
The fault in your star (moving)
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Jonghyun had locked himself in his apartment for hours now. He was pressured to finish his album since the date of its release was pushed up by an entire month. Initially, Jonghyun was really angry that his entertainment company pushed the date without consulting with him first. But being the workaholic he is, instead of wasting time fretting over it, he got straight down to work. He was short of a few songs, maybe two, he thought. But no matter how hard he tried nothing good came to him. He was sitting on his desk in the hall with a pile of crumbled paper all over the floor.

After about one more hour, he sighed and gave up. He decided he should take a little break so he went to make himself some milk tea instead. He grabbed the mug and headed to the moon-door. It was still bright outside but the sun had set long ago. He guessed it must be somewhere between 6 and 6:30. The days were getting longer and the first signs of spring were now visible.

It's beautiful. He thought. He loved watching how the sky changed colours after the sunset. To him, the sky's current display of colours was a personification of his own voice. Mild but bright when the sun is just setting, then piercing and vibrant after the sun has set, only to fade into softer colours leaving a sombre effect by the time the night would fall. He loved the softness towards the end and the sudden brightness after the sun's disappearance. He loved singing softer tones with a calculated but sudden rise in the pitch. It suited him the best. Because to him, he was a melancholic person with a bitter-sweet view of life.

As he was looking out his moon-door while sipping on his tea his eyes fell on a familiar figure on the road walking towards the building. He looked at the younger boy carrying his backpack on one shoulder. Ah that's right! Taemin has exams going on.

It had been a week since Kibum dragged him for shopping. He was surprised to find out that he actually enjoyed the time he spent shopping with Kibum. It was a first for him. This brought back memories of Jinki in his suit and Jonghyun facepalmed himself for the umpteenth time that week. He decided he will never get over how he embarrassed himself that day, not that Jinki noticed. Or did he? Jonghyun could never tell. Jinki seemed so closed and mysterious and his expressions were so difficult to read that Jonghyun could never be sure of what was going on in his head. He knew Jinki was an honest man, so he believed in everything Jinki told him. But he hardly gave away anything. Jonghyun wondered if it was possible for someone to be this talkative but quiet and blunt but shady.

Over the two years that Jonghyun had known Jinki, he had learnt to read Jinki's emotion through his eyes. They were so beautiful and so very expressive. Even if his sunshine smile was forced, his eyes would always be honest. For Jonghyun, Jinki's eyes were the most beautiful part of him - small and twinkling. Like they held an entire universe in them. If Kibum was the Samwise Gamgee to his Frodo Baggins, then Jinki was the Sun to his Earth. He was orbiting around Jinki just like every planetary body in the solar system.

THAT'S IT!! Jonghyun finally had a song! He dashed to the desk and pulled out a new paper and wrote "Orbit". He first wrote down the chorus for this song and it was exactly what he thought of Jinki;

There's a universe
There's a universe filled in your eyes
The moment our eyes electrically meet
The tip of my ears felt a zap, the stars have twinkled
Sometimes, my eyes rolled back
Please look back at me often
Check to see if I'm revolving around you
To see if this orbit is right

After an hour of writing and rewriting, he had finally finished the song. He was satisfied with it. The music was almost ready too. He decided that tomorrow he will go to the studio and sing this song to see if it sounds as good as it reads.

Just as he was sitting and admiring the song there was a distinct knock on the door and he knew immediately who it was. He ran to the door, almost falling over the mess of papers, to be greeted by a warm hug from the taller boy.

"And how are you today, my man?" Minho asked breaking the hug and walking inside.

"Great! Just finished another song" Jonghyun answered with a toothy smile.

"Can I read it?" Minho asked excitedly eyeing the paper that Jonghyun handed him.

"It's still a rough work. I will have to record it once to see if it works."

"It's really good," Minho said looking at the song and smiling. "Did you write it with someone in mind?"

Jonghyun froze at that question and didn't know how to answer it. He knew he could trust Minho but he wasn't sure if he should mention about his one-sided love for Jinki to him yet. Or ever. He was still trying to get used to Jinki and Taemin and he knew that eventually he will have to forget Jinki. As he was thinking all this, Jonghyun hadn't noticed Minho walk up behind him. Suddenly he felt hot breath against his ears as a voice said, "It must be someone very lucky."

Jonghyun jerked around, at this sudden contact, to face Minho but his movements caused him to lose balance and fall backwards. He shut his eyes as he anticipated contact with the ground but nothing happened. When he opened his eyes he realised that Minho's face was right in

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2026 streak #1
Hello there, a new reader here! I came across your story while searching for something interesting to read. The poster seems really cool and the plot seems intriguing. But before I started reading this, I thought I would ask if you don't have any plans to continue this story here anymore.
Chapter 19: Can't find you on Ao3 >:(
Chapter 19: Will be waiting for the link
5Shinee4everShawol #4
Chapter 18: Wow. The story is very complicated but it somehow intriguing n interesting. Altho i dont really undrstand abt the mythical thingy, i cant stop reading it.

And yes to jongyu moments pls

Hope for an update soon!
Chapter 18: It's so complicated but I want to know more what happen in the past.... Feel like I need a family tree for this
Yes's... I'm waiting for sweet Jongyu moments
Tree_ash #6
Chapter 18: I read this in one go and the plot is complicated but fun to read nonetheless, how do you even came up with this whole amazing ideas?

Huwah jonghyun born under hades' curse, it explained his unusual ability, does minho already know about his relation with jonghyun even before they met?
Al-Qamar #7
Chapter 16: This chapter. <3 was beautiful. The way you've penned down Jonghyun's mind is beautiful.

You are amazing. I can't thank you enough for this. You have no idea what this chapter means to me.
God bless you
Al-Qamar #8
Chapter 1: The comments has got me all excited. Time to read some quality stuff although I'm always up for anything as long as it's jongyu but fics that has captivating storyline has its own charms .

Thank you for this fic . I appreciate it so much . I haven't even started reading but I just know I'm gonna enjoy it.
Mlmlkjh #9
Chapter 7: ????