
The fault in your star (moving)
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Wow she did it! SHE DID IT!! “Wohoo! You go girl! I have to say though I really thought you will throw up or pass out before you finish the last mug of beer but you’ve surpassed all my expectations and records and are now officially the Beer-Bong Campion!” Everyone started applauding and congratulating Taeyeon and for Kibum this day couldn’t have been any better. His birthday was everything he expected and more, the lights in his house were shinning bright and everything seemed so surreal. I guess this is all just alcohol; maybe this day really is mediocre but who cares! I’m happy and surrounded by all the people I care about, my best friends and a day completely rid of disasters. This is the most perfect birthday ever! But his bliss was short-lived. 

“WHAT? WHERE? WHEN? I’M ON MY WAY RIGHT NOW!” Minho had everyone’s attention as he marched towards the door with long, heavy strides ready to leave the house. Just then Jinki got out of the bedroom looking rather pale and stopped as soon as his eyes met Taemin’s. Minho stopped in his tracks and glanced back at Jinki. His face was turned the other side so Kibum couldn’t see his expression but he felt a foreboding of a violent storm approaching. What the hell is wrong with these two? I need to talk to Minho soon otherwise things will get too complicated. “M-minho? What’s wrong?” Kibum asked while taking small, sloppy steps in his direction. “Is everything alright?”

Minho slowly turned towards Kibum and had a very controlled expression making it hard to read any emotions. “Sorry to be such a party pooper but I need to leave. My sister has been in an accident and is currently in the hospital.”

“Your sister…?” NO WAY! “Wait, Eunji? She is in the hospital? What happened to her?” Kibum, though still drunk, had completely lost his sense of euphoria. The world didn’t seem technicolored any longer, and his heart beat was rising by the millisecond making him feel more paranoid than excited. Before he realised he saw Jinki running up to him. “He is going to throw up! Quick, someone get a container!”

Just as predicted, Kibum could feel his abdomen tightening and his stomach collapsing into itself. The surge of regurgitation was so strong that he started falling in slow motion facing forward. But he never touched the floor. He remained hinged to something from where he hung lifeless waiting for the inevitable to occur. But before he could taste the bitterness in his saliva a bowl was placed in front of him. Motherofgod! This is the worst birthday ever! Ew! Everyone is watching I’m sure of it! It hurts so damn much! I bet I look ugly!

“Its okay. Everything is alright. Just try to breathe in through your nose and calm yourself.” Is this Jinki? He sounds like a yoga instructor asking me to close my eyes and meditate. And so Kibum closed his eyes as he hunched on the floor on all fours and started breathing. Once the feeling of nausea subsided he slowly opened his eyes to see Jinki to his left, Taeyeon to his right and Minho and Taemin in front of him and Jonghyun staring from behind them. His gaze stopped at Minho as he tried getting up. “We need to get you to the hospital, I’ll come too!”

“You are not going anywhere in that state.” Minho commanded but Kibum won’t have it.

“No I need too! I met her in the afternoon and we had lunch and she was fine! I even helped her fix her car! I need to see her!” Kibum looked Minho in the eyes with his lower lip quivering and eyes that threatened to melt into tears. Minho had never seen kibum look this pitiful but more than that he could not believe what he was hearing.

“Okay you can come with me.” As Minho moved towards Kibum to help him walk, Jinki, who was still carrying most of Kibum’s weight to keep him steady, spoke up.

“I’ll carry him. I just got a message on my pager. I’m requested at the surgical emergency  ward. I’m guessing it’s where you are heading too.” Minho did not want to create a scene in front of everyone so he just nodded and walked towards the door.

“I-I want to come too.” Taemin had been quiet all this while but he spoke in a higher voice than normal and his voice echoed in the quiet house.

“Taemminie you need to stay back and continue being a good host in my absence. There are still people in the house and you won’t be of any help in the hospital.” Kibum tried coaxing Taemin hoping he would understand the situation and calm down. But the exact opposite happened. “No! I want to come. I’m a medical student too! I could learn from this.”

“But Taemminie…”

“No hyung, I’m coming!” Saying this Taemin marched right past the group and was out of the apartment before anyone could bat an eye.

“You’ll carry on I’ll take care of everything.” Jonghyun spoke from the corner of the room. Still not having the courage to look in Jinki’s direction. “Yea he is right! You guys carry on we’ll all help with the cl

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2034 streak #1
Hello there, a new reader here! I came across your story while searching for something interesting to read. The poster seems really cool and the plot seems intriguing. But before I started reading this, I thought I would ask if you don't have any plans to continue this story here anymore.
Chapter 19: Can't find you on Ao3 >:(
Chapter 19: Will be waiting for the link
5Shinee4everShawol #4
Chapter 18: Wow. The story is very complicated but it somehow intriguing n interesting. Altho i dont really undrstand abt the mythical thingy, i cant stop reading it.

And yes to jongyu moments pls

Hope for an update soon!
Chapter 18: It's so complicated but I want to know more what happen in the past.... Feel like I need a family tree for this
Yes's... I'm waiting for sweet Jongyu moments
Tree_ash #6
Chapter 18: I read this in one go and the plot is complicated but fun to read nonetheless, how do you even came up with this whole amazing ideas?

Huwah jonghyun born under hades' curse, it explained his unusual ability, does minho already know about his relation with jonghyun even before they met?
Al-Qamar #7
Chapter 16: This chapter. <3 was beautiful. The way you've penned down Jonghyun's mind is beautiful.

You are amazing. I can't thank you enough for this. You have no idea what this chapter means to me.
God bless you
Al-Qamar #8
Chapter 1: The comments has got me all excited. Time to read some quality stuff although I'm always up for anything as long as it's jongyu but fics that has captivating storyline has its own charms .

Thank you for this fic . I appreciate it so much . I haven't even started reading but I just know I'm gonna enjoy it.
Mlmlkjh #9
Chapter 7: ????