Going Seventeen

Tall, Short, Short, Tall
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Sometimes Minah wondered who were the parents at home. Her twin brother and herself, or her actual parents. 


Her competent brother was now dragging both their luggages along the unfamiliar Seoul streets towards their new home, while she was following faithfully behind with a few bags and a phone in her hand. 


"Oh darling! Have you guys arrived at the new place yet? Dad and I just got off the plane and Hong Kong seems so exciting already!" On the other end of the line, Minah's mother was squealing like a school girl, and both her brother and her couldn't help but roll their eyes.


"You're there to set up a new factory mum, not to sightsee," Minah replied monotonously. "Oppa and I didn't agree to move to Seoul for high school just so that you and dad can have a prolonged honeymoon." 


"We might as well have," Mingyu said with an amused sigh. He made a turn upon the GPS's instructions, and smiled in triumph when their new residence came into view. The building was newer than he had expected for a four year old compound, and he was glad to know that there was a marketplace nearby for him to get food. Maybe taking on his parents' offer to move out with his sister for high school was not such a bad idea. 


"Mum, don't just have fun. You better make sure the business runs well," Minah reminded her mother, "Seoul Sports Academy isn't the cheapest of high schools. Jihoon's aunt is not going to feed us." 


Her mother made a couple more comments about the beautiful airport the foreign country had, and how the man leading them to their new place was the friendliest angel she had ever met. Minah wondered whether they were the kids, or if their parents were. Surely if she was a parent, she wouldn't leave her seventeen-year-old twins in Seoul with their best friend, just so that they can start another branch of business overseas? She recalled the night her mum announced the news to them, dancing around the living room with their dad, merrily talking about all the dim sum they could eat. Lucky for them, Minah and Mingyu had always wanted to enter Seoul Sports Academy anyway, and the sound of moving away from Busan to Seoul was exciting enough for them to take up the offer from their frivolous parents. 


With a couple kisses and "miss you", Minah ended the call with her parents and entered the apartment with her twin brother. This was going to be her new home for the next three years of high school. For just her and her brother. 


Mingyu flopped himself onto the couch. The two luggages fatigued him. 


"Lets go to Jihoon's for dinner tonight," he suggested, "it's apparently just twenty minutes from our place. We can give his aunt a visit as well." 


Minah agreed almost too readily. She was pretty sure neither of them was going to have the energy to cook that night. Not after setting this place up. 




Jihoon's aunt was a nice plump lady with culinary skills that could only be matched by Mingyu. That means heavenly. 


Jihoon had moved in a week earlier than them, and was already attending school. Lucky for the twins, their best friend since five had decided to move with them to the capital to pursue his sports career too, although for a whole new reason. While Mingyu and Minah's parents had decided on a whim to start their businesses overseas and leave their overly capable kids to their own devices, Jihoon had wanted to go to Seoul because the place offered many more opportunities for musical pursuits too. The athletic boy was famous back in Busan for his musical talents too, and so when his friends decided to move, he jumped on the opportunity to go along with them. Fortunately for him, his aunt had been residing alone in Seoul and was more than happy to take him in. 


As Mdm Lee

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Chapter 18: Crying crying crying 😭 😭😭😭😭 you are so loved Minaaaahhhh
Chapter 13: I swear I just occasionally open AFF solely for your story. I’m glad you’re still writing! :) Catching up!!!
Chapter 17: And yes we will always be waiting for youuuuu 🥹🥹
Chapter 15: OMG GURL?! I’m still here! Randomly opened AFF and I’m so happy to see you’re here 🥹🥹🥹 Happy SVT comeback month indeed
8spades #5
Chapter 17: yes please keep updating !!
asdfghjkpop #6
Chapter 17: Hi! I noticed too that some left AFF. But I hope you will still continue this story. I’m not much but I’ll be waiting! I’ve been a silent reader and i’m sorry for that >.<
Woaaaahhh! You upateeeeddd
Research_I_Swear #9
Chapter 17: Haven’t logged into aff in a while and saw that you updated! can’t believe I can still remember it lol so good
I miss this storrrryyyyy. Huhuhu update?