A Mix of Emotions

All these feelings...

Tzuyu POV

As soon as I sat down in class, I immediately wrote drown everything and focused on my lecture. As I finished with the notes and the professor left early, I just sat there laying my head down closing my eyes.

Sana: Chewy… Chewy-ah wake up…

Who was calling me… is that you Sana?... I slowly got up from laying on the desk into a sitting position, wiping my eyes since it became groggy. Someone was by my side tapping on my shoulder. It was blurry but…

Tzuyu: Sana?...

???: No… it isn't. Tzuyu are you okay? Class is way over and I saw you laying here with no motion. I thought something happened.

I shook my head and rubbed my eyes. I then recognized her face and her voice was familiar.

Tzuyu: Ohh. Mina sumbae… I'm sorry I must have dozed off. But yes, I'm alright.

She then smiled and then sat next to me.

Mina: Do you have any other classes to attend to?

Tzuyu: Uhmm as of now no. I had a night class but it got canceled, and I have observation hours that I need to get. So, I'm planning on researching some hospitals for that opportunity the rest of today.

Mina: I see. Then why don't you hang with me for a minute? I'm actually free for the rest of the day and I didn't eat lunch yet. Would you join me?

Tzuyu: Uhmm…

Mina: Tzuyu… there is something you need to know well I think you should know. It's about Sana.

I just stood still and looked at my hand in front of me.

Tzuyu: We barely talk and know each other… what is there to even to talk about especially about Sana. There is nothing between us other than colleagues Sumbae-Hoobae relationship.

It was quiet and Mina sat there next to me. She then patted my head.

Mina: I think I like you.

I shot straight up and looked at her. I then covered my chest and looked at her.

Tzuyu: I'm sorry but I never saw you in that way.

Mina then busted out laughing and tears fell due to the amount of laughter.


Tzuyu: But you said….

Mina: I like you… but not the like the way you feel with Sana.

Then I turned glum… Sana… I looked down again and turned forward facing the board.

Mina: I didn't mean to bring that up.

Tzuyu: Sigh… it's okay. I mean there's nothing between us.

Mina: Well I have someone I love too. But be reassured it's not you…

Mina then looked down and I patted her shoulder.

Mina: But going back to what I was saying. I like you as a sister. You took care of Sana and protected her. Sana was always important to me but… I couldn't help her much and you came. I felt assured when you were by her. I thought that I should take of you and check up on you but I never got a chance to do it in the past since I was scared but… now I'm taking the chance. So, what do you say?

I then started packing up my stuff in my bag and stood up.

Tzuyu: Let's get lunch.

Mina looked happy and she packed her stuff as well.

Mina: My treat. Let's go to the cafe near school

I then had flashbacks of what happened and I immediately shook my head.

Mina: Tzuyu?

Tzuyu: Uhmm… is it okay we go somewhere else?

Mina tilted her head confused but she shrugged and smiled.

Mina: Alright! Hmm… why don't we go to the other cafe near the dorms. It would be a close distance if you're tired too.

Tzuyu: Thanks…

Mina: Yah~ there's nothing to thank me about. Let's go now.

We then walked out of the classroom only to be met with two people who were holding hands…

Mina: Sana! Momo… what are you guys doing?

Momo: Mina guess what? Me and Sana are dating!

I looked at Sana and she looked at me.

Sana: Chew-

Tzuyu: Congratulations.

Momo then pulled Mina’s hand and talked to her a little bit at the corner of the hall. I then looked back at Sana and I extended my hand out to shake her hand. Deep down I never expected this but… if it's Momo then I wouldn't mind. I gave a small smile hiding my frown and Sana extended her hand to shake it.

Sana: M-Mhmm… so where are you going?

Tzuyu: Uhmm I'm planning on having lunch with Mina. Probably to talk about school stuff since I assume she is my Sumbae in the field I work in.

Sana: You know I can help you too if you contact m-

Tzuyu: I know. But it looks like you have your hands full.

I smiled and then looked at Mina which she had returned along with Momo. She slowly gripped on my shirt behind my back and I felt her hand shake.

Momo: Oh I overheard you guys are going out to eat. Why don't we eat together then? We can catch up an-

Mina: M-Momo… I-

Tzuyu: I wanted to talk to Mina about something too since we just had class together and I fell asleep. So, I plan on copying her notes. Why don't you two spend some time together?

Sana: Chewy…

My heart sank as she called my name. But I had to hide my nerves and make it look like I'm okay. I gave a smile and then looked at Sana.

Tzuyu: Yah, You should stop with the nickname, I mean I don't mind but don't make your girlfriend jealous. You guys just started dating so spend some couple-time. Well imma go now. Come on Mina.

I then walked and Mina followed alongside me and we exited the department. We slowly walked to the cafe and it was silent the whole way. As soon as we arrived we found a table and sat down, waiting for the waiter to take our order. As I settled in I notice Mina still looking down. She seems sad and in full of thought. The waiter gave us some water and as Mina reached for it she knocked it down. Luckily, I was there to catch the glass but it still made a mess with the water everywhere. I then called the waiter over.

Tzuyu: Can we have some towels to clean this up please.

Waiter: Of course, I'll be right back and is that enough time to get your orders?

Tzuyu: Yes. Thank you very much.

As the waiter left I looked at Mina and she looked really out of it.

Tzuyu: Mina Sumbae, are you okay?

Mina: I- Oh- Uhh- Yeah I am… I just… I'm just a bit out of it.

The waiter came back with towels, helping us clean up, then she got ready to take our order.

Waiter: So, what can I get you?

Tzuyu: Uhmm Can I just get an Americano. Mina what do you want?

Mina- Oh- What? Uhmm can I just get your lunch combo.

Waiter: Of course. I'll put your order in to the chef and I'll be back.

Mina: Thank you.

After the waiter left I looked at Mina and she began looking pale.

Tzuyu: Mina Sumbae is everything okay?

Mina: I… I don't know.

I then recalled how Momo dragged her over to talk and I got curious.

Tzuyu: Did Momo say something to you?

Mina: She just told me she finally got to be with Sana after so many years of trying to approach the question. She's been talking to me ever since middle school about it and she just wanted to tell me all what happened.

Tzuyu: I see. You must be really close with Momo to be able to talk about things like that.

The waiter came back with our order we dug in. Well Mina did, I just drank my Americano and looked outside the window.

Mina: Tzuyu?

Tzuyu: Hmm?

Mina: How do you feel about the news?

I was a bit in shock when Mina asked me. I didn't know if I should tell her the truth about how I still felt with Sana or that I should lie and play it cool to not risk Mina telling Sana. I had a tough time replying so I stared at my coffee cup.

Mina: Can I tell you something?

Tzuyu: Uhh sure.

Mina: Momo is the person I've been in love with.

Tzuyu: Whoa.

Mina then looked at her food and back to me.

Mina: How do you do it, how did you get over Sana and move on like that. How can you get rid of your feeling so fast and don't get hurt seeing that?

Tzuyu: Mina, I-

Mina: I've been in love with Momo since we were kids and I was always there for her, giving off hints that I liked her. But at the end I never confessed my love to her. In the meantime, I was scared, I didn't want to ruin our friendship. Then I found out in middle school that she was in love with Sana. It tore my heart when she told me but she said she trusted me.

I then looked at Mina in shock of why she decided to tell me all of this, but deep down I couldn't help how I saw myself in her now.

Mina: Do you remember when you told me or asked me and Momo if Sana loved you.

Tzuyu: Mhmm…

Mina: We actually drank a bit a few days back before you asked us and we found out.

Flashback Mina POV.

We were drinking at Sana house and we ended up playing truth or dare. If we didn't want to do either we drank. We drank a lot and I couldn't keep count of how much I drank.

Sana: Have you guys ever loved someone so much that you cry when they aren't by their side.

Me and momo looked at each other and I knew that Momo was thinking about Sana when she said that.

Momo: Pabo…

Momo then patted Sana’s head and I sat there seeing all of that. Deep down I wished she did that to me but I don't want to be selfish. So, I smiled and looked at them.

Mina: Do you love anyone Sana?

Sana: Mhmm! Chewy Chewy Chewy! My Chewy.

Mina: Yah… you're drunk. You like her as a friend, right?

Sana: Nope! I really love her.

I then saw Momo’s face and she looked down but she hid it with her smile. It was so noticeable to me… how she smiled not showing her teeth and her eyes full of sadness. I knew Momo long enough to know she is faking it. Momo then spoke up.

Momo: Tzuyu probably likes you too.

Sana: I love the way she holds me and kisses me. I love her sooo sooo much.

After a few more drinks and latenight talks Sana fell asleep and I was still up and I sat next Momo.

Mina: Momo…

Momo then leaned on me and started tearing up and my chest felt wet.

Momo: Apoo… my heart hurts.

Mina: I know I know.

I patted Momo’s head as she fell asleep and I couldn't help but feel broken. I started tearing up and looked at Momo’s sleeping face.

Mina: Baka… why can't you see that I'm here and in love with your stupid clueless self…

Present. Tzuyu POV

Tzuyu: It must have hurt.

Mina: Mhmm… but one thing that I didn't get was why Sana turned you down.

I was surprised after hearing the story. But I didn't want to dwell in those could have moments.

Tzuyu: Mina, it's okay. I mean it's over so I understand. What happened, happened already. And I'm just happy that she found someone she loved. Since you guys are close, I would assume you would at least tell Sana about it. About how you felt for Momo.

Mina: I couldn't… Sana being Sana, was always busy with her studies scoring the top scores and working part time in her parents’ hospital. Well observe anyways.

Tzuyu: But will you ever tell her?

Mina: They're dating… I can't break friendship like that. She would break up with Momo so I would be happy… She's like family to me.

Tzuyu: Of course,… I know how you feel. If I were in your shoes I would leave them to be happy too. So anyways when Momo pulled you earlier what did she say to you?

Mina: O-oh…

Flashback 1 hour ago Mina POV

After hearing the news about them dating my heart shattered. I was about to tear up and cry but I knew I can't do that. I held it in and just smile. Before I can say anything else, Momo grabbed my hand and gentle pulled me towards the end of the hall. She then let go of my hand and faced me, putting her face an inch away from mine as she approached me pinning me to the wall.

Momo: Minari? Are you okay? You smile seems like your typical trying to hide your sadness type of smile.

Mina: A-Ah… r-really?

How did she know, he face was so close as she approached me and my heart beated faster. I then placed my hand on Momo's shoulder and slightly pushed her.

Mina: Y-you're to close…

Momo: Ah! Sorry sorry! But anyways my dream came true! All this time I've been waiting, I finally get Sana! My one true love.

Baka… Do you know how much it hurts when you say those things to me… I looked at Momo and she was grinning like an idiot.

Momo: I wanted you to be the first one to know so after class, me and Sana came straight to find you as soon as we could!

Mina: You can always tell me back at the room…

Momo then placed both of my hand on my shoulder looking at me.

Momo: You’re my best friend, a family to me, and most of all, one of the most important person in my life. I can't live without you. I've told you about how I felt. For the past 6 years now… so I wanted to reassure you that I won't whine about not having Sana anymore.

Mina: I-I see.

Momo: You know I love you Mina! I love you the most! I hope one day you would tell me who you're in love with. I've known for a long time that you liked someone but I never bothered to ask. I'm here for you to talk and lean on so tell me who you like when you're ready.

I looked at Momo almost on the verge to tears. Stupid… why are you so unfair. I know you guys are dating but you say I'm an important person to you and you loved me… what makes of me now…

Momo: Mina are you okay? Why are you crying.

Mina: I-I'm…

This really hurts…

Mina: I'm just happy for you that all… I'm glad you got Sana.

Momo: I’m sure you will get the person you're in love with! I mean who would fall in love with you. If it were me, I would dare you and marry you because of who you are.

Momo… you dense idiot…

Mina: M-mhmm…

Momo: Anyways, where are you going with Tzuyu?

Mina: O-oh Uhmm… just to go eat.

Momo: OoOoOoOoO ME Sana are hungry too!

Momo then ran towards Tzuyu and Sana and I slowly walked to Tzuyu.

Present: Tzuyu POV

Mina: And that was when you saved me so only the two of us would eat together.

Tzuyu: A-ah… I see. How are you feeling?

After I asked the question, I knew that it was the wrong things to ask. Of course she'd be sad and depressed. Of course she would want to break down right now. It's just like how you would have felt. I'm such an idiot.

Tzuyu: Forget about what I said… but anyways stay strong okay?

Mina looked down and out the window. A long pause occurred and Mina finally answered. I was shocked when she suddenly spoke.

Mina: How… how are you so strong… to move on and not get hurt from love.

I hesitated again but Mina seemed to show a lot of sincerity. I took a deep breath and began my story, and also my feelings I've bottled up all these years.

Tzuyu: I lost both my parents at birth and I was abused by my grandparents. I moved and ran away from them at the age of 10.

Mina: Omo… I didn't know about that.

Tzuyu: No one did, until I told Sana today and finally you. I hated sympathy and I didn't want people to pity me. Life was hard but I did my best to survive. Sana was my escape. She was the first time I felt love. The first time I felt like I wasn't alone. She was a family I never had. After that incident, I still thought about her, I still loved her. My years in high school was hell trying to throw away any happy moments we had. Every memory and things that reminded me of her. But that made myself worse, almost to the fact I was depressed. I wanted to die.

Mina: So, what did you do?

Tzuyu: Well at one moment in time, I didn't know what got into me, I loved Sana and I was in pain, so I just suddenly started to deny that I even liked her and blamed her for my pain and suffering. So, I ignored her even more and became cold towards her. It worked for a while but…

Mina: But?

Tzuyu: I felt pain inside. My heart was telling me something wasn't right. Sana wasn't the blame for my suffering. The person that should be at blame is myself. I fell in love with her. No one told me to love her. No one told me to be by her. No one told me to protect her. They were all my actions and at the end of the day I had to accept it. Accept the fact I loved her and I shouldn't think low of her. She was the person that gave me a warmth I never experience and I am a lower person for blaming an innocent person for my pain and suffering. I decided to have the thoughts of her just pop in my head and let it happen. Embrace it you can say. Rather than force my thought of her out, I let it happen since forcing something will only do the opposite effect. After you guys graduated it was a bit easier and I spent time by myself to think and explore. Finally, when I felt like I moved on, I buried my feeling I had for her deep in my heart.

Mina just looked at me. And looked a bit confused and in shock.

Mina: The love you had for Sana, is it gone?

I hesitated again. But I was sure this time that I am able to tell Mina. She shared her feelings and I think I should too.

Tzuyu: The love I had for her was never gone. Feelings I had for her are what made me who I am today. So, you can say I still love her.

Mina: Then why were you so calm about Sana and Momo?

I took a breath drinking my coffee and looked at the window.

Tzuyu: Because I love her, that I decided not to fight her words she had told me 4 years ago, and be happy for her. Before you saw me sleep in class, I was actually reminiscing the moment earlier in the morning of what happened. How Sana wanted to start in being friends again. How Momo asked if I didn't love Sana anymore and that she would go after her, and how everything all started 4 years ago. I knew that I could have fought right then and there but… I couldn't build up the heart to do it. Sana never admitted she loved me then and I knew Momo can make her happy no matter what. She understands her more than I do and she was always by her side through thick and thin. Like you said, Momo told you she loved her and how she was willing to wait and approach her. If I couldn't do it, why be greedy and have someone else protect her when I couldn't for the last 4 years. What right did I have left to be with her when I blamed my pain on her and suppress my feelings to make myself better.

Mina: She told me that she still l-

Tzuyu: Whether she said it or not, she is dating Momo now. I can't do anything and ruin what happiness has in store for them.

Mina: I never knew you felt this way.

Tzuyu: It's 4 years worth of feelings and emotion I've locked up. I decided to share it with you.

Mina: Why?

Tzuyu: Because… I saw how much you love Momo. I saw a piece of me in you. The innocent person to stick up for the one they love at no other cause. Unlike you, I gave in, and let my dark side get the best of me. So, I just wanted to reassure you that the love you had for Momo is never wrong and you shouldn't be ashamed. Fight for her and don't be a coward like me and be by her side.

Mina: You should too then…

Tzuyu: I-

Mina: No buts.

Tzuyu: I let go in being beside her the moment I blamed her for my pain. I just wish for her happiness. But you're different. You still loved Momo no matter what and be beside her. I couldn't even do that for Sana.

Mina: You're stubborn…

Tzuyu: I know I am. But I know that I don't want to go back to the past when we are happy now. Dwell in the happiness but not in the memories. I'll route for you. I'm sure Momo will see you as you are.

Mina: Thank you…

We laughed and talked until we finished eating and paid for our meal. We then started walking back to the complex. As we were walking we talked about everything. How Sana talked to me and how Mina felt the last few years. Mina was so relatable so I couldn't help but open up to her. Just then Mina realized something as we walked.

Mina: You didn't eat anything!?! I was supposed to treat you to lunch not coffee!

Tzuyu: Ah! I don't usually eat lunch. Or dinner, or even breakfast.

Mina: That's super bad… your health will deteriorate. That's why you're so skinny

Tzuyu: I eat at home so I can know what I'm eating. And I've grown this habit since I barely have money to feed myself as I paid my bills and worked in the past. Since I wanted to get honors in school, I typically studied whenever chance I get and I would forget to eat. I was always tired, so whatever chance I had free, I’d rather sleep then eat.

Mina: If you need me to treat you or help in studies, don't be afraid to ask me.

Tzuyu: HAHAHAHA You're like my friends Chaeyoung and Dahyun! They always try to stuff my face with food at every chance they get.

Mina: I'm serious, if you have trouble with money, don't afraid to ask. I'm sure college tuition is a lot to handle already.

Tzuyu: I had a full-time scholarship so everything from rooming, books and tuition are being paid in full already until I graduate and get my Masters and PhD.

Mina: Are you really that smart…

Tzuyu: Hahaha! Why yes, yes I am.

Mina: Well let me buy and treat you to food. It was great talking about how I feel so I'll pay for you next time.

Tzuyu: You can pay for my coffee then. Iced Americano every day.

Mina: Hahaha deal! If anything, I can make you the Americano since I'm also a big coffee enthusiast. And in return you have to spend time with me every day and study with me. Also help me if I don't get anything.

Tzuyu: HAHAHA I'm pretty sure you have more smarts than I do. You're a year older. But I guess it's a Deal.

We went up the complex and towards the elevator waiting for our turn to use.

Tzuyu: Mina Sumbae, do you know any places to shadow and observe for hours? In-patients and Out-patient?

Mina: I do actually? My father owns a hospital in joint with Sana’s so I can see what I can d- Oh wait but Sana als-

Tzuyu: It's okay. I mean I can't avoid her. And I already know how to deal with it. If you can, can I get the number to contact?

Mina: Let me see what I can do and I'll contact you later on?

Tzuyu: I don't have Phone to contact…

Mina: Hmm… that is a problem.

We went up the elevator and went up to my floor.

Tzuyu: Well, I'll be heading off now.

Mina: Wait Tzuyu, can you come by real quick?

Tzuyu: Uhmm… I can but why?

Mina: You'll see.

I then followed Mina to her dorm and Mina took a deep breath in before opening the door and entered. As I walked in behind her, Sana and Momo were there as well, sitting on the couch.

Mina: Sana-ah! Momori!

Sana: Minari~

Sana ran towards Mina but as I walked in the door revealing myself, Sana stopped and froze.

Mina: Tzuyu came over for a bit.

Sana: O-Oh…

Tzuyu: Hello.

Momo: Hey Yoda! Just make yourself at home!

Tzuyu: Yoda?...

Momo: You look like a Yoda!

Tzuyu: I see

Mina: Can you wait in the living room? I'll be right back. Sana, can you give Tzuyu some water?

Sana: M-mhmm

Momo: I'll leave you guys to be, I'll be in my room for a bit.

Sana: Momo…

Momo: I need to do something anyways.

Momo then side hugged Sana and kissed her cheek. I just had a blank face and stared. Momo then left to her room and I sat down on the couch.

Sana: Chewy-ah what do you want to drink? Is water okay?

Tzuyu: it's okay I don't need any, Mina treated me to coffee already.

Sana then sat next to me and looked at me again front head to toe. She then touched my cheeks out of nowhere and her thumb against it.

Tzuyu: Sana?

Sana: I didn't mention this earlier but you lost a lot of weight… have you been eating?

Tzuyu: I eat enough to survive.

Sana: I see.

Awkward silence emerged and I didn't like it one bit. Sana was just staring at me. And my mouth opened without any thought as I started to spill out words of concern I meant to bottle up.

Tzuyu: How have you been? Have you been happy these past years? I haven't gotten a chance to ask these things from you last time.

I then looked down at my hands not looking at Sana. I could feel her stares looking at me.

Sana: I've been happy. I have to be. I have great friends and family that gave me all I need. I can't be greedy and want more.

Tzuyu: Momo… Momo is a good person, I'm glad she loved you.

Sana: Are the feelings you had for me no more.

I looked at Sana and she was on the verge to tears.

Tzuyu: Why are you mentioning this again? Why are you crying?

I wiped her eyes and her cheek to wipe away any tears.

Sana: I-I- I missed you a lot…

Tzuyu: Well Momo will fill that space up. I'm glad she is dating you. Now I know you will be happy.

Sana: What do you know… how would you know she makes me happy?

I looked at her. I guess I also deserve this treatment.

Tzuyu: I don't, but… I just want the best for you. The feelings and love I had for you, I still hold dear… but I moved on.

Sana: Do you love Mina?

Tzuyu: Sana, now that's ridiculous. Mina and I are friends, she shared her concerns and I shared mine.

Sana: I can't help noticing how friendly you are with Mina now. You don’t really open yourself a lot and yet you did it so easily in a span of a day. Why didn't you share them with me?

Tzuyu: Sana… you know deep down why. We're starting at square one, acquaintances, and become friends as we talk. And I don’t know why I should explain myself but wanted to open up only if they ask me.

Sana: You never gave me a chance to talk. Whenever I ask about you, you always deflected it and ignored it.

Tzuyu: Sana it's only the beginning. We just made things clear today. I thought you agreed with how we are. You're dating Momo too, so shouldn't you also spend time with her?

Sana: I-

Tzuyu: I admit, it's hard for me to talk to you because I'm still hurt. I need time, so I need to go slow and at my own steady pace. Everything was thrown at me all at once today, how did you expect me to just be comfortable after all of that?

Sana: I'm sorry.

Tzuyu: Don’t be sorry, I didn't mean to tell you all of this but I apologize too, I never was there for you. I'm trying though… I really am.

Sana: Chewy…

Just then Mina walked out of her room holding a box and handed it to me.

Mina: Whoa, sorry to interrupt be here you go Tzuyu

Tzuyu: What is it?

Mina: A phone of course.


Mina: Yah… what are friends for. You listened and comforted me today and we are going to spend every day together continuing this. How else am I going to contact you if I want to hang and talk with you?

Tzuyu: But it looks so new…

Mina: Well it's an older model and my recent phone. But my Mom gave me an upgrade to the newest model a week after I just got that phone. So, if I didn't give it I would have thrown it away.

Tzuyu: Mina sumbae…

Mina: I called up to the retailer to open a line for you to use the phone to call/ text and access cellular data, so the plan for the phone is all set. You can use it today even. I already set my number on it so you're all set. And I'll pay for the plan so feel free to use it to your liking.

Tzuyu: I- I don't know how to thank you…

Mina: Listen to my vents forever?

Tzuyu: Hahaha deal! Well imma head back now so I'll see you tomorrow then?

Mina: Of course.

I left the room and went back to my dorm. I'm glad I made a friend. Mina… she's so relatable. Just then I thought about Sana. It was difficult for me to stay calm… she makes me Uncomposed…

Sana POV:

Tzuyu: What is it?

Mina: A phone of course.


Mina: Yah… what are friends for. You listened and comforted me today and we are going to spend every day together. How else am I going to contact you?

After hearing that I couldn't help my clench my hands. How were they so close just in one day?

Tzuyu: But it looks so new…

Mina: Well it's an older model and my recent phone. But my Mom gave me an upgrade to the newest model a week after I just got that phone. So, if I didn't give it I would have thrown it away.

Tzuyu: Mina sumbae…

Mina: I called up to the retailer to open a line for you to use the phone to call/ text so the plan for the phone is all set. You can use it today even. I already set my number on it so you're all set. And I'll pay for the plan so feel free to use it to your liking.

Tzuyu: I- I don't know how to thank you…

Mina: Listen to my vents forever?

Mina must really like Chewy-ah… they looked at each other with googly eyes and I hated it. I looked at Mina and back at Chewy and noticed how they smiled at each other. My heart ached. Why… why couldn't you smile at me like that. Chewy then got up and approached in front of Mina thanking her again.

Tzuyu: Hahaha deal! Well imma head back now so I'll see you tomorrow then?

Mina: Of course

Chewy then left and I sulked a bit, but then I realized that if Chewy has a phone now, I can contact her. I got up and jumped in front of Mina making her jolt a bit.

Mina: Geez Sana… you scared me. What is it?

Sana: So, you know Chewy’s number right.

Mina: Well it was my phone and I created the plan for her and set it up so yeah? What is it Sana?

Sana: Can I… Can I get it?

Mine looked confused for a second and tilted her head.

Mina: I mean I can but shouldn't you ask Tzuyu directly?

Sana: I- I don't know if I can.

Mina then looked at me and sat down at the couch and I followed along. She then looked at me.

Mina: Sana what's wrong?

I then told her what happened in the morning and how Momo asked me out. Mina was just listening and comforting me.

Mina: Tzuyu already told me.

Sana: You sure been close with Chewy lately.

Mina: Sana you know what, I'm in love with someone but I can reassure you that Tzuyu will never be who I love. She's just like a listener and a sister that I want advice from. Besides she doesn't want to love anyone right now.

I then looked at her and she looked back at me. For a minute, she looked in the other direction and then back at me looking at me with sad eyes.

Mina: Sana-ah, do you love Momo?

I was shocked since it was a question out of nowhere. But I can see why she would ask. It was also out of nowhere when I finally admitted I loved Chewy.

Sana: I do but…

Mina: But what?

Sana: I don't know if I loved Momo the way she loves me.

Mina then patted my shoulder and my head.

Mina: You guys are both my friends so I would hate it if we broke apart. Sana, try to be true to yourself.

Sana: And Momo?

Mina: I-...

Sana: I thought about how I lost my close friendship with Chewy and I hate to lose Momo. I'm scared of losing people. I-

Mina: Sana it's okay, do what you think is right for you. Just make sure to be true to Momo and yourself. If at the end of the day you don't look at her that way, tell her the truth. Don't let her be living in a lie and regret everything.

Sana: Mhmm…

Mina: So, have you moved on?

Sana: I think I have to or try to. I already have to commit to Momo, and I don't want to hurt her.

Mina then looked at me and touched my cheeks running it back and forth.

Mina: I will route for you in whatever you choose.

Sana: Then, you have to tell me about your love

Mina: Sana, I'll tell you one day but as of now I can't.

I hugged Mina and leaned on her shoulder.

Sana: What can I do without you.

Mina: Apparently nothing.

I then started hitting Mina with a pillow over and over.

Mina: Okay okay HAHAHA ow! That hurts.

We then laughed it out but then Mina brought up something.

Mina: You are like a sister to me… I would do anything for you. And Momo… she's important to me and like family.

A silenced emerged and then Mina suddenly got up and my head fell down on the couch creating a thunk.



Mina: Sorry sorry… but Tzuyu needs to do her hours for her course and since both our parents own a hospital, why don't we ask them if they have a spot for Chewy? She can work part time too if they impress them. I was going to ask my dad but I believe your dad is more in charge of recruiting.  

I then felt happy hearing that. It's a chance for me to be closer with Chewy.

Sana: I'll call my dad right away! I'm pretty sure it's a big yes.

Mina: My parents are okay with it too. I called them earlier as I set up the cell phone plan.

Sana: Yeah… so about the number...

Mina: Hahaha go ask Chewy yourself!

Mina then ran into her room she shared with Momo, shutting the door.

I laughed and went into my room and called my dad right away.


Dad: Sana-Chan? What is it my little girl?

Sana: Papa! I know this is out of line or maybe out of the blue but…

Dad: What is it dear?

Sana: Do you have an extra spot as a part time worker and also a chance for someone to shadow in the hospital?

Dad: Hmm… Actually, in the matter of fact, I do! One of the part timers quit on my because they couldn't handle the workload. Why do you ask?

Sana: Ah… uhm Papa? Is it possible if I introduce you to a friend of mine? She's a very smart freshman and placed first in every exam. Even the college entrance exams. She need to get hours so I was wondering.

Dad: Did your friend ask you to ask me?

Sana: Oh no! Papa please don't get the wrong idea. She only mentioned it and said she was looking for places. And I had the idea of asking you. She asked Mina for a business card to call the hospital herself but…

Dad: Okay sweetie. Papa knows, can you give me her name? Papa will look her up in the School database since I know the director.

Sana: Tzuyu, Chou Tzuyu.

Dad: Her names sound familiar?

Sana: I mentioned her before, she saved me from the bullies that harassed me in high school

Dad: AHHH! THAT'S WHY! Okay I'll contact the school to set an appointment so I can meet her. Hopefully to set a chance to discuss at my office.


Dad: Hahaha but I will make my final decision once I meet her. So, I can’t assure you if she will get it.

Sana: As long as you give her a chance that’s all I care about.

Dad: Okay dear, well I have to get back to work now. Call me later?

Sana: Mhmm! Bye papa!

I then hung up after my dad said goodbye and I laid back down in bed. This is my chance. To get closer and talk to Chewy. I smiled and hugged my plushy. As I looked at it, I remember where I got this. Chewy gave this to me for my birthday. It was just like yesterday. A snowy night and we decided to go spend my birthday outside since both my parents were busy with work. We were at an arcade and I saw this dog plushie in the Crane machine.

Flashback 4 years ago

Sana: OoOoOo That plushie is so cute.

Chewy then stood behind me and tapped on my shoulder.

Tzuyu: Whatcha ya looking at?

I hesitated, shaking my head and hands to direct her attention somewhere else.

Sana: N-Nothing! Let's go over there!

Chewy then say what was behind me and she smiled. She pulled out a coin out of her pocket and inserted the coin. In one go, she got the plushie


Chewy then received the prize and turned towards me. Immediately I extended my arms to receive it. I waited with my closed eyes because I was so excited but for a minute nothing was felt in my hands so I opened my eyes, only to see a chuckling Person laughing

Tzuyu: I got this for myself! I love dogs.

I then pouted and I could feel my face turn read. Chewy say that and petted my head. Then she kissed the plushy and touched my cheek with the plushie she just kissed.

Tzuyu: I'm just jokin’ HAHAHA

She then placed it in my hand and I immediately hugged it.

Tzuyu: I'm sorry that I couldn't buy ya something nice. I'm only good at this thing here. But anyways, Happy birthday Sana.

Present Sana POV

I then pressed the plushie up to my lips. The placed she kissed it.

Sana: Chewy…

I knew this was bad, I knew that I still have feelings for Chewy. I knew that I was dating Momo and I don’t ever want to hurt her. But I couldn’t help from moving on from my feelings despite Chewy already letting me go. I’ll give it time, but I’m sorry if I’m too selfish but… let me hold this dear to me while I can. The last of Chewy’s love I have left to remind me of who we were and that I terribly disregarded till now.

Meanwhile back to Mina and Momo.

Mina POV.

As I entered the room I see Momo at her desk doing paper works. I went over and peeked behind her shoulder and Momo jolted as she felt my hand on her shoulder.

Momo: OMO!- Mina? You scared me.

Mina: Mianhe, anyways what's that?

Momo: Ohh it's just paperwork for the cafe.

Mina: I see. Well finish it up! Don't mind me.

I then sat on her bed looking at her fill the paper works. She looked so focus and at the same time very serious. This was the only time you looked mature. You were always like a kid running and laughing. But now… I love all sides of you. I smiled and watched her finish her papers.

Momo: DONE!

Mina: Hahaha Good job!

I gave her the thumbs up and she tackled me with a hug, making me fall back on the bed.

Mina: Ow!

Momo: HAHAHA sorry.

Momo then hugged me for a while and I was there as a log. My heart was beating fast and I was debating to wrap my arms around her. But before I could decide, Momo spoke up, driving away my impulsive thoughts

Momo: Minari? Can I... can I rant to you?

Mina: Sure. What's up?

Momo: It's about Sana.

Mina: Go ahead.

Momo: I think Sana is still in love with Tzuyu. I mean I understand since their relationship ended badly and never to the point but… even though I'm dating Sana, I feel… Chewy let her go so I don’t have to worry too much about it but… I feel sad

I then hugged her and her cheek. I knew what Chewy felt and I could help but hug Momo harder. I couldn’t tell her so I tried my hardest to keep it in and cheer Momo up.

Mina: Well it can't be helped. She finally realized she loved her. She can't get over that.

My heart hurts…

Mina: But since you're one step closer. Why don't you make the effort to love her? Take it slow and one step at a time. I'm here for you if anything Momoring!

Momo POV:

Momo: I felt upset earlier when Tzuyu came because Sana looked at her with eyes of love. So, I left the room to give them time to talk.

Mina: That's sweet of you. I'm happy that even though you love her, you still care for her and her feelings despite how much pain you are going through.

Momo: Mhmm…Ugh! Why can't I date you! You understand me so well.

I hugged Mina close to me, but then Mina started to push me away.

Mina: M-Momo don't say those things like that.

I was confused. I've always said those things to her. Why is she deflecting it now?

Momo: Oh yeah! You gotta tell me about the person you love.

Mina looked a bit down so I held her hand.

Mina: The person I love is stupid and dumb but I can't help but fall in love with them. They make me laugh and can be a kid, yet be mature in the most unexpected moments. But most of all, they make my heart beat so fast that it could jump out of my chest anytime. And respite all my effort in giving hints, they are dense enough to not see my intentions.

Momo: Then you gotta pursue them.

Mina: I don't think I can.

Momo: Why? Just fight.

Mina: They're in love with someone else… and…

Momo: And what?

Mina: They're dating someone right now as we speak. They always said I'm their best friend.

Momo: Mina…

Mina: I want to fight but I don't want to ruin any friendships. I hate being the one that ruins something that I already enough…

I felt sad and heartbroken for her so I hugged her rubbing her head. Who wouldn’t love Mina? They’d be stupid not too.

Mina: Sometimes, when you say you wanted to date me, it reminds me of how they always said that to me. And I get sad.

Momo: I'm sorry… Tell you what… I'll be your Girlfriend or well a special relationship with you to make them jealous? I'm sure they will realize what they are missing.

Mina then stood up out of nowhere.

Mina: Momo, it's not helping…

Momo: I'm sorr-

Mina: Stop… don't apologize.

Mina left the room and I just sat there. For some reason, my heart ached seeing Mina like that. As the thought of Mina popped up in my head, my heart beated so fast. Why is it beating this fast…

Hello everyone!

Hope everyone is healthy and well, I've been pretty sick lately so I've been bed ridden for a while. So this gave me an opportunity to write more. Anyways, here is an update on this story. Hope you guys enjoys reading it. Stay tune for updates and comment it you guys like or just simply want to suggest something ! Any responses will help me write and reflect on to improve the story and plot. Stay healthy and well.

P.S I decided to add Mimo conflicts and a newy love complex into the plot as well because I am attempting to magnify the drama of the story a bit. Please don't hate me for it. I know some of you guys are maybe confused but there is a reason for everything I wrote so please stay tune and look forward too it


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Hello, long time no see! Please come and enjoy the newest updates! There will be more to come! Stay safe and healthy! :)


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Chapter 14: Takes me awhile to read again. Anyway, well written author-nim ❤
Chapter 13: Amazing
Chapter 15: Thank you for this sweet story:^)
Chapter 13: i just found this story and it's really good
Chapter 3: Aigoooo
Chapter 13: <3
Chapter 2: Such a rollercoaster ride
Chapter 1: Holy-
BangTwice233 #9
Chapter 10: Continued please
Chapter 10: Thank you for the update Author-ssi. Fighting!