Red and White

Love works like Magic (Editing)
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Sunggyu stirs in his sleep. Something has been bothering him, wriggling in his hold, not keeping still. The strand of hairs keep tickling his nose, bothering him enough to force him open his eyes. He blinks his eyes slowly, and his sight is immediately bestowed with the black fluffy mob. Oh yea right! Woohyun.

      Sunggyu looks down to monitor him. Beads of sweat has been forming on his forehead, matted with the hair, sticking it to the skin. Woohyun whimpers and jerks in his sleep again as if he’s been plagued with nightmare. Anxious feeling washes over Sunggyu. He frowns, he has been feeling this – whenever Woohyun gets upset, he would get the gist too.

      They both fell asleep after the commotion, with his chin planted on the black hair and his arms around the man. Maybe that's why he is trashing out – perhaps he's feeling uncomfortable. They have been in that position for too long, even Sunggyu's legs has gone numb. Woohyun grimaces for a brief before his face change back to calm again, eyes tightly shut.

      He brushes Woohyun’s fringe aside.

      The witch lets out a disbelief chuckle at the absurdness, finding it's hard to believe that he has landed himself into this. They were barely talking before, yet now Woohyun is breathing on his neck, fast asleep.

      He breaks his hold on Woohyun to flick his right wrist into his view, checking the time. They're 30 minutes away from their stop. It’s time to wake Woohyun up.

      “Woohyun, wake up.” He says, shaking the man on top of him carefully.

      Woohyun opens one eye, staring in daze for a while. It takes him awhile to deduce their positions and once done, he moves in start, gasping and flailing around and successfully head-butting Sunggyu's chin in his attempt to add distance between them.

      “Ow ow ow owie! Yah Woohyun! Stay still, you're hurting me.” Sunggyu yelps, securing one of his hold onto the trashing man to avoid another head- while his another hand rubs on his abused chin.

      Woohyun stills at the call, stiffen uncomfortably in the witch's hold. His cheeks flushes with soft hue of pink. “Sorry.”

      “It's okay. Just, be more careful will you?” The witch says with a more soft tone. His discomfort dissipates into the thin air, unable to stay mad with the guy much longer. Not with the droopy eyes and that small pouty look Woohyun wears – like a scolded puppy.

      Woohyun nods timidly. Silently squirming by himself. He averts his gaze down, finding it’s awkward to stare eyes to eyes.

       “Can you let go of me now?”

      Sunggyu flushes a bit, “Oh, oh sorry. Of course, yes.” He instantly lets his hand down and Woohyun climbs down his lap and settles next to him.


      Sunggyu shrugs casually. “Are you okay now? Not feeling any pain?”

      Woohyun puts his hand on his chest at the question – nothing is out of order, his heartbeat is a bit erratic but no pain whatsoever. He looks up to Sunggyu, “I think I'm fine now. It doesn't hurt anymore.”

      Sunggyu sighs in relief, “That's good.”

      There's a short, palpable silence strive amid them for a moment. Then Sunggyu turns his head towards Woohyun again.

      “Are you hungry?”


      “You've been sleeping all the time. Don't you feel hungry?”

      Woohyun presses his flat stomach, he can feel the pain inflicted from the inside and the acidic taste in his mouth. He nods at the witch, “Actually, I have weak stomach, so I shouldn't skip any meal. But it's almost noon now.” He bites his lip in guilt.

      “Really? You should've told me before. I don't usually eat breakfast so I didn't bother to buy anything.”

      Woohyun glares at the witch, “I’m not the one dragging us here so early in the morning. It's hardly my fault you didn't know. You didn’t bother to ask.” He says, sulkily.

      “Haish, okay sorry. I didn't think to ask you.”

      “Clearly you didn't.”

      Sunggyu ignores the snarky remark, he clearly hits the wrong button with grumpy Woohyun, “We're almost there, do you think you can hold on until then?”

      “I guess?” Woohyun doesn't sound convinced himself.

      “You sure?”

      “It’s just a bit longer right? I won’t die of hunger.”

      “Of course you won’t, I’m not going to starve you all day.”

      Woohyun snorts at that and Sunggyu smiles in return.

      “Why don’t you just conjure food? Can you do that?”

      “Sure I can. But I’d rather not. Conjuring food takes life; it’s not something I like to do.”

       “Why is that?”

      Sunggyu thinks about how Woohyun is full of question about his life – about magic. And also the fact that he’s Normal is a bit weird. (Normal shouldn’t know about their world at all.) (Woohyun shouldn’t know about his world at all.)

      But he still confides in him, because he’s not so normal himself.

      “Because when you cook, you need to put your soul and heart in your cooking isn't it? Same rule applied to conjuring it up.”

      It’s the same as healing spell; it takes life. But Woohyun would be better off not knowing that.

      Woohyun nods, “I see.” He purses his lips in thought and Sunggyu stares in trance.

      “It’s weird isn’t it?”

      “What is?”

      “The train is so quiet.”

      “Ah about that–” Sunggyu smiles sheepishly, “I’ve put sleeping spell on all the passenger.”

      Woohyun frowns, narrowing his eyes, “Why would you do that?”

      “Because,” Sunggyu sputters, ashamed, he doesn’t want Woohyun to know he did it for him. “Aish I’ll just wake them up this instant.” (He’d rather die.)

      “Rise and shine!”

      All the passengers are woken up from their slumber one by one.

      Woohyun stares at him in awe, this is technically the first time he witnesses Sunggyu conjuring up spell. He whistles. “That's cool.”

      Sunggyu shrugs the compliment off coolly yet he can't help the smile from forming. His cheeks dusted in soft pink. “It's nothing.”

      Soon after, there's announcement about their stop and after making sure they have all their things with them, they unfold themselves out from the train. Sunggyu asks Woohyun to follow him to a slightly secluded area.

      “Do you think you can endure another teleportation spell Woohyun?” Sunggyu asks him while observing the surrounding, making sure no one is around.

      “I don't know. Maybe?” Woohyun answers nervously. The last time he teleport, he was unconscious so he isn't really sure what it feels like.

      “Just close your eyes if you're nervous. Here, hold my hand.” Sunggyu offers his right hand up and Woohyun accepts it warily. He closes his eyes shut and his bottom lip shortly.

      “Ready?” Sunggyu's clear voice reach his ears.


      “Okay, here we go–” Sunggyu holds Woohyun's hand tighter and inhales a deep breath, He magicks them out of there, leaving a trail of crack sound behind.

      Woohyun can't see anything, but he can feel his limbs detached and entangled from their respective position. Or at least that’s how it feels for him. The only thing that reassure him is that he can feel Sunggyu's hand in his so he knows that he’s safe. In a flash, they appear on the other side of their destination.

      Woohyun only dares to creak open his eyes when he can feel the solid ground under his feet again. The first thing greets his sight is the old-looking street. The area is pristine and conserved with all the traditional houses, craft shops and food stalls with a pinch of modern touch decorating the street, selling and offering services varying from food and cloth to service shop. After all, Jeonju is famous with its historical values.

      Woohyun loves what he’s seeing, everything looks serene and peaceful. He can imagine Sunggyu growing up here. He’s an old soul like that.

      “Welcome to Pungnam-dong.” A smiling Sunggyu next to him says upon noticing the awe expression on Woohyun's face. “Can you walk yet? Want to rest a bit?”

      “No, I think I'm fine.”

      “Great! Come, I'll bring you to my favourite snack stall. They're famous here among local.” Sunggyu says while dragging Woohyun to follow on his lead.

      They walk to a stall that sells Korean's traditional cuisine. Woohyun's stomach grumbles more at the sight of the colourful choices they have.

      “Hello halmoni.” Sunggyu greets the owner of the stall.

      “Oh Sunggyu-yah, when did you come back?” An old lady greets them back with a big smile plasters on her face. Clearly they know each other well.

      “I just arrived halmoni, and I come straight to you. I missed your food.” He

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I reread this again and decided to edit the atrociousness and cringiness of this story. Sorry for the upcoming notification(s)


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Chapter 16: will update this??? i miss your story authornim
aitenshinYuri28 #2
Chapter 16: Didn't see you updated before. Sorry for being late 😭 Thank you for the update. Anyway, Sunggyu is getting to whipped 😁 I love it. And Woohyun is so cute and adorable.
DaniaOthk #3
Chapter 16: Omg I thought it was finished 😭😭😭 I'm dying to know what will happen, how will they fix everything?
I feel like Woohyun has something to do with the magical world and his adoptive mom saw something or she found out about it and that's why she pushed him away.
I hope for your update one day author-nim hehehhe 🥺❣️ (although it is from 2018 but hope is the last thing that is lost (?
DaniaOthk #4
Chapter 13: OMG finally his feelings are coming out 😳
DaniaOthk #5
Chapter 5: What will happen to Woohyun? I feel like it also has to do with the spell Sunggyu did about listening to his heart.😳 Woohyun's destiny is Sunggyu 🤭(? "
Chapter 16: Woohyun is too cute.. Please i need for about his prents
702 streak #7
Chapter 16: Woohyun is so cute 😀
Chapter 15: what if woohyun actually a warewolf clan?? 😭😭
702 streak #9
Chapter 15: Thank you for the update authornim. Looking forward for the next chapter.
aitenshinYuri28 #10
Chapter 15: you updated baby... im so proud of you. sunggyu kissed woohyun 😭