Chapter 11

When The Dawn Wind Rises

"Mi Yeung..."

Jung Hwa whispered softly, trying to wake her. She has fallen asleep leaning on his shoulder, her arms wrapped around his bicep. Their plane is descending, almost touching down the tarmac.

Mi Yeung had been full of restrained excitement and nervousness upon boarding the plane. Her eyes had rounded, as the motions of the plane taking off and climbing caused her stomach and ears to feel the change in altitude. Jung Hwa was delighted to see her eagerness; she kept looking out of the small window, fascinated by how high the plane climbed until they pushed through the clouds and cruised high above them. He thoroughly enjoyed how she grabbed onto him the minute the plane encountered a slight turbulence, dipping and jostling, as it hit small air pockets. He held onto her hands that were wrapped tightly on his arms, telling her about air currents and pockets and how pilots would manuever the plane to avoid most of the fluctuating updrafts. He was trying to distract her knowing she is easily fascinated when it comes to learning new things. They searched for different cloud formations; he taught her how to tell the difference between the cumulus (fluffy and cottony) and nimbus (thin and wispy) clouds as they looked out in late afternoon sky. She finally settled down once the plane maintained a smooth cruise, and eventually fell asleep leaning on his shoulder. Jung Hwa stayed awake, leaning his cheek on her head, resting his lips lightly on it, or staring down at her profile. Above the clouds, the last vestiges of sunlight were glorious to behold. The colors were more vibrant and clear as the sun made its way down to set in the west. The lights were casting rainbow shadows through the window at her, throwing her in sharp relief, as if she were a beautiful painting set within a backdrop of colors.

Jung Hwa is wide awake; he was too aware of the girl beside him to fall asleep. He shifted gently so not to jostle her awake, until his arm rested on her side and she could lean further into him. As he sat here gazing at her, he felt a contentment he didn't know was lacking. He's always been aware of himself, of what he wants; and he knew without a doubt that he wanted this girl, so much that he felt his heart thumping at the thought. He knew he's falling in love, head over heels, in fact, and unbelievably hard and fast, it seems. And his one clear goal from this moment on is to sweep her off her feet and make her fall just as madly in love with him. 

Jung Hwa doesn't have a clear plan how to achieve this goal, not yet anyway. Mi Yeung seems quite responsive to his affection, but he doesn't want to seem brash and scare her off. Theirs is an unusual relationship, since they're starting off married already. It's not any different from having an arranged marriage back in the old days, he thought, remembering how his grandparents had met this way. And their marriage turned out perfectly fine. He stared at her again and let his thoughts roam. 

Their kiss was so light and tender, barely a brush of the lips. Her lips were so soft; and he thought of how her hand seemed to burn his skin as it rested on his chest. It took all his self control to keep his emotions in check, when all he wanted to do was sweep her in his arms and possess her right there.  He stared at her dozing right now, his eyes taking in the curve of cheeks, the faint trace of freckles sprinkling across the bridge of her nose, her slightly parted lips. He noted the gentle rise and fall of her chest as she slept, her breaths even. And he wondered how she could sleep so fitfully when she is running around wrecking havoc in his thoughts this very moment. And he...he had never taken so much deep breaths as he did on this two hour flight.


"We're here, Mi Yeung-ie," he whispered, his hand cupping her face, letting his thumb graze her cheek gently.

She stirred and finally opened her eyes. "We're landing now," she heard him say.

She rubbed her eyes to wipe the sleep off of them, but suddenly grabbed his arms once more as the plane dipped and banked on the tarmac. She let out an audible gasp when the plane finally shuddered to a hard stop once the breaks caught. 

"Are you alright?" Jung Hwa asked. "Congratulations on your first plane ride," he said, bringing her hand that has been clutching his in a white knuckled grip to his lips. 

She nodded at him. "I'm sure I would have been fine flying by myself, but I'm glad you're here," she said as she let out a shaky breath.



Sgt. Kwan Seok, was leaning onto the standard military issued green jeep when they came out of the airport holding. "Sir," as he stood in attention and gave Jung Hwa a salute. Jung Hwa didn't miss the way kwan Seok's eyes took a quick look at Mi Yeung, nor the slight grin tugging at the corner of his lips. 

"At ease, soldier. Stop showing off; you never saluted me outside the base." Jung Hwa said, clapping the man on the back. "Mi Yeung-ie, this is my second in command, Kwan Seok; he'll answer to 'sergeant'." 

Kwan Seok rolled his eyes at this. Reading his friend's protective and territorial inclinations coming into play. Jung Hwa never did say much about her, clearly holding out on him. He bowed to Mi Yeung who stood quietly at Jung Hwa's side. He was greeted by a shy smile and a bow in greeting in return. She is indeed a beauty, and so tiny, he thought, noting how his friend's arm had immediately gone around her small waist. He's got it bad, a mischievous smile appeared on his face. He couldn't wait to be alone with his friend and mercilessly.

They drove to the base camp. Everything is new and interesting in her eyes. Jung Hwa and Kwan Seok alternately pointed out things to her as she sat in the back of the jeep. The men up front were catching up on camp going-ons, which she did not pay attention to, as the loud noise from the vehicle made it difficult at times to hear, but she was content to watch the unfamiliar sights and people around. They came to an unmarked fork in the road. One sign pointing towards the right marked the town Pol Yang; the other signage was blank with only a military insignia alerting potential lost drivers they're entering a severely restricted zone. Jung Hwa pointed, "that road to the left will take you to the camp after a few more miles. It gated and you'll need a secure pass to get in. We'll do that tomorrow when we get your security clearance. This road to the right will go further into the town, where the mostly military consignment housing for officers and their families are located." He went on to explain that it is also a secured location as the community is manned and gated to ensure the military family's safety.

They drove a few more miles until they finally arrived at their destination. The houses were cookie cutter in their similarities; all painted in nondescript brown or grey colors. But personal touches were visible in the front yards of each houses dotting the neighborhood. Some have lovely blooming lilies and roses, while others have crysanthemums or other flowering bushes. They drove further in and finally stopping at a grey house near the corner. 

"Here we are. Home sweet home," Kwan Seok said with a flourish as he pulled into the driveway. 

"I can plant anything in the front yard?" she asked excited at the prospect of having a garden again to tend to.

"Yes, of course," Jung Hwa said. "I think we have a small yard out back too." He helped her down from the car, lifting her effortlessly from the jeep to set her down. She took a step forward to look at the house, the yard, noted an older woman some distance away and gave her a slight bow.

Jung Hwa had turned to his friend, after getting their bags off. "Thanks, man. I'll get us settled and check in a bit."

"Don't worry about it. Get situated and I'll see you tomorrow." he winked at his friend. "I'll expect a dinner invitation. I know it won't be anytime soon....just don't forget. Here," tossing a fob of keys to Jung Hwa. "your truck is in the garage."

Jung Hwa grinned at his friend and clapped his shoulder. 

Kwan Seok bade them goodbye, bowing to Mi Yeung before driving off.

"Here, I'll get our stuff." He slung his duffle and carried Mi Yeung's suitcase. He fumbled with the keys to open the door.

"So you haven't been to this home yet?" Mi Yeung asked. She the touched the hanging plant by the doorway, reminding herself to water it later. 

"The houses here are all pretty much the same; I've been to officers' houses before, so I have an idea what the inside look like. But no, I haven't been to this one either. We'll enter it together the first time." He turned the keys and swung the door open. He set their bags inside.

Mi Yeung made a step to enter, but Jung Hwa was too fast-- he swooped her off her feet in one quick movement, carrying her in his arms to cross the threshold together. 

Mi Yeung gasped in surprise, her arms swinging around Jung Hwa's neck. "Omo, Jung Hwa! What are you doing?"

He smiled at her, "I'm carrying my wife across the threshold. I know the custom is a piggyback ride for newlyweds, but I prefer this I think." He kicked the door close.

Mi Yeung smiled shyly at him, "where are you taking me?" as Jung Hwa doesn't seem to be in a hurry to set her down.

The tips of his ears were red and he was biting his lips sheepishly. "Er, uh, I was going to show you around the house.."

"Oh, but I thought it was only customary to cross threshold, not carried throughout the house..?"

"Yes, but I don't mind; you're not heavy."

"Jung Hwa!" she giggled, hitting him lightly on the shoulder. Set me down, this is embarrassing."

"All right, all right." chuckling, he walked towards the counter near the kitchen, where there were a couple of barstool chairs. He set her down gently, but didn't move away; he stood with his arms still around her. Sitting like this, Mi Yeung is almost eye to eye with him, and her arms were still looped around his shoulders. He stared at her fervently, electrified by her nearness, at the way her lips parted instinctively when his eyes dropped to them. His hand reached to tip her chin willing her eyes to meet his, as he searched for any objection. He bent to kiss her slowly, capturing her lower lip in a gentle tug, then moving onto her upper lip until he felt her sharp intake of breath. He let her set the pace to keep the kiss within her comfort zone, to see how far she is willing to go; and when he felt her lips part, a sense of thrill surged through him. He angled his mouth to fully fit hers, finally deepening the kiss. 

Her hands trembled when she felt his tongue trace the seam of her lips, and parting without any of her conscious effort. And all her senses were heightened while everything else around them blurred in oblivion.

She was too aware of his hand on her waist, and the other pressing on her neck, as if he needed to hold her in place, as if she would even have any strength to let go...

She was too immersed at the way his mouth felt, the way his tongue slid against hers, tasting her, drinking her in, as if he would finally quench his thirst for her...

It was a kiss so electrifying she felt it in the way her heart pounded a rhythm in her chest as if it were a drum, incessant and loud; the pulse of it drowning out everything else.... 

She felt the heat of it deep in her marrows, weakening her bones, making her melt into his arms, and burning her breath away.

And it was a kiss like no other, for she has never felt more alive now than she had ever felt before....






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144 streak #1
Chapter 19: This is such a sweet, heartfelt story. Well done and nice work!!
mriya212 #2
Chapter 19: i wish this did not end; i miss them already . i hope you will write about them again, even as one shot. thank you for the stories, myzyanya. i totally fell in love with them more in this story.
mriya212 #3
Chapter 12: that kiss.... *cries TT TT TT
mriya212 #4
Chapter 3: I'm glad to find this ff...and WTC with this is so beautiful. Thank you. I want to read all of it in one sitting but I'm going to be good. ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎?
mriya212 #5
someone told me to read this with heart!!!
Chapter 19: Thank you all who followed and patiently read either or both ff's. I appreciate you sharing my journey with them. Hope my next stories will continue to touch your heart ♥️♥️♥️
clandestineshhh #7
Chapter 19: Alas... we have come to the end. My heart aches but yet so happy and satisfied. So beautiful. They were both so beautiful. What a story and journey you have created for us have no idea... you’re a gift sent to us from puppy heaven. I love your writing and I love you.
clandestineshhh #8
Chapter 18: Omgggg. Ok. Fave chapter. They’re too swweeeeet here!! Sweet hot Hungry. Thanks babe!!!!
coffeeholic0212 #9
Chapter 19: Thank you for this beautiful and touching ending of their story, authornim. A love that strong and enduring deserves a lovely ending.
Chapter 19: Thank you so much ❤? I will sure miss it. It's a great story. I really loved it.