The Past

All these feelings...

Tzuyu POV

Tzuyu: Kimbap huh….

Chaeyoung: What are you mumbling about yoda?


I smiled it off and continued eating. After finishing, both of them volunteered to wash the dishes and insisted on me resting up. I declined because I was eating too and didn't feel right that the cleaned up my cooking mess as well, but they pushed me in the living area as they washed the dishes in the kitchen. I sat on the couch looking around for something to do as the time past, and I couldn't help but remember… The day I first met her after eating the food.

4 years ago,…

Ever since the whole incident with the fight broke out at schools, everyone was scared of me. I wouldn't blame them because even I was scared of myself and my capabilities. The teachers and staff first in mind, thought I was a delinquent. Even though I ace all the tests and exams, finished my work and minded my own business, I was assumed of cheating or up to no good. Always being accused of and retaking test while being forced to sit in the front row or being closely watched over of as I complete the tests from starting time to finish. But despite that, I didn't mind. It meant that no one would annoy me as I rest. It meant that no one would hurt me or dare to come close to me. It meant that I was already used to being isolated. During lunch time, I would always escape to the rooftop and sleep on the elevated platform. No one would dare to come up since it was far from the dining area. But one day I witness something... again.

???: Ohhh look at Ms. Goodie Goodie~ All helpless and have no one to help you with. I'm just gonna take your lunch that your rich parents provided for you.

???: Please… don't take it… it's special to me.

???:Awww what did you say?~ What's the matter princess, scared that my group would beat you up??? Well you can give us your food and a wad of cash to shut us up.

Listening to this argument just angered me because it ruined my nap time since I always work the night shift to support myself. As I sat up I gasp in disbelief of who it is.

Tzuyu: What a pain… They really are little kids. Leader: Now give me your lunch and some money, and I'll simply leave you alone.

???: NO!

Leader: Why you little!?-

Tzuyu: Oop! time to step in before my nap is anywhere more disturbed.

I hopped down making my entranced… again... and as the leader yanked her food away, she got startled and dropped it, spilling the content of the lunch all over the floor.

Tzuyu: Seriously… Are you in kindergarten?... Stealing lunch cause ya don't want what ya already have?... That's just nasty.

Leader: Y-Y-YOU…. I UHMMM

Tzuyu: Ya know… ya ruined my quiet nap time… I'm a bit upset now. And I'm even more upset for wasting food like that. So either ya leave now or Imma have to knock some sense out of ya and you members that are trying to escape right now.

Leader: W-w-we w-were just about t-to leave. W-we won't b-bother you ever again.

Tzuyu: Oh just get a life already and work if ya plan on bullying people… It's just sad seeing you guys so desperate…

They instantly bowed and ran out the door pushing each other out of the way to escape.

Tzuyu: Sigh.. Geez they will never grow up…

As I turned I say the now crying girl curled in a ball balling her eyes out. I approached her and tapped her shoulder to see if she's okay.

Tzuyu: Yah. Ya good there kiddo?

???: I'm not a kid.

Tzuyu: Then are ya a crybaby then?


Tzuyu: Then why ya crying for?

She then started crying even more.

Tzuyu: ALRIGHT ALRIGHT YA NOT A CRYBABY...You should have just not resisted and gave the lunch to them. I mean seeing you are rich mean you can get another one. I know I know what ya thinking… But my point is give up and then go tell the teacher or counselor to deal with them. They already got a bad record so they would stop after that.

She was just quiet and sniffled a few times. Almost as if she was trying to hold back tears.

Tzuyu: Sigh…

I patted her head and she looked up.

???: I'm not a kid! In fact, I'm much older than you. I'm a sophomore.

Tzuyu: Then why don't ya act older, Sumbae~

???: Humph!~

Just then I heard her stomach growl and her face turned red. She was… such a kid… it was kinda… cute.

Tzuyu: Looks like it can't be helped…

I handed her my lunchbox that I packed. She just stared at it not even touching it. Hesitating to take it or not with the faces she was making.

Tzuyu: I'm not hungry since I'm more sleepy than hungry. You can have it. It's not anything glamorous but just some Tuna Kimbap From the restaurant across the street.

???: You would give it to me?...

Tzuyu: If I wasn't planning on giving it to ya, then I wouldn't have offered it in the first place. Now eat it. Imma just lay here and take nap.

I placed the lunch box in her hands and laid down on the ground next to her. I closed my eyes and started to relax.

I heard her open the box and ate it. She chomped on it quite fast and finished it in no time at all.

???: This is really good…

Tzuyu: Well it should be since I made it.

???: You! Making this?

Tzuyu: Ouch...that really hurt my pride. I'll just have to take that as a compliment…

I didn't know why I replied back to her. I started speaking before I knew it. It was then silent between us for a while

???: Uhmm… I just wanted to say… Thank you. Tzuyu-ssi

I paused for a bit not knowing what to say. But I guess I ended up not saying anything at all back.

???: I know uhmm… I'm rich and all but that lunchbox I had today was special… My grandma made some dishes and placed it in our kitchen a week ago and uhm… well she passed away two days after that in an accident… So it was like my last meal with her. I know that… this may not matter to you but I just wanted to clarify why I was crying earlier…

I was quiet because of what she said, not that I empathize how she felt. I never had that loved feeling nor did I understand what the big deal was. But I opened one of my eyes slightly to see her face and it was… full of sincerity.

Tzuyu: Name.

???: What?

Tzuyu: It's rude not knowing your name after all I did. And you know mine. So why not introduce yourself. Or I might just call you crybaby.


Tzuyu: Then state your name so at least I can greet ya properly…

Sana: Sana…. Minatozaki

Tzuyu: Well… Sana Sumbae, I don't understand or understand how ya feel but I'm sorry for ya loss. But just know your grandma is always watchin’ ya. I ain't good with words but you don't seem like a bad person either. As for crybaby, I guess I'll take it back. I'm pretty scary since I got a reputation beating and breaking bones. So I would understand if ya wanna distance from me from now on.

I sat up and rubbed my head, not knowing how she would respond. But as I turned and looked at her, she plastered a smile straight at me and… for some reason, it confused me but at the same time, made me happy as well.

Sana: Despite all they say about you, I don't find you scary at… I mean sure, you break bones, but from what you did today, I think you're a nice and sweet person.

Tzuyu: Don't get the wrong idea now. I just wanted to nap, and they were disturbing my peace and quiet.

Sana: Okay Ms. Tough-person.

Tzuyu: Right back at you Ms. Emotional.

We both then laughed it out and spent the day laying in roof till break was over.


From that day forward, she kept interrupting my nap period going up and eating lunch right next to me. Each day, bothering me and trying to make a conversation with me. I didn't know why she would dare talk to me or even try to be friends with me but after each day with her, it didn't feel that bad. It almost felt like… she wasn't bothering my nap time either. My tiredness after my night shift was gone and I wanted to stay up and listen to her talk. But as time gradually passed, I dug myself a hole because… I was slowly falling in love with her without realizing it. As I sat, I slowly started to lean backward against the couch, almost slouching, having my head dangle on the edge of the top of the couch.

Tzuyu: Meeting her today totally triggered my Mojo…

Dahyun: Meeting who triggered your wha????

I collected myself and sat straight up from the sudden voice.

Tzuyu: Dahyun?

Dahyun: What's up? You've been mumbling a lot today?

Tzuyu: Nahh it's nothing, I'm just super tired and all the stuff I did just drained me out that's all.

Dahyun: What's Mojo???

Tzuyu: It's just my lingo and slang for feeling and energy.

Chaeyoung: You know, you're speaking dialect slowly started changing throughout high school? It started getting softer in pronouncing and the accent and slang you used have been significantly decreased.

Tzuyu: Well I was from a different city. So, I do slip my tongue once in a while. After living here as well as going to school here, I began to adapt to the dialect here. But if I'm mad, flustered or relaxed, the dialect just pops up out of nowhere.

Dahyun: But it's not only that. Your way of speaking is… much more friendlier and softer. You were so harsh and cold back then.

Tzuyu: Yah… I still am… I just think this way, I can build my connection and networking circle more.

Chaeyoung: Yeah yeah… but I feel like you had an identity crisis or something. You started trying to be nice freshman year and you turned cold in sophomore year. Then you slowly eased back to just being approachable but not totally friendly.

Tzuyu: Well I'm sorry for the cold personality HAHAHAHA. I got my mood swings.

We all laughed and started talking. They started talking all throughout the night about all of our transformation. I even asked them about their relationship and both of them blushed, through a cushion at me starting a pillow fight. We were all tired and both of them fell asleep after the fight. But I was still awake.

Tzuyu: As I think back… I really have changed… because of her.

The lock on my heart was starting to open again. I can't have that happen. I can't fall in love with her again, not after all those years. I clenched my heart and walked up to the window looking up at the night sky. I told myself I need to focus on myself now… I need to forget my feeling and mixed emotions that I have. I don't want to be hindered of this anymore. But deep down, I couldn't get over this one feeling, that feeling of my body heating up as to why all these memories are popping up again. Was it because I saw her today? Or is it because deep down… I still want to take a chance and starting over with her. My heart and mind is still confused and I can't get rid of that unbearable feeling in my chest, clenching, making it harder to breathe, as images of her pop in my head.


Sana POV:

As Chewy walked away I could still feel the guilt in my heart. Was she still angry and haven't forgiven me yet? I don't blame her for it, but I've found that she is much colder towards me than ever. But at least she was still able to talk to me as acquaintances. But what made me feel guilty now was how much I had meant to her before. She rarely expressed and told straight up her nice ways and why she was close to me. Why she stuck up from all of my bullies. All the time I spent with her was just… was just like a dream. Where I felt nothing bad would happen to me. I was still confused of what I felt. Back then when she confessed, I didn't know how she felt towards me and I myself didn't know what she was to me. Just spending time with her was a happy memory and I thought she was a best friend I never want to part. Ugh I'm so confused… I thought everything was fine… I made my way inside and slumped on the sofa. Mina and Momo walked out of their room and saw I was home, hopping beside me and tackling me. I wasn't in the mood to react back and just had a blank face.

Mina: Yah… are you okay??? You're never like this. Or haven't been like this for a while.

Sana: Idk… I'm just feeling confused again. From a few years back?

Momo: From the incident?

Sana: Mhmm… I… I met her today and she's on our floor too.

Momo and Mina had a surprised face on but didn't feel shocked at all. But their reaction was sadder than anything else.

Momo: So… what happened?

I started to explain how we bumped into each other and how we kind of talked. But then I told them about the cell phone situation.

Mina: She only had a cell to talk to you? Now that's dedication…

Sana: Not what I want to hear right now…

Mina: Mianhe… but really how do you feel?

Sana: That's the thing… I didn't know… I still don't know how to feel. I mean… the best thing I can say is that a guilt and heavy weight feeling is on my chest and mind right now. After seeing her again, I just… really missed her as a friend.

Momo: You know I was really surprised on why you didn't go out with her back then. Even we both figured you liked her.

Sana: Me liking Chewy?

Mina: I also find it weird that you gave her a nickname and have it slip every time.

Sana: Shut up… but I don't know… I did try and think about being with her but I just couldn't do it.

Mina: Were you scared of being just judged of?

Sana: To be honest, I don't even know. I knew that back then she made me the happiest and that she was everything, but I only thought of it as a best friend kind of thing.

Momo: Sana… both me and Mina thought all this time you actually still loved her…

Sana: Love her?... T-that's impossible… Is it?

Mina: … You don't remember what you told us back then 4 years again?

Sana: All I remember is drinking something and blacking out. I don't remember anything at all.

Momo: It seems your head is also clearer when drunk…and that you should never drink around strangers...

Sana: I don't get it still?...

Mina: You told us you were in love with Tzuyu.

Sana: Wh-wha? I said that?! But but…

Momo: Do you love her…

I was deep in thought. All the times I spent with her. All the times we held hands. Then I remembered something… the moment I kissed her…

Momo: Are you okay??? You're crying?

Mina: I think we went too far… I'm sorry and Momo is too.

Tears were falling down my face without realizing it. Thinking back and remembering at that moment and all the time we spent… I realized that all this time… I did love her… I loved her without realizing I did.

Flashback 4 years ago.

We were on a class trip as the whole school. We went down to the countryside to hike and help with an environmental cause. We camped in the cabins and treated it as a camping trip. But during that time, I was still being bullied. Being a rich kid, we were always being taken advantage of. I was tired of it but I didn't want to get hurt so I was always with Momo and Mina. They would always scare them and shoo them away. But they would also be bullied as well. They handled thing better and more strongly but I was weak and scared. As we went to the kitchen to prepare for our meals. I was being dragged outside by a group of girls. You may be wondering, where all the staff was at. But the staff were busy prepping the cabins and out to gather food with the Freshmen.

Sana: Can you stop… I don't have any money on me.

Girl 1: Oh~ we know… but we were wondering if you can give us your necklace in place of money.

Sana: No! This is my grandma’s!? I'll never give it.

Girl 2: Come on princess, you can always buy another one just like it.

Sana: No!

Girl 3: tskkk! You rude rich brat!

I then got slapped and I got pushed against the walls. They were trying to get my necklace and I kept on struggling, Slapping and punching me even more in the face.

Sana: N-NO! STOP IT!

Just then someone came by running towards the girls and gave each of them a punch to the face.

Girl 1: Who the did tha-

Tzuyu: Y'all better run or Imma beat the hell outta ya for beatin’ up my friend here.

The girls realized who she was and squirmed to make a run for it.

Tzuyu: Geez… they really took a beatin’ outta ya huh?

Tzuyu grabbed my hand and dragged me to her cabin, getting the first aid kit to treat my cheek. She leaned against the stand and held my hand it as she put the disinfectant on my wound.

Sana: Ow!

Tzuyu: Ya really are a baby ain't ya?

Sana: I thought I told you to stop calling me that.

Tzuyu: I said I'd stop callin’ ya crybaby not baby.

Sana: That's why I hate you so much.

Tzuyu: I’d take that as a compliment.

I couldn't believe her and scoffed. From the moment I first met her, she was always mean and teasing me. But despite all that and stating how much I hate her, I couldn't help but still hang around her and be by her. It was contradicting. Why did I still Hang with her? Just then, I looked at her fist when my train of thought left and saw how bruised up it was.


Tzuyu: Oh this? It's nothin’. I probably got this from punchin’ those little brats or somethin’.

I couldn't believe her… she was tough and stupid… and they were twice her size...

Sana: You really are stupid…

Tzuyu: Stupid enough to beat them up to protect you…

Sana: Sigh… what do I do with you now… I'll give you that…

She then smirked and it really got on my nerve. I yanked her hand and applied a lot of disinfectant on it hoping to stop her from teasing me, but she didn't wince at all.

Sana: Doesn't it hurt at all?...

Tzuyu: Nahhh, I've felt way worse than this little thing.

Sana: You really are crazy… and stupid.

Tzuyu: I know I am, but at least I'm good in my studies.

She then smiled and looked at me. I really wanted to slap her right now. I applied the bandages over her hand and secured it so it wouldn't loosen up. I then her hand with my thumb feeling bad about my action too... I still wonder why she was so nice to me.

Sana: Say uhh Tzuyu-ah?

Tzuyu: Droppin’ the horrifics now?

Sana: Shut up for a bit…

Tzuyu: Okay okay! Ya scary at times…

Sana: I was wondering why you’re always protected me. I mean we were nothing and you helped me the first time and now you've been ever since. You may not notice but I knew you were talking to them privately to leave me alone.

She was quiet and I was still holding her hand. I frantically let go and apologized. She just laughed it off and then took my hand again and it. She then let go and wrapped her arms around me bring myself closer to her as I now saw her eye to eye. I frantically didn't know where to place my hand so I just placed it on her shoulders.

Tzuyu: Ya know… I really did think you were annoying. And I really didn't want to get involved with ya. But I guess you were the first to admit that ya weren't scared of being around me, not to mention fight back and retaliate everything I say to ya. But deep down I didn't want ya to get hurt.

Sana: But why?...

Tzuyu: This is between you and me but I was abused by my grandparents since birth. I was desperate and couldn't do anything so I ran away. I beat people up but I only do it if they had harmed the safety of others. I didn't want anyone to get hurt and fight for those that didn't have a voice. I've left that all behind and decided to just live a life to myself. I ain't rich like ya but I didn't like people beating up others to steal and for their own satisfaction since they should be grateful for what they had and work for things that they don’t. You reminded me of my past self not being able to fight back and accepted it so I stepped in that time. As I kept spendin’ time with ya, it became natural yet still annoying.

I then slapped her on the chest. And I didn't know why I did that. I apologize and she just laughed.

Tzuyu: But I guess, ya made me feel less lonely. And I really like ya company from time to time.

I looked into her eyes and she was staring straight at me. She was only looking at me and no one else. Her eyes here honest and felt warm. I never had anyone talk and stare at me like this. Just before I had realized, I placed my hands on her cheeks and leaned in and kissed her. It was a simple kiss and when I parted I realized what I did and frantically pulled apart from her and turned my body facing away from her. Why did I kiss her, why did I do it?  I was confused and rubbed my head like crazy and all I heard was laughter. I turned around and I saw Tzuyu approaching me taking my hand and pulling me towards her.

Tzuyu: So why did ya kiss me? That was my first ya know.

Sana: I just tripped and leaned closer to you and leaned too much that's all!

I said is fast and almost mumbling something to justify myself and she kept on laughing.

Tzuyu: Okay okay! I know ya clumsy so don't freak out. But ya gotta calm down.

I looked at her and took a few breathers before looking at her again. She was staring at me with eyes that only looked at me again… it made me feel more nervous but also like we had a bond that was indescribable.

Sana: Neh… Tzuyu ah?

Tzuyu: What's up?

Sana: Can I call you Chewy?...

Tzuyu: Now that's random?

Sana: It's just, my special way of saying you're my friend

Tzuyu: Since when were we friends?

Sana: YAHHH!

Tzuyu: Jokin jokin. HAHAHAHA call me whatever I don't really care.

Sana: You know I totally hate you right?

Tzuyu: Yeah yeah ya made that so clear that my ears might blow up.

I then slapped and pushed her playfully and she hugged me. I felt safe for once in my life.

Sana: You are my best friend!

Tzuyu: Yahh… first ya saying you hate me, then you say I was a friend. Then ya kissed me and said you totally hate me and now ya say we are best friends… ya really needa make up your mind Clueless Princess.

Sana: You're my best friend that I hate with all my heart but still want to be beside you since I can handle your stupidity. AND THAT KISS WAS JUST AN ACCIDENT!!!!

Tzuyu: Ouch… that stings and I was just messing with ya.

We both laughed it out and made our way back to the kitchen. She was a lot kinder than I thought ad it felt nice being with her.


I didn't know until now… but at that moment she was a best friend and I started to fall deeper into a trap. I didn't know that I loved her… until I finally realized now. I cried and Momo and Mina hugged me making sure I was okay.

Sana: I really am a Clueless Princess like you said… and I've pushed you away like that…

Hello Everyone!

Just a short little update. Hope you guys are enjoying this story so far! And thank you for those taking the time to read this and supporting. Enjoy reading this chapter!




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Chapter 14: Takes me awhile to read again. Anyway, well written author-nim ❤
Chapter 13: Amazing
Chapter 15: Thank you for this sweet story:^)
Chapter 13: i just found this story and it's really good
Chapter 3: Aigoooo
Chapter 13: <3
Chapter 2: Such a rollercoaster ride
Chapter 1: Holy-
BangTwice233 #9
Chapter 10: Continued please
Chapter 10: Thank you for the update Author-ssi. Fighting!