Meeting the So Grandparents

Finally Together


Chapter 12 Meeting the So Grandparents

At the porridge shop

Ga Eul was cleaning up the tables as Jan Di waited for orders from other customers, when a halmoni and harabeoji walked in, and Ga Eul greeted them.  They sat in the booth and looked at the menu and then decided what to get.

Ga Eul walked over to them and asked, “What would you like to order?”

Harabeoji told her, “We are going to order pumpkin porridge.”

Ga Eul then walked to the counter and asked her master for a bowl of pumpkin porridge.

While waiting for the order, Halmoni waved at Ga Eul, and Ga Eul walked over to them.  Halmoni saw Ga Eul’s name tag and asked her, “Sweetie, your name is Ga Eul?”

Ga Eul answered her, “Yes, Halmoni, my name is Chu Ga Eul.”

Then Halmoni told her, “My name is So Young Hee and Harabeoji here is So Byung Chul.

Ga Eul was surprised and was about to ask them if they were related to Yi Jeong.

But their order was ready, so Ga Eul went to counter and got their order; she walked back to them and put the bowl on the table with the side orders.

Ga Eul was going to ask them when Yi Jeong walked in with Ji Hoo.  Ga Eul saw Yi Jeong smile brightly, but Jan Di was not too happy with seeing Yi Jeong.  She smiled a bit when she saw Ji Hoo, though.

Yi Jeong walked up to Ga Eul, and Ga Eul hugged Yi Jeong and asked him, Yi Jeong sunbae, what brings you here?”

Yi Jeong smiled and told her, “Ga Eul, I want to take you out a date.”

Ga Eul smiled and took off her apron and told Jan Di and Master that she was leaving, and Master let her go since it was not busy.

Yi Jeong took Ga Eul’s hand, and they walked out the door as Young Hee and Byung Chul watched and smiled, knowing that their grandson had grown into an amazing young man.

Jan Di tensed up when she heard Yi Jeong tell Ga Eul they were going on a date, and she walked to Ji Hoo and told him, “We need to follow them Ji Hoo sunbae.”

Jan Di yelled at Master, saying she would be leaving too, and Master told her it was fine since they were not busy.

Jan Di walked out the door; Ji Hoo followed her, and she saw Ga Eul getting into Yi Jeong’s lotus and Yi Jeong closing the door.  He walked over to the driver’s side and got in and drove off.

Halmoni So watched Yi Jeong leave with Ga Eul and was happy that he chose the right girl.  She also know that his omma would be planning to have him marry another girl from their elite social status.

Harabeoji So was happy to see his wife happy and smiling and was also happy that Yi Jeong found the right girl.

They finished their porridge, paid for it, and left the shop.

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Chapter 26: Will be awaiting the updates
lanachelaisabelle27 #2
Chapter 26: Thanks we'll wait for the next chapterssss.
Glorialopez #3
Puedes actualizar la historia
Glorialopez #4
Puedes actualizar please
lanachelaisabelle #5
Chapter 9: Please update the story waiting for the next chapters thanks
Chapter 24: Next chapter
Chapter 7: Feeling bad for Jan Di
Chapter 5: Wow, bring it on. Good for the two of them
Sorry I missed out on this
seamusmommy #10
Chapter 21: Hahaha, that woman is in for a huge surprise.