Chapter 9

When The Dawn Wind Rises


Mi Yeung’s days and nights have become routine. She spent her time caring for her Appa.  When the weather is nice, she would bundle him up and sit with him by their little garden. She would ask for Old man Tak to help him up on a makeshift chair so she can bring him outside. She would read with him, feed him, let him enjoy the little bit of sunshine they would have.

She wished the burial ground where her mom is interred is close by but it's a town away. Mr. Lee sadly is too frail for even Mi Yeung to attempt the trip. Often they would just venture within their little area, and she was content to keep the conversation going. She worried about his lack of appetite; but Dr. Yu said this is common and just to offer him as much fluids as he would take. Mi Yeung would make him nourishing broths and soups just to get him to eat something. But Mr. Lee is mostly drowsing now, the effects of the medication making him sleepy most of the time. Without it, his breathing tends to be laborious and would use up whatever reserve of his energy he has left.

Since her phone call to Jung Hwa, he had kept his promise. He would send a simple text message everyday. Hardly much perhaps to others, but Mi Yeung has learned to look forward to his messages every morning she wakes. It would sometimes be just a “Good morning” or “I’m thinking of you;” sometimes not even that but a simple “uri Mi Yeung-ie.” Such simple words but they bring such warmth to her heart; his simple words the ones she treasures the most. And it would make her day much brighter, more tolerable as she continues her labor of love for her father.

At night, he would also call her to check on how Mr. Lee is faring and to see how she is doing herself. Jung Hwa has taken upon the responsibility of the Lee family without being asked nor prompted. He simply did, much to Mi Yeung’s chagrin.

“You didn’t have to do that, Jung Hwa,” she said. That day the bank called her asking her to sign a release. Jung Hwa had transferred some funds over for their necessities.

“You need to be with your Appa, Mi Yeung-ie. You can’t take care of him full time and still work too. Stay with him and don’t worry about anything else. Your time with him is precious.”

Mi Yeung bit her lips. “I can not thank you enough for everything.”

“I promised your Appa I will take care of you and I meant it. Not because I have to, but because I want to.”

“It’s too much. I don’t know how I could ever repay you.”

“Oh, I’m just looking forward to your cooking again. Don’t get me wrong, the food here is good, but it’s nothing compared to your cooking.”

“You’ll have to tell me your favorite dishes. I’ll make all of them for you.”

"I will hold you to that. I will just have to work out more to stay in shape if you're going to feed me good food all the time." 

"I would love to cook for you. It will be my pleasure."

“I can’t wait. I know you’ll take good care of me.” The words came out much more huskier than he intended, conveying a slightly different undertone altogether. Jung Hwa had to give himself a mental slap, grimacing to himself, when Mi Yeung had become visibly quiet on the other line. As his habit, he ran his hand through his hair when he's vexed.

“Mi Yeung…’s all right. Don’t worry ok?” His voice gentle, trying to put her at ease.

“I promise to take good care of you too,” was her soft reply.

Jung Hwa could not contain the smile that spread on his face. He stood up pacing the room, feeling warm all of a sudden, his heart beating a mile a minute. He could only say, “Ok,” in a voice so deliberate in its studied calm.

After awhile, that brief charged moment passed and they talked about other things. She was curious about his job, and was quite relieved to hear he is no longer on the front lines, should ever a war break out once more.

He told her about obtaining a leave so he could visit next weekend, just an overnight stay, to see her and Mr. Lee.

"Wouldn't it be too exhausting for you, all that travelling back and forth?"

"It will be fine. You're only a couple hours away by plane. I can be there by midmorning and leave the following day. I wish I can stay longer to visit but I couldn't rearrange my schedule properly this time."

"It's all right. It will be nice to see you again even though it's just for a day," she said. 

"I can visit more often with short weekend leaves like this." She voiced her happiness at this. And he grinned like a little boy on the other line.

Some nights, their conversation would be nothing in particular, just catching up with each other. She learned that he used to sing in the choir. After that, she would ask him to sing to her. He was initially shy, claiming being rusty and not having sang since he was in his teens. But she could be quite persuasive and he just could not tell her no. Those nights they spent talking has become all too precious to her. She would sit outside when he would call so she wouldn't disturb her sleeping father. She would lie down on top of the stoop all wrapped up in blankets, looking up at the skies, sometimes humming softly along with him a few bars of notes as he sings, but mostly listening to him. His clear tenor would ring out pure; the ballads he would sing keeping her warm under a sky full of stars and she would feel him close despite the miles separating them. When Jung Hwa found out she was outside during his calls looking up at the skies, he too would sit by his window so he can look out.  He taught her to search for well known constellations, so that they are both looking at the same stars, watching the moon shining brightly upon the both of them, sharing the same moment together even as distance contrived to set them apart. And he recalled the once forgotten pleasure he used to find in singing as he sang to her to his heart's content.




Mi Yeung breathed a sigh of relief and stretched up to ease her aching back. She set her basket of laundry down on the ground for a quick breather. She had gone to the common house to do their washings; now that the season has turned much colder, setting the wash out on the clothesline to dry is no longer feasible. Her load of laundry was heavy, filled with blankets and clothing. Not much farther, she thought, it's just around the bend and i can see the house. She bent to pick up the basket once more and began her trek along the dusty road. She espied a woman running ungainly towards her, hands waving in the air, hollering something she could not make out. Her heart stopped when she recognized Mrs. Wen. Mi Yeung dropped her basket and ran towards the house.




Jung Hwa was deep in a meeting when his phone rang. "Let's take 5, guys. I need to take this call." He returned their salute and stepped out to answer his phone. He was greeted by Mi Yeung in tears.

"Mi Yeung-ie, shhh, it's ok, I'm here..what's wrong?"

"Appa's gone," and she burst in tears once more.

Jung Hwa's heart clenched in pain for her. "Can you tell me what happened? Is someone there with you?"

"Y-yes. Mrs. W-wen is here. I shouldn't have left him! I went to do the laundry and he stopped breathing!" 

"Sshh, it's not your fault, you know that. Did someone call Dr. Yu?"

She went on to explain haltingly how Mrs. Wen was sitting with him and heard him make a few coughing sound. When she checked, Mr. Lee had stopped breathing. Mrs. Wen rushed out in a panic and that was how she saw Mi Yeung coming back with the laundry.

Dr. Yu came as quickly as he could after getting the call and confirmed Mr. Lee's passing shortly after.

Mi Yeung was racked with guilt for not being there and Jung Hwa tried his utmost to console her grief. 

"I will leave for Yangkusan as soon as I can, Mi Yeung-ie," he said, "is there anything I can do to help, any arrangements for Mr. Lee?"

"No, I have a list, and Mrs. Wen is here. I just... I just want you here, Jung Hwa."

"I'm on my way, Mi Yeung-ie, I'll be there soon." His heart felt an unfamiliar happiness hearing her words, and he wished he could take her grief away even for but a moment.

He left to make his travels arrangements soon after they hung up, leaving Kwan Seok to take charge of the rest of the meeting.




Jung Hwa arrived the next day. He drove immediately to the house and walked the path to the cottage. Even from the distance, he could see there was a crowd of people already from the community, showing their respect for Mr. Lee by keeping attendance. A lady must have seen him for he saw her come out dragging a startled Mi Yeung. When Mi Yeung saw who it was, she rushed down the steps and ran the dirt path straight to his arms. Sobs wracked her little body. Jung Hwa wrapped her in his arms and just held her tight. He let her cry and mourn and grieve, the way she needed to in order to heal and move on.

"Sshhhh, it's all right, Mi Yeung-ie, I'm here."

She looked up at him with tear stained cheeks. "I'm glad you're here, Jung Hwa. I'm really not this helpless..." she bit her lips as fresh tears threatened to spill once more.

His hands, roughened from work, were wide and warm yet full of tenderness, moved to cradle her face as his thumb wiped her tears away. His eyes held hers, staring at them deeply as he whispered, "You are the strongest woman I know." He brought her back into the safety of his arms, his cheek resting on her hair, giving her all the warmth and comfort he could offer to ease her heavy heart.




The funeral lasted all three days as was customary. The small village pooled their resources and provided food for all that came to pay their respect. Mr. Lee has been beloved of the community. He was known to be generous and kind; helping others in need. Jung Hwa listened and agreed as people around gave tribute to Mr. Lee by sharing their memories of him. His eyes follow Mi Yeung as she went about fulfilling the customary role expected from a daughter of one who passed, making sure she is doing all right, always at the ready to lend her a hand.

The third day, a small procession made it's way towards the cementary. They buried Mr. Lee next to his wife, Mi Yeung's mom; further down two other matching mounds bore signs where Mi Yeong's Halmoni and Haraboji were laid to rest. A plot had been dugged up and Mr. Lee was gently lowered. The men then shovelled dirt to cover it up. Jung Hwa took a shovel too and started scooping dirt alongside the men of the village. Together they formed a mound above the grave. And the villagers one by one bowed down to pay their last respect to the man as they slowly made their way out. Mi Yeung stood close by, bowing and thanking them as they leave.

Finally only she and Jung Hwa were left standing. Mi Yeung faced the mound. Jung Hwa reached an arm to hold her close and she gratefully leaned on him. She drew a deep breath.

"I barely knew my mom. She was gone before I could understand. I was told she died from some infection. Appa and Halmoni raised me. I never knew anybody else but them all my life." Her voice soft as she looked down with unseeing eyes.

"We weren't rich but I never wanted for anything; Appa made sure of that. And Halmoni.. Halmoni was a strong woman in her own right. She taught me to be independent, not to rely on anybody else..." her voice caught, but she did not cry.

"...Jung Hwa....Appa is gone. I won't hold you to your promise anymore if you wish to be free. I can't in all good conscience take any more from you..."

Jung Hwa's arm tightened around her, as the need to protect her and shelter her from further pain washed over him.

"I don't want to be free," was all he said. 

He turned to face her, searching her face, willing her to look him in the eyes. "Do you?" he asked gently.

Mi Yeung could not answer, not with words, so she let her heart peek out of her eyes; eyes that are misting and fraught with emotions.

"Then you and I...let's not be free together," he said.

This time, she hugged him back as tightly as her arms would allow her.














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144 streak #1
Chapter 19: This is such a sweet, heartfelt story. Well done and nice work!!
mriya212 #2
Chapter 19: i wish this did not end; i miss them already . i hope you will write about them again, even as one shot. thank you for the stories, myzyanya. i totally fell in love with them more in this story.
mriya212 #3
Chapter 12: that kiss.... *cries TT TT TT
mriya212 #4
Chapter 3: I'm glad to find this ff...and WTC with this is so beautiful. Thank you. I want to read all of it in one sitting but I'm going to be good. ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎?
mriya212 #5
someone told me to read this with heart!!!
Chapter 19: Thank you all who followed and patiently read either or both ff's. I appreciate you sharing my journey with them. Hope my next stories will continue to touch your heart ♥️♥️♥️
clandestineshhh #7
Chapter 19: Alas... we have come to the end. My heart aches but yet so happy and satisfied. So beautiful. They were both so beautiful. What a story and journey you have created for us have no idea... you’re a gift sent to us from puppy heaven. I love your writing and I love you.
clandestineshhh #8
Chapter 18: Omgggg. Ok. Fave chapter. They’re too swweeeeet here!! Sweet hot Hungry. Thanks babe!!!!
coffeeholic0212 #9
Chapter 19: Thank you for this beautiful and touching ending of their story, authornim. A love that strong and enduring deserves a lovely ending.
Chapter 19: Thank you so much ❤? I will sure miss it. It's a great story. I really loved it.