Aju Nice

Tall, Short, Short, Tall
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To say lunch the next day was awkward would be an understatement. While the Kim siblings were fully aware of the situation, Wonwoo seemed highly disturbed by the new couple seated before them. Jihoon had initially opted to spend some alone time with his new girlfriend, but the oblivious bespectacled Wonwoo had beckoned over to Jihoon to come over to their table. If it wasn't for Mingyu's quick reflex to nudge Wonwoo by the elbow, the boy would have shouted, "your girlfriend is sitting here" across the schoolyard. 


When Jihoon awkwardly brought a cheery and glowing Lee Mina to their table, Wonwoo raised his brows in question, signalling Jihoon to make the introductions accordingly. Except, the bubbly girl beat him to it. 


"Hi everyone, I'm Lee Mina. I'm going out with Jihoon now." 


Minah detested herself for thinking possessive much instinctively. 


Wonwoo's frown only deepened further, and it took the combined effort of Mingyu coughing loudly and Minah stepping on his left foot to stop him for making any further questions. Just as she thought the hour could not go any more difficult, Lee Mina decided to relive the memories of hanging out with Jihoon during her sporting event, because it seemed that that was the first proper date they had. Minah felt like a vehicle for someone else's entertainment, a laughable exhibition in the museum for someone's amused purview. Why did Jihoon think it was appropriate to bring his new girlfriend to her tournament?


Oh that's right. They were best friends. And if best friends valued each other, they would want you to know about their romantic pursuits first. 


It was clear to everyone, except for Minah, that the weather would have been a better topic than their love story. Wonwoo was biting too grudgingly into his sandwich, Mingyu was eyeing his sister while secretly rolling his eyes at the unwarranted enthusiasm from the girl for sharing about her first date, and Jihoon opted to be courteously quiet while watching his girlfriend fondly. Minah nodded without actually taking in much of what the girl was rambling on about. When she finally stopped talking, Minah realised she had never appreciated silence that much before. 


"You have a very...joyful personality, Lee Mina-sshi," Wonwoo offered. He did not look like he meant it. 


"Thank you, people have told me that many times. By the way, do you guys like gimbap? I only made them for Jihoon today because I thought we were having lunch alone, but if we're hanging out again I can definitely make something for everyone. Would you prefer cheese and egg or kimchi?" 


"Cheese and egg." 


Minah answered so quickly that she surprised even herself. Her male companions at the table all looked at her, as if to assess whether she was sane. Did they expect her to be polite and turn down the offer? Did they expect her to make a scene after that monologue that nobody asked for? Did Wonwoo expect a scoff from her, at the very least?


She was Kim Minah after all. Jihoon's best friend and supporter. 


"Cool." Lee Mina was unfazed, "same as Jihoon and me then. Mingyu-sshi? Wonwoo-sshi?"


They both replied with kimchi simultaneously, and in that moment both Jihoon and Minah looked at each other and gave a knowing look, before turning their attention again to the conversation at bay. 


It was but a brief moment of secret understanding. Perhaps there was still something to be held sacred in their friendship. Something that only belonged to them. 


As the couple took their leave when the bell rang, Lee Mina once again gave them a cheerful farewell, before adding on with a glowing smile, "by the way, I would love to be close friends with all of you, since I see all of Ji's friends as my friends. So feel free to drop the honorifics next time." 


All three people at the table stiffened, and even Jihoon seemed a little surprised by her suggestion, but he was quick to recover and instead gave her a proud smile. 


"Will do, Mina-sshi," Wonwoo replied. 


Before Mina could correct him on that term of address, she was whisked away by Jihoon. 


"Savage," Mingyu muttered. 


"Oh I know you would have said it too if I didn't beat you to it," Wonwoo replied casually, "I hate to say this. But Jihoon's kind of a douche for treating you like this Minah. What happened?" 


Minah tried to appear nonchalant and gave a shrug that she hoped appear natural. 


"We're just better as friends."


What a great reminder to herself. 


And to complete that thought, she a

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Chapter 18: Crying crying crying 😭 😭😭😭😭 you are so loved Minaaaahhhh
Chapter 13: I swear I just occasionally open AFF solely for your story. I’m glad you’re still writing! :) Catching up!!!
Chapter 17: And yes we will always be waiting for youuuuu 🥹🥹
Chapter 15: OMG GURL?! I’m still here! Randomly opened AFF and I’m so happy to see you’re here 🥹🥹🥹 Happy SVT comeback month indeed
8spades #5
Chapter 17: yes please keep updating !!
asdfghjkpop #6
Chapter 17: Hi! I noticed too that some left AFF. But I hope you will still continue this story. I’m not much but I’ll be waiting! I’ve been a silent reader and i’m sorry for that >.<
Woaaaahhh! You upateeeeddd
Research_I_Swear #9
Chapter 17: Haven’t logged into aff in a while and saw that you updated! can’t believe I can still remember it lol so good
I miss this storrrryyyyy. Huhuhu update?