Five-minute walk

How we fall in love
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Hi! I am not supposed to be posting this chapter until next week. HOWEVER, I was so excited with too many Hoon-sik moments. Well, it's not like 'the' moments but you know, they were together within the same camera frame lol. I am such a Hoon-sik trash /Facepalm/


My Instagram feed is filled with their videos lol.

So yes, in order to celebrate that, I am editing this chapter and posting it. E N J O Y!

Ilhoon would be lying if he said he didn’t wait Hyunsik to come and visit him the next day. He, in fact, is searching for those sharp yet small eyes in every customer visiting the café. However, he tried not to look so obvious because Sungjae has been teasing him as soon as they start working.

“Now, you have to tell me in details.” Sungjae asked as soon as he handed two cappuccinos to the customers.

“About what?”

“About you and Hyunsik hyung. In details.” The younger stressed on the words ‘in details’ and Ilhoon just rolled his eyes. His friend is just overly dramatic on some things that are not happening even if Ilhoon wishes to be.

“I told you there is nothing about us.” He said as he handed the receipt to the customer.

“Then why did he ask the waiter for more cheese?”

“Because he likes it.”

“No, he doesn’t”

“How do you know whether he likes cheese or not?” Ilhoon asked with an annoyed face that he is used to make whenever the younger said something irritating.

“I already asked Changsub hyung. He does not like cheese.”

“Well, what if he changes? People dochange.” Ilhoon said as he cleans his counter. He does not want to discuss about this because it’s been only one week that he knows Hyunsik and the longest conversation they had was three minutes long at the pizza place. That’s not enough to assume things or to think that Hyunsik likes Ilhoon.

“And I also heard he asked Changsub hyung about you.”

“That’s because he knows all of you guys except me.”

“Well, he asked your number.”

“No. That’s bec- he what?” Ilhoon feels his heart stops beating for a second. Why would he ask my number?There is no way that Hyunsik would ask about him and his number. He doesn’t even seem to remember the younger as the one that brought him to his house that night.

“So, what if he likes you?”

“H-he doesn’t.”

“Who knows.” Sungjae smirks and then he looked surprised looking at the entrance of the café. “Oh well, I think I know. Now, look who’s here.” Sungjae said with his wide grin making Ilhoon turn around.


He froze.

Ilhoon get frozen for a few seconds as his brain stops processing and he has to try breathing again because he is now really looking into those eyes that he is searching for the whole day.

It’s Hyunsik.

“Hi Hyung!” Sungjae waves at Hyunsik from behind as the younger pokes Ilhoon on his waist so that he could stop being shocked.

“Hey Sungjae.” Hyunsik smiled at Sungjae and his eyes goes back to Ilhoon.


“…H-hi.” Ilhoon could cursed at himself for stuttering but he didn’t because he has to face with Hyunsik right now.

He is here for coffee, Ilhoon. He is here for coffee.

“…c-can I have your order?” he asked but that is only see Hyunsik shakes his head.

“No, I… well, I will just wait for you over there. Your shift is over, right?” Hyunsik said as he pointed at the table at corner of the café. And all of the sudden, Ilhoon feels assured somehow. Maybe Hyunsik comes here to meet Ilhoon.

“We’ll change the shift in next 10 minutes Hyung. You can still order.” Sungjae said giving another grin to Ilhoon secretly.

“Oh, Okay. Then, what do you recommend?” Hyunsik asked as he looked at the menu list written on the blackboard hung on the wall. He reads the list but he didn’t hear any answer so he simply looks at Ilhoon with his eyebrow raised.

. Ilhoon mentally cursed as he realizes the older is talking to him.

“Yes…um, everything here is nice.” He answered hurriedly but then he feels stupid to give an answer like this, like advertising the café that he works for. Definitely, Hyunsik chuckled at what he said.

“I know your café would serve everything nice. But I want some recommendation from you.”

And Ilhoon blushed hard at this. Why do I have to be so embarrassing?

“Um… people like to order Iced Americano here. Do you want to try?”

“Sure. Can I have five iced Americano take away?” Hyunsik asked. Oh… he asked for five. So, he is here for coffee, maybe for his colleagues. Obviously. Ilhoon, you are so stupid

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Sammyyang #1
Chapter 18: Huhuhu this story is so adorable. I am in tears😭♥️
Thunderwitch_dx #2
Chapter 18: i really love this story❤ could you finish the story? I would like to read more😊
EmKitty21 #3
Chapter 5: 😆🔥💕
EmKitty21 #4
Chapter 3: 💕❤️💕
hellian_ #5
Chapter 18: I really love your stories!!
Noobtist #6
Chapter 18: ❤
Nickfillowen #7
Chapter 14: Thanks for the update! Really can't wait for the next chapter ^^
andaeriel #8
Chapter 12: Cute how you include doctor strange in it! Thanks for updating.. i enjoy it
Wiwima #9
Chapter 8: OMG I love your stories! Thank you so much for taking the time to write them for us. They're so cute. Good luck, you seem busy haha XD
andaeriel #10
Chapter 11: Yeaayyy an update!! Thank youuu.. i’m enjoying it :)