Coming clean.

All these feelings...

Hello everyone author here! I would like to apologize for the very very very late update but I finally found time to update a little bit of this series. I've been brainstorming on how to end this but I think there is sill a lot more to look forward to. But anyways, I will try to finish this series so please share and comment anything ou would like to see, what you enjoy and what you are looking forwrad to.By the way, I really appreciate any little support and please share the story if you enjoy it with other poeple. 





Sana POV

A warmth that I yearned for a while. This was something I can’t can’t put into words but it was the best I felt in a while. As I opened my eyes to witness what caused this warmth I smiled once I saw a familiar face. I extended my hand and stole her cheek and she winced and cuddles closer.

Sana: So cute…

I then looked at her eyes and immediately I was drawn to her sleepy face. As I looked I noticed the clock on the wall and it was 10:00 am in the morning.

Sana: It’s time already? …

As I pouted I hugged Chewy closer and as I did that I felt arms pulled me in closer and a familiar voice.

Tzuyu: You’re awake?

Sana: M-mhmm…

I looked up at her and her half opened eyes looked at me.

Tzuyu: Are you hungry?

Sana: Mhmm…

Tzuyu: Let’s wake up and eat then get with our days.

Sana: Do we have to?...

Chewy looked at me and she wasn’t smiling or angry or sad. She then leaned in and kissed my nose and then got up. She extended her hand and pulled my out of bed as I reached for her hand.

Tzuyu: Kaja.

Sana: Mhmm…

She guided me to the restroom and pulled out an extra toothbrush and handed it to me. As we brush our teeth, she extended her hand on my forehead and looked at me while still brushing her teeth.

Tzuyu: Does your head still hurt?

Sana: I feel a lot better but I am still slightly hungover.

Tzuyu: wanna have Kimchi Jigae?


Tzuyu: Hahaha yah I got the message. Maybe some rolled eggs too. Can you cook rice?

Sana: OF COURSE I CAN! Who do you think I am?!

Tzuyu: I was just checking. Is it by the stove or machine?

Sana: You can cook rice on the stove….

Tzuyu: Uhh can you cut and stir?


Tzuyu: Okay that’s good.

We then washed up our face and went to the kitchen.

Sana: I’m surprised this place is clean after yesterday?

Tzuyu: I stayed up to clean when you guys all fell asleep. And while you were showering I tidied up a bit since I can’t stand a mess.

Sana: Mianhe…

Tzuyu: Ehh…. anyways can you cut the carrots, kimchi, and green onions?

Sana: Mhmm!

We were cooking away and Sana was prepping. I made a stock out of Kombu and Anchovies. I then prepped a different pot frying up the pork to render the fat a bit but also flavor the stew. I looked over at Sana and she finished cutting the kimchi.

Tzuyu: Can you add the kimchi to the pot with pork in it? Then stir as I prep the rice to eat.

Sana: Yes Chef!

Tzuyu: Pabo

Sana: Hehe

I then washed the rice until it was clear and the added filtered water to cook on the stove.

Sana was stiring and frying up the Kimchi and pork together so I added some salt and sugar to stir it up. I added some cooking wine and soy sauce and she kept on stiring. I used Sana’s prepped ingredients and stored it in a bowl adding a few eggs. I then made the rolled egged and set it aside in the first oven and turned my attention to the stock. I strained the stock and set it aside. I then added green onions, onions and garlic to the kimchi and pork pot. I set the portable burner on the table and placed the pot down while adding the broth on top.

Tzuyu: Sana can you bring the dishes and the finished food down? The plates and bowls are in the cupboard.

Sana: Mhmm!

I went to the kitchen and brought the rice down and the portable stove. I went back to the kitchen and pored the stock into the kimchi pot and brought it down. I remembered to reserve some of each in a separate pot for Chae and Dahyun so they can eat later. Sana and I got seated and I the burner to get the stew boiling.

Sana: Do you want me to call on Chaeyoung and Dahyun to see if they want to eat?

Tzuyu: Uhmm let’s let them be.

Sana: Why? They must be hungry? Or I can check if they are okay. I didn’t see them on the couch earlier.

Tzuyu: Well I won’t lie to you but I checked on them this morning and they are doing just fine. They Uhmm… got really busy last night?

Sana: B...usy?

Tzuyu: uhmmm How should I put this…lover time rated stuff?

Then I saw Sana blushing and I started laughing. The stew started to boil so I used the ladle to stir it around and then ladles some in Sana’s bowl.

Tzuyu: Here you go

Sana: Thank you Chewy-Ah

I then ladled some for myself and we started eating. It was pretty silent and I don’t know how to break it.

Sana: So this is the last day we can be this close?

Tzuyu: Oh… yeah I mean we can still talk here and there but not like we were last night

Sana: Oh I forgot to mention but I called my dad and he is planning to meet up and have someone interview with you for a position at the hospital.

Tzuyu: When was this?

Sana: A day or two ago I called since Mina told me about it.

Tzuyu: AhH I see. You didn’t have to do that though… I was planning to call them today after breakfast.

Sana: Are you free today?

Tzuyu: after the call yes I am.

Sana: Why don’t you come with me and dress up. We can go meet my dad. I needed to go visit him and give him a few documents anyways.

Tzuyu: Sana…

Sana: Hey this is work related stuff so this doesn’t count. And it’s just on the ways anyways.

Tzuyu: Sigh I guess that’s okay.

Sana: By the way… THIS STEW IS AMAZING.

Tzuyu: Huh?

Sana: How did you learn to cook?

Tzuyu: Hahaha Just eat.


Tzuyu: Well I did think about being one when I was very small?

Sana: So why didn’t you?

Tzuyu: It’s a little complicated…

Sana: Can I know?

Tzuyu: Uhmm i don’t see why not. My family is within the restaurant industry.

Sana: Then why didn’t you pursue it?

Tzuyu: You see my grandmother and grandfather on my Father’s side resented me as I was a little kid.

Sana: Why would they do that?!?!

Tzuyu: I mean I wouldn’t blame them honestly. I can see why they would.

Sana: Don’t say that…

Tzuyu: Well I think it’s the truth anyways. When I was born I never grew up with my parents because they past away. My mother past away while she gave birth to me and my father past away when a drunk driver hit him on a rainy day.

Sana: That’s horrible…

Tzuyu: Now that you mentioned it, it was hahaha

Sana: It’s not funny…

Tzuyu: Sorry force of habit. But I grew up with my grandparents and they would always abuse me. Disciplining me with any excuses possible. One bad moment was probably when I was 5 years old and I didn’t hear them call my name since I was in the backyard sweeping the leaves. They would get this wooden broom and whack my in the back as punishment. I remembered how crippled I was since it hurt to lean against anything or bend down.

Sana: Why… Why would they do that?

Tzuyu: It was horrible and it was painful too. At moments like that, even at a young age, I felt like I wanted to go far away. But my aunt was always beside me. She gave me comfort and acted as a mother whenever I was in pain. She was the one that also taught me to cook and showed me secret skills to improve a recipe better. She also helped me to study and become a pretty bright kids but in secret teach me fighting skills to defend and protect myself.  One day She gave a notebook with all my parents recipes and notes and I memorized them by heart at a young age.

Sana: Then you should have continue cooking?

Tzuyu: It wasn’t until something bad happened when I was 13.


FLASHBACK 8 years ago


Tzuyu: Aunty!!! Aunty wake up!

I called the ambulance and went in the car to go with my aunt to the hospital. She collapsed from exhaustion and bumped her head on the floor and started spazzing. As we arrived and made it to the Emergency room I waited outside. It wasn’t even 10 minutes later and the doctor came out saying they were sorry and they did all they can but my aunt passed away on the operating table.

Tzuyu: This can’t be happening right…

Just then the doctor gave me something and it was in my aunts pocket. Before I could open it my grandparents came and immediately hid it away my pocket. As I was about to greet them both of them pushed me to the ground and slapped me.


Grandpa: Dear calm down we can’t do anything here. We can punish her when we get home.

The nurses cames and helped me up and I stood there in fear.

Doctor: You can visit her right now and we will sign some paperwork so you can do whoever you want with your daughter.

Both my grandparents went and I stayed outside. I went to a secluded corner and open the big envelope with huge stacks of paperwork. On top of that was a letter and I read it carefully.

Dear Tzuyu-Ah,

It’s your Aunt right here and if you're reading this, most likely something bad has happened to me. I want you to follow my instructions carefully because I love you so much. Your Father entrusted you to me and had me as your godmother so I’ve been doing lots of paperwork to gain custody of you. Your grandparents do not know of this and they do not need to. The office has a copy of this so in other words… you are free. Place these document on the table for them to have and if they deny anything then you don’t have to worry because I have officers and close friends help me settle this.

I know that you will suffer from this point on, but this time you won’t be hurt and be attacked unless it is really your fault. I have a friend in Seoul that owns a restaurant and will guide you a place that you can rent. Try to befriend him and mention my name and he will test you to see if you can work at his place to make a living for now. Money wise, I will only have a small amount  to support you for 3 months max. Go to the bank and exchange my checkbook and make it your. Your name will have custody to my wealth. I am not married so you don’t have to worry about anything. Your grandparents wouldn’t have any since their names will not be on it. Be happy Tzuyu. I know this will be difficult but hang in there and thrive. Your a bright child Tzuyu so be smart and find your happiness and true feeling that make you happy. I love you and please be well.

After reading it, tears ran down my face and I immediately wiped it away. I ran back to my grandparents house and gathered my clothes that I normally wear, the recipe notebook, my own money that I saved up and a picture of my parents and aunt. I then placed the document on the table like she mentioned and went to the band to exchange for money. I packed and bought a ticket and ran away and went to the address my aunt mentioned in her list of instruction. And from that point it was history.


Present time

Tzuyu POV

Tzuyu: So yeah that how I got to Seoul. Every minute from back then, I dedicated to be a doctor and hopefully save people since I couldn’t save my parents and my aunt. In the meantime I did cook throughout all my life to remember my family so I didn’t feel so lonely. My aunt’s friend was kind but strict too and worked my off.

Sana: …

Just then the food was done as we talked but I saw Sana crying the moment after.

Tzuyu: Yah why are you crying?... there’s nothing to cry about. It’s all in the past and it’s all dealt with. I’m happy now and nothing will get to me.

Sana: You didn’t have anyone…

She started crying even more and I went over and sat beside her. I placed one arm beside her and wiped her tears with my other hand.

Tzuyu: I have Chae, Dahyun, Mina Unnie, Momo unnie and You Sana. That's all the family I need.

Just then sana hugged me and I gave in and hugged her back. After the hug, me and Sana went to the kitchen and washed the dishes. Once everything was washed two unexpected couple came out of the room from the smell of food and shouted out loudly.

Chaeyoung and Dahyun: WE’RE HUNGRY!!!!!

Tzuyu: Yah, you guys finally wake up.

Dahyun: Ehhh we slept in a bit. And come on it’s only 11 am? Let us live.

Sana then began laughing and I joined in because we both know why they slept in.

Chaeyoung: Why are you guys laughing?

I looked at Sana and she looked back at me. I then looked at Chae and Dahyun and they have a curious questionable face.

Tzuyu: That’s our little secret.

Chaeyoung: EHH… whatever. We smelled food all the day ya in the room and we jumped out and decided to see what you made us.

Sana: We Had kimchi jjigae and rolled omelet. It was really good and we finished it all!

Dahyun: AHHH ALL OF IT?!?!

Chaeyoung: WHAT ABOUT OUR SHARE?....

Tzuyu: HAHAHAHA Sana is just teasing you. I saved you a separate portion. Well you guys can heat it up and eat. I have to get dressed and go to the hospital.

Chaeyoung: Why though? It’s a Sunday? Are you hurt?

Sana: She’s getting an interview for a position at the hospital close to here that’s all.

Dahyun: Wow! Ehh Yoda when did you get so close with Sana-Sumbae

Tzuyu: Uhmm… we’ve been sorta close? Maybe cause we have the same classes. I am in the accelerated route since I came in with a lot of credits. But anyways I’ll go get changed and you guys can heat it up and eat it yourselves. Right?

Chaeyoung: Mhmm!

Sana: Chewy I need to grab my clothes in the room.

Tzuyu: Oh shoot.

Just then I looked at Sana and myself and we were still in what we slept. Good thing it wasn’t see through or else Chaeyoung and Dahyun would notice.

Tzuyu: yeah it’s in the washing machine and it should be done.

Me and Sana went to my room and I went to get our clothes. I didn’t want to change into my clothes from yesterday since It was inappropriate. Ripped jeans and a t-Shirt is a big no no. I then searches in my closet for a pair of ankle high dress pants and a simple blue dress shirt. Sana decided to wear her old clothes since it was appropriate for the occasion. We both changed and we stopped by Sana place first to get her document.


It was a while and we stood outside for a good 10 minute. Just then Mina Unnie came to open the door and let us in.

Mina: Ehh?... so early…

Tzuyu: Yah it’s 11:30…

Sana: Mianhe! I forgot my keys remember?

Mina: Oh yeah…

We walked into in the room and Mina invited me to sit on the couch. Just then she pulled Sana to a corner and started talking secretly.

Sana POV

Mina pulled me aside and started panicking and started talking.

Mina: Can we like talk?

Sana: Whoa calm damn Minari… is everything okay?...

Mina: Idk…

Sana: I’m planning to meet my father today.

Mina: Ohh then Uhmm maybe another time.

She looked down a bit and I knew this was about Momo.

I then took out my phone and called my father.

Mr. Minatozaki: Hello dear how are you!

Sana: Hello father! I’m doing good! I was wondering if I can ask a small favor.

Mr. Minatozaki: What is it sweetie?

Sana: I was planning to go to the hospital and turn in the papers at 12 just before your lunch but I have an emergency I have to attend to. I was wondering if I can visit you later to deliver the document and let you meet Chewy as well…

Mr. Minatozaki: Hmm… i actually have a meeting after lunch… But I don’t have to have the document urgently. As long as you come by before 5 pm then I think everything should be okay.

Sana: Okay father. I’ll probably head by at 3? Is that okay?

Mr. Minatozaki: That would be perfect dear. Is that all?

Sana: Is Tzuyu going to get an interview?

Mr. Minatozaki: Mhmm and I’ll be the one to do it. I won’t give her any special treatment though!

Sana: As long as you give her a chance then that’s all I can ask for.

Mr. Minatozaki: Alright Dear, well I’m going to let you off since I have to go to lunch now.

Sana: Okay! Have a nice meal father!

I then hung up the phone and went to Chewy.

Tzuyu: Everything set?

Sana: Chewy is it okay if we leave at 2:30? I have to talk to Mina about something important.

Just then chewy looked at Mina and then looked at me.

Tzuyu: It’s about Momo right?

Sana: M-mhmm…

Tzuyu: that fine with me. As long as she’s okay. Do you have any magazines to read then?

Sana: Uhmm… let me see…

I then went to my room and the only thing that I could find is my diary… it was too embarrassing to read but it had all my thought I stored up for the last 7 years.

Sana: Sigh.. I guess this will do.

I then went to chewy and gave her my diary and she had a questionable look.

Tzuyu: Uhmm… are you sure?

Sana: I don’t have anything else… maybe practice for your interview?

Tzuyu: I already did so there’s nothing much to practice.

Sana: Well I have nothing to hide so please feel free. I haven’t written in it for the last month or two so it should not be too much.

Tzuyu: Guess it’s a catch up then.

Chewy smiled and then sat on the couch and started reading it. I went to Mina and guided her to my room. I locked the door behind us and we both sat done on my bed. Mina then started telling what happened and I was just flabbergasted and sat in a confused state the whole time.

Mina: So here the thing…

Recalling what happened yesterday night …

Mina POV

Momo: I… Mina please don’t leave.

Mina: Then what do you want me to do… it hurts to be around you when you aren’t in love with me.

Momo: No… I… The person I love and want by my side is you.

Mina: Ehhh?!?!

Momo: Yah you had the same reaction 12 years ago.

Mina: Ehhh?

Momo: The person I love is you…

Mina: What about…

Momo: I love her too… but all this time when I fell in love with her… I only thought about protecting her. But with you… I want to protect and be the one to make you smile.

Mina: I don’t understand.

Momo: I’ll prove to you how much I love you. Please believe me.

Mina: I…

Momo: Give me a week.

Mina: I don’t know.

Momo: Mina… please…

Momo: I want to make up for all the time I didn’t realize.

Mina: But you’re still with Sana…

Momo: So if I’m not would you give me a chance?

Mina: We’ll discuss once everything is settled but that means I’ll still distance from you in the following week.

Momo: Then can I Hug you for the rest of the night?

Mina: If you don’t mind hugging me when I smell like alcohol…



Sana POV

Sana: Omg….

Mina: Not only that but when I was sleeping… or well supposably asleep, she said this

I really am in love with you… and even if I was 8 years old back then, I want to keep my word and marry you if you’ll have me one day

I was shocked as I heard all of that. But that hit me thinking… did that mean I could let go of Momo yet?

Sana: How are you though…

Mina: Don’t worry about me… but I wanted to tell you to prepare for anything.

Sana: Mina…

Mina: What is it?

Sana: This is huge… of course it’s something that I should keep in mind but you and Momo… That huge.

Mina: I don’t know if it’s just the drunk talk. You know how crazy she gets when drunk.

Sana: And also how truthful she is when she’s drunk. There is no way this is gonna slide right by.

Mina: Mhmm… idk my head is on cloud nine but deep down my mind is pushing me to a corner of saying this is a trap and I need to go back to reality.

Sana: Well… since you told me about you and Momo, I guess I’ll tell you what happened with me and Chewy?

Mina: Something happened?



After we got things settled we went to bed but I was surprise from our long intimate stare. Did she want to kiss me. Before I knew it she just hugged me instead.

Tzuyu: Sleep.

Sana: M-mhmm…

She then started to my head and hair. I couldn’t help but snuggled in closer as she did that. But I was skeptical… was she really going to kiss me?

Sana: Chewy-Ah?

Tzuyu: Hmm?

Sana: Were you about to kiss me?

Tzuyu: Yah just sleep

I was in disbelief… she was ignoring anything I was asking and right when there was a chance for us to get closer, the door just closed. I wanted to tell how much I loved her. But she keeps pushing me away the next minute she shows affection. I don’t know what my body did but it moved on it’s own and next thing I knew I was losing her and I arraping my arms around her neck. As we were getting intimate she just pushed me away. And at that point I became more confused.

Tzuyu: Sana…

Sana: …

Tzuyu: Mianhe

I don’t know what got into me. I was just embarrassed. Maybe she didn’t see me of have the same feeling as before. I just couldn’t look at her and turned my back on her. I wasn’t mad but I was just… so confused. Did I read the situation wrong? Before I knew it Tzuyu pulled me closer to her hugging me from behind.

Tzuyu: Sana…

She was squeezing me tighter and it’s giving me an aching feeling. Next thing I knew words kept on spilling out of my mouth.

Sana: Did… did you not like it?

I gripped her tighter and I knew this was not the right thing to do. I had to change the subject.

Sana: I’m sorry… Let’s just forge—

Chewy then moved in and kissed my forehead and looked at me. I was frozen. What just happened...

Tzuyu: Of course I liked it.

She moved in and kissed my cheek and my heart started beating so fast.

Tzuyu: Of course I want more.

And then she ran her thumb on my lips and looked at them intensely , then stared straight into me eyes. I was inadream and for some reason I can’t help but be stuck in looking at her.

Tzuyu: But before everything is settled and until Momo moves on… then I must resist for the sake of not hurting anyone anymore.

Sana: But what about… me…

A tear fell down from my eyes one by one and As they kept on falling Chewy stoke them away with her thumb and snuggled closer to me.

Tzuyu: Sana listen to me okay. And I will only say this… once

Sana: What is it…

Tzuyu: I love you.

She loves me… but but….

Sana: Then… why?

Tzuyu: Because I don’t want you to separate from your friends and I want you guys and everything to be at a good place.

Sana: And us?

Tzuyu: There is always the future. I know for sure we will always be together. We hurt each other before because I lied to you and you had your reason back then.

As I thought about it this all happened because of what was unresolved in the past.

Sana: And now… more people are involved

Tzuyu: Mhmm…

Sana: Why is it alway that bad things that are trying to keep us apart.

I don’t know why but I just kept on crying feeling sorry for the actions that I could have down. And the corrige and straight that I should exude back then. I felt sorry for the people that got involved and my close friends that I have hurt without knowing. But most of all, hurting the only person I love. Before I knew it Chewy hugged me tighter and whispered to me.

Tzuyu: sometime the more obstacles there are and the harder it gets, just makes us stronger.

As she said that I knew that it will only get harder from her. I want to do the right things instead of running away.

Tzuyu: You know, when I saw you again I didn’t know how I felt. Mad, angry, upset… But I guess I’m scared too. And I want a second chance to make things right. And that starts with what will happen from this point until we can be together again.

Sana: Chewy…

Tzuyu: I think you know too… where I’m coming from.

As she said that I paused a bit because deep down I know what was right. As much as I want to fight and just push everything… I don’t want to hurt people. And I want to be true to myself at the right time and the right moment. I looked at her and I spoke.

Sana: Putting a small distance between us until…

Tzuyu: Everything is solved

Sana: I don’t know if I can though

I Then snuggled closer to Chewy and she responded and hugged me tighter in her embrace.

Tzuyu: it’s only for the best.

Sana: Then for now… can I just hug you until I have to go?

Tzuyu: which is soon though.

Sana: That’s fine with me. Just another minute…

This was my selfish wish before going back to reality. I want to indulge a bit before everything is resolved. I’m sorry Momo… Mina. Please forgive my selfish actions…




Sana: I’m so sorry Mina… I know this level is considered cheating but…

Mina: Honestly what me and Momo did would be on the same lines you crossed too. I left this out but me and Momo also… kissed…

Sana: OH MY GOD! Did you enjoy it…

Mina: Of course I enjoyed it but I’m so confused. One moment she treats me as a sister and the next she acts way out of line as if she’s my lover. It’s making my head spin.

Sana: Maybe you’re over complicating this a big… but then again Momo is a bit hard to understand. But even as little kids I can tell that she loved you more.

Mina: You saw that?

Sana: Of course I have! That’s what I try to keep a distance so you guys realize each other. I knew from when we were 8 years old that you loved her too. And Momo is just a Pabo that doesn’t realize things since she’s in her own little world. I know deep down she loves you… so that why I was shocked that she said she loved me…

Mina: I didn’t know that…

Sana: Hey… don’t you think about it. I’ll always support you. And like I said before. I would do anything to make you happy. Even if it means breaking up with Momo.

Mina: But…

Sana: I know… till things are resolved… I won’t do that. But I plan on talking to her about this.

Mina: I can’t appreciate you enough.

Sana: Mina… you’re like a sister to me. I love you to do these thugs for you.

Just then Mina started crying. Thanking me and saying sorry at the same time I just her back and hugging her to calm her down. I guess I really have to talk to Momo sooner than I thought…

Meanwhile back at Tzuyu

Tzuyu POV

As they went into Sana’s room I made myself comfortable in the couch. As I settled I opened her diary to her first page. It was marked since her 2nd year in high school.

10/2 Dear diary, today was they day I met this amazing person that saved me from a group of bullies. It was scary when she beat all those people up but as I talked to her she seems like a kindhearted person

‘She really thought that way towards me?’ It was unbelievable of what I read. But it made me laugh thinking of that day when the bullies tried to steal her food.

11/5 Dear diary, me and Chewy went to go to the amusement park today and she was scared relentlessly. I never knew a person who can crack ribs is scared of heights.

12/1 Dear diary, this was the day my first kiss was stolen. It was a field trip with the entire class and Chewy was helping me clean and treat my injuries. Clumsy me had to move out of nowhere and kiss her. I didn’t know what got into me but for some reason I was so drawn to her. Am I really falling in love with her? I should try to get rid of these feelings because my parents would’ve against it.

Her parents? Is that why… I was a bit upset as I read that. Back then I didn’t let her explain and it escalated to the point we didn’t talk for years. I felt horrible deep down like there was a pig in my stomach.


3rd year high school

3/26  Dear diary, I hurt Chewy… like a lot. From all the time I spent with her I knew I was in love with her. And when she told me she loved bed me too… I chicken out in fear of my parents. She’s started she hated me… how can I live with that? As that happened I remembered crying all day even on the way home. It was so bad both my parents had to make sure I was okay

It was funny… I eventually spilled the beans that I liked girls and thought they would punish and disown me. But all I received was a warm welcoming and reassurance that I was loved for who I am. That made me have a but in my stomach even though that was good news. If I knew this sooner then I wouldn’t be too scared. But now I can’t even face Chewy…

Senior year high school

4/3 Dear diary, it’s been a while. But I wanted to share a small update that happened everyday. Chewy would walk pass by my classroom and I would look from afar. I’m studying hard on my college entrance exams as well. So I couldn’t be distracted. Everyday I would want to walk up and talk, but my body froze every time I see her.  I hurt her too much to face her now. What do I do….

Does she really feel this way? I kept on reading again after again and everyday from that dates expressed her worries of how and when to talk to me. It had me feel a bit hurt deep down since we were both in pain from that event. Until I read her last but most recent post

College 2nd year

8/27 Dear Diary… I’ve been so busy lately and you know what happened today? I saw Chewy again after 4 years… it’s incredible how the most unexpected things happen. I guess I want to do all I can to show how much she means to me. But I got shot down. She acted so cold to me and it made me feel worse as a person deep down. She became more thin and her eyes looked more tired. Yet she still looked at beautiful as ever. I really want to try my best to show how much she means from me… even if I’m back to square one.

As I finished reading I was just rereading that last entry over and over again. As I was focused I didn’t notice someone sneaking up on me.

Momo: Hey!

I jumped up threw the diary by accident and it hit Momo on the head.

Momo: OW!

Tzuyu: …

I jumped off the couch and picked up the diary and I went over to Momo if she was okay.

Tzuyu: Yah unnie… are you good? I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to hit you.

I then ran in the freezer and pulled out a frozen pack of peas and handed it to her.

Momo: Thanks… and I’m good… just let me note down to never scare you unexpectedly ever again…

Tzuyu: Mianhe…

Momo: What were you reading?

I hesitated but I took a breathe in and handed her the diary.

Momo: What is this?

Tzuyu: Sana’s diary…

Momo: Why do you have it?

Tzuyu: She told me to read it as she talked to Mina unnie.

Right when I mentioned Mina’s name Momo’s face turned a bit grim.

Momo: O-Oh…

She then sat down on the couch after grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. I then followed to check up on her.

Tzuyu: Are you… good?

Momo: Not really?

Tzuyu: It’s about Mina… right?

Momo: Yeah…

Momo then retold the story of what happened last night and I was caught way of guard when she mentioned the kiss.



I looked at her and she was in a frenzy.

Tzuyu: So What now? Are you planning on staying put?

Momo: Well now I gotta show her that I love her. But I have to do it while keeping a distance too…

Tzuyu: Well you have another problem too.

Momo: Huh?

Tzuyu: You’re still with Sana unnie…

Momo then looked dazed and I tried waving my hand over her face to check in and legit she freaked out.

Momo: I… Cheated… on her… now I have hurt two of my childhood friends… what the hell am I…

I didn’t want to say anything so I just patted her back and calmed her down.

Momo: We needa drink tonight…


Momo: I don’t know what to do? I’d break up with Sana and have that solved… but I have no idea how to charm my way to Mina…

Tzuyu: Momo… you know she’s in love with you right?

Momo: Well yeah I knew that but what more can I do?

Tzuyu:... your seriously asking this?

Momo: I’m being completely honest here. If I knew then I’d be a billionaire now.

I looked at her and I was in disbelief.

Tzuyu: She fell in love with you for you Unnie…

Momo: That simple to say but there has to be more than that…

Tzuyu: What I’m trying to say is that whatever you do from this point it should show who you have always been. But I think the only tricky things is knowing what exact qualities she fell in love with you and appreciate the most?

Momo: Uhmm…let me think. She stated she’s in a confused frenzy and don’t know if I love her or not. And then when I did tell her I did, she freaked?

Tzuyu: Momo… Of course she would. I mean I would be freaked too?

Momo: Well I understand but… then I tried to justify and then she started contradicting saying stuff like ‘you just heard that I’m in love with you and now your saying all of this’ And then she said that I needed to sort out my feelings and said we needed to distance until I find out what I am feeling. I really didn’t want to lose her and I had a flashback when we were kids and I told her I loved her.

Tzuyu: Dude… I’d be confused too if I were her. I mean you practically told her for years you loved Sana and now you just suddenly sprung this remark?

Momo: Well I’m still confused too… she then stated that I don’t love her… and to stop saying those things when I don’t mean them.

Tzuyu: Mhmm…

Momo: Then I told her I’d show her how much I love her but she still Insist I still provide a distance for her and respect her decision.

Tzuyu: Then I guess you gotta repeat that?

Momo: Huh?

Tzuyu: You know just from you telling me this I can understand why she fell for you…

Momo: Excuse me?...

Tzuyu: I’m not in love with you so stop… my point is… she fell for your straightforwardness and one direction path you take. I mean if you want to do something you do it.

Momo: Yeah but isn’t that the same when I said I will show how much I love her?

Tzuyu: Momo… to Mina it’s too sudden. I mean it’s straight forward. But you take everything into consideration first before to actually do it. You had everything resolved and planned out to do something. Let’s take Sana for example. You waited years and years, you asked for my permission to take her, you waited until a timely moment till you actually asked and respected her. But Mina? Imma be honest but you haven’t been nice or considerate to her at all…

Momo: You think I don’t know that…

Tzuyu: I’m not making you sound bad… but what I’m hinting is that she really want you to show how much you love her but in a distance. Just how you did with Sana… you watched and helped her when she was on her lowest and like when you guys were kids, I bet you always took care of her when she least suspects it.

Momo: Yeah… I did...

Tzuyu: It’s not gonna be easy but… you got this…

Momo: Then you can go after Sana now.

Tzuyu: Nah…

Momo: What?

Tzuyu: I mean I will but I want to take our time. And… I promised you I’d wait a week first?

Momo: I Don’t remember any promise.

Tzuyu: It’s something I wanted to respect you for… since you said you would wait a week first before you give up.

Momo: Thanks Tzuyu… I guess I’ll have to wait alongside you then.

Tzuyu: Yeah I guess… but now you gotta tell Sana?

Momo: I know…

We both were just side dazed and exhausted… I then looked at Momo and she looked at me…

Tzuyu: Wanna go drinking tonight?

Momo: Yah… We have class and I’m gonna guess you’ll be working soon as well…

Tzuyu: Light drinking just today and no more for a long long time…

Momo: You’re on!

Tzuyu: I don’t have a good feeling about this…

I just sat there as Momo sipped her water and as I was re-reading the diary entry Sana and Mina made their way out. Both me and Momo stood up and the four of us looked at each other awkwardly. Just then Momo went to the fridge to pull a bottle of water and handed it to Mina

Momo: Here. You’re a light drinker but you might have a minor headache from yesterday.

Mina shyly took the bottle and then looked at Momo.

Mina: Thank you Momoring…

Sana: Well me and Chewy have to go meet my dad. She has an interview today too.

Mina: You are?! How come I didn’t know about this?

Tzuyu: Ahh, it happened to fast to even process. Sana just informed me today without notice too.

Mina: Eh! Good luck Tzuyu-ssi!

Tzuyu: Hey! Why don’t we go drinking after this?

Sana: After that fiasco that happened yesterday?...


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Chapter 14: Takes me awhile to read again. Anyway, well written author-nim ❤
Chapter 13: Amazing
Chapter 15: Thank you for this sweet story:^)
Chapter 13: i just found this story and it's really good
Chapter 3: Aigoooo
Chapter 13: <3
Chapter 2: Such a rollercoaster ride
Chapter 1: Holy-
BangTwice233 #9
Chapter 10: Continued please
Chapter 10: Thank you for the update Author-ssi. Fighting!