Twinkles of light

Love works like Magic (Editing)
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Woohyun blinks, once, twice, trying to adjust his sight in the pitch-black room. It takes him a while to remember where he is at the moment. He’s been here just a day only, it’s a given for him to be confused.

      He sits up on his bed in a daze, the traces of sleep are still b heavily on his face. He rakes his fingers through his charcoal strand of hair in the process to erase the sleep residue off him. He doesn’t even bother to find his phone to check on the time. He usually wakes up at 6AM, every single day. Today is no exception.

      After a while, he finds the room a bit too humid to be tolerated any longer, so he throws the blanket off him and climbs down the bed, staggering to his feet. He sways a little as he strides over to the big window with eyes still half closed and without paying an iota care to his surrounding (or the fact that he’s living with a roommate now.) He draws the curtains off noisily — the hook clangs to the post with a loud crash.

      A lazy smile forms on his face the moment the soft moonlight touches his features.

      The moon is hanging low now, like it was ready at any moment to fall below horizontal. This. This right here is his favourite moment of the day. It’s the only time he dares to surrender to his inner mind, dreaming on his deepest wish. There’s no single soul awakes to make him feel conscious of it. The world is still and remorse, as if time stops and he’s the only one not. He can bask in the low moonlight without feeling exposed to the bare minimum, for more than a reason.

      It’s perfect.

      His right hand unconsciously swoons over his necklace places on his chest and a low chuckle of disbelief stumbles out of his mouth, an old habit of his. The tip of his finger touches the surface of the crescent moon pendant softly, drawing along the curve of the shape until it completes.

      “Can you really bring my destiny to me?” He whispers wishfully to the pendant on his hand.

      Asking things from a non-living object is not something a grown-up man like Woohyun should ever be doing. No sane man would even consider doing it, even with no one witnessing. But, the one in Woohyun’s hold is no regular object. The pendant contains something much more than you can even imagine. Something that even Woohyun couldn’t put name to it.

      Woohyun’s foster mom used to tell him a story of how her best friend made the gifts for him, as an exchanged gift for their first-born babies. Her friend is a witch, she said. The gift – said necklace – would bring him his destiny.


      Whatever that could mean.

      He isn’t really convinced of it nor does he know what kind of destiny could it possibly mean. (Is there even any definite meaning to the word?) But back then, when he was still a little kid, he was his mother’s rosebud boy – the one she loved unconditionally. Well at least for a few years before it all went downhill for reasons Woohyun doesn’t know.

      Everything she ever said to him, he holds every single syllable dear to his heart, up until now.

      He is always under this impression that someday, something will change and he will be able to meet the so-called destiny and the necklace will prove it’s not just a junk piece he foolishly keep all these years.

      The only problem with the necklace is, he doesn’t know how it works.

      For all 20 years of his life, the necklace has done all to him. Woohyun has had been curious for years on how the necklace would show him.

      He doesn’t think that it would punch him in the face so sudden and soon.

      In fact, it happened last night, when he was alone and pretty much reflected on his life and figured that he had had it enough. Out of self-resentment and every single thing that has went wrong in his life, of all the fruitless waiting, all the frustration and hopelessness feelings that has been building up – he took it off along with his clothes when he was readying himself to sleep. That was when Sunggyu barged into the room, entering like he owned the place, (that too when Woohyun was half ).

      It was crystal clear that the man hated him though, his face is practically dripping with it the moment he saw him. Although Woohyun hates to admit this – Sunggyu perks his interest up. Even with his cold face and distant behaviours, Woohyun couldn’t shake the feeling of being drawn to the man.

      What’s worse – Woohyun couldn’t stop feeling like they’ve known each other for a very long time.

      It’s weird and strange, yet still so intriguing in the same time. Never in his life he tried to talk to another man so desperately even though he was rejected through and through again with a bunch of witty remarks. Any decent man would have back off and shut any trial to befriend the other man but he strangely didn't. He couldn’t.

      It was after their conversation died down and Sunggyu had fell asleep peacefully that the pendant suddenly glowed right before his eyes, letting out a soft white light. The light swirled like a small typhoon, shimmery and sparkly – it’s the most beautiful thing Woohyun has ever seen.

      He picked the necklace up, examining it carefully to check if anything changed, but found nothing. Except for the warm tingling feeling it left on its surface which faded out gradually. He put on the necklace again. For once in his lifetime, he can finally feel that his hope blooming into reality.

      It’s a fortune that Sunggyu was already sleeping at that time, Woohyun doesn’t want to spook him. Who in sane mind would believe him if he says the necklace is magic? Not Sunggyu obviously.

      Woohyun spends a few more moments admiring the splendid view the dawn has offered before finally retreating from the window, trying to catch another rest before his day start. His attention is drawn to the sleeping man next to his bed however – Sunggyu who is so profoundly sleeping, breathing lightly through his mouth.

      What little moonlight there is washes over the sleeping man. Woohyun tries not to stare but then he notices Sunggyu scrunches his nose, as if something is bothering him in his dream. His eyelashes flutter at the movement, then resting still on his skin. Woohyun’s eyes moves downward intuitionally – the man looks like he has apple for cheeks. It’s almost madly endearing (but Woohyun would be long dead before he calls the other man adorable.) He should’ve stopped there, really – but then – he unintentionally stares lower, at Sunggyu’s pink lips which looks… soft.

      Woohyun blinks – his face warms up and his heart beats faster. He evades his sight, pulling the blanket over his head hastily.

      “What the ?” He mouths as he palms his shirt where his heart is, still racing uncontrollably.


Sunggyu wakes up with a groan as his smart phone wouldn't stop with the buzz. He has always been a light sleeper and can easily be woken up even with the slightest sound. Which is why he sets his alarm to vibration mode only. He doesn’t like setting any song as alarm, he regards the thing as annoying.

      He opens one of his eyes, though it doesn’t really bring any much different as his sight is still a blurry mess. His right hand wanders aimlessly, trying to find his phone only to find it hiding underneath his pillow, (he must have unconsciously shoved the thing there last night). Sunggyu shuts the flat rectangular object off and put it next to his pillow. He groans at the time realization.

      He sleepily blinking his eyes, and a yawn escapes his mouth as he sits up groggily. He hates waking up so early in the morning, but alas, he has morning class for every Monday and Thursday.

      Sunggyu ponders for a moment, sitting still on his bed like a mannequin, his eyes wander around the now sun-washed room, soaking up on the new environment that he is yet not used to. The room feels stuffy now, a bit hot and humid, probably due to them trapped in the room all night. His eyes draw over the open curtains and notices the window is shut closed.

      Sunggyu rolls out his bed with a huff. As much as he isn't fond of waking up in the morning, the stuffy room is too much by now, and he likes to be able breathing normally, thank you. (He's too sleepy to function that he forgets he can just spell it open from afar.)

      He walks to the window and pushes it open. He breathes in the morning breeze as it touches his face. Much better.

      He turns around with the intention of getting ready for the day when his sight falls first to the sleeping Woohyun. His eyes open at the jolt of realisation; any traces of what left sleep that still hanging heavily on his eyelids before has gone completely now.

      Sunggyu truly doesn't want to care about the man, yet the memory from an hour ago is bugging him again. When Woohyun made so much noise in the early morning that he was awoken from his deep slumber. It was still dark, so he knew it was still early. He was about to scold the other man when he heard Woohyun mumbled something to himself but he didn't catch the words.

      He didn't care initially. Woohyun could do for all he care. He just wanted to let out colourful of profanities towards the insensitive man for disturbing his sleep when something caught his half-opened eyes. All the unsaid words that were in his throat died out immediately.

      Woohyun's back was glowing. Like glowing glowing.

      He couldn’t decipher the shape (it was too far and dark) nor that he wanted to do so. He blinked a few times just to be sure. It could be his imagination playing trick with him because his eyes weren't properly opened then, and he couldn't believe his sleepy self's ability to distinguish thing under such circumstances.

      Yet, that is the problem.

      It was dark, so he couldn't possibly mistake the light on Woohyun's back. There was no other light resources apart from the low moonlight. But that just didn't add up; the twinkling light was placed in the middle – in between his two broad shoulders. Bright light – which twinkled a few times before it faded out.

      On Woohyun’s body for God’s sake.

      (He didn't think Woohyun noticed it though. The man seemed to be into something.)

      Sunggyu turned around after what feel a minute. Too stunned to react. He willed himself to sleep again, coaxing

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I reread this again and decided to edit the atrociousness and cringiness of this story. Sorry for the upcoming notification(s)


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Chapter 16: will update this??? i miss your story authornim
aitenshinYuri28 #2
Chapter 16: Didn't see you updated before. Sorry for being late 😭 Thank you for the update. Anyway, Sunggyu is getting to whipped 😁 I love it. And Woohyun is so cute and adorable.
DaniaOthk #3
Chapter 16: Omg I thought it was finished 😭😭😭 I'm dying to know what will happen, how will they fix everything?
I feel like Woohyun has something to do with the magical world and his adoptive mom saw something or she found out about it and that's why she pushed him away.
I hope for your update one day author-nim hehehhe 🥺❣️ (although it is from 2018 but hope is the last thing that is lost (?
DaniaOthk #4
Chapter 13: OMG finally his feelings are coming out 😳
DaniaOthk #5
Chapter 5: What will happen to Woohyun? I feel like it also has to do with the spell Sunggyu did about listening to his heart.😳 Woohyun's destiny is Sunggyu 🤭(? "
Chapter 16: Woohyun is too cute.. Please i need for about his prents
702 streak #7
Chapter 16: Woohyun is so cute 😀
Chapter 15: what if woohyun actually a warewolf clan?? 😭😭
702 streak #9
Chapter 15: Thank you for the update authornim. Looking forward for the next chapter.
aitenshinYuri28 #10
Chapter 15: you updated baby... im so proud of you. sunggyu kissed woohyun 😭