I Love Myself Better When I'm Next to You

Tall, Short, Short, Tall
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Mingyu could not quite place a finger on what was going on between his sister and best friend, but when they returned from grocery shopping, something seemed different about them. Different in a good way. It was the gut feeling of a twin, but he decided he would consult Wonwoo in school. After all, the latter was much more observant and sensitive to the behaviours of others. It was Wonwoo who reminded him amidst his basketball victories, that his sister needed his attention too. It was also this guy who told him that Kim Mina was not a simple girl, and his sister was politely hiding her discomfort around Jihoon's girlfriend. Throughout his childhood, Mingyu could not recall his sister ever being truly unhappy over something. Sure, their time together was not short of screams from bugs, bruised knnes, or even bawling over losses in games, but he could not fathom his sister being upset over something that was sitting within her for so long. 


Yet when they walked through the apartment door that day, Mingyu figured Minah was just missing something - she was missing the good old days. 


Girlfriend Mina was not bad, but she's a new factor in life that everyone needed to get accustomed to. He was sure that he would eventually, just as Wonwoo and his sister would. 


He cracked a few freshly bought eggs into the boiling pot of ramen while Minah cracked an unfunny joke for Jihoon, to which Seungcheol snorted very loudly at. 


Lunch was very loud, because the three best friends were laughing at Seungcheol for complaining about spring onions in his noodles. The university kid did not care, seeing that Jihoon was finally acting like a normal high school kid again. 




Jihoon was riding on his rediscovered rhythm of youth. He was hanging out with Mina, but more importantly he was hanging out with his best friends again. He was occasionally reappearing at lunches, much to the siblings' delight. 


In fact on a nice sunny afternoon, Jihoon declared that he needed a break with his best friend. Seungcheol told his roommate Minah that the boy was really trying to stay away from his clingy partner for a day, but Minah kicked the backseat of the chair that he was sitting on, reprimanding him for sprouting nonsense. 


Now that training had stopped post-season and Minah was fairer, the girl had no reason to turn her annoying older roommate down when he conjured a skater dress out of nowhere and practically forced it into her hands. 


"I borrowed it from my older sister because I told her my roommate is a clueless high school kid, and also a fashion terrorist. She's more than sympathetic," he pretended to tear a little. Minah begrudgingly took the dress and changed into it. 


Walking down the paths in her neighbourhood, she felt less and less secure about her outfit as she made each turn to get to the cinema where she was supposed to meet Jihoon. Seungcheol found it a huge compromise that he did not get something floral, but Minah felt terribly exposed with her muscled and well-toned arms by the side of her body, uncovered by this sleeveless lilac piece of clothing. So her being her, she turned back before she even made it to the main road, and chased a protesting Seungcheol out of the room before changing into a skirt and comfortable graphic tee, the biggest concession she could offer. 


"What's the point of changing from a dress to a skirt?" Seungcheol teased. 


She ignored him and left the room immediately, almost sprinting to the cinemas since she was running behind time. 


Jihoon gave her an odd once-over when she arrived, panting after running all the way. 


"Gosh Minah, are you okay?" He asked, trying to balance helping his best friend stand while holding onto the tickets and popcorn, while his baseball bat and balls bag were slung across his shoulders. 


"Huh? Yeah." 


At her reassurance, Jihoon shrugged and led her to the theatre, where the movie was about to begin. 


It was only at the entrance that Minah checked the ticket in her hand. 


"Really? We're watching 'IT 2' ?" She searched Jihoon's face for an answer, only to feel a dsgusting wave of over-confidence exuding from the boy. 


"Oh, are you scared?" He said with his chin tilted up, as if challenging her. "I wanted to watch with my girlfriend but she chickened out, so I was hoping you could actually sit through the show with me." 


Something about the way he phrased it hit something in Minah, but she decided to push the unnecessary thought aside. 


"Oh trust me, Jihoon. I'm not worried about

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Chapter 18: Crying crying crying 😭 😭😭😭😭 you are so loved Minaaaahhhh
Chapter 13: I swear I just occasionally open AFF solely for your story. I’m glad you’re still writing! :) Catching up!!!
Chapter 17: And yes we will always be waiting for youuuuu 🥹🥹
Chapter 15: OMG GURL?! I’m still here! Randomly opened AFF and I’m so happy to see you’re here 🥹🥹🥹 Happy SVT comeback month indeed
8spades #5
Chapter 17: yes please keep updating !!
asdfghjkpop #6
Chapter 17: Hi! I noticed too that some left AFF. But I hope you will still continue this story. I’m not much but I’ll be waiting! I’ve been a silent reader and i’m sorry for that >.<
Woaaaahhh! You upateeeeddd
Research_I_Swear #9
Chapter 17: Haven’t logged into aff in a while and saw that you updated! can’t believe I can still remember it lol so good
I miss this storrrryyyyy. Huhuhu update?