Reasons Matter More

Or I'll Shoot
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“Renjun, watch out!” Jeno’s voice rang through the training grounds that they were in, causing Renjun to whip his head towards the elevator to see a body flying towards him. Quickly side stepping, Renjun raised an eyebrow at his partner after he took a good look at the beaten up face of TRCNG’s youngest member, Kim Kangmin. Tone it down when you throw people. We kind of need them to be alive, you know. 

“Jeno, what the ?!” He shouted, noticing Chenle spring to his feet once he saw the groaning male who was now on the floor with his limbs out. Renjun could do nothing as Jeno hurriedly picked the youngest member of TRCNG up unceremoniously, slamming him against the wall and clearly not caring about Jaemin who was being exposed to the whole ordeal. 

“Why the is Taeseon keeping those two captive?! I saw the pictures you guys sent to Minhyung-hyung’s phone! Tell us, Kangmin!” His partner shouted, shoving the smaller male up the wall even further. Renjun heard Kangmin cough and watched him spit in Jeno’s face. Feisty little . 

“Why the would I tell you?! Taeseon does what he does and we just follow!” Kangmin retaliated before Renjun attempted to haul Jeno off the younger to spare his life. When Jeno complied to his requests since Renjun’s strength was nothing compared to his, Renjun stared at the enemy who was now on the floor, sitting and coughing his lungs out. 

“You’re in our base so you play by our rules. Tell us why or we’re not going through with the deal, Kangmin,” He reasoned, feeling Jaemin’s innocent eyes on his form and trying his best ignore it. Hovering over Kangmin who was laughing, Renjun couldn’t help but feel as if this whole ordeal was not going to end prettily. 

“I don’t care if I’m in your base or not! And don’t even try to threaten me with that since I know that you wouldn’t let anything happen to poor little Jisung and Donghyuck! And even if NCT did want to let anything happen to them, they wouldn’t because the Zhongs would be on their case! I haven’t forgotten about your useless rich weapons boy!” Kicking the cocky bastard in the stomach and feeling satisfaction when he groaned, Renjun glared even more at the younger and took in his pitiful form. 

“You know I wouldn’t hesitate to call off a deal.”

“But I also know that you wouldn’t hesitate to prevent innocent civilians from getting involved…all except one, it seems,” Kangmin slyly replied, side eyeing Jaemin who was still sitting on the chair beside an angry looking Chenle. “I have to say, Taeseon wasn’t kidding when he said the new toy was cute.”


That was the moment where Renjun let his instincts take over his logical thinking progress and kicked the younger in the stomach again. 


“Just ing tell us,” He spat out, seeing resolve fade in Kangmin’s eyes as the brat began to speak once more.

“Okay, okay. I don’t know a lot since I’m low on the spectrum but I do know that Taeseon needs him for a deal. Probably going to offer him as a to some other gang,” Kangmin reported, taking the chance to look up at Renjun from where his eyes were previously trained on Jaemin. “We’d probably get a huge amount of money from just showing him off alone.”

“You sicken me,” Renjun said lowly, conveying his immense dislike for those who sold and bought slaves - slaves being the number one thing on his despise list - and purposely avoiding Jaemin’s gaze on him. I will not let Jaemin become a ing slave. 

“What? You can’t deny that they do bring in funds that nothing else can - not even drugs - considering your experiences with them,” Kangmin shot back, earning a kick in the jaw from Jeno who had probably had enough of whatever he was saying. Vaguely, Renjun felt a tingle on his left hip - the one flaw on his body that he hated and wanted to burn off. 

“Go ing die, Kangmin,” Renjun seethed, glaring at the TRCNG member who laughed bitterly after spitting out blood. He did not want to be reminded of his earlier days - not when Jaemin was in the room, at least.

“Taeseon wouldn’t let me. He’s that kind of leader.” TY’s the same. 

“Do you think they’ll call off the deal with the civilians if we give them this piece of ?” Chenle

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Chapter 48: Hell yes for semi happy endongs at least renjun taeyong and donghyuck survived daman i'd be throwing rampagenif they didn't hahahah
Chapter 46: Gosh so many people died... But on the flipside, yay for jeno donghyuck and mark

Ams damn yes Taeyong get back alive and tell yuta... You can't leave him without him knowing how you feel
Chapter 45: You need to live taeyong... To tell yuta face to face.. Got that?!?!
Chapter 44: Oh fudge donghyuck pulled the trigger.
He'll be traumatized for life
Chapter 43: Oh hell broke lose but they got to stick together... You can do this
Xo_De_Ki #6
Chapter 41: Wow this is so intense. I love it! Jeongin is so cute! Thank you for helping our Jeno! And yay we got to see Jaemin and he seems fine!
Chapter 42: Sometimes, policies needed toncjange adapt and for an organization to survive, please Taeyong. Just open your eyes and think straight
Chapter 41: Dang it NCT is falling apart
Chapter 40: Oh fudge that was intense
Xo_De_Ki #10
Chapter 40: Yes backup! Seems like a proper showdown is about to come. I’m scared to see who will make it out of this alive. I can’t heko but to think that things will not go so well. Also, proud of our Hyuk and his good aim! I hope he’ll be fine.