Maybe, just maybe

Love works like Magic (Editing)
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It has been quiet for the past week. 


Despite Woohyun's willingness to try it again, the love potion hasn’t gotten them where they needed to be. And Sunggyu can see how badly he hates using the love potion on anyone. 


It's understandable, even Sunggyu knows how low it is to resort to using love potion and he contemplates stopping it fully. (For more than one obvious reason that he’d rather bring to his grave than disclose it to anyone, or to himself for that matter.)


It bugs him how disturbing using the potion makes him — it just doesn’t feel right. He can’t help but feels like he’s doing the wrong thing and that he’s about to lose something very important to him.


That aside, Sunggyu has received regular updates from his mother — about the spell and also about his father. According to his mother, the most plausible explanation she could dig is that Sunggyu’s dad had planted a tracking device on Woohyun that day. 


(That tracks with ministry's modus operandi alright. They police everything, using whatever way they could, even when it’s questionable.)


Despite the promise he has made with Woohyun, Sunggyu has decided not to tell Woohyun of the new information; he has suffered enough anyway, no need to add another thing onto his plate. Woohyun doesn’t voice his pain often, but Sunggyu just knows. (He can read him rather well by now.) He has been warming up Woohyun more than last week in the past few days, and as if that isn’t enough, Woohyun looks even thinner now. 


His dad's magic undoubtedly caused an even more toll on Woohyun's body. It adds on to his already impacted body. The spell shouldn’t even be casted in the first place. It’s made for prisoners, to avoid them from breaking free. It shouldn’t be misused on innocent people, let alone a Normal — example, Woohyun.


As much as he wants to, he can’t get rid of the tracking spell off Woohyun (he doesn’t have any jurisdiction in ministry level spells.) His mother has sent them a potion to put the spell on hold, or at least subdue the effect on Woohyun, which after much persuasion and a bit of white lie, he managed to get Woohyun to take it. For all Woohyun knows, the potion is to help with the fatigue from the curse. It’s true, but it also helps with the latter spell from his dad. 


Sunggyu thinks about meeting with his dad, to ask him to lift the curse off Woohyun, but he knows he won’t try to understand the predicament Woohyun — them — are in. His relationship with his dad can’t be described as the best, but it’s not the worst either, but he’d be damned if he’s to drag Woohyun into this hole any deeper. 


His dad may be his parent, but he is a ministry member first.


And no matter how desperate he is, Woohyun is now first priority, and if that means he has to go against the ministry and go against his dad — for Woohyun, he would.


There’s also this vampire problem, waiting to combust—to hit them when they least expect it. It has been more than two weeks, and there's been no other attack from them, and it makes Sunggyu uneasy. He knows best not to let his guard down though. He always has to be alert of his surroundings, being a witch and everything—but now he has another reason as to why. 


Vampires are known for their tenacity when they set their eyes on something—even for something not belonging to them. Now for some reason neither of them know—they want Woohyun.


While being on campus is partially safe, (one of the boarding directors is a wizard, who's also a member of the Ministry of Magic.) Sunggyu has kept the ward in their room for extra precaution for the matter. He has put up lock charms around the room and as much as he would like it to keep him safe there—they can't stay in the room forever.




That weekend, they go back to Woohyun’s home.


“I hope you like my cooking.” Woohyun says suddenly after being quiet for so long. 


They are on a bus, on the way to go back to Woohyun's house. The night before, his mom had called him and urged him to come home, saying she had something important to tell him that she completely refused to tell him over the phone. 


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I reread this again and decided to edit the atrociousness and cringiness of this story. Sorry for the upcoming notification(s)


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Chapter 16: will update this??? i miss your story authornim
aitenshinYuri28 #2
Chapter 16: Didn't see you updated before. Sorry for being late 😭 Thank you for the update. Anyway, Sunggyu is getting to whipped 😁 I love it. And Woohyun is so cute and adorable.
DaniaOthk #3
Chapter 16: Omg I thought it was finished 😭😭😭 I'm dying to know what will happen, how will they fix everything?
I feel like Woohyun has something to do with the magical world and his adoptive mom saw something or she found out about it and that's why she pushed him away.
I hope for your update one day author-nim hehehhe 🥺❣️ (although it is from 2018 but hope is the last thing that is lost (?
DaniaOthk #4
Chapter 13: OMG finally his feelings are coming out 😳
DaniaOthk #5
Chapter 5: What will happen to Woohyun? I feel like it also has to do with the spell Sunggyu did about listening to his heart.😳 Woohyun's destiny is Sunggyu 🤭(? "
Chapter 16: Woohyun is too cute.. Please i need for about his prents
702 streak #7
Chapter 16: Woohyun is so cute 😀
Chapter 15: what if woohyun actually a warewolf clan?? 😭😭
702 streak #9
Chapter 15: Thank you for the update authornim. Looking forward for the next chapter.
aitenshinYuri28 #10
Chapter 15: you updated baby... im so proud of you. sunggyu kissed woohyun 😭