Home Run

Tall, Short, Short, Tall
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The Kim twins and their new found high school friend Wonwoo were comfortably seated at the stands of the arena, ready to cheer on Lee Jihoon for his first ever high school baseball match.


Wonwoo was visibly shocked by how invested the twins were in the game. Mingyu was wearing a shirt with Jihoon's face printed on it, and the words 'BUSAN PRIDE' in bold letters. He didn't need to know that Mingyu had worn that shirt to all of Jihoon's game since three years ago. Meanwhile, Minah had a handband that said "Jihoon JJANG" across her forehead, she screamed the school's cheers at the top of her lungs. In the twin's bags were also Jihoon's favourite soda and snacks, the ones that they knew he would like to have after a victory.


The twins were easily the loudest cheerleaders in the crowd. They analysed every move that the players did, from their running form to the angle of their arms when pitching the ball. It was clear to anyone that they were fanatics of baseball, and more so of Lee Jihoon.  Whenever their shorter friend was up, the two would be on their feet, mouthing silent prayers, and when his bats turned out perfect, they were never stingy in giving the loudest yelps. Their enthusiasm was infectious, and soon even the quiet Wonwoo was standing, shouting supports for Jihoon.


The start of the game was rocky, as the opponent proved to be strong themselves.


In between the third and fourth inning, Minah and Mingyu had run to the team's seats, desperate to speak to Jihoon. While the coach was not please initially, he could tell that Minah and Mingyu indeed knew the game - they were sharing their analysis of the opponent's players, reminding Jihoon of the flaws in his form. Minah, after all those night trainings, was quick to point out Jihoon's minor mistakes. She was only cut short by the manager, Jihoon's girlfriend Mina, who interrupted their conversation by handing Jihoon a bottle of water and a towel, while wedging herself ever so slightly between the talking friends.


This proved to be a mistake, because she probably did not know that a focused Jihoon was also a scary Jihoon. The boy did not pay much attention to her, and shifted himself slightly to continue listening to his friends' eager analysis and tips.


"Hey Mingyu and Minah, I think Jihoon might want the rest and to focus on the game on his own, maybe-" Jihoon did not let his girlfriend finish her sentence, because he gave her a stern look and curt, "could you not interrupt? This is serious."


The twins flinched, but Mina the girlfriend was unfazed. She simply smiled and murmured, "sure, dear," before leaving. Minah noticed, however, that she seemed to have said that with a clenched jaw. Around them, Jihoon's teammates did not miss this scene. A couple of them appeared displeased.


Eventually, the team managed to overcome a four points deficit in the subsequent innings, and emerged victorious. Of course, Jihoon had a spectacular start to his high school sport career. This was not surprising to Minah, who had witnessed all those nights of training that Jihoon underwent. The siblings and Wonwoo wasted no time to rush to the changing room to congratulate the star of the match after the game.


Outside the changing room, they could hear the loud cheers and celebration that the team was throwing. Their cheers were thunderous. With each booming cheer, Minah felt her chest swelling - Jihoon had been so worried about the start of the season. His hardwork had finally paid off. She was also sure that the team would respect Jihoon's skills now. For the longest time, they had dismissed him as a legitimate contender for captain, just because of his stature and his equal devotion to music.


Eventually t

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Chapter 18: Crying crying crying 😭 😭😭😭😭 you are so loved Minaaaahhhh
Chapter 13: I swear I just occasionally open AFF solely for your story. I’m glad you’re still writing! :) Catching up!!!
Chapter 17: And yes we will always be waiting for youuuuu 🥹🥹
Chapter 15: OMG GURL?! I’m still here! Randomly opened AFF and I’m so happy to see you’re here 🥹🥹🥹 Happy SVT comeback month indeed
8spades #5
Chapter 17: yes please keep updating !!
asdfghjkpop #6
Chapter 17: Hi! I noticed too that some left AFF. But I hope you will still continue this story. I’m not much but I’ll be waiting! I’ve been a silent reader and i’m sorry for that >.<
Woaaaahhh! You upateeeeddd
Research_I_Swear #9
Chapter 17: Haven’t logged into aff in a while and saw that you updated! can’t believe I can still remember it lol so good
I miss this storrrryyyyy. Huhuhu update?