I Will Not Get Attached

Or I'll Shoot
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“Jeno!” Jaemin shouted as he saw the other when he entered their university’s food court the day after he nearly got his feet blown off. When Jaemin went home that night, he didn’t want to talk to anyone about anything but after spending a whole night thinking (and ignoring Mark’s constant worried glances and knocks on his bedroom door), he decided that he needed to tell someone. “Jeno! Jeno! Jeno! Jeno! Jeno!”

“Woah, slow down!” Jeno warned as the other literally ran to his table and nearly crashed into Jeno’s bowl of pho. Hastily taking a seat, Jaemin took several deep breaths before talking. 

“I know you’re not going to believe me but you have to believe me,” Jaemin started, glancing around the food court before looking back at Jeno’s confused expression. “My theories about that kid…they were true. He does shady !” 

“Jaemin, are you drunk? Have you seen that kid? I doubt he does shady things,” Jeno protested, glancing at the subject of their conversation from across the food court where he was eating a bowl of Chinese dumplings while reading the psychology textbook. Huang Renjun, I will find out who you are!

“No but like he-“ Jaemin was cut off when Renjun stood up to dispose of the plastic bowl that he had eaten his dumplings out of, taking his textbook with him. “He-“


“Hey Jeno and Jeno’s friend.”




Jaemin jumped in his seat when he heard the same voice that had threatened to shoot him literally the day before. He felt a cold wave fall over his form as he shivered, remembering the cold threats that the other had uttered. 

“So anyway, I was wondering if you could spend break during Dance Club to teach me the break part of our routine? I hope it’s not too much trouble…” Renjun’s question and explanation faded into background noise as Jaemin watched the other converse with his best friend, eyes wandering from his eyes to his lips. Okay, scary or not, he’s actually super pretty…I wonder what he would taste like-

“Jaemin? Jaemin, are you still there?” Jeno’s voice broke his thoughts and Jaemin only blinked in response. Way to make a better impression on the killer. “Renjun was asking if he could sit next to you in your psychology class since some people are bullying him for sitting alone.” Is he going to threaten me? Looking at the person who had wanted to sit next to him, Jaemin wondered how someone who looked as soft as Renjun could nearly obliterate someone else’s foot. The other’s eyes were full of hope and wishes for Jaemin to agree to allow him to sit with him in psychology. Sighing, Jaemin nodded and didn’t expect to see Renjun’s grateful face or the brief hug that he gave him. 

“Thank you! I really owe you one!” Renjun exclaimed before leaning in, lips barely touching the shell of Jaemin’s ear. “Need to keep an eye on you, after all.”


So he’s practically going to make sure I don’t tell an

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Chapter 48: Hell yes for semi happy endongs at least renjun taeyong and donghyuck survived daman i'd be throwing rampagenif they didn't hahahah
Chapter 46: Gosh so many people died... But on the flipside, yay for jeno donghyuck and mark

Ams damn yes Taeyong get back alive and tell yuta... You can't leave him without him knowing how you feel
Chapter 45: You need to live taeyong... To tell yuta face to face.. Got that?!?!
Chapter 44: Oh fudge donghyuck pulled the trigger.
He'll be traumatized for life
Chapter 43: Oh hell broke lose but they got to stick together... You can do this
Xo_De_Ki #6
Chapter 41: Wow this is so intense. I love it! Jeongin is so cute! Thank you for helping our Jeno! And yay we got to see Jaemin and he seems fine!
Chapter 42: Sometimes, policies needed toncjange for.people.to adapt and for an organization to survive, please Taeyong. Just open your eyes and think straight
Chapter 41: Dang it NCT is falling apart
Chapter 40: Oh fudge that was intense
Xo_De_Ki #10
Chapter 40: Yes backup! Seems like a proper showdown is about to come. I’m scared to see who will make it out of this alive. I can’t heko but to think that things will not go so well. Also, proud of our Hyuk and his good aim! I hope he’ll be fine.