he can lie on his bed and listen to the rain. Yes, it’s gonna rain. Whether it is true or not, but he heard it from today’s weather forecast. So yep, tonight is all about getting cozy under the blanket with the sound of the rain.

“Waiting for the bus?” Ilhoon with his little thought gets distracted with the familiar voice.

And it was a bad idea to look at someone inside a red van.

What the heck.

“H-Hyunsik hyung.”

“Hey!” there he goes, trying to kill Ilhoon with his smile. “Do you need a ride?” he said, scrolling the car window down.

Oh, it is a serious no! Ilhoon would die from awkwardness if he has to ride a car with Hyunsik alone.

“No. It’s okay.”

“Are you sure? I think you have to wait the bus. There is an accident happened so it’s causing traffic jam.”

Accident? How great. Ilhoon really does feel sorry for people involved in the accident but it is annoying since he needs to get back his home, not with Hyunsik obviously.

“It’s okay. I’ll just wait.” He said, wishing Hyunsik could just leave him alone. You know, it

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Sammyyang #1
Chapter 18: Huhuhu this story is so adorable. I am in tears😭♥️
Thunderwitch_dx #2
Chapter 18: i really love this story❤ could you finish the story? I would like to read more😊
EmKitty21 #3
Chapter 5: 😆🔥💕
EmKitty21 #4
Chapter 3: 💕❤️💕
hellian_ #5
Chapter 18: I really love your stories!!
Noobtist #6
Chapter 18: ❤
Nickfillowen #7
Chapter 14: Thanks for the update! Really can't wait for the next chapter ^^
andaeriel #8
Chapter 12: Cute how you include doctor strange in it! Thanks for updating.. i enjoy it
Wiwima #9
Chapter 8: OMG I love your stories! Thank you so much for taking the time to write them for us. They're so cute. Good luck, you seem busy haha XD
andaeriel #10
Chapter 11: Yeaayyy an update!! Thank youuu.. i’m enjoying it :)