Love Potion

Love works like Magic (Editing)
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The next time Sunggyu is awake, the room is no longer dark – sunlight is spilling abundantly into every crook and nook of the room.

      Another hell-ish day waits.

      Sunggyu sits up from his bed, winching from the pain he accumulated over the course of 24 hours. He can feel how fatigue his body is; he would need a hell ton of healing spell to make up for this. He turns around gingerly and notices his roommate is already awake (early again) albeit how eventful the day before has unfolded.

      Woohyun is sitting on his bed silently, body facing towards him. The first aid kit is stationed next to him and he’s rummaging the content, undoubtedly wanting to clean Sunggyu’s wound again. He has showered Sunggyu notices; his hair is still wet. Although, that is not the only thing that he notices about him.

      There's something off with Woohyun. His lips look dry and patchy and his skin paler than normal. Even his brown eyes are seemingly glinting with tiredness. The shine that usually present in his eyes seeming to dull.

      He looks awful.

      Sunggyu raises his uninjured arm up and holds it against the black-hair man's forehead. “You're burning,” he blurts instantaneously as his skin makes contact with the other guy, shock tone inarguably presents in his voice.

      “I'm fine.” Woohyun drily provides, his voice scratchy and inaudible to the ears, but Sunggyu manages to take a grasp of the strained chord.

      “How are you fine? You’re scorching.” He scolds the other man lightly.

      Woohyun blinks tiredly, “I'm just–” he manages to say a couple words before his throat gets itchy, and in a second, he coughs rather violently. It’s a dry cough type, the type that would hurt your throat and chest. Woohyun blinks the tears formed at the corner of his eyes as the coughing subsides, his hand on the chest, rubbing comforting touch to no avail.

      Sunggyu lets out a sigh – feeling slightly mad at Woohyun’s stubbornness and gives the other man a stern look. “Lie down.” He says – orders – him and Woohyun obeys without saying a word at the tone. Sunggyu crouches down next to the other man, forgoing his own injury.

      “You stupid,” Sunggyu starts his nag with soft voice, “why aren’t you taking more rest if you are sick?”

      Woohyun blinks, “I just want to change your wound dressing first.” He says quietly.

      “You shouldn’t do that. You should care about yourself more. I’m magic remember?”

      “I know that.” Woohyun says, surprisingly his voice taking a higher turn, “but you still got hurt because of me. And that makes you no different than I am.” He says it in one breath. He sounds unmistakably annoyed, mostly at how Sunggyu treated him like he's a fragile person. And he doesn’t like that, not one bit.

      “That's not what I mean.” Sunggyu replies exasperatedly. But unfortunately Woohyun takes it as another challenge.

      He sits up, tousling his hair as he shifts his gaze anywhere else but Sunggyu, seemingly frustrated. “I know damn well what you mean. I'm just a normal and you're a witch. I can’t help you.” He spats, and then he tries to step down from the bed when a coil of hand lands on his bare one. He looks over his shoulder – at Sunggyu, and he sees the softened look on the guy's face.

      “Yah,” Sunggyu Sunggyu retorts, indignantly. A bit surprised on what coming out from Woohyun's mouth. “That's not what I mean.” He starts off, softly, his tone persuading.

      Woohyun's rigid body softens a bit, but he still doesn’t move, giving his back towards the witch. Sunggyu clears his throat after the briefest silence engulfing them, “You’re injured more than I am. You are not in a good condition, and plus you've been hit by my father's magic yesterday.” Woohyun slowly turns his body back, but still keeping his gaze away, his lips jutting in a pout.


      Sunggyu catches the smallest protest from the other man and he is having none of it today, determined to win the argument. “I just want you to look after yourself more okay? You don’t have to worry about me. This is nothing but a scratch.” Sunggyu says in joking manner, in hope to lighten the mood. Woohyun nods weakly, and proceeds to lie down again. He doesn’t look at Sunggyu though, opting to look at the side table between their beds on his last attempt of defiance. Sunggyu smiles anyway, since he doesn’t detect any anger from Woohyun, the guy is only a bit sulky now.

      “Just go to sleep. Rest more. Your body needs it.” He says, like it's a valid spell that would make Woohyun's anger dissipate. It does. He reckons Woohyun is quite easy to be persuaded.

      Woohyun closes his eyes, yet he turns and tosses in his bed, feeling conscious beneath Sunggyu’s stare; he doesn’t need to open his eyes to know that.  

      “Do you want me to sing the rhyme spell again?”

      Woohyun’s cheeks burn red but he nods slightly.

      The young witch doesn’t even bother to suppress the smile that formalized on his face. “Okay.” He says, with mischievous undertone lying in his sweet voice he doesn’t even realize using.




Woohyun wakes up two hour later as the room grows hotter than he prefers. However, that’s not the sole thing that’s waking him up. The crisp pungent smell of something being burn that’s been filling the air is too much for him to ignore that he wakes with full assumption the room is on fire.

      Nothing could prepare him of the real truth.

      There, in the middle of the room, in its full glory, is a floating black thick cauldron with blaring fire underneath. And beside the seemingly burning pot is Sunggyu, who is currently holding a ladle as he stirs the substances in the spot with s

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I reread this again and decided to edit the atrociousness and cringiness of this story. Sorry for the upcoming notification(s)


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Chapter 16: will update this??? i miss your story authornim
aitenshinYuri28 #2
Chapter 16: Didn't see you updated before. Sorry for being late 😭 Thank you for the update. Anyway, Sunggyu is getting to whipped 😁 I love it. And Woohyun is so cute and adorable.
DaniaOthk #3
Chapter 16: Omg I thought it was finished 😭😭😭 I'm dying to know what will happen, how will they fix everything?
I feel like Woohyun has something to do with the magical world and his adoptive mom saw something or she found out about it and that's why she pushed him away.
I hope for your update one day author-nim hehehhe 🥺❣️ (although it is from 2018 but hope is the last thing that is lost (?
DaniaOthk #4
Chapter 13: OMG finally his feelings are coming out 😳
DaniaOthk #5
Chapter 5: What will happen to Woohyun? I feel like it also has to do with the spell Sunggyu did about listening to his heart.😳 Woohyun's destiny is Sunggyu 🤭(? "
Chapter 16: Woohyun is too cute.. Please i need for about his prents
702 streak #7
Chapter 16: Woohyun is so cute 😀
Chapter 15: what if woohyun actually a warewolf clan?? 😭😭
702 streak #9
Chapter 15: Thank you for the update authornim. Looking forward for the next chapter.
aitenshinYuri28 #10
Chapter 15: you updated baby... im so proud of you. sunggyu kissed woohyun 😭