Unplanned dates are the best

How we fall in love
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//Hi, I don't even know where to start. Yes, I disappeared and yes, I left you guys. But I never left this story. Always in my head, I continue writing it. It's just that I couldn't spare time to write anymore after starting to work.

I am not a young melody lol. I am in the start of my twenties and I have to work from 9-6 with the overtime till 9 most days. So, I am very sorry if I keep you guys waiting.//

“So, you never officially asked him out for the first date.”

“…Yes.” Hyunsik avoided the judging eyes that Changsub gives. He knows it is definitely not a good way to ask someone out but it is already finished. He asked him out in front of the elevator and Ilhoon said yes.

Why would more he need, right?

“Then you directly asked him for the second date?” As much as Hyunsik would like to forget this embarrassing moment, Changsub is not helping at all.


“And he accepted it?”

“…Yes. I mean, I know man. I know it but I can’t help it. Okay? He got those cute little eyes and about to go to inside and I don’t know, if I didn’t ask him out that night, then I don’t know when I will.”

Hyunsik explained to his one and only annoying friend with a frown on his face. But does Changsub care? No. It makes him wants to tease Hyunsik.

“So, you will wait him at school?”


“Do you know when his class will end?”


“And you don’t have his number, right?”

“No, I do hav- ! I don’t.” that moment Hyunsik realize he is the dumbest person on earth when it comes to dating. Asking someone’s number is like one of the most basic things to do but now, they are about to go on the second date and he still does not know the number.

But no one can’t blame him since he has never officially asked someone out yet in his life. He dated a few girls before but it does not last more than a month and they were the one to ask his number.

Simply because girls like a guy with good voice, leather jacket and a guitar.

However, Ilhoon is not those girls and in fact, he is just a college boy with big tees.

“…” he groaned putting the book on his face, letting his friend laugh at him for almost 5 minute straight.

“Dude, but seriously, you should have asked his number. You don’t even know when he will finish his class.”

“Oh hey! you have same major with him!”

“Same major but different classes, bro. I can’t help you.:”

Never in his life, Hyunsik feels so dejected until now. He didn’t tell the boy where they will meet. What if Ilhoon is waiting for him at his school? What if Ilhoon gets angry with him because he never contacts him for the whole week?

In this very advanced world where everyone is using mobile phone, there is this man right here who forgot to ask for the number from his date.

After Hyunsik get mental breakdown for a few minutes, Changsub decided to help his friend.

“You have to come to our school tomorrow.”


“Yes, you should. And ask his number.”

“…But I have work till 5, bro.” he complained as he grabbed his guitar from the other of the bed and start playing some notes.

“Ilhoon always stay at library after his class. He will be at there in the evening.” Changsub smirks at him.



So, now, Hyunsik is at the entrance of Ilhoon’s college. He looks at his watch, it’s 6 o’clock sharp. And he is planning to surprise the younger.

Their real second date will be on this Friday, but tonight could be their mini date. He even thought about treating the younger whatever he wants.

Thanks to Changsub, he is informed that Ilhoon, is at the first floor of the library right now. So, he walks in the building as he searched for the economic corner.

After passing a few book shelves, there he found a messy brown hair boy with white tee, sitting at the one of the study tables and typing extremely fast with his eyes completely fixed on the laptop.


Too cute.

That messy hair of Ilhoon falls upon his forehead and almost going into his eyes but the boy cares less about it as he continuously types, more like furious if what Hyunsik thinks is not wrong.

“Hey…” he said quietly, worried that he might disturb Ilhoon from working re

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Sammyyang #1
Chapter 18: Huhuhu this story is so adorable. I am in tears😭♥️
Thunderwitch_dx #2
Chapter 18: i really love this story❤ could you finish the story? I would like to read more😊
EmKitty21 #3
Chapter 5: 😆🔥💕
EmKitty21 #4
Chapter 3: 💕❤️💕
hellian_ #5
Chapter 18: I really love your stories!!
Noobtist #6
Chapter 18: ❤
Nickfillowen #7
Chapter 14: Thanks for the update! Really can't wait for the next chapter ^^
andaeriel #8
Chapter 12: Cute how you include doctor strange in it! Thanks for updating.. i enjoy it
Wiwima #9
Chapter 8: OMG I love your stories! Thank you so much for taking the time to write them for us. They're so cute. Good luck, you seem busy haha XD
andaeriel #10
Chapter 11: Yeaayyy an update!! Thank youuu.. i’m enjoying it :)