
Finally Together

Chapter 16 Confrontation

As they were leaving the café, Jun Pyo was standing in front of them with five women with him, and they were laughing.

Jun Pyo told the five women to wait for him at Shinhwa hotel. They wanted him to go with them, but he told them that it wouldn’t take long. They each kissed his cheek and walked to the hotel.

Jun Pyo told his bodyguards to go and stay with his women and that he would be fine since he was going to talk to the F2 and Jan Di.

Bodyguards went with the five women, leaving Jun Pyo alone with F2, Jan Di and Ga Eul. Jun Pyo saw Yi Jeong and Ga Eul holding hands, and Ga Eul had Yi Jeong’s jacket on her.

Jun Pyo turned to look at Jan Di, and he was angry because she had Ji Hoo’s jacket on her and when they were dating, she never let him put his jacket on her.

Jun Pyo walked up to Jan Di but then he turned and faced Ga Eul and told her, “Ga Eul, it your fault that I cheated on Jan Di and got caught.”

Everyone was shocked, and Ga Eul was confused on how it was her fault that Jun Pyo cheated on Jan Di.

Jun Pyo told her, “Ga Eul, you were jealous that I was spending money on Jan Di, and you wanted to be with me. You were pretending to like Yi Jeong so you could be with me.”

Ga Eul was mad now that Jun Pyo thought that she liked him and was pretending to be with Yi Jeong, and she told him, “Jun Pyo sunbae, I never liked you at all, and I’m not pretending to like Yi Jeong to be with you.”

Jun Pyo scoffed and then he took out his wallet and pulled out some money. He threw it at Ga Eul’s face and told her, “Here’s some money that you wanted so badly.”

Ga Eul was hurt that Jun Pyo though that she was a gold digger. She slapped him and told him, “Jun Pyo sunbae, I don’t want any of your money. I never ever liked you at all. I never liked Jan Di being with you, and I always thought that Ji Hoo sunbae is a way better guy for Jan Di.”

Jun Pyo was now mad since no one ever dared to slap him, and he raised his hand and Yi Jeong saw and he walked between Ga Eul and Jun Pyo and he put Ga Eul behind him. And he punched Jun Pyo in the face. Jun Pyo fell on the floor, and Yi Jeong told him, “Jun Pyo, how dare you try to hit Ga Eul or any woman! It’s not Ga Eul’s fault that you cheated on Jan Di and got caught. I love Ga Eul and I know that her heart only belongs to me.”

Jun Pyo got up, and Yi Jeong kept Ga Eul behind him in case Jun Pyo tried to hit her. Jun Pyo told him, “Yi Jeong, Ga Eul is using her naïve act to fool you, and I know that she only wants money and nothing else.”

Jan Di was shocked that Jun Pyo is trying to blame her best friend for his mistake and she yelled his name, “Gu Jun Pyo!!”

Jun Pyo turned to Jan Di after she yelled his name and he told her, “Jan Di, can’t you see that your best friend here is jealous of you being with me? She wants me all to herself.”

Jan Di finally had it with Jun Pyo accusing Ga Eul, her best friend, of being a gold digger, and she got in her stance and spin kick Jun Pyo so hard that he fell to the floor.

Jan Di then told him, “Gu Jun Pyo, it’s not Ga Eul fault that I caught you cheating on me, and you were laughing at me after I caught you. You told me that you were playing with me. I know that Ga Eul loves Yi Jeong sunbae only, and she never once love you. I’ve known Ga Eul since kindergarten, and she never hurt me the way that you hurt me.”

Ji Hoo walked to Jan Di and stood beside her. He took her hand in his hand as Yi Jeong took Ga Eul’s hand in his hand, and he walked over to Ji Hoo. Ji Hoo told Jun Pyo, “Jun Pyo, this time you went to far, and you not only hurt Jan Di but you also hurt Ga Eul.

I will talk to Woo Bin and have you kicked out of the F4, and we no longer want you as our leader. We will talked to Woo Bin and ask him to be our new leader.

Yi Jeong nodded his head to agree with Ji Hoo, and Yi Jeong told Ji Hoo, “Let’s go. I think the girls want to go home.”

Ji Hoo agreed and they started to walk to their cars, leaving Jun Pyo lying on the floor.

Yi Jeong and Ga Eul got to his lotus as Ga Eul looked down on the floor, and when they got to his lotus and Yi Jeong lifted her face, he saw her looking sad. Yi Jeong told her, “Ga Eul, don’t listen to what Jun Pyo said. He’s idiot, and I will never believe in what he said. I know that you love me and never wanted to be with Jun Pyo.”

Ga Eul smiled a bit, and Yi Jeong kissed her. She kissed him back, and he pulled her closer to him. After they kissed, Yi Jeong hugged Ga Eul, and with her head on his chest, she can hear his heart beating really fast. She hugged him back, and Yi Jeong felt happy.

Ji Hoo and Jan Di got to Ji Hoo’s Mini Copper, and Jan Di was still upset about what Jun Pyo said. Ji Hoo hugged her and told her, “Jan Di, Jun Pyo is a big idiot, so don’t let him get to you.”

Jan Di agreed and hugged Ji Hoo back, and then she looked into his eyes. When she did, she saw something there that she never saw with Jun Pyo, and that was love.

Jan Di actually felt happy to be in Ji Hoo’s arms, and Ji Hoo also felt happy that Jan Di was in his arm.

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Chapter 26: Will be awaiting the updates
lanachelaisabelle27 #2
Chapter 26: Thanks we'll wait for the next chapterssss.
Glorialopez #3
Puedes actualizar la historia
Glorialopez #4
Puedes actualizar please
lanachelaisabelle #5
Chapter 9: Please update the story waiting for the next chapters thanks
Chapter 24: Next chapter
Chapter 7: Feeling bad for Jan Di
Chapter 5: Wow, bring it on. Good for the two of them
Sorry I missed out on this
seamusmommy #10
Chapter 21: Hahaha, that woman is in for a huge surprise.