Chapter 16

When The Dawn Wind Rises

Jung Hwa walked into his office with a bounce in his steps. As much as he tried to keep himself stoic, the ghost of a smile continue to flit about his lips. Though immersed in his work, there would still be moments he would stop and take stock and a faraway look would steal into his eyes and he would be lost for a minute or two in his own world. He is just a man in love after all and cannot be faulted for his small lapses of reveries.

Kwan Seok kept looking askance at his friend, wondering what is going on. He had never encountered a Jung Hwa like this, one who appeared to be weirdly distracted in passing moments. He was curious enough to wonder, and began gleefully teasing his friend about his behavior.

"If you're going to be coming back like this everytime you leave for a mission, I'd volunteer to go instead," he said deadpan.

"What are you on about?" Jung Hwa was totally oblivious that he has been staring the past few minutes at his phone with the picture of Mi Yeung in his home screen. 

"Oh nothing. Must be nice to have a wife that missed you so much that you can't think straight afterwards. Surprised you were able to roll out of bed this morning." 

Jung Hwa finally caught on and threw whatever was nearest him at Kwan Seok. As such, a thick code book went flying overhead which Kwan Seok was barely able to block with his arm. He was laughing seeing the tips of Jung Hwa's ears turning red. It's not often he could rile up his friend and get such a reaction. He intend to milk it for all it's worth.

", man, I get it. I'd be in la la land too, getting all that lovin'," and he sighed exaggeratedly, but couldn't help sniggering at the end.

"You're just jealous," his friend said, making a point to turn off his phone to avoid further distraction. He had a difficult time leaving in the morning, until Mi Yeung scrambled away, pleading she can't be late for work herself. And he shook his head as if trying to banish further thoughts of their time together which they had spent mostly in each other's arms over the weekend. And a faraway look stole its way in his mind's eye again.

"Yo man, snap out of it." Kwan Seok had stood up to drop the code book with a thud back on his desk, startling him out of his reverie.

Jung Hwa just gave him a grin, embarrassed being caught again like a hormonal teenager. "Sorry, man."

"It's all right. I've never seen you like this. You've fallen hard."

"I have," Jung Hwa leaned back on his seat and rubbed his temples. "I can't stop thinking about her."

"And what about her?" 

"She feels the same way." At this he sighed, missing her all the more. He got quiet again, his hand reaching for his phone once more.

Kwan Seok plopped himself in the chair, "I'm happy for you, man. Truth be told, you're right. I'm jealous. Not everyone can be lucky in love."

Jung Hwa roused himself to look at his friend closely. "Are you and Ye Ri having problems? I thought you're crazy about her?"

"Nah, man. It's not serious."

"Lover boy's at it again. How are you gonna settle down if you keep playing the field," Jung Hwa said. He paused and looked at his friend more closely. "Wait, there's only one girl I can remember that got to you. That was ages ago, though."

Kwan Seok was quiet for once, "Yeon Hee."

For all the blustery, happy go lucky personna that he projects, Kwan Seok has actually been nursing an old broken heart all along, one that he's learned a long time ago to keep hidden, as he plowed through life. There was a girl he had given his heart to, who at some point in time loved him too, but circumstances drove them apart. Since then, he had learned to cultivate this other personna to avoid getting close to anybody else. 

Jung Hwa knew the barest information. It was before their friendship started and just before the war broke. All he knew was Kwan Seok freely returned to active duty after his honorable discharge when he could have been back home in Andong, happily married and starting a family. The girl came from a very wealthy family, while Kwan Seok's were mere farmers eking out a hard living. Her family opposed the relationship, wanted to marry her off instead to a rich colleague. Yeon Hee wanted them to marry immediately to avoid this, but Kwan Seok had his pride. He would not marry without the means to provide for his wife, or their future family. They separated with misunderstandings. He told Yeon Hee he will not return until he can stand proud in front of his parents to offer his name to her. But during one of their soju nights a few years later, Kwan Seok let it slip that Yeon Hee ended up being affianced to another anyway. He has since never referred to this part of his life and Jung Hwa had let him be then. 

He stood and clapped Kwan Seok's shoulder in amity as he passed by and got some coffee brewing. "Have you heard anything else since?"

"Nah, what for? That ship sailed. It's been years. She's married now for sure."

"Did you even check to make certain? Look all I'm saying is, I myself thought there was nothing to go back to after all those years that passed. I got lucky. I wouldn't leave it to chance, man. Not when you think it's something worth pursuing."

Kwan Seok sat turning things over his mind. Finally he replied, cutting the serious air that came upon them, "Since when did you become philosophical? If you're gonna be like this in love, I'm gonna have to ask for a transfer. I don't think I can stand you when you're getting some all the time." 

At that, another code book went flying in Kwan Seok's direction.



His Yangkusan mission continues to be slow going. Jung Hwa received word from General Yang that operatives currently in the Demilitarized zone are encountering dead ends from the contacts he had set in place. Because of this, he advised Jung Hwa to continue digging to produce whatever leads to be found to move this mission to completion.

Because of his workload, Jung Hwa was not able to spend much time during the day to see Mi Yeung. When the opportunity presented itself one afternoon, he was quick to drive to town, parked himself by the bench near the school playground and waited for the recess bell to ring. Soon after, he was rewarded with the sight of his wife walking with a bunch of little ones. A few parents were on hand with lunch boxes for the kids as they walked to the next building where the dining hall is located. A parent had stopped Mi Yeung and started speaking to her at length. Mi Yeung happened to look up and saw Jung Hwa sitting across the playground and a lovely smile bloomed on her face. She graciously answered whatever questions were directed at her, until she finally made her escape. She practically dashed to where he was sitting. He met her halfway and immediately wrapped his arms around her. 

"I missed you," kissing her affectionately.

"Jung Hwa, we're in public and there are parents around!" she had turned red at his public display. But Jung Hwa just shrugged, and grabbed her hand to lead her back to the bench to grab the bag of food he brought. 

"I brought us some lunch, but it's too cold to eat out here. You don't mind eating in the mess hall with me?"

"I don't mind at all, but..." she paused, "you know, there's a bunch of women in there, right?" 

"Uh-huh,?" he was not following her train of thought. They walked hand in hand to the dining hall.

"I just want you to know, if you get mobbed, I'm not above pulling women's hair off," she replied cheekily.

"Wait, are you going to be jealous? Does that mean I might have to appease you later?" he said, pulling her into a stairwell nearby until their weight blocked the door.

"Jung Hwa!" she giggled as he started kissing her neck. "Someone might walk in; this is embarrassing."

"One kiss. I just miss you," he murmured thickly, before taking her lips. Her arms travelled on their own accord to grasp his shoulders, hands losing themselves in his hair as she returned his demanding kisses. He pulled her closer, their bodies flushed together and that one kiss was all the more steamier, all the more , for their clandestine position.

Mi Yeung was the first to break free, both their breaths uneven and pulses racing. Jung Hwa had the temerity to chuckle softly in her ears. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself."

"You should never kiss me like that in public," she whispered, voice shaky.

"Why is that, my love?" as he ran a finger to caress her cheeks.

She looked up at him with passion filled eyes unblinkingly, and her desire cannot be mistaken, until his breath caught in his throat and he gulped visibly in turn, "fair enough," he said huskily. 



Their lunch time was exactly what Mi Yeung predicted. Not just the moms and teachers came by but several halmonis dropped by too, flirting with Jung Hwa who truly cut a dashing figure in his uniform. It didn't help they both carried the aura of lust unfulfilled from their little kissing intermission in the stairwell. Jung Hwa did at least appear uncomfortable from all the gushing female attention, and several times he threw glances at Mi Yeung's direction as if asking to be rescued. Mi Yeung was fascinated to watch the social dynamics that took place. She was largely ignored, at best a brief nod of acknowledgment was thrown her way, while they sat and chatted and tried to dominate her husband's attention. He was politeness personified. After a while, he got fed up and grabbed her hand across the table and brought it his lips, kissing her palms and her wrists. The action was not lost on the few women that were still hovering, who saw the hot look that passed from him to Mi Yeung and they were quick to leave them be after that.

"Thank you for not rescuing me," was his gruff reply, still not letting her hand go.

"You were doing well on your own," she said, as she took another dainty bite of her sandwich.

"What happened to the wrestling women off of me, and the hair pulling you warned me about?" 

"I got distracted," she grinned at him, "they were practically drooling. It was fascinating." 

"Thanks a lot," he huffed.

"Besides, you did just fine." She had reached out to wipe a trace of food on the corner of his lips.

"Are there always these many women around? Are all the women in town here?" he asked, as he kept catching glances still being thrown his way. He was feeling somewhat flustered at being the object of attention.

"The 2nd graders had a program so there are more than the usual people today." She smiled, finally taking pity at him. "We can leave if you're done eating." 

He scrambled up and grabbed her hand and the rest of their foodstuff and practically dragged her out of the dining hall.


A brisk wind was blowing when they walked the short path to the playground on the other side of the school building. It provided a slight barrier from the gusty cold wind coming from the eastern side, and Jung Hwa wrapped her scarf more securely around her neck to keep the chill away. They sat on the bench facing a small garden. Just across from them, a statue of two kids playing with a ball surrounded by a small circular shallow pool lay dry, the water fountain shut off for the winter to keep the ice away. But snow had lain accumulated on the shallow well, now frozen solid, and several kids had taken to skipping stones on its icy surface. 

Jung Hwa brought his arms around her to keep her close and warm. The tip of her nose was reddened and her cheeks were rosy from the nip of cold air. She has never looked more beautiful in his eyes. He wanted to kiss her again, but was mindful now of how visible they are outdoors. He let himself be satisfied having her snuggled close in his arms.

"My meeting was pushed back later this afternoon, so I'm likely going to be late again tonight. Don't wait but go ahead and have your dinner." There was one time he was delayed for hours on end and she waited wanting to have their meals together. He found her fast asleep on the sofa, with dinner cold on the table. He had carried her to bed and since then made a point of urging her not to wait if there were any possibilities of him being waylaid.

"I see. I'll keep the food ready for you." They both heard the bell ring to end lunch time. He reluctantly stood and gave the top of head a kiss. 

"I'll see you soon. I love you."

"I love you too," she murmured back.



Jung Hwa was not lying when he said he would be late. It was almost 10 in the evening by the time he got home. The kitchen light was still on and he saw his dinner waiting for him. He hungrily grabbed the rice bowl set for him and started wolfing down its contents. He saw Mi Yeung had left him a little note saying "please warm this up; it will taste better or wake me if I fell asleep" with a little emoji sticking its tongue out. She knew he'd be too starved to care and would just eat the food cold. 

He walked quietly into the room to find her fast asleep, sparing a quick kiss on her brow and covering her up with the blanket. He showered quickly, suddenly feeling bone tired. He gingerly laid down on the bed, trying not to wake her, but she had turned and reached out seeking his warmth. He was pleased to have her in his arms, for he would not have reached out to bring her over to him, sound asleep as she was.

But she was awake, much to his surprise, when he heard her murmur against his chest. "Did you eat? Shall I warm the food?"

"I already finished; it's fine. Stay in bed," as he hugged her tightly to him, nuzzling her hair. He felt her hands reach up, her warm breath tickling his neck; her lips grazed his throat with soft fluttering kisses until he felt her tongue trace the curvature of his adam's apple. With a sharp intake of breath, he took fully; his sleepines long forgotten, weariness disappearing superseded instead by the flare of desire burning white hot, engulfing them both in its intensity. 

He moved to place himself on top of her; his lips and hands moving familiarly on the landscape of her body, and he proceeded to show her again and again just how much he adores her and desires her. All his pent up lust came rushing back, and she met it with her own passion unrestrained. Under the cover of darkness in the shadowy grey, their bodies moved as one, satisfying each other's hunger, answering the call of their need for one another. And they rode the tumultuous waves of their desires, their lips crying out each other's names until they crested and crashed, reaching their peak together.


"Have you fallen asleep already?" he murmured, lips on the back of her neck. They were laying side by side, his arms around her as she leaned back against him. Their breaths have slowed down after that steamy exercise. 

"Umm-mm," shaking her head no in response. She leaned back further into his warmth, loving how his body curved just so to fit hers. 

"Are you listening? I spoke with the consulate and booked him next weekend." His lips were set close to her ear and she could feel him tugging her ear lobes. "That's why I got home much later. I met with the consulate which pushed my meeting much later."

"For what? Are we travelling?" her head had been resting on the crook of his arm and she moved to rub her lips on biceps, nuzzling into him.

"I think it's about time we have a proper wedding ceremony, don't you think?"

Mi Yeung's eyes flew wide open and she quickly turned to face Jung Hwa. "What?"

"It was all impersonal and we weren't even together when we signed the papers. I wanted to make it right this time." He faced her, eyes only looking at her, waiting for her response.

"Mi Yeung, will you marry me? Will you marry me truly and properly this time?" he had reached out to cup her face, to stare deeply into her eyes.

"J-jung Hwa...yes" Her own eyes filled with tears at his declaration. After being together intimately, she didn't have to question his love for her, but never in her dreams did she think of recreating their marital vows. In her mind there was no need; she loves him and he loves her back. And it seemed it was ages ago that their marriage was done as a means to an end, a convenience, a way for each of them to escape the realities they found themselves in. And now to recreate their vows with love the underlying factor, brought such a surge of emotions in her heart. It was as if everything finally clicked in place, all the pieces that occurred in her life finally coming together, finally making sense. And it was here with him that her life will finally begin.

She kissed him and hugged him as tight as she possibly can, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I-I remember telling my appa one time I don't intend to marry ever again, that once was more than enough," she whispered, her voice catching in throat, "but I will marry you as many times as I need to, as many times as you wish."

"Then let's show the world I am truly yours and are mine."

And he kissed her again with happiness bursting forth from their collective hearts.




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144 streak #1
Chapter 19: This is such a sweet, heartfelt story. Well done and nice work!!
mriya212 #2
Chapter 19: i wish this did not end; i miss them already . i hope you will write about them again, even as one shot. thank you for the stories, myzyanya. i totally fell in love with them more in this story.
mriya212 #3
Chapter 12: that kiss.... *cries TT TT TT
mriya212 #4
Chapter 3: I'm glad to find this ff...and WTC with this is so beautiful. Thank you. I want to read all of it in one sitting but I'm going to be good. ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎?
mriya212 #5
someone told me to read this with heart!!!
Chapter 19: Thank you all who followed and patiently read either or both ff's. I appreciate you sharing my journey with them. Hope my next stories will continue to touch your heart ♥️♥️♥️
clandestineshhh #7
Chapter 19: Alas... we have come to the end. My heart aches but yet so happy and satisfied. So beautiful. They were both so beautiful. What a story and journey you have created for us have no idea... you’re a gift sent to us from puppy heaven. I love your writing and I love you.
clandestineshhh #8
Chapter 18: Omgggg. Ok. Fave chapter. They’re too swweeeeet here!! Sweet hot Hungry. Thanks babe!!!!
coffeeholic0212 #9
Chapter 19: Thank you for this beautiful and touching ending of their story, authornim. A love that strong and enduring deserves a lovely ending.
Chapter 19: Thank you so much ❤? I will sure miss it. It's a great story. I really loved it.