Wishful Thinking

The fault in your star (moving)
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It had been a month since Minho's welcome party. During this time Minho and Jonghyun had gotten very close. Minho would drop by at Jonghyun's apartment almost every day unless Jonghyun was busy recording or performing. Things had gotten very hectic for Jonghyun as he was working on his new album. But Kibum kept nagging him to spare some time for him as he wanted to go shopping. Now, Jonghyun hated shopping, but he especially hated shopping with Kibum. He had no idea why Kibum had asked HIM for a shopping trip. Generally, Taemin would be the poor soul being dragged around the mall, but Kibum had told Jonghyun that his cousin had some exams coming up so there was no way he could drag that boy for shopping. After about a week of persuasion, Jonghyun gave in and finally said yes to Kibum.



"I need you to get me bubblegum dyed linen, not rouge!" Kibum told one of his new interns who always messes up when it comes to getting the right colour. Aish it's 4 already! I better leave in an hour or else Jonghyun will come up with a new excuse to extend the shopping date. By 4:50 Kibum was out of his office and already heading towards his apartment to get a change of clothes and pick Jonghyun up. When he was walking towards the elevator he saw Minho walk out dressed handsomely as always.

"Hey! Where you headed to?" Kibum asked waving at Minho.

"Yo! Just meeting up with friends. You are back early eh?"

"Yes, I am taking Jonghyun out for shopping" Kibum replied with a grin.

"Woah! How did you even manage to get him to go? I've been trying to take him out for a movie for days now!" Minho asked Kibum in complete shock and a little disappointment.

Kibum raised an eyebrow and smirked at Minho. They seem to be getting along really well! "You've asked him out already?" Kibum said mockingly.

"Too early! I'm still just getting to know him. He seems so busy of late, though. But living next to him is amazing I must say. Thanks for inviting me here!" Minho said with a wink and they both burst out laughing.

"Anyway, I best be on my way. Don't drag the poor guy around too much! See ya!" Minho said and walked off.

Kibum thought something was off with Minho and it seemed like he was almost running away from the questions Kibum was going to throw at him. Hmm, maybe it is a bit early for them.

After Kibum was done dressing up for shopping, he walked down to Jonghyun's apartment. On the way, he saw Jinki leaving his apartment. He was dressed like he was going for a Wine and Dine dinner, in a black tuxedo, bow tie, and hair gelled back to perfection. Kibum stood frozen to the ground for a minute and then Jinki noticed him and smiled.

"Hi Key! How have you been?" Jinki inquired.

"I'm good but man, look at you! You better not be cheating on my cousin!" Kibum said with fake concern.

"Haha, I have a family dinner to attend. And my mom asked me to dress up for the event so that she can boast to our relatives about me being a doctor," Jinki said somewhat embarrassed. Just then the door to Jonghyun's apartment opened and Jonghyun walked out. He too froze the moment he saw Jinki. His eyes went wide and he scanned Jinki as if he wasn't sure if the man in front of him was his scruffy doctor-crush.

Oh great! Perfect timing! "Hey Jong, ready to go?" Kibum asked in the attempt to draw his attention.

"Oh hey! Ya, I'm ready" Jonghyun said never taking his eyes off Jinki. "You look amazing Jinki! I don't think I've ever seen your forehead before. It's an amazing forehead!" Oh , there he goes again. Kibum could see Jonghyun practically drown in the embarrassment of the words that just left him.

"Guess I should do this more often then!" Jinki said looking equally embarrassed. Well at least they are both dense. Kibum dragged Jonghyun to the elevator for one awkward descent since Jinki had come along. After Jinki left, Kibum had to drive a depressed Jonghyun to the mall. To take Jonghyun's mind off what happened Kibum kept talking about his day and how his interns are ruining everything and how the next issue needs major improvements.

"I haven't seen Taemin much off late. What happened?" Jonghyun interjected Kibum's monologue.

"I already told you, he has university exams coming up. And besides, you've been very busy." Of course, Kibum knew the implied question that Jonghyun actually wanted answered. But Kibum decided to keep it as cryptic yet honest as Jonghyun's question. "By the way, I met Minho on my way and it seems like he wants to go out for a movie?" Kibum wanted to sound more assertive but it came out more as a question.

"Have you noticed how Minho and Jinki aren't on very friendly terms" A deflection came from Jonghyun this time. Jeez this guy is really giving me a hard time today.

"It's just been a month. Give them more time. I don't think Jinki is the type to open up to people anyway. And I can say, from experience, that Minho is the same. Well almost. You seem to be his exception" Kibum carefully nudged the conversation back into the direction he wanted it to be.

"But Minho is really friendly, nice and fun. And that's why I find it strange. But the strangest was his expression after the welcome party when he saw Jinki enter his apartment. You should've been there to see the look on Minho's face. One minute he looked so shocked like the earth beneath his feet has disappeared and the next minute his eyes were distant and emotionless" Jonghyun was now staring at Kibum with his big round eyes as if he was Watson and was asking Sherlock to explain how the murderer was the dead man from a week before.

Kibum sometimes forg

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2034 streak #1
Hello there, a new reader here! I came across your story while searching for something interesting to read. The poster seems really cool and the plot seems intriguing. But before I started reading this, I thought I would ask if you don't have any plans to continue this story here anymore.
Chapter 19: Can't find you on Ao3 >:(
Chapter 19: Will be waiting for the link
5Shinee4everShawol #4
Chapter 18: Wow. The story is very complicated but it somehow intriguing n interesting. Altho i dont really undrstand abt the mythical thingy, i cant stop reading it.

And yes to jongyu moments pls

Hope for an update soon!
Chapter 18: It's so complicated but I want to know more what happen in the past.... Feel like I need a family tree for this
Yes's... I'm waiting for sweet Jongyu moments
Tree_ash #6
Chapter 18: I read this in one go and the plot is complicated but fun to read nonetheless, how do you even came up with this whole amazing ideas?

Huwah jonghyun born under hades' curse, it explained his unusual ability, does minho already know about his relation with jonghyun even before they met?
Al-Qamar #7
Chapter 16: This chapter. <3 was beautiful. The way you've penned down Jonghyun's mind is beautiful.

You are amazing. I can't thank you enough for this. You have no idea what this chapter means to me.
God bless you
Al-Qamar #8
Chapter 1: The comments has got me all excited. Time to read some quality stuff although I'm always up for anything as long as it's jongyu but fics that has captivating storyline has its own charms .

Thank you for this fic . I appreciate it so much . I haven't even started reading but I just know I'm gonna enjoy it.
Mlmlkjh #9
Chapter 7: ????