What I really feel

All these feelings...

Hello, everyone author here! I hope you enjoy these two next chapter! please keep on looking forward for my update! By the way, I really appreciate any little support  after my long hiatus and please share the story if you enjoy it with other poeple. Again stay safe and healthy! Please enjoy



As soon as I left the apartment complex, I went straight to the supermarket. I had no idea where she was. Just when I was about to give up, I saw a familiar figure waiting outside the store. I then ran faster to see if my guess was right. As I got closer and closer, I couldn’t help but smile more and more.

Sana: Chewy ah!

I then waved my hand and kept on running towards her.

Tzuyu: Sana slow down or you’ll cras –

Right when I could process what Chewy was saying it was already too late. Just like that I ran straight into Chey and both of us fell to the ground

Sana: Apoo…

Tzuyu: You okay?

Chewy then extended her hand to help my up. I took it and smiled wiping up the dust off my clothes as I got up.

Sana: Here I am!

Tzuyu: You didn’t have to come though…

Sana: I wanted too! Lets hurry and get the stuff and meet at my parents. I’s sure Mina and Momo will meet us there a well

Tzuyu: Mhmm okay.

We then grabbed a cart and made our way inside. The first section we went was the produce aisle. As we look around for some peaches, I couldn’t help but keep staring at Chewy through this awkward silence. I wanted to say something, but I had no idea what to say. It just came at a blank. ‘Oh I know”

Sana: How did you do in the interview?

Tzuyu: Hmm… I think I was able to say majority of what I wanted to say, but I think I came across a little too direct? The director didn’t give much feedback when I asked.

Sana: Director? I thought my dad was interviewing you.

Tzuyu: Your dad? Well he never gave me his name or anything and there was no name plate anywhere to be seen…

Sana: Ohh… Maybe it was a different man after I exited the room? Maybe Mr. Yoo? He’s my dad’s right-side man?

Tzuyu: Maybe… But now I feel even worse knowing I forgot to shake hand and introduce myself…

Just then Chewy began to sulk… I didn’t know what to do but my instinct was to just comfort her. I then wrapped her arm in a hug and stood closer beside her.

Sana: Hey, it was a nerve wrecking scenario. I’m sure you did okay. I mean if you can’t get into this one, you can use this as experience for your next interview at another place?

Tzuyu: True… you’re right…

Tzuyu then turned glummer, which made me more concerned.

Sana: Hey if anything I can try to sneak some information out of my dad at dinner today? Come on…Cheer up... for me? Chewy-ah ~

I then started to do Ageyo to attempt and cheer her up and she couldn’t help but blush and look away, traying to use her other hand to cover her eyes. I couldn’t help but giggle and hug her more tightly.

Tzuyu: Okay okay… let get the stuff and head over to your house. I still need to prep the food too!

Sana: Mhmm!

We then went on our way and as we walked, I forgot that I was still holding her arm. I then frantically let go and panicked

Sana: M-Mianhe! I didn’t mean to be touchy.

Chewy just looked at me and smiled. She then grabbed my hand and hook it into her arm indicating it was kay for me to wrap around as she moved the cart at the same time.

Tzuyu: Could uhmm… Can this day be an exception? Even though I said that we needed to distance yourself this morning.

Chey started to fidget her fingers on the cart and looked away at the produce hiding her shyness. I then smiled back and leaned closer to her resting my head on her shoulder.

Sana: Please… I would like that too.

Chewy turned back at me and brushed my hair out of my face and moved on. We then continued to shop, getting at the fruits and produce needed for the housewarming and dished Chewy was going to prepare. We then headed over the seasoning section to get her spiced and seasoning sauces to marinate the eel/ Everything was coming together as Chewy crossed off items from her list mentally as she fidget with her hand and look blankly in front of her mumbling what else she needed.

Tzuyu: Let’s see here… We just need to get the eel and the White wine.

Sana: Okay sounds good!

Tzuyu: Sana, why don’t you get the wine, since I’m pretty sure you know what good and suitable for your parents. I can go to the seafood section and pick the eel and we can meet at the cash register!

Sana. Do we have to split…?

Chewy just looked at me and sighed, but then patted my head. It felt nice but then I felt a painful flick to my forehead.

Sana: Apo!

I frowned and pouted

Sana: What was that for?!

Chewy smirked and continued to speak

Tzuyu: So you can hate me for 5 minutes to get the wine and get on our way to your house!

Sana: Meanie… fine…

I then started to walk away, and I felt a tug from my hand, and I can see chewy intertwining her finger into mine and she look at me.

Tzuyu: Let’s make it quick so we can walk together to your house.

I couldn’t stay mad at her and I just smiled. I could swear that my cheekbones have been getting sore every second I am with her. I then nodded my head enthusiastically and we went on our way.

I walked to the wine section and saw all this white wine selections. I then picked the bottle that I knew my family liked and made my way. I looked at my watch and noticed that it took less time than I thought to picking up the wine. ‘Hmmm… I think Chewy is still picking the eel still… maybe I should just meet her there and wait for her before we go to the cash register?’ I then made my way over and I couldn’t help but see a very annoying thing happen. I walked closer and I could hear the conversation and I got closer; I began to boil up even more.

Girls 1: Hey! You’re the hottie that ran away earlier?!

Tzuyu: Excuse me?

Girl 2: Yah…Looks like she's taken though…. Man I wish I had someone that considerate….

Girl 1: Yah maybe we can get her number… Can we get your number?

Tzuyu: Huh? I’m sorry but I think your mistaking me for someone else.

Girl: Nope! You were blushing and saying how you want to impress some girl’s family! Tat was totally you! We tried to find you but you ran away so quickly…

Tzuyu: Hey look… I think I remember but please I am not interested. I already like someone already.

Girl 1: Come on now ~ Me and my friend here can give you much better company than the girl you were talking too.

Just then the girl started to brush her hand on Chewy’s shoulder. Chewy reacted and brushed the hand away.

Tzuyu: Look. I don’t know how else and directly I have to be but no is no. And if you don’t want to leave then I will.

Just then the Seafood Monger called over to Chewy’s attention that the prepped eel way ready.

Fish Monger: Miss! Here you go

Tzuyu: Thank you Ajhussi—

Just then the rude girl snatched the eel and started dangling around with it.

Girl 1: I’ll give you the eel if I get your number?

Tzuyu: You have got to be kidding me…

Girl 2: Yah… your causing a scene… she isn’t interested…

Girl 1: Shiro! I’m trying to get her number for you! After you harsh break up with your girlfriend you need someone better to love yo-

As the girl was distracted Chewy took the eel back and placed it in her cart.

Girl 1: Yah!

Girl 2: Stop don’t make a scene.

Tzuyu: Hey. Enough now.

The girls froze as Chewy stared at them.th stood still and shaken up from Chewy’s stern voice. Chewy just sighed and speechless.


Tzuyu POV

‘Seriously… these girls are a handful…I’m just trying to get in and out to meet Sana’s family…’  I looked at both of the girls and saw how shaken they were and just sighed and relaxed. I then walked closer towards them and then stuttered back a bit

Tzuyu: Don’t worry, I’m not mad…

Girl 1: So you’ll give us your number?

Girl 2: Yah… stop with that already


Tzuyu: Again… enough…

They then stood quietly.

Tzuyu: Look, I’m sorry the person you dated was not a good person and treated you so badly but honestly do you even like me or for my looks?

Girl 1: I mean you were so considerate, so it wasn’t just about the looks.

Tzuyu: -sigh-  you may not like it but there is someone I have been in love with for the past 4 years now… as much as it is a kind gesture to give you my number to your friend here, I just can’t. My heart is already set on one person and just one person. So please, stop…

I then went and turn my direction towards the other girl.

Tzuyu: hey, I’m sorry, but-

Girl 2: No! please don’t my friend she cares for me a lot and I didn’t even look the person was just broke up with… she said that I never paid attention to her in the relationship and that why she treated me coldly…

I then looked at her and then her pushy friend and the way they looked…

???: You’re in love with your friend, here right?

‘Wait that voice…’ A few steps in front of me was Sana. I smiled a she walked towards my and linked her arm wrapping it around mine. She then faced the two girls and looked at them seriously.

Girl 2: H-how did you know…

Sana: …

I looked at Sana and I knew that look. Sana looked sad for a moment but the took a breather and spoke.

Sana: Because that’s the same look I had when I fell in love with this pretty girl here.

She then looked at me and I looked at her. Sana then smiled and then looked back at the girls. I couldn’t help but smile along looking at Sana.

Girl 2: So you’re the girl on the phone this pretty girl was talking too.

Sana: Yes, I was. And you…

Sana then turned to the pushy girl… the girl jumped a bit and stood stiffly still

Sana: Don’t lie about your feeling either. It’s so clear that you like your friend too.

Girl 2: You do…?

The pushy girl then looked down and nodded her head. I couldn’t help but sigh again.

Tzuyu: How old are you girls?

Girl 1: We’re in our 2nd year in high school…

Tzuyu: Just enjoy it while you can. You guys should just talk it out now. The cat is out of the bag anyways.

Girl 2: m-mhmm…

I then held Sana’s hand and we started walking. As we were walking…

Girl 2: T-Thank you!

I turned back and then waved at them and walked along. It was quiet as we were paying for the items and walked out of the store. Sana led the way carrying the bag with the wine as I carried the rest while we were still holding hands. It was too quiet, and I had to break it.

Tzuyu: Sana? You okay?

Sana: M-mhmm… I am… I was just thinking about something.

I then stopped walking and then Sana halted in response

Tzuyu: What’s on your mind?

She then looked at her toes and started to fidget with her feet. Even without saying anything I knew…  I then let go of her hand and slid my hand around her waist pulling her closer to me in an embrace. Sana then gripped my shoulder with her free hand and leaned her head on my neck still looking down.

Tzuyu: Mianhe… I know…

Sana: No… I should be the one that is sorry…

Sana then looked up at me and I saw tears running down her face. I then let got from the embrace to touching and cupping her face, wiping her tears with my thumb. Sana leaned closer as I r her cheek softly.

Sana: Can we start over?

I looked at her and I couldn’t help but smile softly.

Sana: I know that we agreed to have space but Momo gave the okay to us…

Tzuyu: Sana…

Sana: We can go more into detail… but I can’t wait… Chewy-ah… I really do love you

I looked into her eye and couldn’t help but be drawn to her more. They were glistening after tearing up. I moved in closer and I couldn’t help but placed my lips over her eyelid, kissing them softly. I then back my face away slightly too looked at her.

Tzuyu: Sana… I love you too. But…

Sana: But?...

Tzuyu: One more day? Just to clear things ups?

Sana looked a little sad after I said those words.

Tzuyu: what I mean was, to become official tomorrow, after things are cleared up and announce it to Momo and Mina as well.

Sana the smiled and nodded her head softly. I could help but her cheek again. As I her cheek, she placed her free hand on top of min and looked me deep in the eye, drawing in closer towards me. I knew she wanted a kiss, but I thought it wasn’t the right time. I then stop and place my finger over her lips and looked at her disappointed face.

Sana: Why…

I couldn’t help but feel bad. I leaned in and kissed her forehead and whispered in her ear.

Tzuyu: If I kiss you, I can’t stop. Tomorrow… when things are all clear, I want to kiss you till no end.

I back away from her ear and looked at her face as she looked in mine.

Tzuyu: Okay?

Sana: Mhmm… okay.

I then took her hand as we walked to her house.



Mina POV

As Sana left in a hurry, I just stood in the living room still along at Momo. Right when I decided to turn to her and said something…

Both Mina and Momo: I --

We then blushed as we turned to each other at the same time and spoke...

Mina: You can go first…

Momo: No… I think you should.

I then took a deep breath and then mustered all of my courage to speak.

Momo: Momo… don't know if I'm too late… but I want to tell you my feelings personally…

Momo: M-mhmm Please feel free to express your mind…

I became nervous, sweaty in my palms, and felt a stone stuck in the middle of my through… I was stuttering and scared of what I should say. As I just stood there quietly. Momo then reached her hands and took them in hers, holding them tightly and spoke softly to me and stopping my hand with her thumbs.

Momo: It's okay. I'm right here. Take a deep breath.

I took another deep breath and then tried to speak again.

Mina: I-I - … Momo… I'm in love with you. I've been in love with you ever since we were kids… the way you make me feel safe and embrace my flaws, saying that I deserve someone for how great you say I am…All these years I've only looked at you…

Momo then looked at me sincerely and then pulled me in closer, still holding my hand… I became more nervous, feeling my face getting my flushed and red by the second.

Momo: Go on… I'm listening…

Mina: it was painful… I won't lie… hearing you tell me you loved someone else… but deep down I just wanted to be by your side… even if it just means being your closest friends… but now… I want to be more than "just a friend". Momo...I -

As I was about to finish Mono held me in an even wrapping her arms around my waist. My hands laid on top of her shoulder and she hugged me closer, placing her forehead on top of mine. She then looked straight into my eyes and mover her hands to cup my face.

Momo: I'm sorry…For being so blinded by how much you loved this idiot… I've known how important you were to me ever since we were kids… I never thought for a second that you would ever fall in love with me… I was scared of losing you and took for granted of your kindness… I knew that I never wanted to lose you… but think I was blinded… blinded all this time for how I felt…They were more than just a childhood friend… To me… you or the only person in my heart… I know that I love Sana...but now I know that...that the love I had for Sana… was just of family…

I saw treats running down her face and took my hands cupping her face and wiped her tears running down her cheeks.

Momo: Mina… I'm sorry for hurting you and being so late to tell you how I feel but…

I didn't know what got into me, but I leaned forward and softly placed my lips over hers. Momo then kissed me back… as we passionately exchanged kisses caressing each other's lips on one another. A minute later we parted, panting heavily and looked at each other's eyes.

Momo: Mina… I'm in love with you… the love I feel is of no tomorrow… I want to be but your side… for the rest of my life… if you'll have me.

I then her cheek and caressed them. She placed her hand over mine and waited for my response, patiently yet antsy at the same time.

Mono: Mina… know it maybe the time to say something…

I knew she was growing impatient by the second. I took a breath and hugged her, wrapping my arms around her neck. I then whispered in her ear...

Mina: Momo-ah… I love you…

Momo then wrapped her arms around me and reciprocated my hug, hugging my tightly and moving her head to face me. With a big sigh of relief she fell back on the couch dragging me down with her…

Mina: Ouch… Momo…

Momo: Mianhe …

I was top of her and she pulled me in to hug me again. She then whispered in my ear so I can hear

Momo: after tomorrow… will you go out with me and… Be my girlfriend?

I couldn't believe my ears…

Momo then looked at me with her eyes as I looked back into hers. I started tearing up and Momo responded by caressing my cheek and wiped my tears…

Mina: Yes… yes… a thousand times yes…

Momo smiled and sat up lifting me up as I positioned myself to be on top of her lap. She then embraced me in a warm hug.

Momo: Thank god… I'm glad…

I then smiled and stoke her head.

Mina: Come on… we have to get ready to go to Sana's house…

Momo nodded her head and we went to our rooms and got ready.

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Hello, long time no see! Please come and enjoy the newest updates! There will be more to come! Stay safe and healthy! :)


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Chapter 14: Takes me awhile to read again. Anyway, well written author-nim ❤
Chapter 13: Amazing
Chapter 15: Thank you for this sweet story:^)
Chapter 13: i just found this story and it's really good
Chapter 3: Aigoooo
Chapter 13: <3
Chapter 2: Such a rollercoaster ride
Chapter 1: Holy-
BangTwice233 #9
Chapter 10: Continued please
Chapter 10: Thank you for the update Author-ssi. Fighting!